This ping list is for the other articles of interest to homeschoolers about education and public school. This can occasionally be a fairly high volume list. Articles pinged to the Another Reason to Homeschool List will be given the keyword of ARTH. (If I remember. If I forget, please feel free to add it yourself)
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Is this not the ultimate in reasons to homeschool?
Just the fact that they literally think this and believe it should be enough of a reason, all the other nonsense notwithstanding, to keep your kids as far away from public education as possible.
The library at Lincoln City proudly proclaims on their website “A gender affirming closet” at Taft High with help of their “Friends of Driftwood Library” volunteers. Now students will be able to choose clothes, makeup, and accessories to express themselves at school even though parents do not support those choices. Notice this information comes from the coast and central Oregon and not from the liberal enclaves found in Portland, Eugene, or Ashland. I noted such public disclosure contradicts the approach taken by other states that transmit to their schools’ ways to shield parents from knowing the steps taken. That is why I saved a copy of the page I would expect to be deleted.
Driftwood Public Library
New Mexico state officials have trained teachers and school boards that parents have no rights when it comes to their kids.
“Parental rights end when you decide to send your kids to public school,” claimed attorney, Andrew Sanchez (below), who conducted a recent training session for New Mexico teachers and school board members in Bernalillo County.
Unfortunately, that is probably the reality in our 50 states
in any public school in America.
The state owns your children.