The Norks werent doing it right. Her and her compadres will get it right. I seem to recall Einstein had a theory about continually doing the same thing expecting different results. I think he said it was insanity.
anti-capitalists ALWAYS prey on other and capitalize on their position -
Oh good.
I get to make fun of her again..
When capitalism is repressed, black market economies flourish.
Point is - you may try to repress it, but it always wins out.
If the anti-capitalists would just lead the way, and all move to live under bridges, make their own shoes, and live off road-kill....I wouldn’t have anything bad to say over them. But their intent is always to destroy as much of capitalism as possible...making everyone’s lives miserable.
She should take a trip to China and Vietnam to see how capitalistic they’ve become. If she wants to see countries with minimal capitalism, a trip to Cuba and North Korea is in order.
By ‘capitalism’ not being around forever, this little leftist revolutionary means the American way of life. She’s too stupid to realize this is treason.
The true face of the Dems rears it’s ugly head.
aka She Guevera
She must not have read the part in the Bible where God says, "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Genesis 12:3
This dumb chick is the gift that keeps on giving!
People continue to prove Ron White’s adage “ you cannot fix stupid” as a correct statement
We need to keep her around and as the voice of the Democrats for as long as possible. Shes brutally stupid and her ideas will be a very effective vote repellent everywhere outside of a handful of socialist crapholes like the Northeast, Chicago and the Left Coast.
It will be very telling if this airhead does not publicly debate any opponents before the November election.
Heh, it’ll only exist in successful countries.
As for sh*thole countries (or SanSh*tcisco), oh well.
Earth to Alexandria: Socialism will NEVER succeed in this world. Two centuries of examples have proven that it ALWAYS runs out of other people’s money.
This poor child has no perception of capitalism. Capitalism exists in all forms of governance.
The difference between capitalism in Americas form of government and capitalism under a Socialism form of government is that in America the individual owns and controls his capital whilst under Socialism only the state controls the capital, which is the means of production.
Capitalism has existed since man first walked upright on this planet and capitalism will exist as long as man exist.
***The 28-year-old political newcomer***
Obviously she was not around in 1967 when the Arabs began to shake their sabres and blockaded Israel.