The backruptcy bill was NOT "good stuff". It was big money lobbyist payoff through and through. In the long run it will hurt then GOP.
Otherwise, this article is very much on target.
I, for one, am very angry with the foot dragging the Republicans are displaying.
We didn't vote them into power so that they could play nice with the liberal democrats. They're our political enemies and they need to be treated as such. The sooner we put them out of power completely, the better for America.
Unfortunately, we'll never defeat them if we worry about what they think and say about us.
agree 100%...time to take the gloves off and grow some testicles, GOP officials. Glad to see I'm not the only person sick and tired of elected officials acting as if the office serves their needs, not the peoples'.
Hmmm. No mention of our porous borders.
I agree that the filibuster rule should be overturned to allow an up or down vote, but I don't think that the Republicans are framing the debate effectively by saying that the filibuster has "never been used before on judges that are likely to be confirmed if allowed a full vote." It almost sounds like "I have never lied to the American people in my life at 2:17 AM on November 17th." It sounds like they are stretching to qualify their statement with a bunch of prepositions. All they need to say is that the filibuster rule has been change back and forth before under both parties.
I normally listen to Rush, then Hannity, then Savage. But, this morning, I had the radio on the wrong station, and listened to Laura for a little bit. It was great! Plus, she's hot.
The problem with many pols is that they view their positions as career-cappers and not something to be done "for the people". This goes for many Republicans as well as Dems. Power and perks mean more to them than responsible representation. That's why I could respect a pol like Paul Wellstone, even though I was at the opposite end of the political spectrum, much more than the elite, effete Rinos from the northeast because at least Wellstone truly believed he was helping his constituents. I'd like to give a lie-detector test to all prospective office-holders with the first question being are they doing for themselves or "the people".
Maybe I'm having a case of the Mondays so I better stop now.
The word CHUMPS comes to mind. GOP or DIMS, doesn't matter. None of them is worthy of support. They should all be run out of office. I'm still waiting for someone to show me one single congressperson that is worth a sh*t.
WOO! HOO! I can now hear Laura Ingraham LIVE on WKAT (1360 AM radio) out of Miami here in Broward. New all talk format. It is SOOOOOOOOO refreshing to hear her and not to have to listen to the incredibly annoying and boring Glenn Beck. Hey Glenn, your dopey quiz show shtick was already old a year ago and you're STILL doing it.
Who is Laura Ingraham marrying? I didn't hear her for a long time but when I started listening again last week she mentioned something about her upcoming marriage.
Watching Jeb Bush and George Bush stand aside and concede to the State of Florida the right to murder Terri Schiavo has demoralized many Republicans.
Both men repudiated the Fourteenth Amendment, violating their oath of office, when both of them took the position that a state has the authority to murder a non-criminal person.
Now, do you want to say we are alone ping??
In a word, No.
And a price will be paid if the Republicans do not start acting as the Majority we were promised they would be.
End the Filibuster.
In a word, No.
And a price will be paid if the Republicans do not start acting as the Majority we were promised they would be.
End the Filibuster.
Have you heard, Laura is having surgery for breast cancer? JD Hayworth is filling in for her, and she called in on her way to surgery.
I don't expect Bill "Grapeless" Frist to do anything unless there is LEADERSHIP from 1600.
It's well past time people for the majority party to start acting like it, and I am sick of democrat party acting like they are owed anything.
Of course, I'm a mite more silly.
Laura is right. We are damn angry with these jellyfish republicans who only care about themselves rather than the people that elected them.