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Wallowing in nuance, Dems lack resolve
Chicago Sun-Times ^
| April 25, 2004 (sneak preview)
| Mark Steyn
Posted on 04/24/2004 11:16:16 AM PDT by litany_of_lies
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To: litany_of_lies
And do Americans want to hand over responsibility for Iraq to someone who won't even take responsibility for the car in his driveway? Steyn always closes with a zinger.
posted on
04/24/2004 12:31:14 PM PDT
(Faster than a speeding building! Able to leap tall bullets in a single bound!)
To: nothingnew
Glad I got to it before quidnunc.
To: TimSkalaBim
The SUV belonged to him before it didn't belong to him.
To: VadeRetro
To: litany_of_lies
The column was clearly written before the news of Tillman's death. My bet is that there will be a "get tough" groundswell. The CNN coverage will be viewed (to the extent that any one actually watches it) as Bush playing patty-cake. I'd like to start seeing Tomahawks and B-52s destroying problem city blocks, mosques or not.
We were able to pacify and civilize Japan, Germany, why not the middle-East. Sure, the ultra-left wing, America haters claim this is different. Let's forget about their hearts and minds for a while and blow some stuff up!
posted on
04/24/2004 12:59:00 PM PDT
To: Pokey78
posted on
04/24/2004 1:31:11 PM PDT
To: litany_of_lies
Another six weeks of Dick Clarke's book tour, of snotty network reporters condescending to the president at his press conference, of the sneering Richard Ben Veniste and emotionally unhinged Bob Kerrey badgering Condi Rice at their hack hearings, of Bob Woodward and his unreadable book filling up slabs of CNN's prime time every night with irrelevant arcana about what did Prince Bandar know and when did he tell Woodward he knew it, another six weeks of things that make Bush ''vulnerable,'' and he'd be heading for a 49-state blowout over Kerry.
Yee hah! Love the way he skewers the 911 Commission in particular!
posted on
04/24/2004 1:33:44 PM PDT
To: Rummyfan
When I think of Tillman's relutance to make a big show about his service, it makes Kerry look so small to me.
Real heroes DON'T brag.
To: litany_of_lies
Glad I got to it before quidnunc.
Yeah, me too!
posted on
04/24/2004 1:43:01 PM PDT
To: litany_of_lies
The 9/11 Commission? Nobody cares. You can't drive the car when you're staring in the rear-view mirror. And, as those polls showed, if Americans are forcibly plonked in front of that rear-view mirror, they lay more blame on eight years of Clinton administration policy than eight months of Bush administration policy. Priceless Steyn.
To: litany_of_lies
I just absolutely LOVE Mark Steyn.
To: DCPatriot
The press were befuddled by last week's polls. -Mark SteynTerry Moran bemoaning that he and the other pressies were too polite! Try too stupid. Try not serious enough. Try missing the point.
To: NutCrackerBoy
I still have my doubts however on the average American voter (undecided) being able to maneuver through all the bullsh*t the mainstream media spews.
The guy that works 13 out of 14 to pay the rent (not mortgage)doesn't have time to analyze the truth.
IMO, events haven't happened yet that will ultimately define the 2004 election. Pray for President Bush.
To: ken5050
As if nuance would have worked against Hitler. The fact is libs are unwilling to admit that good and evil exists and that we're good, and radical, violent Islam is evil. Oh, many of them know that, but they won't admit it for political reasons. They want power, and, for their own greedy reasons, lust for power trumps national security.
posted on
04/24/2004 3:29:00 PM PDT
( For life-long happiness, learn how to play the accordion.)
To: jocon307
Peggy Noonan called Kerry a 'sad, hollow tree' in a column last week...LOL!
To: litany_of_lies
That's the problem for the Democrats. If ''resolve'' is the issue, can you beat it with ''nuance''? If I had to name the definitive Kerry campaign headline it would be this, from Britain's (left-wing, Kerry-backing) Guardian last week: ''Kerry Says His 'Family' Owns SUV, Not He.'' That Chevy Suburban in the yard has nothing to do with him. Who you gonna believe? A respected senator or your lying eyes? Mark Steyn has such a firm grasp of American sensibility...more than most New Yorkers I know who do not 'get' the heartland. Most New Yorkers I know think that the NYT is an objective paper...they have no perspective at all.
To: *Mark Steyn list
To: litany_of_lies
Wallowing in nuance, Dems lack resolveSteyn's getting soft.
That's the first time I've heard referred to as nuance.
posted on
04/24/2004 4:12:22 PM PDT
(If I wanted a Harley, I would have bought a Harley. I didn't, and I didn't.)
To: litany_of_lies
I liked my "best line" because...I agree that your "best" selection makes a very good point--and one I've made myself in the past. I'm just praising Steyn--often there's enough material for several favorites. And, Kerry's SUV is new material.
To: litany_of_lies
Steyn is the master. God, one day that I might write like him!
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