I replaced my router this weekend and toyed with the idea of naming it “FBI Surveillance Van”, but that’s well known spoof on the neighbors.
Perhaps I’ll go with “PickUpAfterYourDog”.
I’ve heard similar stories, but when I lived with a buddy of mine in an apartment complex after college, there was a wifi SSID named “We Can Hear You Having Sex.”
I always hide my SSID, personally.
Name it IRS Investigation Team.
That’ll scare em off.
My SSID is the name of my local police department. My neighbor in Pennsylvania named his “FBIVan” or something like that.
Here’s some other actual SSID’s that are pretty awesome.
I named mine Area 51.
I have set up a bunch of them for friends and relatives.
I have named them “Porn Palace”, “Ron’s Party Place”, “Macy’s Noisemaker”, and Bill’s Brothel”.
Funny, nobody ever asks me to help them with that anymore.
I thought about naming my router “**** Obama” or “Anthrax Hackers Defcon”. I finally decided I didn’t want to attract undue attention from neighbors and/or law enforcement.
I love it! I am going to rename my wifi immediately.
It’s probably a neighbor trying to scare you away from leeching. Stop leeching and you’ll be fine.
good one. renaming my wifi now