Clinton slid during Impeachment because most of the electorate hated his persecutors more than they hated him, and the same will hold true in spades for Kerry if the Republicans are stupid enough to travel down that road.
Fewer things are more repugnant than the rantings of the smooth-palmed deferrment crowd. The only people that can take him on concerning his post war issues are other Vets, and even they would have to raise such a rukus (sp?) about it in order to bring it to the widespread attention of the electorate.
It's not usually the style of men of such grand caliber as our Vets to do such a thing. I'm sure most of them will just view it as a matter of it being up to the electorate to do some research before they vote.
It's not usually my tendency to look to the pessimistic side of things, but these last few weeks I'm hating nearly all politicians, all of the time.
No wonder Disraeli chronicled such disgust as I'm feeling as the phenomenon of Statesmen being degraded into Politicans.
They can all go take a long walk of a short pier; SOBs to the last creep and cretin.