We gave him hell! Local news coverage was light. Expect to see story in Sierra Vista Herald this afternoon as protestors were interviewed and photographed. Kolbe's town halls in his home district have been underreported in local press. Tucson newspapers did not cover his 2 Tucson town halls despite the presence of protestors.
1 posted on
01/16/2004 9:51:40 AM PST by
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To: Spiff
Excellent! Wish I could of been there.
30 posted on
01/16/2004 11:15:41 AM PST by
To: Spiff
We gave him hell!
Good for you. Its time for Congressmen to represent Americans and not the international lobbies and illegal immigration pressure groups.
To: Spiff
Way to go!
To: Spiff
Good for you!!!
To: Spiff; Doctor Raoul; BufordP; BillF; dagnabbit; Jimmy Valentine's brother; Angelwood; kristinn; ...
Pinging some other folks to this report...
Excellent report on a most excellent and successful protest, Spiff and everyone else who participated!
Lining the sidewalk with some of the trash and debris that had been left on individuals' private property by illegal border-crossers was a great"visual" IMO; and I know the Border Patrol mannequin with a knife in its back was also a big hit - the news photo is proof of that.
I like you folks' style!
37 posted on
01/16/2004 6:02:00 PM PST by
(In the USA we don't reward lawbreakers - or do we? No amnesty for illegal aliens.)
To: Spiff
I am so proud of ya'll! Way to go!
To: Spiff; keri; international american; Kay Soze; jpsb; Capitalist Eric; hershey; TomInNJ; ...
Tremendous! The right message for the right ears at the right time and in the right place.
No Amnesty! No Rewards!", "Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Illegal aliens have got to go!
45 posted on
01/17/2004 12:49:37 AM PST by
(Liberty does not tolerate lawlessness and a borderless nation will not prevail.)
To: Spiff
46 posted on
01/17/2004 12:52:50 AM PST by
(Liberty does not tolerate lawlessness and a borderless nation will not prevail.)
To: Spiff
Hey. I doubt that this story is true, because it wasn't run 100 times yesterday on CNN!
(end sarcasm.)
51 posted on
01/17/2004 1:22:09 AM PST by
((John 3:16: Still True Today.))
To: Spiff
Great job! The BP/knife display is awesome!
55 posted on
01/17/2004 1:39:52 AM PST by
Travis McGee
(----- www.EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com -----)
To: Spiff
After Kolbe explained the supposed economic benefits his guest worker plan would bring to employers in other parts of the country,Wait a minute I thought the purpose of NAFTA was to help encourage businesses outside the U.S. and improve employment opportunities there. What happened to that great sucking sound?
I guess the reason for the amnesty is because American Citizens are above doing scut work. My memory isn't what it used to be but I thought I saw on the evening news some guy in New York City being celebrated for 40 years on the job never missing a day of work as a sanitary worker (aka. garbage collector).
Cudos to those watching our Southern Border.
To: Spiff
Good job!
Maybe keeping the pressure on high will get the admin's attention.
65 posted on
01/17/2004 7:56:02 AM PST by
To: Spiff
Good job
To: Spiff
hehe. Good work.
Flake should be next.
67 posted on
01/17/2004 8:00:28 AM PST by
To: Spiff
Excellent all around, including of course the mannequin border agent. But my favorite has to be "DEPORT KOLBE."
71 posted on
01/17/2004 9:56:01 AM PST by
(I'm *NOT* always *CRANKY.*)
To: Spiff
documentary competition
73 posted on
01/17/2004 6:55:55 PM PST by
To: Spiff
Way to go folks. We need to keep the pressure on all these clowns.
I've already called to offices of my two US Senators. Didn't actually speake to either one (naturally). Wa told by staff that one did not like what he had heard from GWB the other day. The other office informed me that "the Senator has not had time to evaluate the President's plan" or some other such BS.
I plan to call often and send as many faxes, e-mails and letters as possible.
76 posted on
01/18/2004 6:55:32 AM PST by
(Cut the KRAP (Karl Rove Amnesty Plan). Call your elected officials and say "NO!!")
To: Spiff
I hear an interview with Andrew Card (WH Chief of Staff) on the radio tonight (Lars Larson, I believe). He was repeating the same BS we've been hearing all along. He actually repeated the lie that illegal immigrants were "doing the jobs Americans won't do".
As a side note do a Google search on the term "jobs Americans won't do" - use the quotes so you hit on the exact phrase.
This is how the administration needs to be corrected on this issue. Essentially the immigrants are being pitted by employers against our own citizens who were living on the edge of poverty. Our own citizens will always lose this battle because of many factors, including their unwillingness to live 2 or 3 families, or 8-12 singles, to a house.
The employers will always say they can't find someone to work - the truth is they cannot find Americans to work for what they are offering. . The illegals are being used to distort the labor market in favor of the employer, and we the taxpayer are subsidizing the labor.
I think the administration is very vulnerable to these charges - vulnerable because they are absolutely true.
I believe GWB is a good president and a good man. I also believe he needs to be reconnected with his base voters and that he needs to listen to his voters - not just his advisers and largest contributors. We can turn this around if we are loud enough and persistent enough.
78 posted on
01/24/2004 7:54:38 PM PST by
(Cut the KRAP (Karl Rove Amnesty Plan). Call your elected officials and say "NO!!")
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