1 posted on
02/12/2010 4:02:23 PM PST by
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To: kyperman
30 posted on
02/12/2010 4:21:39 PM PST by
(http://www.thepatriotsflag.com - The Patriot's Flag)
To: kyperman
32 posted on
02/12/2010 4:22:47 PM PST by
(Don't criticize. Explain to me who I should support other than Sarah Palin.)
To: kyperman
It's his cap and trade take over our lives program - he knows he can't get it through the house and senate now -
how can this be legal?
We know he thinks he's an empower - but he isn't.
43 posted on
02/12/2010 4:41:32 PM PST by
("He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help" Lincoln)
To: kyperman
If the Constitution is suspended, and the power of the Govt. is provided By the Constitution, isnt the Govt. suspend and has NO power?
48 posted on
02/12/2010 4:49:31 PM PST by
To: kyperman
Yep. The little $hit just can not wait to be king. He loses JUST the 60 seat majority and he is screwing around with Executive Orders.
I can just imagine what he is going to do when the House and Senate are back in Republican control and his little azz is sitting up there in the WH getting chewed out by George Soros
54 posted on
02/12/2010 5:08:44 PM PST by
To: kyperman
Stand up for our Freedoms or else they do not exist.
IMO, this person will lead to a crisis that will shakes the foundations of the Republic.
55 posted on
02/12/2010 5:08:56 PM PST by
To: kyperman
“Obama to ‘use executive powers to advance energy, environmental and other policy priorities”
This sounds like a good thing. His pretense of being the calm, cool consensus builder will be shattered.
To: STARWISE; maggief; hoosiermama; Liz; SE Mom; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Grampa Dave; ohioWfan; ...
NYT SATURDAY: White House officials are searching for ways for Obama to ‘use executive powers to advance energy, environmental and other policy priorities’... Developing...
73 posted on
02/12/2010 6:25:40 PM PST by
To: onyx; Congressman Billybob
79 posted on
02/12/2010 6:51:09 PM PST by
(ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
To: kyperman
87 posted on
02/12/2010 7:31:10 PM PST by
To: kyperman
All he has to do is declare a “National Emergency” and a whole boatload of special “powers” open up for him.
We are so FUBAR.
91 posted on
02/12/2010 7:52:43 PM PST by
(Be polite, Be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.)
To: All
92 posted on
02/12/2010 7:56:10 PM PST by
(- What a co-inky-stink!)
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