1 posted on
06/25/2004 7:46:08 AM PDT by
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To: *Catholic_list; american colleen; sinkspur; Lady In Blue; Salvation; Polycarp IV; narses; ...
Catholic Ping - let me know if you want on/off this list
2 posted on
06/25/2004 7:46:53 AM PDT by
("Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels.")
To: NYer
Michael Berg, of The Kabbalah Centre, describes what he calls "The Way" in a book by the same title.Nah...it couldn't be.
3 posted on
06/25/2004 7:48:13 AM PDT by
To: NYer
Gimmie dat 'Ol Time Religion'.
4 posted on
06/25/2004 7:51:55 AM PDT by
(The Fourth Estate is a Fifth Column!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
To: NYer
I studied this back in the early 70's, it was useless then and that hasn't changed. The devotees just have a big name sucker.
5 posted on
06/25/2004 7:53:22 AM PDT by
To: NYer
Esther, the pop artist formerly known as 'Mohammed'
6 posted on
06/25/2004 7:53:54 AM PDT by
To: NYer
A thread on this has already been posted (it's on "chat") and I've already commented on it.
To: NYer
"For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." 2 Timothy 4:3
9 posted on
06/25/2004 8:01:48 AM PDT by
To: NYer
What was it that Jack the Ripper allegedly said to one of his victims? "You'd say anything but your prayers."
10 posted on
06/25/2004 8:04:53 AM PDT by
Mr Ramsbotham
("This house is sho' gone crazy!")
To: NYer
Okay. I've found my post on the other thread and here it is:
Two remarks:
1) At least the author has the decency to refer to this cult as "pseudo-Jewish," which it is (though there is a real Qabbalah which is part of actual Torah Judaism).
2) Berg says that Adam and Eve "were real people who did eat a fruit from a forbidden tree.
This makes Berg more conservative and truer to the Biblical text than the vast majority of the liturgical chr*stians of the world!
To: NYer
Believe it or not, the best and clearest explanation I ever read about this Kaballah thing among Hollywood stars was written in PARADE Magazine back in February. I posted it then:
Q: Why are so many non-Jewish clebrities - like Madonna, Diane Keaton and Demi Moore - interested in the Jewish teachings of Kabbalah?
A: Traditionally, only married Jewish men over the age of 40 were permitted to study Kabbalah, the mysterical Jewish interpretation of the Bible. But more and more celebs are attracted to Kabbalah because it teaches that everything in life - including love, fame and money - comes from God. Kabbalah is a way for needy, greedy stars to have the best of everthing without feeling guilty!
20 posted on
06/25/2004 8:46:17 AM PDT by
( If you don't stand up for what's RIGHT, you'll settle for what's LEFT.)
To: NYer
Does ir SUCK in the stars or SUCK IN the stars?
To: NYer
This is like that JZ Knight mysticism/channeling thing from the 80's. Send yer money pleeze.
24 posted on
06/25/2004 10:04:58 AM PDT by
(Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. - Mark Twain)
To: NYer
It only goes to prove how mindless they are.
25 posted on
06/25/2004 10:06:06 AM PDT by
(Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God).)
To: Fedora
To: NYer
Sorcery is not compatible with the Holy Bible. Flirt with it to your peril.
28 posted on
06/25/2004 11:54:02 AM PDT by
O.C. - Old Cracker
(When the cracker gets old, you wind up with Old Cracker. - O.C.)
To: NYer
Kabbalah, a form of mystical Judaism, is an esoteric teaching intended for men over 40 who have spent their lifetime studying Torah. Wrong -- that's only the Ashkanazi view. Sephardi Jews have never restricted Kabbalah to men over 40. Rather, Kabbalah is deeply ingrained with our religious practice -- for both men and women.
To: NYer
Kabbalah, a form of mystical Judaism, is an esoteric teaching intended for men over 40 who have spent their lifetime studying Torah. Wrong -- that's only the Ashkanazi view. Sephardi Jews have never restricted Kabbalah to men over 40. Rather, Kabbalah is deeply ingrained with our religious practice -- for both men and women.
To: NYer
ancient Jewish gnosticismThe Kabbalah ain't gnostic in the slightest. Ah, what more can I expect from a Catholic woman whose idea of interviewing a Kabbalah scholar is Gershom Shalom? Shalom is a hack academic, not a respected Kabbalist.
To: GatorGirl; maryz; afraidfortherepublic; Antoninus; Aquinasfan; Askel5; livius; goldenstategirl; ...
37 posted on
06/26/2004 6:07:07 PM PDT by
(If you want ON or OFF my Catholic Ping List email me. +)
To: NYer
Is not Kabbalah a city in Afghanistan?
38 posted on
06/26/2004 6:13:04 PM PDT by
(To go up pull back, to go down pull back all the way.)
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