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Posts by JD_UTDallas

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  • Texas Sues After Biden Admin Orders Hospitals to Perform Abortions in Some Circumstances

    07/26/2022 7:37:07 PM PDT · 9 of 24
    JD_UTDallas to progunner

    Question how many Texas FR boomers are here? I have personally registered 245 college students every one of them is going to vote against Abbott and Paxton. I would bet that I personally have swamped out the Texas FR vote. I’m offering 20 points extra credit to register to vote with a 250 word essay about the experience to satisfy University policy on extra credit. That’s 20 point’s to the final grade out of 500 total not an insignificant amount perfectly within my syllabus approved by the Department. Young people are fired up about old white men telling them what to do with their bodies. Mark this post when Abbott is gone and Paxton too I’ll dance a gig, F those crooks they are in bed with the power barrons and also are religious zealots for both reasons they are toast. I will have two more 130 plus sized lectures in the fall right before the election I’ll be offering 20 more points to register and or vote. Moral conservatives are toast in Texas a good percentage of us are fiscal only conservatives and Abbott has got to go he screwed us time and time again. Paxton needs to be in cuffs he is a crook under indictment as such.

  • Texas Sues After Biden Admin Orders Hospitals to Perform Abortions in Some Circumstances

    07/26/2022 7:19:18 PM PDT · 7 of 24
    JD_UTDallas to Secret Agent Man

    Did you read the stupid crap Texas is doing obviously not. Which is typical of this echo chamber. Texas HAS not is going to deny such care. They made a woman who had a natural miscarriage carry her pregnancy products for two weeks while hemorrhaging blood without doing the required D&C due to this ridiculous Texas precedence it’s barely law and won’t hold up against the federal supreme clause and the required care with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA). Heads should roll and they will it’s only a matter of time before the DOJ starts to perp walk idiots. I’m gonna help best I can for free to put people in federal jail for things like this. Keep your bullcrap religion out of the medical care profession. We have the first amendment expressly prohibiting the use of religion in out laws and regulations the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), is bloody clear you WILL help the mother over the child period.full.STOP. I absolutely would push for life or the.death penalty under USC code Section 242 of Title 18 it’s the only way religious zealots will be taught that we are not a theocracy we are a land of laws and those laws say treat the woman first and always.

  • Texas Sues After Biden Admin Orders Hospitals to Perform Abortions in Some Circumstances

    07/26/2022 7:03:54 PM PDT · 5 of 24
    JD_UTDallas to Secret Agent Man

    Two words ectopic pregnancy if a woman has one of those you will do the extraction or you will face attempted murder charges at the federal level, an additional Federal felon charge under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and I would push for a life sentence or death sentence under USC 242.18 since that’s what you are putting on the woman in an ectopic pregnancy’ when not if the ectopic pregnancy ruptures into her abdominal cavity she will die. That’s a clear violation under the USC code Section 242 of Title 18, an additional Federal violating the 14th equal protection, one more under the 9th, and yet one more under article one full faith and credit clause.

    I’d ask the US Marshalls to hold the administrator and presiding doctor without bail im D.C. Federal detention or at least a million dollar cash only paid in full bond per charge that’s 4 at least. You do not get to deny life saving care for your ridiculous imaginary beliefs I would enjoy absolutely destroying the life of a doctor stupid enough to deny such care. Hundreds of.thousands in legal fees let alone cash bail.

    The feds need to crush this idiocy by perp walking some doctors and administrators to D.C.. I’d do the work pro bono just to prove a point. Keep your silly religion out of medical care or be crushed it’s that simple. Ectopic pregnancy is not a elective surgery ,neither is a D&C after an natural miscarriage in both cases the woman will die if they don’t get the medical care they need.

  • Ireland joins Canada and the Netherlands in contributing to world famine

    07/26/2022 11:35:49 AM PDT · 40 of 40
    JD_UTDallas to ClearCase_guy

    He waited his whole damn life to take that flight..

    The planet could use a good purging of some useless eaters. That probably gets the Karen’s in a tissy but it’s a cold hard fact. For humans to live at a western European standard of living not an American one would require four earth’s worth of resources. That’s quantitative fact based on energy consumption,caloric consumption and water consumption. A global World war would cut the herd, as would a global famine. No need for a black swan event. Simply delaying reproduction till 30 years of age and limiting any two people to just two children would cut the number of humans in half in a generation and half again in another the replacement rate is 2.2 children per breeding couple less than that and population falls drastically.

    The other fact is some people are way more productive for society than others. A competent civil engineer is worth 100 bureaucrats or more. Same for the farmer who grows crops and the ranchers who grow livestock. Scientists who along with the engineering team still wells for oil,water and gas are indispensable. The programmers coding AI are needed the peasants in Africa who barely make substance living not needed at all. How many middle managers are needed to call meetings to schedule more meetings getting in the way of actual productivity by engineers and scientists does society need hint it’s not a lot. My old department head used to accurately point out that everything of use and necessity on this planet is grown,mined or drilled for. He said if you didn’t grow it you mined it or drilled it, and to grow things you have to mine for fertilizers and drill for water. Smart man and also a Malthusian like most scientists are.

  • CAUGHT: Machines Stole Another Race in Colorado – Flipped Vote Totals from GOP Grassroots Favorite Lynda Wilson After Election Called and Gave Them to RINO Lundeen — BRAZEN FRAUD!

    07/26/2022 7:45:48 AM PDT · 27 of 185
    JD_UTDallas to TexasGurl24

    A very insightful post, thank you.

    The problem is most people in a political forum which is what this echo chamber really is are just as bad on both ends of the spectrum. Both ends barely take the time to read let alone comprehend what is posted with near zero actual background checks before they close their eyes, put their fingers in their ears and scream at the top of their lungs ORANGE MAN BAD! On one side and POOPY PANTS FAULT!! On the other both have identical lack of critical reasoning skills. Your post was spot on and very refreshing giving all the eyes closed screaming most days. Cheers mate.

  • With 57 monkeypox cases in Houston/Harris County region, local leaders push for more vaccine doses

    07/26/2022 7:34:00 AM PDT · 26 of 49
    JD_UTDallas to Red Badger

    I am gonna laugh my a$$ off when a bunch of rednecks start getting this and have to eat crow. All it takes is one handshake , or a sit down on a toilet seat after someone else used it. Unlike HIV virus which is not formite spread monkeypox absolutely is spread by formites up to days after contact with infected materials.

    Look at the viral loads of the soap dispenser, the toilet handle and the toilet seats. Those kinds of viral loading will certainly inoculate someone else but hey don’t let actual science get in the way of self soothing cuz look at me I’m not a fag. It’s replicating in that community now and has branched out already to women and children.

    For a good read look for the ten year-old who got it in Turkey his family of five went out of their way to be safe and one of their kids still got the bug. They vaccinated the rest immediately so it will never be known if the others were exposed the vaccine blocks symptoms if given before a person is symptomatic. Th at ten year-old was not buggering with anyone and his parents brought their own towels and linens to the hotel. So riddle me this bat man without direct contact with the gays and their own towels and linens how did the little chap get it? Daddy was not symptomatic and was with the family the whole time. The medical community’s take is he was exposed via a shared eating utensil such as a plate, cup ,or forks that were not properly sanitized. Think about that for a second given that saliva is loaded with pox virus. One crappy dishwasher and dozens could be exposed from a single person eating and turning their cup in. Have you ever watched a bar take used glasses dunk them once in the three sinks each then put them back in the rack for the next smuck. Yeah that triple dunk is not sterilizing those glasses in the least. When this bug gets a good foothold it will be like it’s nearly identical cousin smallpox nearly impossible to get rid of without a full on eradication effort just like it’s genetic DNA twin of smallpox. Scientists have warned since the 1980s that once smallpox was eradicated and the smallpox vaccine stopped being used monkeypox would take it’s place. This is how virus work in Wishing it away won’t work, ignoring it won’t work and it will keep growing exponentially like is currently is until real.scientific steps are taken to stop it. No amounts of qtard quackery will make it magically disappear it is past critical mass now and a global problem it’s on all 6 of 7 continents inhabited by humans.

    Here how about some real quantifiable data and sscience not internet BS and political belly aching. Comprehend it for those with the mental facilities to do so.

  • France to order air-conditioned shops to keep doors shut

    07/26/2022 1:38:33 AM PDT · 66 of 67
    JD_UTDallas to roadcat

    Please come to Texas specificity the Gulf Coast in August , then stay inside in a home built with no AC, if the 95F and 90% humidity with a heat index in the 130s doesn’t cause heat stroke then the 24 hours of sweating and bugs are there for your enjoyment while you try to sleep. I laugh at Yankees telling people in the South we don’t need AC that’s the same as people in the soI th saying Yankees don’t need heaters in the winter time when it’s below zero outside. Put a coat on no one needs a furnace what Fing morons. We have had life threatening heat here in North Texas for weeks on end now. 109F and 40% humidity heat indexes in the 120s I know of at least ten deaths so far in DFW mostly people who live outside as homeless a good friend of mine is a trauma nurse at Parkland the regional indigent hospital and trauma center.

  • Taps have run dry in Monterrey, Mexico, where there is water for factories but not for residents

  • Taps have run dry in Monterrey, Mexico, where there is water for factories but not for residents

    07/26/2022 1:08:39 AM PDT · 38 of 40
    JD_UTDallas to hardspunned

    I did a write up on another thread about tapping the Mississippi just south of the confluence of the Ohio River and the Mississippi River. It’s 5200 feet up hill from that point to Denver. You do not go over the continental divide you go through it with a 12.5 meter wide tunnel. TBMs have hit 17+ meters in diameter through hard rock 12.5 is standard practice now. From 5500’ straight through the heart of the continental divide to 5500’ in a river valley on the other side would be no longer than 20 miles in a number of places. A tunnel of that size would carry well over 3 million acre feet per year at a velocity of 1 meter per second which is perfectly doable with modern pumps. Once in a river valley on the other side of the continental divide gravity does the rest to get water to Lake Powell and Lake Mead. Pumping water up hill from the Mississippi River would need pumping stations every 100 miles or so running twin 15 meter wide pipes would let you send 8 million acre feet per year at 1 meter per second flow. Each of those pumping stations would need a offline receiving reservoir capable of holding 8 to 12 hours of flow which is not a huge amount even at 8 million acre feet per year. Ring dike lakes would be the way, ask the Dutch to come show you how to do it they have a thousand years of experience with exactly this.

    Every one of those lakes is also a distribution point for local water use from the confluence to Denver is just over 800 miles right through the heart of the bread basket of world and across and over the ogallala aquifer which is fossil water and in rapid decline you could refill that as well. The pumping power would be in the tens of gigawatt range. Ask the Koreans to build pad site multiple reactors of 3GW each. The Koreans can build reactors for $2500 per kw in installed capacity in under 60 month’s on time on budget then fuel them for less than a cent per kWh produced. Three such plants would power the pipeline 24/7/365.

    I think people need to remember that surface waters belong to the Fed’s cities nor States don’t “own” the water if the will is to send water to the Colorado basin then the States along the Mississippi have little say in where the water goes. It doesn’t matter every year Chicago dumps well over two million acre feet per year from the great Lakes water shed going down the Ohio River and the Mississippi River system when they reversed the Chicago River system in the early 1900s also every year season flooding and ice melting swells the Mississippi River this is a yearly occurrence there is more than enough even in the driest year to divert 8 to 10 million acre feet per year.

    The catchment areas above the confluence of the Ohio River and the Mississippi River covers half a continent there is simply no way an area if that size is all in drought in any given year. The USA could renig on our treaty with Canada and double or triple the flow of water down the Chicago River system the treaty allows for 3200 cubic feet per second to be taken from the great Lakes that’s 2.4 million acre feet per year. Doubling the flow to 6400 cubic feet per second is just under 5 million acre feet per year from just one source which happens to be the largest fresh water reserves in the planet in liquid form and the catchment basin a quarter continent big. Trillions of gallons of fresh water flows to the sea via the St Lawrence even taking 5 million acre feet per year is a drop in the bucket that’s only 180 cubic meters per second. The outflow over Niagara falls is 3103 cubic meters per second, read that one more time the outflow from the great Lakes at Niagara is 3103 cubic meters per second even taking 5+ million acre feet per year is only 180 cubic meters per second or 5.8% of th at flow a amount that would have little noticeable difference at the falls.

    The point is there is lots of water to be had all of it owned by the Fed’s not the states. The Ohio and the Missouri River both in a seasonal basis have tens of millions of acre feet in flood flows add in the outflow from the great Lakes even at the treaty amounts of 2.4 million acre feet per year and there is more than enough to send 10 ten million AF to the west. As for silting that’s something I know quite a bit about being a sedimentologist and a hydro-geologist desilting basins at the take point would be used to drop out the sediment load for two reasons one sediments are corrosive to pumps and two they are heavy adding mass to the water being pumped neither you want in a pipeline. The desilting basins would be hydro vacuumed every so often back into the main flow channel of the Mississippi River where the current would take them down stream as suspended load of the water flow velocity dropped too low for suspension they could be sluiced to a holding area until spring flood flows returned and the current velocity came back up. Another use would be for farmland topsoil replenishment or for brick making as the clays would separate from the sands readily in the race tracks of the desilting basins. Sands are of course valuable for concrete and glass works. All in all for less than the money we just gave Ukraine a 800 mile pipe could have been financed to solve the water issues in the west forever.

  • VIDEO: Cadillac Unveils Electric Car with Reported $300K Price Tag

    07/25/2022 7:51:09 PM PDT · 59 of 60
    JD_UTDallas to FreeReign

    I had a Tesla S 90D for more than a year on a lease. In bumper to bumper grid lock it would require 180 watt hours per mile I had seen down in the 150s at 70mph it would avg 200 to 250 a mile. Unlike ICE cars bumper to bumper grid lock is better for an EV they don’t idle and nearly every watt used to accelerate is recovered with regen braking. On average over a year 225 watts per mile was what my cumulative count was. That’s just over 4 miles per kWh. If you are still on 36 or 48 month contact from before Brandon’s folly Texas power is 8 cents kWh retail. That’s two cents per mile. A 30 mpg ICE car would need 60 cents per gallon gasoline to equal 2 cents per mile. Even at the local retail rates of 15 cents per kWh today that only 3.75 cents per mile at 30mpg gas would need to retail for $1.12 per gallon. Second law of thermodynamics machine vs first law machine. I know for some physics is hard but math is universal, ha I love that quote.

    Telsas are not meant to save money compared to smaller nonluxury vehicles. Tesla is a status symbol for the upper middle and upper classes. It just happens to cost a lot less to drive it per mile once you pay off the initial capital outlays. The resale value of a Telsa is crazy high so if you only keep it for a few years it works out to less than a grand a month in total costs of ownership even covering 2400 miles a month more than twice the average American driving distance per month. Again Telsa’s are not for middle class peoples never was meant to be.

    My next car will be a tri motor Tesla S with full self drive FSD. As of now a Tesla nearly drives itself on the highway. I plan on no lease this time I want to keep it. With the new 4th gen packs it will last for at least 500,000 miles with many 3rd gen packs already hitting 300+k miles in commercial service. It will be the last car I need to ever buy I have covered nearly 500,000 miles since I started driving many decades ago and will never come close to needing 400,000 more miles before I’m dust. The former Telsa CTO came out and said he expects the Gen 3 pack currently in service to have at least a 15 year calender lifespan and will only degrade by 20% or less in that time span. Real world data confirms and my personal experience with one also is inline with this my leased Telsa lost less than 1.3% in my nearly two years and just over 30,000 miles of use it had 18,000 on it when I got it and was a year n half old so when I turned it in it was 3 years old with 48K miles and had lost 1.8% of it’s capacity from new it’s rate of loss was slowing which is what typically happens it’s faster at first then plateaus out for a long slow drop. There are Tesla’s with 380k and only have losses in the 10-13% range a pack is considered in good service with anything less than 20% losses. With over 400 miles in a full pack that’s still 316 miles in a end of life full pack or put another way 8 days of 40 mile average commutes before it needs a charge.Most people myself included charged up via an AC 50amp dryer type outlet every day in an hour or so since it only takes 10kWh to cover 40 miles of driving per day. Most days for me are a lot less it’s only 11 miles to my fav pub round trip. A commute to Frisco the fortune 500 capital of America now beating out NYC in total company numbers as of this year would only be 25 miles round trip. not that I would ever work in corporate America again but if I did that’s the destination. Even from my bubble of an exurb no place is more than 30 miles one way in DFW heck Oklahoma is only 30 ish moles to the casinos. Even with a end of life pack 316 miles gets me all the way to San Antonio without stopping that’s 5 hours in the seat much longer than my bladder will go.

    Since there is virtually nowhere on an interstate that is further than 100 miles between superchargers you have a two to one margin of range charger to charger. Most SC are 50 miles or less apart a Model S will take on 200 miles of charge in 15min or less. Why 200 miles because that’s 3 hours in the seat and the limit of my bladder and leg stiffness before I want out for a leak and stretch. 15 min is ideal for a charge stop,leak, beer and snack.

  • Inflation is crippling rural America and may even drive people to the cities

    07/25/2022 7:02:08 PM PDT · 81 of 81
    JD_UTDallas to The Great RJ

    This is actually surprising given how much political pull ADM and Monsanto have. Cooperate farms take 2% of the farms and only 12% of the production the vast majority is medium and large family or privately owned farms. With annual revenues of $350,000 plus.

  • WEF: Time to get rid of food crops.

    07/25/2022 4:03:05 PM PDT · 54 of 54
    JD_UTDallas to bobbo666

    C4 and C3 plants don’t reach CO2 deficiency until atmospheric levels are under 150ppm. Every C4 grass evolved during a period between glaciations when CO2 was under 200 in the 180 range. What’s a C4 plant well every grass you eat is a C4. Those include rice,corn,barley,sorghum,oats,wheat,buckwheat,millet et al. The CAM plants are even for efficient they can tolerate CO2 down to the 120ppm levels cacti and agave are CAM photosynthetic plants. Before the Spaniards came to Mesoamerica agave was the dominate carbohydrate source for many a indigenous people. Agave is still the world’s most efficient and effective producer of biomass carbohydrates on earth even more than sugar cane also a C4 grass. No need to worry even if humans stopped burning all forms of geological carbon tonight it will take well over a millennium for the oceans to pull the atmospheric carbon dioxide into the deep waters in the form of bicarbonate and carbonates and longer still for those to deposited as limestones,dolomites,and calcarous ooze. There is no carbon cycle process that can take the present 400+ ppm under 150 ppm in time scales relevant to modern humans. The Romans lasted 2000+ years they could have witnessed the carbon cycle in action but our modern society will not last another 1000 so it’s moot. Sleep well and know that all that carbon in the atmosphere will be there long after you are dust your grand kids,kids,kids,kids,kids,kids, are dust. Bask in the carbon life giving warmth with confidence that it will be there long after Western society is in the dust bin of history.

  • Poised for Another Round of Retirements: Welcome to EPA's Good Neighbor Plan

    07/25/2022 2:03:32 PM PDT · 18 of 20
    JD_UTDallas to ProtectOurFreedom

    Congress passed the Clean Air Act it is USC codified law, with that the EPA has the charter and the authority to clean the air. The standards are set by best available technology for any given period of action items. Even with SCR on coal stacks they are still an order of magnitude dirtier than natural gas and infinitely dirtier than nuclear power with regards to air emissions for SCR those are NOx or the various all toxic nitrous oxides. Every one of them is toxic in some way with ppm levels being the ambient limits for humans to breathe. Coal if they cannot clean up to at least natural gas levels of emissions deserves to be shut down and left in the dust bin of history. This doesn’t even touch the heavy metals in the stacks, three of them being neurotoxins,(lead,mercury,vanadium) that coal plants even with particulate filters emit in large amounts. Plus a slew of other volatile organic particulates in the 2.5 micron or less size range the kind that get deep into human lungs and cause all kind of problems. Not just cancers, PM2.5 are small enough to cross the lungs to blood barrier and form the nucleus of blood clots as the body sees the foreign matter as hostile and attacks it with white blood cells and platelets. Pm2.5 is one of the leading causes of myocardial infarctions and strokes. Coal will never be clean , it can be cleaner but it will always pollute. The sooner humans move past it the better. Turning it into gas via a sealed gassifier is one way as the output is analytically scrubbed fuel gas into gas turbines who’s exhaust also go through SCR cats to get rid of NOx has no PM.5 matter in it as it was scrubbed to the submicron level before combustion in that turbine. Another way is to use a solid carbon fuel cell and feed it crushed micronized coal particles again since there is no direct combustion the only outputs are water,CO2 and spent carbonate salts that when reprocessed strips the ash out as a solid form not up in the air stacks as submicron sized particles.

  • Sen. Johnson Will Support Same Sex Marriage

    07/24/2022 2:26:03 AM PDT · 45 of 51
    JD_UTDallas to ConjunctionJunction

    “Marriage is not a federal issue. Leave it to the states”

    Article I full faith and credit clause would disagree as would the 14th amendment and the equal protection clause. Marriage is a legal contract between two citizens and the state. What may hold up is a state could refuse to make the legal contract between two citizens but it would have to honor a contract from another state. That is exactly what the full faith and credit clause is for. The argument that one state not issuing a contract while another does is a text book 14th amendment and the equal protection clause case. Federal supremacy clause applies if Congress passes a law codifying either of those issues. The privacy argument was always weak and frankly a cop out the USSC didn’t want to have to rule on a enumerated clause in the original constitution let alone on a subsequent amendment now they will have choice. The language is pretty clear even for 18th century English. It says citizen not man or woman the words used is citizen. Keep religion ALL religion out of government period the first amendment expressly prohibited the establishment of one or any religion in the US government period.

  • Trudeau pushes ahead on fertilizer reduction as provinces and farmers cry foul

    07/23/2022 4:43:52 PM PDT · 66 of 71
    JD_UTDallas to Steely Tom

    Nitrogen yes, nitrogen oxides you better hope not. NOx are deadly toxic one is one of the strongest acids known to man capable dissolving nearly every metal. The other is a smog chemical and will eat the lungs for lunch too. There is a reason cities have a NOx limit in the part per million range. The problem in Canada is once you put ammonia in fields the natural bacteria turn it into nitrates which plants need but also some of it is lost via another chemical pathway too various NOx chemicals all of which are harmful to humans directly, one forms acid rains, another forms smog and one is a high heat trapping gas in the upper atmosphere this is the hysteria in Canada they actually don’t care about the smog or the human lungs it’s “the planet” blah blah. There are ways to limit the NOx off gassing not using ammonia but urea instead for one, using liquid nitrogen based liquids like kelp extracts or fish emulsions really anything with protein aminos that are all nitrogen based proteins.

  • The World’s Largest Economies Are Ramping Up Coal Consumption

    07/23/2022 4:32:27 PM PDT · 33 of 34
    JD_UTDallas to Little Ray

    Nukes are the cheapest form of thermal energy on the planet. Even with reprocessing fuel costs are under one cent per kWh produced. The Koreans can build a reactor for $2500 per kw in installed capacity in under 60 month’s on time and on budget. They then can fuel that reactor for 7 tenths of a cent per kWh while only dumping 4% of the used fuel into the waste stream. At 7 tenths of a cent per kWh is equal to sub $4 bbl oil on a btu for btu basis.

    “2020, the annual average heat content of coal produced in the United States was about 19.845 million British thermal units (Btu) per short ton (2,000 pounds), “

    Coal at $90 a ton is $25.80 in oil bbls on a btu to btu basis. $200 ton is $57.35 bbl
    Compare that to $4 for uranium fuel costs for an equal amount of heat output. The math I did on another thread with references and PDF for down load from the source data for those interested.

  • Watch a wind turbine disintegrate in Texas after a lightning strike

    07/23/2022 4:15:49 PM PDT · 41 of 50
    JD_UTDallas to Lazamataz

    China beat you to it....wezz all dooommmed!

    “Three Gorges Dam crosses the Yangtze River in Hubei province, China. It is the world’s largest hydroelectric power station by total capacity, which will be 22,500 MW when completed. When the water level is at will flood a total area of 632 km2 of land. The reservoir will contain about 39.3 cubic km (9.43 cubic miles) of water. That water will weigh more than 39 trillion kilograms (42 billion tons).

    A shift in a mass of that size will impact the rotation of the Earth due to a phenomena known as “the moment of inertia”, which is the inertia of a rigid rotating body with respect to its rotation. The moment of inertia of an object about a given axis describes how difficult it is to change its angular motion about that axis. The longer the distance of a mass to its axis of rotation, the slower it will spin. You may not know it, but you see examples of this in everyday life. For example, a figure skater attempting to spin faster will draw her arms tight to her body, and thereby reduce her moment of inertia. Similarly, a diver attempting to somersault faster will bring his body into a tucked position.

    Raising 39 trillion kilograms of water 175 meters above sea level will increase the Earth’s moment of inertia, and thus slow its rotation. However, the impact will be extremely small. NASA scientists calculated the shift of such a mass will increase the length of day by only 0.06 microseconds, and make the Earth only very slightly more round in the middle and more flat on the top. It will also shift the pole position by about two centimeters (0.8 inch). Note that a shift in any object’s mass on the Earth relative to its axis of rotation will change its moment of inertia, although most shifts are too small to be measured (but they can be calculated).”

  • Watch a wind turbine disintegrate in Texas after a lightning strike

    07/23/2022 4:05:35 PM PDT · 38 of 50
    JD_UTDallas to JD_UTDallas

    Since most wont download the PDF I will pull out the important part this is Koreans in the 1990s the economics are better now.

    “All costs are expressed in constant dollars in the year of 1996.

    Table-2 shows the results of economic comparison of MFC with UFC. As shown in
    this table, levelized fuel cycle cost of MFC and UFC is 6.78 and 6.34 mills/kwh, respectively. Economic inferiority of MFC is mainly stemming from high reprocessing cost.
    Sensitivity analyses were carried out to see the effects of the change in some critical input parameters such as uranium price, reprocessing, and MOX fabrication costs on the levelized fuel cycle costs. According to the sensitivity analysis, if the uranium price rises over $335/kgU(=$129/lb U3O8), MFC is economically more competitive than UFC. On the other hand, if MOX fabrication costs and reprocessing costs each fall by 20%”

    The costs are 6.78 mills vs 6.34 mills per kWh. A mill is 1/1000 of a U.S. Dollar so tenths of cents.

    What this shows is that the once through fuel cycle fuel cost for the uranium plus enrichment plus fabrication are 6.34 tenths of a U.S. Cent per kWh vs 6.78 tenths of a cent. This is how cheap nuclear fuel is, by far the cheapest form of thermal energy on the planet. Mind you th at nuclear power is at best 33% efficient. There is 3412 BTU to kWh, at 33% efficient it takes a heat rate of 10,339.39 BTU/kWh that cost 6.34 tenths of a U.S. Cent in fuel costs. 1 barrel (42 gallons) of crude oil produced in the United States = 5,691,000 a cost of 6.34ths of a U.S. Cent for 10,400 btu worth of heat. 5.6E6/10339.39*0.00643=3.489 That’s equal to $3.489 per barrel of oil. Read that again, nuclear power is the cheapest form of thermal energy on the planet.

    In dollar terms it is $0.00634 vs $0.00678 or a 44 hundredths of a cent per kWh difference. To reprocess spent fuel vs dumping it. This is how much that turd Carter screwed us. We could eliminate the waste issue forever for a few HUNDREDTHS of a cent increase in fuel costs F that guy from now to all eternity.

  • Watch a wind turbine disintegrate in Texas after a lightning strike

    07/23/2022 3:38:47 PM PDT · 31 of 50
    JD_UTDallas to alloysteel

    Humans will never run out of uranium.

    Oh it gets better

    The cost to fuel a PWR is a very small part of the total cost of the energy sold depending on the country under 2% of total LCOE. we could double the cost of uranium and it wouldn’t add 5% to the total cost. Doubling the cost allows for two paths one is the reprocessing route that the French , Russians,Koreans and Chinese all chose. The other is to use seawater based uranium and just deep bore hole the whole waste stream in mile plus deep dry Granite. The Koreans already have costs of reprocessing down to within a few fractions of a cents per kWh. The benefit for reprocessing is the waste stream is only the 4% of spent fuel that actually is wastes the other 96% is still valuable fuel it should be a crime to throw that away but Jimmy the fool Carter cost the USA our leadership position in reprocessing we invested the dang process after all.

  • House Democrats’ ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Prohibits Semiautomatic Pistols Too

    07/23/2022 3:27:20 PM PDT · 35 of 84
    JD_UTDallas to Lazamataz

    Backstrap of chubby liberal femanazi being vegan and organic has got to be good eats. Long pork on the smoker anyone? I’m guessing soyboy also organic and vegan would be an acceptable second. If the world goes all madmax I’m not going hungry ha.