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Featuring tow artilces written for IsrealNationalnews

Featuring two artilces consirning Powell visit to the Mid East the topic Continuing the cycle of stupidy

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Checkmating Evil - Part IIby Stanley ZirOct 26, '04 / 11 Cheshvan 5765

Featured in: Arutz Sheva "When War is the only Agent of Peace" Stanley Zir and Phil Orenstein 30 June 2003

[Part one of this article can be read at]People of Israel, you have been worshiping at the altar of false hope long enough. This is not the altar of faith for the chosen people of God. On September 9, three days after the barbaric attack on the school in Beslan, Russian President Putin and Yuri Baluyevsky, chief of the Russian General Staff, pledged to go after terrorists all over the world "with preemptive attacks... at any moment." Whom will Russia attack first, Hamas? Who now qualifies for preemptive strikes under their new anti-terrorist mandate? Will Russia continue to give support to the Palestinian pro-terrorist population, which supports and harbors terrorists who attack Israel and other non-Muslim nations? Will they continue to supply Iran, a nation that has openly declared that they will bomb Israel as soon as they have a nuclear weapon, with materials to build their nuclear power plant? Sergey Lavrov, Putin's defense minister, answers all theses questions and more by fully clarifying the reality of Russia's new anti-terrorist mandate. He said, regarding the responsibility of any other nations for the attack on his country, "We are far from accusing the leaders of major countries... of deliberately preserving this double standard," he said, "but the inertia is still very strong." Incredulously, after the attack on Beslan, Israel holds out an olive branch to Russia by offering their expertise in fighting terrorism.. Have the terrorist attacks by the Palestinians over the last 10 years made the Israelis forget about Russia's history of active programs to murder Jews, as well as its present support of Iran and the Arab League, who now champion the homicidal agenda? It was precisely this kind of thinking that led the Jewish people directly to the gas chambers in World War II. At that time, the majority of Jewish intellectuals and journalists, whose sphere of influence among the Jewish people was predominant, closed their eyes to evil, even as the comfortable social setting for the Jewish people in Germany continued to deteriorate. At that time, as well as in ours, discussing the unmentionable (mass murder of the Jews) was condemned as naive speculation, the ranting of fanatics and fools, who would only bring more trouble to our people or lead to our destruction. So much for those who were in denial then. Just as in our past, the majority of self-deceiving Jews of our era in America and Israel are still taking the moral high ground. They look down and condemn those Jews who demand that Israel stand up and take the unrestrained action needed to stop what is happening to the Jewish people in this world - again. Jewish people no longer have to prove that they have taken the moral high ground to the rest of the world by showing our restraint in dealing with murderers or anyone else that attacks them. The Jewish people's history and legacy of compassion speaks for itself. Standing up to and defeating bullies will not detract from this fact. There is no choice in this matter. Bullies are always the same - they never stop harassing men of peace until they are beaten. Israel, you cannot claim the moral high ground or even take a breath of freedom until the enemy you have faced for centuries is confronted and destroyed. Only a complete commitment to this course of action can lead to the real moral high ground, which is reserved for those nations who have converted their enemies with an unconditional victory. The Japanese confirm this principle. It was their unconditional surrender to America, to end World War II, that delivered them into the bosom of democracy. In Japan, the acts of suicidal bombers appeared under the governance of religious totalitarian tyranny. The rise of absolute power in the name of the sacred consumed the people of Japan, and in the end, produced the most egregious acts of evils on tyranny's menu. Like the populations of the nations of the Arab League today, the Japanese did not give a second thought to those among them who were committing atrocities against innocent people. In like manner, both peoples embrace the governance of religious tyranny to achieve their objective - to subjugate the people of the world with their god's incontestable mandate. Ultimately, it became apparent that the Japanese would only respect what proved to be more powerful than what they worshiped. In the end they only made the transformation to civilized behavior through the initiation of a force that would be more powerful than the misguided faith that had consumed them. The attack by America on Hiroshima fulfilled this objective. It was so powerful that in one instant, it released the grip that their religious dogma had on their nation's civil institutions and delivered them into the bosom of democracy, ultimately transforming Japan from the enemy of freedom into one of its greatest defenders. Thus, Israel only has to recall Japan's transformation to civilized behavior to map out their exit strategy from the onslaught of evil that now plagues it. Now, the response that Israel must make in order to put an end to the Palestinians suicidal attacks becomes perfectly clear. In this case, it's not a nuclear attack, but a full-out assault on the entire Palestinian population until a unconditional surrender is achieved. At the same time, if Israel is attacked by the nations of the Arab world, it must make it perfectly clear to them that a nuclear response would not only be appropriate, but completely justified. When America defeated Japan, she forever established the mercy of Liberty's Mandate by ultimately delivering her enemies' souls from the House of Evil. Now, the final opportunity for Israel to claim the true sacred high ground has arisen. Israel must now exhibit the courage to stand alone against the forces of the Palestinians, Iran and the Arab League, who wish to destroy her. In victory, Israel will deliver even those that had relentlessly persecuted her, and branded her as evolution's misfits, from the House of Evil.Finally, the persecution that the Jews had to endure for two thousand years, for the betterment of humankind, will be put into its correct perspective. A resolution made by a block of sovereign nations that are governed by democracy stating that if one more drop of blood of an Israeli citizen is spilled by Palestine's suicide bombers with the support of the nations of the Arab League, then both will pay the ultimate price - is not forthcoming. That is why Israel now must stand alone to carry out Liberty's Mandate if she is to survive. President Bush's silence on Iraq's firing of a interim member of their new government council earlier last month because he contacted Israel for purposes of discussions on Middle East peace only serves to confirm Israel's position as a pawn on America's chess board. Remember, pawns are the first to be sacrificed to protect the king. A summit with the Arab League promoted by America's latest World Peace Guru, Colin Powell, will soon commence. Once again, the world will turn its attention to Israel, blaming it for the conflict between the Muslim nations of the Middle East and the West. You can bet your house on this. Time and time again, the "new Powell Doctrine" has stifled Israel from taking the necessary steps to put an end to the attacks on its people. That Israel is being "Bush-whacked" in order for the present administration to gain approval from the so-called moderate nations of the Arab League is a reality that Israel can no longer ignore if she is to survive. With the United Nations taking the lead for the destruction of Israel in the civilized world; with the unchecked spread of anti-Semitism in Europe and the EU support for a Jews-for-Oil policy to serve its interests; with the unending support of a "blame Israel" campaign by Tony Blair, who only recently was standing in front of his parliament crying out about the suffering of the Palestinians, over and over, with no reference to their endless sponsorship of terrorist bombers and their support of Saddam Hussein; and finally, with Senator John Kerry, the "United Nations' Favorite Son", potentially being only one vote away from being elected president of the Untied States - you don't have to be a professional gambler to see that the clock has already struck 12:00 in a game with an opponent that has not only stacked the deck against Israel, but has prepared a field of death for her as the final score. Only a fool cannot see the handwriting on the wall. For you doubters: A few days after I wrote this article, I read in disbelief this article that appeared in the New York Post: "Ariel Defends His Axis of Good" by Uri Dan (New York Post, October 1, 2004, pg. 28)An anti-terrorist alliance has been forged with President Bush, Vladimir Putin and Tony Blair, because no one has been willing to take on Islamic extremism. Sharon said that Blair, the British prime minister, should be included in the campaign against terrorism. On Iran, he said, "Iran's nuclear program has been set back maybe for several years by international control efforts led by the United States and some European nations." He further stated, "Israel is not preparing to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities to stop Tehran from obtaining the bomb as Israel did to Iraq in 1982 to thwart Saddam Hussein's atomic weapons ambitions."

Featured in: Arutz Sheva When War is the Agent of Peace Stanley Zir and Phil Orenstein 30 June 2003

The manner in which Israeli blood is being spilled is despicable. This is due to the fact that Israeli and American leading politicians have turned their backs on confronting tyranny. Such irresponsible behavior has now become treasonous. Because of their actions, a reporter on Fox News, the most conservative news station in the United States, referred to Palestinian terrorist groups as "militias" instead of terrorists.

Liberty did not survive for over 200 years based on a compromise with tyranny. This political subterfuge must be put to rest through a public referendum of citizens who love Liberty and are finally outraged by the current negotiations. It has now crossed over the line beyond which actions must replace words.

When facing the combination of terror and tyranny, war, not negotiations, is the only agent of peace. On June 8th, we wrote an essay called the "Voice of Liberty". In that essay we declared, since all common sense, reason and moral clarity had been abandoned by George Bush, Tony Blair, and Ariel Sharon concerning the “road map for peace”, they would be held to be in absentia. In their absence, we decided someone must take the responsibility to write the speeches they should now be making to bring Israel and the United States back from the brink of disaster.

Since the seat of liberty has been vacated here, we decided to take the lead by adhering to our own declaration of purpose, found in our mission statement: "We will fearlessly challenge and uncover any group, institution, or government, both in the secular and religious world, that would desecrate the fundamental principles of liberty by denying people´s fundamental rights and freedom of press in their governing institutions to promote tyranny and oppression in order to achieve absolute power."

Thus, we wrote a speech to the citizens of the United States and Israel on that day.

Today, we write anew:

June 30, 2003 Dear Citizens of the United States and Israel,

Today will be Liberty´s last call.

In our last demand to the Palestinian Authority, we stated, as the "Voice of Liberty": "Whether it takes two years or a hundred years, until every vestige of tyranny and terror is eradicated in your civil institutions, and in the minds of your people, all negotiations will cease immediately". Their only answer was an immediate act of terror on Israel and their stated refusal to confront the terrorists within their own ranks. Abu Mazen, the new prime minister, responded by saying "we will not risk a civil war", indicating that he will not take action. Abu Mazen, since you have decided that the existence of terrorism and tyranny in your country is more important than the innocent lives of the civilians you have murdered, any further declarations of your opposition to tyranny and terror are no longer valid. Unfortunately, we must now take the necessary actions to bring an end to your empty postulations of non-aggression, which have no more validity than those of Premier Tojo or Hitler during World War II.

Because Bush and Sharon are now even considering the temporary cease-fire proposal from the terrorist organizations, and it wasn´t immediately denounced by Condoleeza Rice, this folly has finally crossed over the line.

Thus, on this day, June 30, 2003, in keeping with the Bush doctrine, unless all the members of the terrorist organizations residing in your communities are turned over to the new coalition of the willing, and unless immediate steps are taken to de-tyrannize your civil institutions, monitored by the United States, within one month, then, as we did in Iraq, a "Declaration of War" against the 97% of the Palestinian people who now support Arafat and his war of terror and tyranny will be waged by a new coalition of all the willing, including Israel. This will give ample time for the remaining 3%, who would have supported your so-called civil war against terror, one month to leave their communities and seek safe haven until an unconditional surrender is achieved and democratic institutions can be put in place.

Furthermore, we will use this Declaration to put a final cap on your war of deception, by calling tyranny´s bluff in that region, to finally eliminate the true lynch-pin of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the parade of the big bully balloons of the Arab League. Their parade of intimidation must be permanently deflated by releasing the hot air that keeps them afloat. The final assault on liberty must end here, in Israel´s back yard, where the champions of tyranny have managed to stake a claim to remove the only flag of liberty in that region, thus gaining credibility for tyranny´s advancement over democracy.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, et al, listen closely: Liberty has no mistress. The mandate of Liberty is simple enough for every American to understand, so don´t think you can any longer escape our detection. You do not have free press or individual rights in your own countries; thus, you are in essence in violation of Liberty´s mandate in her eternal war against tyranny´s advancement. Since you are an advocate of tyranny, you cannot be an ally of democracy. It is obvious that even adding a tiny piece of cow dung to a sumptuous meal makes it all taste like fodder.

Citizens of America and Israel, we must never mix the vile spice of tyranny with Liberty or we will all end up choking to death in our own vomit.

Old geopolitics by the United States must cease. Retaining a policy of pre-September 11th alliances in the Mideast and around the world now becomes the central issue in question. "Either you are with us or against us", as Bush has said. In keeping with the Bush doctrine, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan or Syria, if you attack Israel and if our present demands are not met, you may face the guns of Liberty yourself.

Remember this before you act. This will not be like Iraq. Not one more drop of blood will be shed in Liberty´s name. Such is the seriousness of our resolve. Until the flag of Liberty flies eternally in a region where your tyrannies once reigned, the historical cycle of religious and secular totalitarian tyranny will not cease. This is the moment in history where the final victory over terror and tyranny has arrived; we will not miss this window of opportunity and we will not waver.

Americans, it is time to face the true nature of the conflict and the only solution to the Palestinian issue: "liberty´s mandate against the advancement of tyranny". Side-stepping the original Bush Doctrine in this conflict by our present administration, by embracing tyranny´s greatest deception, is rapidly becoming their legacy of betrayal, instead of making their legacy Liberty´s true defense.

Mr. Powell, since when did you replace Kofi Annan, as the new United Nations commander-in-chief of appeasement? President Bush, by scolding Israel two weeks ago for attacking terrorists, and then insisting that Hamas must be stopped the next, your wavering now makes you the next candidate for the "Cycle of Violence" award that was given first to Israel for their 30 years of restraint. President Bush, the next time you listen to Tony Blair´s proclamations about the cries for even-handedness in the Moslem world, ask him what would be the result of even-handedness regarding terror and tyranny that they would bring to the table.

Finally, there are Israelis, pro-Israeli journalists, and pro-Israeli Americans who support the “road map”, and who are now pontificating on the greatness of Sharon´s politics in his decision to sign on to the “road map” to expose its folly. Lets make one thing perfectly clear, the fact still remains that Sharon, as well as the President of the United States, signed this agreement, and now are knee deep in it, because of the commitment they made to an international community whose majority opposed the war on Iraq. Until Bush and Sharon renounce this map of tyranny, and declare for the sake of world security that the only road to peace is the unconditional surrender of all those that support terror, they will be responsible for setting an unalterable standard that will subject the world to tyranny´s whims, by betraying America´s credibility.

In conclusion, let there be no misunderstanding, peace in this world can only be achieved with the elimination of tyranny. Tyranny is the cause of war. It is the parent of terror and poverty. It is a cancer that thrives on lies and deception. One does not negotiate with cancer, either you destroy it or it will destroy you. - "Voice of Liberty" with Bush, Blair and Sharon in absentia.

1 posted on 11/22/2004 6:10:09 AM PST by szir
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To: szir
Submission and dominance is achieved through intimidation.

And here I though submission and dominance was achieved through a woman with long straight hair wearing black leather and wielding a whip.

55 posted on 11/22/2004 6:56:16 AM PST by You Dirty Rats (31 Red States - All Your Senate Are Belong To Us!!)
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To: szir

The principles of lbierty are immutalbe

"And we hold this truth to be self-evident...well...sorta."

57 posted on 11/22/2004 7:04:41 AM PST by guitfiddlist (When the 'Rats break out switchblades, it's no time to invoke Robert's Rules.)
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To: szir


60 posted on 11/22/2004 7:13:31 AM PST by mysterio
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To: szir

Sorry made a mistake in posting did not do spell check on title. See if you can get past it and read the material and let me know what you think

63 posted on 11/22/2004 7:17:18 AM PST by szir
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To: szir

Sorry made a mistake in posting did not do spell check on title. See if you can get past it and read the material and let me know what you think

64 posted on 11/22/2004 7:20:20 AM PST by szir
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To: szir

I was forced to go for the "conclusion":

"In conclusion, let there be no misunderstanding, peace in this world can only be achieved with the elimination of tyranny. Tyranny is the cause of war. It is the parent of terror and poverty. It is a cancer that thrives on lies and deception. One does not negotiate with cancer, either you destroy it or it will destroy you. - "Voice of Liberty" with Bush, Blair and Sharon in absentia."

That is what Bush is doing with the aid of other like minded countries. It is the terminally dumbed down, by choice, who wish to avoid that responsibility.

BTW, paragraph breaks (br) (p) do wonders! By now you realize spelling is important too. On FR we do have a spell checker.
68 posted on 11/22/2004 7:23:25 AM PST by nmh (Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God).)
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To: szir
"....In conclusion, let there be no misunderstanding, peace in this world can only be achieved with the elimination of tyranny. Tyranny is the cause of war."

False underlying premise: Utopia (peace on earth) is possible.

Correct premise: The premise the Framers of the Constitution relied upon.

Fallen human nature is what it is, therefore we will draw up a Constitution and undergird it with an objective rule of law, which if followed, will protect people from each other when they succumb to their baser instincts.

"Jesus did not commit himself to them because he knew all ALL men ... he knew what was in man..."John 2:24

Emory Report November 29, 1999 Volume 52, No. 13

"...Marci Hamilton ... [is] a nationally recognized expert on constitutional and copyright law. ....

Her forthcoming book, Copyright and the Constitution, examines the historical and philosophical underpinnings of copyright law and asserts that the American "copyright regime" is grounded in Calvinism, resulting in a philosophy that favors the product over the producer.

Calvinism? Hamilton's interest in the intersection of Calvinist theology and political philosophy emerged early in her career when she began reading the work of leading constitutional law scholars. She was puzzled by their "theme of a system of self-rule." "They talked about it as if it were in existence," she said. "My gut reaction was that direct democracy and self-rule are a myth that doesn't really exist."

What Hamilton found was that a "deep and abiding distrust of human motives that permeates Calvinist theology also permeates the Constitution." Her investigation of that issue has led to another forthcoming book, tentatively titled The Reformed Constitution: What the Framers Meant by Representation.

That our country's form of government is a republic instead of a pure democracy is no accident, according to Hamilton. The constitutional framers "expressly rejected direct democracy. Instead, the Constitution constructs a representative system of government that places all ruling power in the hands of elected officials."

And the people? Their power is limited to the voting booth and communication with their elected representatives, she said.

"The Constitution is not built on faith in the people, but rather on distrust of all social entities, including the people." ...

..Two of the most important framers, James Wilson and James Madison, were steeped in Presbyterian precepts.

It is Calvinism, Hamilton argued, that "more than any other Protestant theology, brings together the seeming paradox that man's will is corrupt by nature but also capable of doing good." In other words, Calvinism holds that "we can hope for the best but expect the worst from each other and from the social institutions humans devise."

"Neither Calvin nor the framers stop at distrust, however," Hamilton said. "They also embrace an extraordinary theology of hope. The framers, like Calvin, were reformers." -Elaine Justice

74 posted on 11/22/2004 7:41:21 AM PST by Matchett-PI (All DemocRATS are either religious moral relativists, libertines or anarchists.)
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To: szir

Check your keyboard. Terrorists may have interchanged several keys.

83 posted on 11/22/2004 8:27:53 AM PST by RightWhale (Destroy the dark; restore the light)
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To: szir


85 posted on 11/22/2004 8:31:17 AM PST by scott0347 (Commander of the 0347th Lancer Brigade, Operator of the Immaculate Steamroller)
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To: szir

Are you by chance dyslexic? Inquiring kitties want to know.

90 posted on 11/22/2004 8:44:32 AM PST by Not A Snowbird (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Pajama Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
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To: szir

Giev me ilberty or give me daeth! (Famuos qoute by Patrcik Herny)

96 posted on 11/22/2004 12:18:50 PM PST by rightwingreligiousfanatic (You cannot stop me...... I'll just make a "move"........)
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