One thing to remember is if you live in an area that is only assessable to the outside world by a bridge and if we have major celestial disturbances you could loose all access to the area outside of where you live. How many of use drive to work every day and cross over overpasses and bridges? Just imagine what it would be like if all the bridges were to collapse.
They are not kidding about supplies getting short in the stores in a hurry. We had a rare desert snow storm and the freeway was closed off and on for just two days- stores had many empty shelves, most things that were necessary items were gone in a flash. It is not just groceries, there was a pipe breaking freeze last winter and plumbing supplies disappeared from El Paso for over a week until they caught up with demand. Anyone that doesn’t stockpile enough to at least survive short-term is really in trouble in even a minor situation.
This thread was linked in the other, but I wanted to make sure you took a gander FRiend.