Posted on 03/28/2016 11:03:21 AM PDT by NKP_Vet
Believe in what makes you feel better. But, it was a weak response. The fact that he didn’t categorically deny the claim and threw Trump in the mix made it look very Clintonesque (see VRWC). Personally, I don’t know if the allegations are true or not. I guess we will find out together in the coming days.
I sure can...
Where was Trump when Cruz was leading the fight against the liberals in Washington as well as against the establishment republicans in his own party, even calling his own party leader a iiar. Trump was awol
Where was Trump when Cruz was leading the fight against obamacare, Trump was out trying to get Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Sch8mer elected to office.
Where was Trump when Cruz was fighting the gang of eight bill, he was out spending money trying to protect Reid, Pelosi, and Schumer.
Where was Trump when Cruz was the 0nly lone voice standing against Obama’s supreme court picks, Trump was out making sure Obama’s allies in the Senate were reelected.
Where was Trump when Cruz fought tooth and nail against the bail out of the big banks, big insurance, and big business, Trump was out there begging his liberal buddies to defeat Cruz and the others.
Where was Trump when Cruz stood on the Senate floor and alone fought corrupt, inflated budget bills, Trump was out providing cover and support for the biggest spenders in Washington.
Where was Trump when Cruz was fighting Obama’s unlawful executive orders, Trump was out giving aid and support to Obama’s biggest supporters, Reid, Schumer, and Pelosi.
Where was Trump when Obama and the liberals where trying to pass massive tax bills to pay for obamacare, Trump was out making sure Obama was protected and had the votes necessary in the senate to pass the massive tax bill. Cruz was many times the lone voice in the senate to stand up against 6he tyranny in congress.
I don’t need to defend Cruz, his record speaks for itself, just as Trump’s support for Reid, Pelosi, Hillary, and Sch8mer speaks for itself.
No matter how u try to spin Trump, the fact remains he’s an ultra liberal and has put his money here his heart is, the left wing of the Democrat party
NE doesn’t come out with everything at once. They have to give the pol a chance to deny and look a fool first.
That’s either 2 lollipops without the stick or 2 condoms.
and did you see the way malania flinches when she’s speaking and looks over at Donald like she’s asking permission to speak?
See? Anyone can construe anything they like- Hell- trump supporters have been falsely construing all kinds of crap for weeks now about Ted “He would’ve doen it this way” “He shoudl have doen it that way” “He should have said it this way” “Therefore he’s guilty”
Malania gives looks that many consture as sheepish as she looks over at donald many while he’s being interviewed, shall we start the rumor that she is brow beaten and afraid?
Like the claims of adultery, there is zero proof. Well, unless you have some you would like to share.
And let's say, for the sake of conversation, this is all 100% true. Would the "hush money" be better or worse than Trump donating to Al Sharpton? Or Hillary? Or Harry Reid? Or Pelosi? Or...
[[The fact that he didnt categorically deny the claim]]
Psssst- he did- you can keep sayign he hasn’t but he has- several times now-
[[ I guess we will find out together in the coming days.]]
That’s all anyone is asking- let it be what it will be instead of trying to make it into something it isn’t like the op and others are doing constantly by citing silly blog posts and biased opinions as their evidence
The Clintoons are not worth being called White Trash.
Give Denny Hastert a call. He probably knows the answer to that.
but he sure made a name for himself......
If this story would inexplicably turn out true, I would likely not support Cruz.
But untill someone comes out with one helluva lot more than what has been presented, it remains in my just another bogus political smear file.
[[Thats either 2 lollipops without the stick or 2 condoms.]]
That’s also a heavily photoshopped photo made to look liek two condoms- And even if it is- where is Ted’s name on it? Was she not married? Perhaps it would be for her husband? IF she does infact mess around, can it not be a possibility she messes around with someone other than Ted? Might she not have been taking a photo of herself to send to her husband as an invitation? Was it actually a pack of condoms and not a package of lotion?
Gee- so many scenarios- so little time to gossip
Heidi cancels an event
So, I'll take your answer to mean you have no proof whatsoever.
I never said it belonged to Ted. It could easily be her husbands. The picture is of Amanda Carpenter. And it looks like either 2 condoms or 2 stickless lollipops.
I think Donald Trump (and Ivana) have done a marvelous job raising their children, and congrats to the Trump family on Ivanka’s recently born son. Melania seems cut from the same cloth with her son, and it was heart warming to see her with Cruz’ kids. It was very telling to me when Cruz’ daughter recoiled away from Cruz when he attempted to kiss her on camera...but I give him the benefit of the doubt as youngsters sometimes pull stunts like that to retaliate if they are angry at a parent, so hopefully it means nothing.
>> Trump has admitted committing adultery <<
I would say that “bragged about” is the correct terminology, as opposed to “admitted.”
EXACTLY !!!!!!
I have already asked a couple of the leading Trump supporters here when the so called proof of this scandal was supposed to break. Neither have responded yet,
With that said, we are now 96 hours into this tabloid innuendo garbage, and the longer it takes, the worse it is going to look for Trump and his his buddy the CEO of the company owning the NE.
It may not be hard to connect these dots.
Since when is the only way to prove innocence is to sue whomever made the accusation against you? Isn’t the burden of proof on the accuser?
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