Unless you're a DEMOCRAT!
Hmmm... Do you suppose that a nude moochelle ever swam in his pool with him?
You betcha!
In August of '16 I attended a Trump rally in New Hampshire.When it was over I was one of the first to reach the exits because I had a long drive home.When I got to the exit I found that the Secret Service had sealed it so that Trump could have a "clean getaway" (IOW,for security reasons).
While waiting for the doors to open I was about 3 feet from a Secret Service agent.I caught his attention and asked him if the stories about ILLary abusing agents were true.He didn't say a word...or shake or nod his head..but he did give a big smile which said "you bet your sweet bippy they're true".
Rats see those who protect them...as well as many,many others...as inferior beings.
That said, he's still a creep.
In defense of the thuggy reporters and editors at the New York Times and Washington Post it's a well known fact the Atlantic is a small right-wing rag they've probably never heard of... Same with Joe and Mika and George Stephanopoulos...
MSM 'elites' never heard of this story...really.
In his New York Times best-seller, The First Family Detail, award-winning investigative reporter Ronald Kessler revealed that Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude. Female Secret Service agents find that offensive.
Nancy Pelosi - the wicked witch of the West - doesn't give a damn about Secret Service women - they're powerless workers... not 'elites'...gads, they could even be 'deplorables'... And that's assuming the witch had even heard of the small right-wing rag called 'The Atlantic'... All the 'feminist liberal filth' are innocent.../s