Nice factual article. But, you really don't expect the sound bite msm to acknowledge this do you? I don't.
And a huge portion of these urban 'votes' are manufactured in those metropolitan areas.
Excellent read on public sector totalitarianism. Will dissect later.
Bump for later reading. Looks like a good one.
Regardless of how transparent its aims now seem, this new coalition will remain formidable in the cities, because the tax-eater sector is now so large that it can easily thwart reforms aimed at undermining its programs. But the coalition is also becoming the real power in national campaigns, working both within the Democratic Party and outside it. AFSCME, the AFT, and SEIU were among the largest contributors to the Media Fund, a $65 million advertising effort aimed at defeating President Bush in 2004. Those groups, plus ACORN, also supplied much of the manpower for the national voter-registration effort aimed at defeating the president. A succession of Democratic presidential hopefuls traveled to New York to seek the blessing of 1199/SEIU union chief Dennis Rivera, who once held a seat on the Democratic National Committee, and when John Kerry picked his running mate, he immediately called SEIU boss Andrew Stern, a John Edwards supporter, to say, I heard you. About one in ten delegates to the 2004 Democratic National Convention was a member of a teachers union.
The tax-eaters party has seized control of many of Americas cities; now it is trying to make the next big leap.
There's the rub. The "tax-eaters" are indeed expanding their power, over the DEMOCRATS. The more power they exert over the dems, the more they drag them to the left, and the more voters they shed and the further they drag them into electoral irrelevance.
Yet Bush is overseeing the largest government expansion since the 60's. We need to move towards a voluntary tax system, and privitizing all industries, the government simply does not have the constitutional right to have federal education and other forums of egregious spending. Abolishing public schools takes care of one problem, teachers are amongst the biggest government leeches.
Guys, GREAT name for the Demoncrat party. And, GREAT article. Peace and love, George.
Thanks for posting this. I've been looking for an explanation of the blue/red urban/rural division.
Boortz has been warning about reaching the "tipping point" discussed in this article for years, just not using that term.
Good article.
spodefly thanks for posting
Pinging to interesting read.
Nothing turns a "tax eater" into a conservative faster than becoming a tax payer.
The article focuses mostly on the cogs in the wheel of a complex infrastructure. Ignored is the massive concentration of wealth this infrastructure provides. Also ignored is the manner in which government programs keep the wheels turning, i.e. public housing allows for large corporations to hire workers below standard pay for an area, since they don't have market level rents.
Fo a long time I have thought of the Democrats as the Government Party but I cannot yet bring myself to think of the Republicans as the Peoples' Party.
Maryland was a red state except for DC suburbs and Baltimore
Michigan was red but for Detroit
PA was red but for Philly
And when I say, "but for", I mean, if Bush and Kerry had tied in Philly, Bush would have easily won the state.
The author is right on the money.
Here's a link to a map that shows the red-state, blue-state counties for 2004.
Lamprey eel and prey