Posted on 07/30/2004 8:55:16 AM PDT by Area Freeper
This thread about Freepers admiring Germany deserves a German Ping
Pizza. It's not german.
The Spit Ale I've had in the US was brought or sent to me by friends from the UK. I haven't seen it in the US, but then again, I've never looked. I hope you find some. Newcastle Ale is very similar, and a fine brew. Also try "Royal Oak Pale Ale". Its available in the US and chicks like it too. Works for me......;^)
Are you sure was not..."verdamt noch mal dummkopf(scheisskopf)"?
so thaaaaaaaaaats what my nanny was saying to me! < bonks head>
The landlord should move in some French to tilt the average water usage back to normal.
If you like dark beers, try Spaten Optimator. To me, this is the only brew that beats Guinness.
My favorie is Guinness extra stout pub style.
When I run out I like Sam Adams Boston Lager,then I'm out!
Ah ok, I see your point. No, I don't really care how much my neighbors use and doubt I would spy on them.
I was just surprised by the communal nature of the billing, which seemed downright odd here in the US. I have never run into that before in the various apartments I have lived in.
I wasn't discriminating between those who helped and those who didn't, but the article wasn't about the USA.
Yes, times they are a changing. Communal billing, sounds so E.U. and U.N.
German food is among my favorite. And I'm not German. I even love the language. And I LOVE German wine. But I'm not sure sure I like the Germans very much (German Freepers excluded).
Germans are nosey busy bodies, always wanting to be in charge, just like the liberals here. Always worried that someone having more is going to cost them something. Talk about the type that strain gnats and swallow camels, they are the poster children for that saying.
Nit pick about each drop of water, while swallowing whole the lies of snake oil salesmen like Hitler. Germans have not changed one iota from their forefathers that worshipped and adored Hitler to the point of turning in their own families.
A large apartment complex I have lived in which is in a relatively wealthy area, converted to this method of billing a few years ago. It is called "sub-metering". This allowed the owners to charge off all the utilities which were previously covered in the rent onto the residents including heat and hot water, garbage service, the electricity used in the public areas and all the water used for the extensive grounds. The bills are divided up by an outside company according to the size of the apartments. It is never clear if the bills are accurate and in fact rebates were required at one point after it was clear the the outside company had made a number of errors, such as charging the same amount for electricity three months in a row. It's obvious that no proper accounting is done, but most people who live in this place are probably too busy to hassle with it.
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