The original Vacaville Reporter article was first found by Freeper tgslTakoma Saturday evening on Cindy Sheehan's own Website.
Its newsworthiness was obvious as it contained contemperaneous quotes from Sheehan that were the exact opposite of what she says now about that meeting.
The press release statement issued yesterday by Sheehan does not address her disparate versions of the meeting, just her perspective on it.
Cindy Sheehan's Website has now scrubbed the original article from her site.
1 posted on
08/09/2005 8:25:05 AM PDT by
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To: kristinn
Exactly! The difference was her characterization of the meeting with President Bush. By saying now that he was insincere, cold, blah blah blah, it just doesn't wash with her description then. The only thing that has changed is HER feelings about the war.
2 posted on
08/09/2005 8:27:56 AM PDT by
To: kristinn
Cindy Sheehan's Website has now scrubbed the original article from her site. Typical of her handlers. Still plying the trade they learned at Stalin's knee. Or on their knees in front of Stalin...
Criminal Number 18F
To: kristinn
She has a website? And the left is saying she's NOT a leftist moonbat activist?
To: kristinn
She should get her weekly check from Soros soon....
6 posted on
08/09/2005 8:28:48 AM PDT by
To: kristinn
Posters on the highly visited liberal Web log Daily Kos said Drudge's report was misleading, while right-wing bloggers, including the popular Michelle Malkin,... Well, that's certainly an objective application of labels, isn't it?
7 posted on
08/09/2005 8:29:08 AM PDT by
To: kristinn
Like I keep saying about Cindy. It all about her. It's no longer about her son. She'll go elsewhere when the libs get tired of her.
8 posted on
08/09/2005 8:30:25 AM PDT by
(Let's get dangerous)
To: kristinn
Like I keep saying about Cindy. It all about her. It's no longer about her son. She'll go elsewhere when the libs get tired of her.
9 posted on
08/09/2005 8:30:28 AM PDT by
(Let's get dangerous)
To: kristinn
Drudge is focusing on her?? Of course the liberal stations who constantly shove microphones in her face and write down her every written, they just come across her by happenstance...
10 posted on
08/09/2005 8:31:28 AM PDT by
God luvs America
(When the silent majority speaks the earth trembles!)
To: kristinn
Hell Even Tom Cruise has come out on this one.
"She needs some meds"
11 posted on
08/09/2005 8:32:38 AM PDT by
al baby
(Father of the beeber)
To: kristinn; tgslTakoma
Once again, FreeRepublic is THE clearinghouse for facts and accuracy and is also a research center which exposes MSM / liberal hypocrisy, misdirection and lies.
Good work to you, kristinn and to you tgslTakoma!
To: kristinn
more than 1,800 other Americans and thousands and thousands of Iraqis are dead because of what he did."
I have never understood this statement no matter who says it? Lied? About what? We went in to take a dictator and his sons out and so we did!!!! Americans have not died in vain and people like this woman do her son and the others a disservice by making a STUPID comment like this. How does this make the other 176,000 or so troops feel that have done multiple tours over there at the sacrifice of their families?
13 posted on
08/09/2005 8:33:20 AM PDT by
To: kristinn
She does not have to make sense. But the rest of us should not have to pretend she makes sense when she is clearly conflicting her own previous statements. How anybody could report on her current statements without referencing her previous contradictory statements in the record and still think of themselves as a reporter is beyond my feeble understanding.
14 posted on
08/09/2005 8:33:24 AM PDT by
To: kristinn
Go hit the Wayback Machine and enter the URL.
(Gone but not forgotten.)
17 posted on
08/09/2005 8:40:29 AM PDT by
George Smiley
(This tagline deliberately targeted journalists.)
To: kristinn
Exactly what does Sheehan think her son was volunteering for when he signed on the dotted line?
20 posted on
08/09/2005 8:43:44 AM PDT by
An Old Marine
(Freedom isn't Free)
To: kristinn
Sheehan was blabbering on Tony Snow's show this morning.
Despite polite treatment by the show host, she bailed on him during a break when he wouldn't let her stick to her script.
To: kristinn
Why won't he put this much work into the "Error Amerika" scandal??
22 posted on
08/09/2005 8:46:53 AM PDT by
(Deep Red, stuck in a "bleu" state.)
To: kristinn
Lok, forget all this rhetoric. Forget WMD and charges of lying. It's as simple as this. We could have fought them here in our streets, or moved the battlefield to the ME. Bush's strategy has worked well since 9/11. All of us regret any loss of life by our brave soldiers and workers. But America has been spared by a brilliant strategy of taking the war to the Arab lands.
P.S. The woman is a Progressive member. That is to say an ugly anti-American communist propagandist.
23 posted on
08/09/2005 8:48:04 AM PDT by
Doc Savage
(...because they stand on a wall, and they say nothing is going to hurt you tonight, not on my watch!)
To: kristinn
Drudge's sentiments that Sheehan was contradicting herself, perhaps for political reasons. Sheehan, in a press release distributed Monday by the Institute for Public Accuracy, explained she was "still in shock" during her 2004 meeting with the president. "We had decided not to criticize the president then because during that meeting he assured us, 'This is not political.' And I believed him," Sheehan wrote. "Then, during the Republican National Convention, he exploited those meetings to justify what he was doing. It's now clear to me that what I had feared is true: Bush lied us into war, and Casey, more than 1,800 other Americans and thousands and thousands of Iraqis are dead because of what he did." In other words, she lied the first time because she thought Bush was "nice", and then when she decided he wasn't "nice" she told the truth.
What a lame-o excuse--everyone knew Bush meets with the families, and in the course of discussing the war, those meetings would come up. By her yardstick, whatever a president does is political, so how come it was ONLY when he mentioned the meetings was he suddenly a coal-black villain?
She reads her MoveOn talking points so well and now she's spinning--I predict she'll be running for office next, as she's already behaving like any other lying Democrat.
24 posted on
08/09/2005 8:54:31 AM PDT by
("The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they'll be when you kill them."-Wm. Clayton)
To: kristinn
"It's important that readers see the full context of the story, instead of just selected portions," said Editor Diane Barney. Okay. I read the whole story and was especially touched by the closing:
For a moment, life returned to the way it was before Casey died. They laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured Seattle.
For the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again.
"That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together," Cindy said.
Now, tell me, what part are we not understanding about her conversion from grieving Mom, moved by the President's words and gestures, to a Mom who is capitalizing on her son's death in an sad effort to redirect her grief to the man that she blames?
Cindy, you are being used and you are too wrapped up in your new found "friends" to recognize it.
25 posted on
08/09/2005 8:54:34 AM PDT by
("Rommel, you magnificent bastard.....I READ YOUR BOOK!! - Gen. Patton)
To: kristinn
Once again FR is the place where the truth trumps spin.
27 posted on
08/09/2005 9:01:48 AM PDT by
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