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I have been excited by the buzz of cain. I had him picked a long time back as my choice for VP. I hate to think that I was motivated racially but I guess I can see that potentially partially influencing my thinking. I am a fan of the 999 plan. I guess I do not agree on the 999 plan becoming a VAT but I have seen that argument before. I still think cain is not the candidate that should be president but I am sort of blinded by my hope that Palin will soon enter the race.
1 posted on 10/03/2011 9:01:54 AM PDT by PalinCain2012
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To: PalinCain2012

I’ve gone from rejecting Cain as simply another stupid race pick to thinking maybe he is ok

but the fact he was a race pick in the beginning here for many is unquestionable

post and after post about how Cain would really “mess with their heads”...that sort of thing

this nomination process which started out hopeful has turned into a sad milquetoast affair

a real shame given Obama lies mortally wounded by his own hand...a real opportunity of easy defeat even by a social conservative but it looks like once again the northern moneyed GOP establishment will try to force a moderate on us..

53 posted on 10/03/2011 11:41:40 AM PDT by wardaddy (I'm hardcore Dixie Man to the bone but I am having some serious nostalgia for the West these days)
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To: PalinCain2012
The Constitution delineates the qualitfications for someone to serve as President.

Herman Cain meets all the necessary criteria.

I don't see any requirement for the Presidency in the Constitution that states that one has to be a member of the permanent political class, or must have served in Congress or as a state governor first, etc.

In fact, several of our Presidents have not been career politicians, and have had extensive experience in the private sector, such as farmers, ministers, lawyers, soldiers, or whatever.

The voters will ultimately decide if Cain is qualified. I believe that any American with decent intelligence, patriotic passion, and basic knowledge of Unalienable Rights and the Constitution is a potentially good President.

Therefore, I reject the hysterical elitist notion that Herman Cain is not qualified simply because he is not a politician. Cain is an accomplished Chief Executive with a distinguished record, who has risen to the top of several different industries.

The Presidency is, after all, an executive position, and thus talk that Cain is not qualified is ludicrous on its face. He could easily be a better President than any of the last 4 we have had.

54 posted on 10/03/2011 12:01:20 PM PDT by sargon (I don't like the sound of these "boncentration bamps")
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