Well somebody has to pay for all those gay weddings.
even worse.....no toll booths but if caught without a pass then what, the cops ticket you......causing more congestion? Hell, I think more people should take BART and such but this is not the way to do it......reward those that exhibit good behavior, don't punish anyone for simply driving on a street.......more BS from "I can't think of any sane solutions" liberals.......
I never go into SF anyway. It's good with me:-)
See this thread: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1343740/posts
Once they get the GPS receiver in your car, there'll be able to send you a bill in the mail after you visit the gas station every couple weeks.
I refuse to drive in San Francisco. Between BART, busses, and the trollies, I got around the city just fine.
No toll booths, they use camerass to read license plates and essentially send you the bill. London has a similar system and they have discussed using it in NYC.
No toll booths, they use camerass to read license plates and essentially send you the bill. London has a similar system and they have discussed using it in NYC.
Cities with congestion charging zones:
Trondheim, Norway (pop. 154,351)
Bergen, Norway (pop. 211,200)
Rome, Italy (pop. 2.5 million)
Durham, England (pop. 493,470)
London, England (pop. 7.2 million)
Singapore (pop. 4.2 million)
,,, it will probably be done by readers cut into roads within designated toll zones starting on the fringes of the CBD. They'll spray your car with microdots and a satellite will read them as you enter and exit the zones. Technology used in Singapore employs reading devices on overhead beams that read cards inserted into devices in the windshields of vehicles. Users top up their cards with credits and are charged on a composite basis of roads used and peak or off peak times deducts credits on a central computer. That's pretty much old technology now, but it works well.
The homeless begging at stop lights downtown is tax enough.
I'd be more impressed if they'd set up a vaccination center to protect unwitting travellers going into SF.
Ah, the "trifecta" of the Socialist-Left: simultaneously dis-empower the people (restrict freedom of mobility and access), advance a false and disingenuous agenda to disguise true motives ("it's for the environment", "it's for the children", "it's for the homeless", etc.), and rape people of their earnings to line the pockets of the greedy politburo (under the guise of providing social services).
What happens in San Franciso should stay in San Franciso..
Supervisor Jake McGoldrick, chair of the San Francisco Transportation Authority, will ask the agency to study a downtown toll zone -- whereby drivers would need to purchase a daily pass to drive in The City's most congested streets -- as a potential solution to the Municipal Transportation Agency's woeful budget problems.
"The key issue here is if we can kill three birds with one stone -- relieve congestion, clean up the air, and give money to Muni -- we would have hit a home run," McGoldrick said.
I'm thinking that a municipal abattoir for registered Democrats and members of the Socialist, Communist, and Green Parties would be much more efficient at relieving congestion and cleaning the air. Plus, with the swag taken from the victims, err, I mean participants, the program would pay for itself and then some...
For example, how about, "toll passes put too much additional stress on those with AIDS taking drug cocktails." There will be a toll tag exception for anyone who claims to have AIDS or who might ever transport some one with AIDS or any material that might ever be used for/by some one with AIDS. Toll tags, by definition, must be unfair to minorities. The mayor and key city employees MUST be able to move freely around the city so all city employees will be exempt from toll tags. This would be a key issue in negotiations with the union who represent ccity employees at the next extortion session. I gotta believe that the homeless who live in different shelters every night and have to drive in to Market Street to harrass the tourists should be exempt.
No, the toll tag concept probably is a great idea. It is the corruption of that concept by the neocommunists who run the city that will give normal people the biggest laughs.
What about tourist make a few wrong turns, and ouch you could have a nice big bill. Or for that matter, local folks that only go to the city once in a blue moon. And there are many....
Perhaps the suburban areas should charge tolls on
San Francisco residents when they venture out of
their insane-asylum of a city. In addition, San
Francisco should be forced to pay any suburb or
outlying area all the costs incurred by any crime
their residents commit outside of the city --- court costs, legal fees, reparations to victims, police costs, incarceration costs. I'm sure San Francisco would
only think this fair.
Tolls, tolls and more tolls! As long as they're just taxing themselves, I say more power to them.
Keep driving up the costs of doing business in SF. I sure won't care.
How about taxing the homeless who pee and poop in public? Like, they have to give back an empty deposit bottle or two ...