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Posts by Jason_b

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  • Anyone Watching This Anti-Gun Crap on 20/20?

    04/10/2009 8:45:11 PM PDT · 28 of 33
    Jason_b to FortWorthPatriot

    Yes I watched that CRAP most attentively because it tells me what’s coming down the road. I already went over to youtube to rant but it’s a little early.

    I looked over at my wife five minutes into the show and said, get ready, they are going to do it.

    It was the most nauseating and transparent display of propaganda masquerading as “news” I’ve ever seen. We need the fairness doctrine for what?

    At least two people having lost someone close to them were trotted out and offered a chance to speak to the president, a split screen, Obama’s picture on the right, the person’s picture on the left, and the statement, Mr. President when are you going to help us...close gunshow loophole, make people lock up their guns, etc. etc.

    Well of course, the Great One will hear the calls for help and come to the rescue with oppressive federal laws regarding privately owned firearms by those living in the states. Good bye America. Hello Australia.

    There was a time when the elders of the community were considered the wise ones but I notice under the liberal plutracracy small children are asked by adults to advise on how laws should be written. And they are serious!?!?

    Shown on the program was a ghetto in Florida, don’t remember the name of the place, filled with the most immature childlike undisciplined people who just happen to have more in common with the President’s racial heritage than mine (anglo) if you know what I mean. These people shoot guns in the air for fun one minute, have deadly gunfights the next, it looks like the middle east when the Arabs get themselves whipped up into a frenzy. This is presented to us as why I should not have a gun? You liberals deliberately raise the n’th generation of welfare dependents with no family, no culture, no religion, no idea of what work is, no morals, no discipline, no brains, no education, they get hold of guns and go wild with them, and a little boy asking Obama to please help is supposed to solve their problem by imposing firearms restrictions on all of us. It’s coming, get ready.

    I’m still mad about that scene. Those on welfare aren’t really free because of the welfare mentality. But they are free because they aren’t chattel slaves any more. And this is what they do with their freedom. Act like a bunch of animals. And then their disgrace is presented as evidence as why responsible gun owners cannot have guns. The back middle class uses guns responsibly, why not show that? Because it doesn’t move the agenda along.

    There was video footage of young kids getting their hands on guns and doing stuff that makes you cringe. The examples were all contrived. Yet this example will be used to excuse passage of more senseless gun laws.

    Nothing was mentioned about Australia. How after their gun confsication crime of all sorts went up.

    No mention was made about how we will get our criminals to obey supposedly the same laws that the law abiding will be expected to obey when ordered to either lock the guns away so they cannot be accessed in an emergency, or to turn them in at the confiscation depot.

    But that doesn’t matter. Because it’s not about making sense. All it is about is political power. And the way to enhance the power of government relative to the people is to cripple the people’s ability to defend themselves. This must be done whether it makes sense or not.

    Of course don’t forget that if you cite the Constitution, and I hope you don’t forget to cite your own State’s statues and bills of right to keep and bear arms, and cite the common and natural laws that entitle an individual to the means of self defense, you will probably be classified as a milita member, therefore a home grown terrorist like McVeigh. You’ll be seen as one of them strange fellas that carry around a copy of the Constitushun (sic) and Declaration of Indepencence. Police are already receiving training how to deal with you all.

    So there you go. That was 20/20.

    Going to turn in. Good night.

  • Mike Huckabee’s Vertical Politics

  • Iraq war source's name revealed ( CurveBall named)

    11/05/2007 5:01:36 PM PST · 20 of 20
    Jason_b to Ernest_at_the_Beach

    I don’t know what’s wrong with the CIA analysts, I saw the aerial photo of the supposed plant-the buldings around which trucks were supposed to be driving to get in the end of one building and exit the opposite end. There was a wall that everyone was concerned might block the trucks, but why didn’t anyone notice that there were no tracks? Trucks driving around would have worn a path that would have been visible, they leak oil slowly over time that mixes with the dirt and discolors it. No one looked at the picture and thought no-track means no trucks. Like they said, we were going to war anyway. But this episode makes the CIA look like a bunch of dunces. Is there ever any evidence to the contrary? And if our leadership is that determined to invade, why not just say we are doing it because we are unhappy with the current regime and we believe changing it is the right thing to do? Why insist on citing junk intelligence that is only going to be an embarassment later? Because by that time, after you look stupid, it is too late to make appeals to moral authority.

  • World Bank Lending Iran $900 Million

    11/05/2007 2:11:03 PM PST · 23 of 39
    Jason_b to meyer
    The ultimate subprime loan. I wonder who will get stuck with the CDOs this one will be packaged as. If a $14,000 year farmer can borrow $700,000 for a mcmansion why can't nations do the same with a few zeros added to the end?

    Seriously, I wonder if any real money is coming from the US or anywhere else. Does anyone really believe they are borrowing cash? When I bought my house I never saw the money I was borrowing, it was just numbers in a computer. With fractional reserve at work here the bankers create the money i.e. credits the computer keeps track of. Maybe a small amount of it represented someone else's deposits, and then there was my down payment, but the rest came from nowhere and was just a number the bank said I owed back to the system and I agreed to pay, with interest. No cash was ever in play and I suspect no cash will be in play here with IRAN either. Even the cash represents debt! It's all now just a matter of who you let play the game and today pretty much anyone can play no matter how skanky they are. If they do well they might spend the money with US firms enriching us, and still be able with oil profits to pay the "loan" back with interest. If they default, the banks making the loan will be bailed out with an SIV or something like it using OPM (other people's money). The world runs on credit.

  • I-69 route gains funds with federal recognition

    10/16/2007 6:33:43 AM PDT · 24 of 24
    Jason_b to ncdave4life

    Thanks for that. I’m at work but will review it closely later.

  • Bipolar Disorder in Children: Over or Under Diagnosed?

    10/07/2007 2:55:27 PM PDT · 7 of 30
    Jason_b to mtbopfuyn

    The kids are angry. Bipolar disorder is a diversion. So, junior has bipolar, the problem is at his end, so mom and dad don’t have to admit that the problem is at their end with the fighting, the divorce, the neglect, or worse. The kids are angry.

  • McDonald's must pay $6 million for strip hoax

    10/07/2007 7:45:21 AM PDT · 96 of 110
    Jason_b to Is2C
    I didn't see in the article where you got that latter information the manager was awarded money? The assistant manager was placed on probation.

    Does the bank robber analogy really work? They usually come in with guns and are in a hurry to leave with money. These people didn't have guns.

    My wife and I have talked about it, she doesn't open the door for anyone when I'm not home, and when I am home, I am within reach of firearms.

    As I said, I don't have kids. But if I did, I've known long before this incident came up, that I'd brief the child before going out, this is a sick world, if anything seems wrong, you call me, call the police, if you can't call you ask someone else to call, scream fire, pull the fire alarm. And we would study this incident to learn that you don't take anyone's word over the phone that they are police.

  • Paul Won't Condemn Obama on Flag Pin

  • Paul Won't Condemn Obama on Flag Pin

    10/05/2007 4:32:37 PM PDT · 44 of 75
    Jason_b to fish hawk

    Why would you say such an ignorant dumbass thing? Libertarians are not anarchists nor are they libertines. Libertarians are for the rule of law, and liberty means having the freedom to undertake things that are good and right-—not doing whatever you want. Why the big chip on your shoulder?

  • McDonald's must pay $6 million for strip hoax

    10/05/2007 4:19:57 PM PDT · 13 of 110
    Jason_b to hodaka
    "It is also sickening that McDonald’s defense was that the victim was also to blame because she should have known it was a hoax."

    1/2 agree but what the victim should have known, hoax or not---she should have known better!

    This is a testament to how we raise our kids. Mom and dad working, busy with whatever, kids in front of the TV, video games, ipod, brain turned off to a throbbing house music beat. No life skills are learned today by American kids. If they were, the kids would say, upon being asked to strip, wait, let's call the police now, I want a marked cruiser outside and a policeman with a badge here now. While we're at it, let's call my parents. They can call our family attorney. OK? That's before I take off one stitch of clothes. I don't have kids but if I did they'd know when to say that.

  • Senate to consider ratification of U.N. Law of the Sea Treaty

    09/27/2007 12:07:54 PM PDT · 11 of 27
    Jason_b to Ramius
  • Misery may be just beginning, warns IMF

  • (Video) A Sermon From Huckabee On Faith and the Constitution

    09/24/2007 12:25:44 PM PDT · 6 of 9
    Jason_b to maine-iac7
    "The Constitution does not legally allow for decisions that can be made about our daily lives - on a state level = to be decided for us by Big Brother in Washington."

    Depends. Depends on which of two citizenship possibilities is dominant.

    ""Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right,"

    So true. I love those words too. But for those words to be true for us, each individual must relearn how to be state citizens and get by without being US citizens except in the limited sense of 40 Cal 311.

    For more details please see my tagline and follow it. If you think I'm nuts then tell me but I don't think I am.

  • 'The Spirit of Liberty'Before attacking the Patriot Act, try reading it. (MICHAEL B. MUKASEY)

    09/23/2007 5:46:01 PM PDT · 3 of 3
    Jason_b to ventanax5
  • Drive, she said

    09/18/2007 4:32:06 PM PDT · 6 of 9
    Jason_b to SampleMan

    Lowered gaze? Islam means submission.

  • Ron Paul: Utah turnout wows candidate

    09/17/2007 1:40:56 PM PDT · 67 of 69
    Jason_b to svcw
    No! I am not comparing Paul to Washington. But Washington and his peers were learned men who gave us good advice on how to run the country. For a long time no one is willing to follow that adivce. Paul thinks we ought to follow their advice, and I agree.

    "...we need to be concerned for a strong defense."

    I agree but that would have to include sealing the border against those who would turn the Southwest US into Aztlan, la raza and their ilk. That we aren't tells me something strange is going on.

    "Its statements like that make RP supporters seem nuts (to put it bluntly)."

    OK that was pretty mild. But that added to all the other invocations of nuts by many others, and I thought I should address the name calling. I was addressing you only partially but expecting others who name call a bit too much to see that too.

    We just won't agree on the Paul attitude to 911. No need to push it further.

    Thanks for the good exchange.

  • Ron Paul: Utah turnout wows candidate

    09/16/2007 9:13:39 AM PDT · 35 of 69
    Jason_b to svcw
    "It appears there can be no conversation about his policies..."

      Whose fault is that? When the RINO element started right off in the beginning with the ad hominems, that killed any hope for reasoned rational conversation right there and then.

      Why do you feel the need to bring out the nut perjurative and use it against those with whom you disagree? You must know that it makes you look immature, and that it isn't going to make one of us change his mind. Call me a nut enough times and that tells me you don't want to talk. I'm going to walk away rather than let you insult me endlessly. If you really want to talk then grow up and learn to talk about the issues without tossing insults. I don't call you a nut for not agreeing with my view of things. I simply know and accept that you don't agree. At worst, I'll tell you that you are wrong and I'll try to tell you why. When you call me a nut, you don't have to tell me why I'm a nut and you get out of having to tell me why I'm wrong. That's not a conversation, it's a waste of time.

    "I can not support a man who has such disregard for a stern/forceful forgein policy."

      Then you wouldn't have supported G. Washington or a principle he held. Paul is only saying what Washington said, have commerce with other nations, otherwise stay out of their internal affairs and avoid entangling alliances. If you can't agree with that then we will just have to be resigned to permanent disagreement on that point.

    "I can not support a candidate that does not support Israel."

      Well then don't. It's just as simple as that. Paul is a constitutionalist and I will support him for that reason. He would attempt to find the clause in the Constitution that authorizes Congress to support our favorite pet foreign nations and directs the President to do so. He would not find it because it isn't there. Perhaps Congress could pass a constitutional amendment for supporting Israel. Otherwise we are exercising arbitrary government and arbitrary government is what we wished to get away from in 1776.

    "I can not support a candidate who blames US for 9/11."

      We have corrected this error before and we can go on correcting it as many times as we need to until those of you who are slow to get the news get informed. Paul never blamed US for 9/11.

      Paul is citing, and quoting, CIA analysis (and the 911 commission) which concludes that certain foreign policies of certain factions that have control of the US government lead to increased radicalization and militization of peoples elsewhere who then go on to carry out terror attacks against us and our interests around the world. If you don't like what these conclusions suggest, you should take it up with the CIA, not Paul.

      Paul is committing no crime by citing this CIA analysis. Yet people like you hear it the way you want to hear it and then you spread the disinformation that Paul thought the idea up all on his own to blame the entire US and everybody living here. That's just wrong.

  • The Formation of the Constitution

    09/15/2007 10:24:40 AM PDT · 5 of 12
    Jason_b to traviskicks
    You are not wrong.

    "Each state governed itself through elected representatives, and the state representatives in turn elected a weak national government."

    And do we really like things better the way they are now?

  • I-69 route gains funds with federal recognition

    09/14/2007 5:57:25 AM PDT · 17 of 24
    Jason_b to Ben Ficklin
    That's what I thought. But just because someone has a conspiracy theory doesn't mean they want it to be true. If and when Corsi realizes the theory had no basis in fact, I'd expect him to be relieved and find something else to occupy his time.

    I use a medical analogy. I find a lump on my arm. Fears of cancer flood my thoughts, I do research, I talk to friends. This is the mode of thinking the conspiracy theorist has, to have seen a sign and to warn. This is all Corsi or any conspiracy theorist does. Doesn't mean I want cancer. I go to the doctor and get a biopsy. It turns out to be a cyst that is easily removed. I'm glad it wasn't cancer. I am not disappointed my conspiracy theory turned out to be nothing.

    Does this crude analogy work?

  • I-69 route gains funds with federal recognition

    09/13/2007 6:55:02 PM PDT · 9 of 24
    Jason_b to Ben Ficklin

    Why do you say poor Corsi? Are you referring to Jerome Corsi?