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CFR's Plan to Integrate US, Canada, Mexico (Americans Being Betrayed)
Eagle Forum ^
| July 13, 2005
| Phylls Schlafly
Posted on 07/13/2005 5:03:35 AM PDT by Lindykim
click here to read article
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To: american spirit
Some European countries gave their citizens a direct vote on the subject. Here, the congress rams it down our throats, we bitch about it and maybe vote the offender out of office the next election if we remember. Of course, we replace that person with a bigger internationalist fraud. It is my belief that it is the policy of the US government , no matter which party is in power, to steamroll us into world government. There can be no other explanation for the UN owning heritage sites in our land. There are smart growth cities popping up all over the nation. Our supreme court cites international law and congress is ready to ratify numerous UN treaties. We have no redress to our officials. The agenda is given to us and both sides seem to push it in one form or another.
posted on
07/13/2005 1:01:07 PM PDT
(Murder and weather are our only news)
To: Regulator
ok in my rush to be funny I gave the impression that I didnt believe the article. yes I see our sovereignty is being errode and Bush isn't concerned with our borders. And I don't totally disagree with some of the John Birch Society's stances...and then they go off the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep end.
posted on
07/13/2005 1:01:43 PM PDT
(What the hell was that? I hope it was outgoing!)
To: planekT
I'm beginning to believe that if neither of the above scenarios ever come to pass because the people do not stand together, we can kiss this country goodbye and say hello to world wide socialism. Your right. Withholding taxes would achieve nothing unless thousands were convinced to do it under the old "they can't arrest us all" theory. But it is our own money that funds the demise of our Sovereignty.
And civil war? Well, the Government is counting on us to love our comforts too much, to live in the apathy that says "oh, this or that will NVER happen". The government knows us well, because they created the current sociology through welfare/race/trade/ trickery.
For me, it's like watching my country burn, yet having not a bucket nor a drop of water to help quench the fire. Sadly, I believe that I am kissing this Country good-bye, we all are, but our children won't have to...they won't remember to.
posted on
07/13/2005 1:08:15 PM PDT
Iron Matron
(Illegals should be Caught and Deported; not Released and Supported!)
To: hedgetrimmer
If we don't do something now, then we are going to find out first hand how it doesn't work. So will our invaders..which gives me some amount of comfort. If our Government succeeds in selling us out, if they want the USA to go into ballistic, third-world disorder..I believe I can readily comply to that wish. When anarchy reigns..anarchy reigns
posted on
07/13/2005 1:15:18 PM PDT
Iron Matron
(Illegals should be Caught and Deported; not Released and Supported!)
To: Lindykim
I like this plan except that it should be done by force and Mexico and Canada should be states #51 and 52.
To: Iron Matron
You mustn't. There are still plenty of things we can and must do. If you have children or grandchildren you must never let them lose the gift of liberty.
To: All
I'm Canadian, and I don't want to see this happen, any more than you do. I love my country as much as you love yours. No , my country is not without its faults, but it is still my country.
To: hedgetrimmer
You mustn't. There are still plenty of things we can and must do. If you have children or grandchildren you must never let them lose the gift of liberty. Funny thing about those with children and grandchildren (at least those I know, I have none of my own), they seem to be the ones most unwilling to accept what's going on..or the most unwilling to try and change it.
I guess having children makes you blind..parents don't want to see it happen for their children's sake..they don't want to fight it for their own sake, so they refuse to acknowledge this Country is being subverted and overthrown by its own willing government and populace.
Can't say how many times I've heard "it's always been this way", or that "your just paranoid", "things have always worked out", but when parents and grandparents I know deny what I show them, I can see the fear in there eyes..they deny because they fear.
I don't know where its at exactly, but I read scripture once that said "Woe to mothers of children living in these times". I've thought of it often, especially when I remember trying to have kids (oh, YEARS AGO!), now I am so grateful that I will not leave children to what is surely coming.
So, if there are plenty of things we can do, then we really MUST do them and do them quickly..I'm tired of spinning my wheels..this tyranny is not going away on its own. Why should it?
It's like being in the Garden, trying to stop Jesus from getting arrested, you know? Some things are just gonna "be", so let
posted on
07/13/2005 1:39:40 PM PDT
Iron Matron
(Illegals should be Caught and Deported; not Released and Supported!)
To: Lindykim
A "Tell someone you love about this document and print it out for them" BUMP!
posted on
07/13/2005 1:54:45 PM PDT
(Whether Hillary Clintons' attacks on America are a success or a failure depends upon YOU TOO!)
To: Iron Matron
This website has the best info I have found about all this.
Keep your chin up, there are still a few of us old timers that understand the value of freedom. Use some of the info from the website and write letters to the editor of your local paper. I send stuff like that to both Cornyn and Kay baby. If enough of us voice our concerns they will listen.
posted on
07/13/2005 2:15:13 PM PDT
(Texas SCV - Deo Vindice)
To: antisocial
If enough of us voice our concerns they will listen.<<
I believe it. I have also gotten a new-found drive to buy USA only. Need a vehicle? Jeep is still about 70% US made. We do not need Mexican onions or other produce (ask your market where the veggies came from), we do not need Canadian Cattle nor French wine, we do not need German chocolate. We can give up exotics in food and other things to buy USA..for the Country!.
US Citizens must take the drivers seat and break the back of these free trade agreements. Maybe USA cotton costs a bit the end a country is worth a few bucks.
How about it?
posted on
07/13/2005 2:36:04 PM PDT
Iron Matron
(Illegals should be Caught and Deported; not Released and Supported!)
To: antisocial
I almost forgot...www.sovereignty..GOOD site..Thanks!!!
posted on
07/13/2005 2:38:08 PM PDT
Iron Matron
(Illegals should be Caught and Deported; not Released and Supported!)
To: A. Pole; Aliska; hedgetrimmer; Willie Green; Sam the Sham; neutrino
posted on
07/13/2005 2:39:13 PM PDT
Nowhere Man
(Lutheran, Conservative, Neo-Victorian/Edwardian, Michael Savage in '08! - DeCAFTA-nate CAFTA!)
To: Kewlhand`tek
let's throw in some Builderbergs, Trilateral commission and sprinkle it with some illuminati stuff. Good ole john birch society tin foilhatter propaganda
I'm beginning to think the tin-foilers are right.
posted on
07/13/2005 2:41:00 PM PDT
Nowhere Man
(Lutheran, Conservative, Neo-Victorian/Edwardian, Michael Savage in '08! - DeCAFTA-nate CAFTA!)
To: mountn man
I've played Risk hundreds if not thousands of times, on the board and computer. One thing I do know is that there are no real life consiquences when you screw up the game. Meanwhile in life the same cannot be said.
Also, whether in real life or a board game, one thing remains constant, smaller boarders are easier to protect.
True, I like to play wargames on the computer myself such as Civilization 1 and 2 as well as a few others and I do agree that smaller borders are easier to defend if you had the resources and technology. I also remember playing one World War II simulation where I was the Allies and I did manage to take out the Germans and Italians but I tried to invade Japan. I joinedthe war prior to Pearl Harbor hoping to get a jump on things. I did manage to vanquish the first two by early 1945 but Japan was a tough nut to crack. Even with nukes and infantry, Japan would not be swayed. They had like 200 divisions of infantry on the Home Islands, kept pounding them left and right. By 2005 I gave up even though World War II was still going on. B-)
A little OT, but I'm an avid wargamer as well as being into role playing games.
But in a game if things go bad and we lose, so what, time for a new one but as you put it, this is real life with real consequences.
posted on
07/13/2005 2:56:56 PM PDT
Nowhere Man
(Lutheran, Conservative, Neo-Victorian/Edwardian, Michael Savage in '08! - DeCAFTA-nate CAFTA!)
To: Lindykim
Well it seems as if the world leaders and powers that be seem to think that in order to attain utopia it is necessary to do away with all borders and any sense of an independent national identity.
In order to attain a peaceful existence not nation should be economically capable of taking any economic or military action on it's on.
People who are dependent on their government for their existence are under control of that government.
Nations who depend on other nations for their existence are likewise dependent and subservient.
It's the same insane mentality that thinks the best way to stop violence is to disarm the law abiding, being applied to the armed forces of the nations of th world .
They will only have the ability to control their own people inside their borders and act outside only in unison with their world partners.
The biggest stumbling block has been the United States and it's Constitution and it's conventional military might.
It seems as if these obstacles are just about eliminated.
Our borders are open and we are becoming a nation of groups who do not have any patriotic aspirations. Our Constitution is in tatters.
Our military is and has been in constant downsize mode since Regan left office.
How many Republican presidents can you remember who did not increase the size and capability of our military when they got in office?
All we have heard out of this administration is smaller lighter and faster.
We are rapidly ceasing to exist as a free and independent nation.
Everybody prepare to hold hands and sing "We are The World".
posted on
07/13/2005 3:14:08 PM PDT
mississippi red-neck
(You will never win the war on terrorism by fighting it in Iraq and funding it in the West Bank.)
To: Lindykim
CFR's Plan to Integrate US, Canada, Mexico (Americans Being Betrayed)
Chances are if this came to pass, such a combined nation would probably have Mexico's form of corrupt 'third world' government, the U.S. (IRS/Income Tax) tax system and Canada's style of military (or lack there of). Of course such a system would not live out an entire year.
To: Iron Matron
...For me, it's like watching my country burn, yet having not a bucket nor a drop of water to help quench the fire...
That's a very good analogy. As a small business man, my father saw this coming a loooong time ago. He knew that the government would never get enough and would never stop.
He saw our freedoms slipping away, and in the course of my lifetime, I've seen them slipping away as well.
posted on
07/13/2005 3:29:21 PM PDT
(The Supreme Can of Worms.)
To: Nowhere Man
I also remember playing one World War II simulation where I was the Allies and I did manage to take out the Germans and Italians but I tried to invade Japan.What game was this? It sounds like its on computer.
posted on
07/13/2005 3:36:10 PM PDT
mountn man
(Everyone brings joy into a room. Some when they enter. Others when they leave)
To: B4Ranch; Freebird Forever
Up until your third paragraph, I thought you were describing Condoleezza Rice. Freebird had named her in post #85.
To no one's great surprise I'm sure, she's also one of them.
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