Posted on 04/22/2015 7:51:55 AM PDT by Sean_Anthony
Maybe Non Sequitur has risen from the undead.
Somebody’s got a lot of sand in their vagina, today.
Did Non Sequitur think it was all right for men to go around in women’s high-heeled pumps? Because this here one does.
(You might be right on target with the “sand” remark).
Wonderful prose by both the President and the TN senator. Oh but we have such inspiration to achieve and dream today.
Count me as a Yank that had relatives on the lines, (I have their discharge papers) bled, and suffered.
I believe they would agree that our Southern brothers have every right to honor their past.
You need to adopt the POV of the lady from Brooklyn who came down to the Appomattox Sesquicentennial to honor her Southern ancestors. It would be beneficial for your blood pressure.
Right now all you're doing is yapping like someone with a big load of something to prove. "Winners" don't behave in such a way.
Everyone here knows that you are nothing but a Troll. Do us a favor and move back under your bridge.
Bad things happen in wars, which is why you think long and hard, and then think again before you start them. And armies are made up of rough men hardened to death and suffering, not saints. The catalog of bad things that happened to Germans is far longer, but I don't see you weeping any tears for them. In fact, you hail the victory over Hitler as God's work.
Dont think what they did then cant happen today. All they have to do is come up with another righteous battle that certain citizens will buy off on.
Sounds like a pretty good description of the confederate cause.
“There were some things that were not surrendered at Appomattox. We did not surrender our rights and history...”
He had some mighty fine rose colored glasses.
Everyone lost when it was determined that no state can ever secede. That is the “battered wife” version of “unity.” Now we see what an all-powerful central government has done to freedom. The Founders would not recognize the Republic they birthed.
It aint over till it's over.
(The worthless opinions of n00bie-troll-palpatine-pukes notwithstanding.)
The problem with that argument is that you seem to be saying that the states that are leaving have all the rights and the states that are staying have none. Say Colorado and Utah announced tomorrow that they are seceding. And they decide to dam the Colorado river and keep the water for themselves. You are saying they have the right to leave and to cancel the agreements they had with the other states to share that water, and that Nevada and Arizona and California just have to live with the loss of the river water. And that any international agreement the U.S. had with Mexico concerning their share of the river's water, which is now impossible to deliver on, is the problem of the U.S. to deal with. What recourse do those states have? You're saying that they have none and that the Constitution supports that. That just by leaving a state has more rights than the other states. How can that be?
Rebel Yell!!!
Wow!!! A white “confederate”!!!!! And just when yhou thought they were all mixed race. This would really surprise Strom Thrumond.
Co. Aytch.
Ah, more like an intermission than a determination. There will come a day when the issue will come up again and it will end with dissolutionment of the Republic; the over throw of an oppressive government, or unbridled tyranny.
The exclamation points and misspellings are multiplying. Hope he isn’t on the verge of an attack of the vapors.
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