Posted on 04/13/2012 8:09:22 AM PDT by wolfman23601
No point, just found an interesting article on Romney that I haven’t seen posted so I threw it out there for comment.
“So what is it? Do you hate mitt because hes a pro abortion liberal or becasue hes a pro life Mormon?”
I think one can make a case that he is pro gentile abortion and homosexuality while being pro Mormon life. That would resolve what is only the appearance of a contradiction.
Meh. There's not a religion out there that could escape a "10 weird beliefs" list.
Romney's problem isn't his religion, it's his politics.
All good points.
I was a Mormon for over 40 years and know well all the weird and wacky Mormon beliefs - there are far more than these ten.
As one good freeper puts it: “Been there, done that, seen the movie, worn the funny underwear.”
I'm Baptist and Baptists do not excommunicate anyone. A Baptist Minister would council her not to abort and if she did anyway, he would then council her to seek forgiveness of her sins.
For Catholics who procure an abortion or otherwise directly participate in the crime of abortion (driving the victims to the murder mill, paying for the crime, actually performing the crime, assisting in the performance of the crime), the Church prescribes excommunication latae sententiae (automatic and self-inflicted, without the need for formal notice of penalty) with the remission of the just penalty reserved to the bishop.
Interesting that you have linked an article from Huffington Post that has been cheered by Obama’s supporters for the most part. Is it your intention to assist Obama’s reelection efforts.
Secondly, you list Robert Tilford as the article’s author, but the link you provided lists Peggy Fletcher Stack as the article’s author. Interestingly, Robert Tilford seems to claim credit for the authorship of the article on the site, but the HuffPo link he provides says otherwise.
Mr. Tilford also lists himself as a “Military Professional,” but his profile lists his service as January 1984 January 1990 (6 years 1 month)and his military rank after those 73 months of service as Private.
What’s going on here?
Agree, see post 15
I certainly can’t argue with that. I still don’t see hy the poster chose to post this leftist drivel hitting at the guy for appearing to be pro-life.
Though, historically excommunication has been reserved for the ruling class. Even during the inquisition and throughout the middle ages, the punishment was reserved for the nobility.
No big deal if it doesn’t pass the smell test. People want to read bad things about Romney, even if they’re untrue. It’s not unlike allegations about George Zimmerman.
Abortion is clearly against the Churchs teaching.
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Actually, no it is not. Abortion is perfectly fine if you pray about it and get a ‘burning in the bosom’ that it is ok, per their official book of instruction.
I interpreted give up your baby (for adoption) as dont abort.
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The issue here isn’t about adoption vs. abortion (Mormons are actually ok with abortion according to their offical documents).
The issue here is control. She was told to choose between her baby (which is an embarrassment in Mormon circles) or her Mormon religion. I don’t know a single protestant or Catholic minister/priest who would ever damn someone to hell for not giving up their child. Mormonism is ALL about control over the members.
The source is questionable. If Romney actually said that, then it’s one of the few times he has done the right thing.
As I understand it, Mormons are mostly pro-life, but are willing to make exceptions that, for instance, the Catholic Church would not condone. It says here that her “stake president,” whatever that means—presumably someone in authority—had told her to go ahead with the abortion, when Romney intervened.
But then Romney went ahead and promoted abortion in Massachusetts, said that he was “pro-choice,” and enabled taxpayer-funded abortions. So, I guess it depends where his own political advantage lies.
A single lay leader doesn’t have sole authority to excommunicate anyone for any reason at the local level.
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WRONG. He can call a Bishop’s court and 9 times out of 10 the other members will agree with him if he is for excommunication, even at the Stake level.
Not mention earth's moon and the sun also.
Out of curiosity, what is Catholic doctrine regarding the submissive taxpayer who is milked to pay for the abortions, as is the case with both Romney-ObamaCare models? Is this considered duress, given the coercive and lethal powers of the State? Too attenuated? Genuinely curious, as I find the recent stand against the federal government admirable.
That reminds me of an incident thirty years ago, when I was sitting in my grandparents’ den, and my grandfather was reading the newspaper and let out a big laugh. I asked him what was so funny. He was reading an article in which the KKK had come out strongly and steadfastedly against the moral evil of abortion... but the group then added with the exception of for blacks, which in that case, abortion was “okay.”
Maybe the LDS is like that. I don’t know. And who can remotely gauge anything about Romney, since he’s been on every side of every issue imaginable? I can’t imagine any Republican I would trust any less on anything than Romney.
Sorry, you posted while I was writing mine. As you say, he did NOT say the right thing if he forced her to give up the baby. The wording was a bit odd, and I misread it as a choice only between adoption out or abortion.
“Interesting that you have linked an article from Huffington Post that has been cheered by Obamas supporters for the most part. Is it your intention to assist Obamas reelection efforts.”
Some have repeatedly stated their preference for 4 more years of O’Communist if their alternative is Romney. For those, RDS has no limits.
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