birth control freeloading slut...more accurate.
the libtard msm just loves their little sluts.
What the heck is the "questioning"?
Is that people who aren't sure about their sexual preference?
Gee, we have a national slut. Congrats Sandra!
You know, just this morning I was thinking to myself, “I wonder what Sandra Fluke thinks about transtesticle recruits”.
Damn, how this country has gone to hell.... The commies are laughing their ass off.
No one’s stopping her from joining...
Well, it’s like I always say: you give in to the liberals on something, they will love you for it and won’t ask for anything more.
Sandra Fluke? Isn’t that pig’s 15 minutes up yet?
this woman is a lunatic....
The hormone therapy gender reassigned individuals (whatever you call them) need to maintain their treatment would make them nondeployable, and therefor ineligible for enlistment or commissioning. Whatever way the political winds blow, there’s no way to shove a square peg into that surgically manufactured hole.
Catholics shouldn’t take advice from athiests for choosing a pope, same goes for gender obsessed activists and the military.
Her daddy must be so proud of his little slu, er, daughter....
Is there any perversion that Sandra Fluke Slut doesn’t have an opinion on?
Sandra Fluke is a Dem Progressive plant. She is being paid to spread the word and evangelize the liberal sexuality platform. Watch the progression... she started with birth control.. she is a plant, who is meant to become their new Al Sharpton of sexualist racism.
I don't wanna know. I really don't.
And a much more effective fighting force, I'm sure, with all those little transsexual recruits running around. Such forceful fighting!
Yippee, make love not war! Flukes not nukes! Sandra Fluke for Secretary of Defense!!! Call Zero on his free Obamaphone and tell him to drop Hagel for Mz Fluke. Fluck with Fluke! Fluck Defense! Fluke for Secretary! (Can she type, at least? Or is sexsexsex all she learned how to do in “law school?”).
Lets create a whole unit comprised completely of Trans-sexuals and deploy them to the next Fallujah or to the Korengal valley.
They think the enemy will laugh themselves to death!!!
What wont the left drag this hag out for?
How can she be an expert at anything when she cant get free birth conrtol and its handed out freely to 16 yearolds?
Now she is an expert to comment on military matters?
I will not rescue a trangendered thing like we did Jessica Lynch. In fact wasn’t her convoy of women the only time the Iraqis got the jump on us? didn’t we find out later that the guys that werent killed during the attack were killed “in custody” still fighting? In fact how soon we forget this, as we keep being told how brave tammy duckwoth is and what a great lesbian she is.
In fact how about next sick call we all go down and get out scripts flipped, have them mess with our junk?
I think CWII is coming and no, the New Confederate Army will not have fags and women in its ranks, just pissed off men with a mission.