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Posts by IJCR2

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  • "Unlike the American troops, we look the Iraqis in the eye"

    05/04/2003 6:11:59 PM PDT · 122 of 523
    IJCR2 to yarddog
    From the Chesapeake Campaign web site.

    An American officer under command of Joseph Willcocks, Lieutenant Abraham Markle burned the villages between Turkey Point and Port Dover. Outraged by these actions, Governor-General George Prevost informed the newly appointed commander of the North American Naval station, Vice-Admiral Alexander Cochrane that he would like to 'discourage any further atrocities'.

    Major-General Robert Ross was an officer detached from Wellington's Army sent to America. With him he brought the 4th, 44th and 85th Regiments of Foot. Ross landed at Bermuda and was joined by the 21st Foot and two others now numbering forty five hundred men. The whole force was commanded by Vice-admiral Cochrane.

    The Admiral was so happy to be chosen to carry out this particular mission wrote to the American Secretary of War, James Monroe: "Having been called upon by the Governor-General of the Canadas to aid him in carrying into effect measures of retribution against the inhabitants of the United States for the wanton destruction committed by their army in Upper Canada, it has become my duty, conformable with the nature of the Governor-General's application, to issue to the naval force under my command an order to destroy and lay waste to such towns and districts as you may find assailable..."

    On August 3rd 1814, Cochrane sent Rear-Admiral George Cockburn's fleet sailed to Chesapeake Bay with their cargo of Ross' army. On the 15th the fleet reached the Bay and on the 17th sent troops ashore at Benedict, Maryland. When all the army of redcoats was arrived the town was vacant. The plan was to march to Washington and burn it to the ground.

    The little army of four thousand troops formed up into three brigades and started the march onto Washington. The heat was so intense that almost fifty men collapsed, and fell to the side of the road. Ross was about to turn the army around but Cockburn and told the men to keep going.

    At 2:00 AM on the 20th, a messenger woke the two commanders giving them a message from Cochrane, telling them to retire. Cockburn finally convinced his staff to press on.

    The column came to the fork at Long Old Fields. One way was direct and led straight to the capital, the other took a circular path. Ross decided to take the straight road but reversed the formation and started again, but he would have to pass through Bladensburg.

    The town was vacant when the British arrived, the bridges were foolishly still left but beyond the militia was formed up.

    President Madison had told his wife, Dolley Madison to leave the mansion at any time. Madison then rode up to survey the chances of success which were very slim. The British crossed the bridge leading to the American positions. Several officers fell in a volley of muskets but the British kept coming.

    The first brigade to cross under Colonel William Thornton, did not not halt to let the other brigades to keep up. The light troops fired a couple Congrieve Rockets. the militia fled from the field. The British officers called the battle the 'Bladensburg Races'.

    The reserve was crushed opening Washington to the British. Mrs. Madison now joined the many people trying to leave the city.

    The two commanders arrived in the city at the head of the army. Sniper fire killed the horse that Ross was riding on. What's funny is that the house which the shot came from was Albert Gallatin's (a peace delegate in Ghent). Ross ordered the light companies of the 21st to destroy the building with Congrieve Rockets.

    The British wasted no time in torching Washington. It was hard to fire because the lower sections of the houses were made of stone. The House of Representatives was burned with furniture piled to the roof. The heat was so hot that some marble turned to lime. Next came the Treasury Building and right after the Presidential Mansion. In there Cockburn discovered a table for forty persons for a celebration of defeating the British. Cockburn toasted the Prince Regent and helped pile furniture in the oval office.

    Some buildings were not torched. One instance some women thought their houses would catch fire from the flames from a neighboring building.

    Joseph Gales, the author of an anti-British paper, the National Intelligence, wrote about the burning: "Greater respect was certainly paid to private property than has usually been exhibited by the enemy in his marauding parties. No houses were half as much plundered by the enemy as by the knavish wretches of the town who profited by the general distress.

    On the 26th of August, Ross embarked his troops and sailed to Baltimore. Here they bombarded Fort McHenry but were held up by better resistance. Ross was one of the casualties. The 28th the force returned ton Halifax.

    NOTE: Congrieve Rockets were not accurate at all but the reason the American militia broke was because they had never seen them before.

    NOTE: The 'White House' used to be pink before the British burned it. After the burning the Americans white washed it to hide the burn marks on the bricks.
  • Scourge of the Ritalin pushers

    05/04/2003 11:14:23 AM PDT · 1 of 6
    Bread and circuses.
  • Hillary Clinton Attacks Bush, Sells Book

    05/04/2003 9:00:43 AM PDT · 15 of 133
    IJCR2 to TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!

    Herbert Hoover, Speech at New York City (1932

    I may say at once that the changes proposed from all these Democratic principals and allies are of the most profound and penetrating character. If they are brought about this will not be the America which we have known in the past.

    Let us pause for a moment and examine the American system of government, of social and economic life, which it is now proposed that we should alter. Our system is the product of our race and of our experience in building a nation to heights unparalleled in the whole history of the world. It is a system peculiar to the American people. It differs essentially from all others in the world. It is an American system.

    It is founded on the conception that only through ordered liberty, through freedom to the individual, and equal opportunity to the individual will his initiative and enterprise be summoned to spur the march of national progress.

    It is by the maintenance of equality of opportunity and therefore of a society absolutely fluid in the movement of its human particles that our individualism departs from the individualism of Europe. We resent class distinction because there can be no rise for the individual through the frozen strata of classes, and no stratification of classes can take place in a mass livened by the free rise of its particles. Thus in our ideals the able and ambitious are able to rise constantly from the bottom to leadership in the community. And we denounce any intent to stir class feeling and class antagonisms in the United States.

    This freedom of the individual creates of itself the necessity and the cheerful willingness of men to act cooperatively in a thousand ways and for every purpose as the occasion requires; and it permits such voluntary cooperations to be dissolved as soon as they have served their purpose, and to be replaced by new voluntary associations for new purposes.

    There has thus grown within us, to gigantic importance, a new conception. And that is, this voluntary cooperation within the community. Cooperation to perfect the social organization; cooperation for the care of those in distress; cooperation for the advancement of knowledge, of scientific research, of education; cooperative action in a thousand directions for the advancement of economic life. This is self-government by the people outside of government; it is the most powerful development of individual freedom and equal opportunity that has taken place in the century and a half since our fundamental institutions were founded. . . .

    We have heard a great deal in this campaign about reactionaries, conservatives, progressives, liberals and radicals. I think I belong to every group. I have not yet heard an attempt by any one of the orators who mouth these phrases to define the principles upon which they base these classifications. There is one thing I can say without any question of doubt-that is, that the spirit of liberalism is to create free men; it is not the regimentation of men under government. It is not the extension of bureaucracy. I have said in this city before now that you cannot extend the mastery of government over the daily life of a people without somewhere making it master of people's souls and thoughts. Expansion of government in business means that the government in order to protect itself from the political consequences of its errors or even its successes is driven irresistibly without peace to greater and greater control of the nation's press and platform. Free speech does not live many hours after free industry and free commerce die. It is a false liberalism that interprets itself into government operation of business. Every step in that direction poisons the very roots of liberalism. It poisons political equality, free speech, free press and equality of opportunity. It is the road not to liberty, but to less liberty.

    True liberalism is found not in striving to spread bureaucracy, but in striving to set bounds to it. It is found in an endeavor to extend cooperation between free men. True liberalism seeks all legitimate freedom first in the confident belief that without such freedom the pursuit of other blessings is in vain. Liberalism is a force truly of the spirit proceeding from the deep realization that economic freedom cannot be sacrificed if political freedom is to be preserved.

    Even if the government conduct of business could give us the maximum of efficiency instead of least efficiency, it would be purchased at the cost of freedom. It would increase rather than decrease abuse and corruption, stifle initiative and invention, undermine development of leadership, cripple mental and spiritual energies of our people, extinguish equality of opportunity, and dry up the spirit of liberty and progress. Men who are going about this country announcing that they are liberals because of their promises to extend the government in business are not liberals; they are reactionaries of the United States.

    This is why Democrats hate Hoover, and if America had elected him the Great Depression would have only lasted 2 yrs.
  • Fox and Friends HILARIOUS!! WOW!!!

    05/01/2003 6:15:23 AM PDT · 49 of 89
    IJCR2 to ml/nj
    The other morning shows are bastions of journalism and feature such informative snippets like cooking the books with Martha Stewart.
  • Why French women are better off

    04/30/2003 9:54:34 PM PDT · 18 of 32
    IJCR2 to the Real fifi
    With a Muslim population of nearly 10% the French also have cope with a staggeringly low rate of birth among the general population. Rembering that two kids is not an increase but a balance.

    If your neighbor has five kids and they have five kids pretty soon you will be in the minority.
  • The Most-Silent Crime

    04/29/2003 9:58:17 AM PDT · 18 of 66
    IJCR2 to bassmaner
    What five or six consenting convicts do in the privacy of their cells is of no concern to the government.

    04/28/2003 11:25:38 AM PDT · 26 of 29
    IJCR2 to
    Excuse me! The guy is a JERK! We were 25 miles South of Baghdad in 1991 before this icon of affirmitive action capitulated.

    The State Dept is a holy mess, Head of stations are not working with CIA residents because the CIA do not trust them.

    Policy is a clusterf**k, insignificant second and third chairs are apologizing in country for US behavior. Wild, dewy eyed state employees are pleading for the UN to step in.

    There are no plans to change and improve the state dept.No future vision, no drive to change international relationships, no speaking with authority,and no use of our current political clout.

    The man is inept and a bungler, however, I watched a movie over the weekend where the townspeople were going to lynch
    a white guy for a murder, when the lone African American
    stepped forward and confessed. Silence ensued. Go figure.
  • A warning without warning

    04/27/2003 7:50:30 AM PDT · 13 of 21
    IJCR2 to Clive
    The Canadian people can take solace in their wonderfully cheap gun registration program that has yet to work.
  • The King of Cuba (GALLOWAY!)

    04/26/2003 7:24:50 PM PDT · 31 of 47
    IJCR2 to Tribune7
    Brilliant point! Has any one else noticed that all these relevations are coming from the UK only?

    How much have the CIA and Military Intel. on US politicians?
  • 'New Yorkers should be able to choose how they go to hell'

    04/26/2003 7:13:07 PM PDT · 32 of 76
    IJCR2 to Zon
    What do the smoke police look like?

    Do they have a special uniform?

    Do they have a special badge?

    Have they the right to arrest?

    Have they the right to search and seizure?

    Are they armed?

    Do they require a warrant?

    If they are just code enforcement then they must conform to the rules applicable to the duties of a NYC Code enforcement agent.
  • Make public universities public

    04/25/2003 1:22:33 PM PDT · 84 of 111
    IJCR2 to NittanyLion
    Grade inflation, mediocre student input, wymens studies, diversity,liberal arts degrees, liberal arts mathematics,
    plagarism,social studies, cheating on a cell phone, ... of course it is earned.

    An abject moron can recieve a degree nowdays. Elitism, how wonderful to be special. I am sure that you and your ilk will think of something different to define your status.

    It is sad to think that your faith in your fellow Americans is limited to a piece of parchment you display on your wall.
  • Hate crime probe at UCLA after Muslim prayer mats defiled

    04/25/2003 12:54:08 PM PDT · 42 of 92
    IJCR2 to Paul Atreides
    Great tasty sausages.
  • Make public universities public

    04/25/2003 12:38:36 PM PDT · 64 of 111
    IJCR2 to shawne
    Elitism in full flow. How arrogant and shameful of every poster that believes a college degree is earned. It is an example of the same mindset that elevates an ivy league degree over a state college degree.

    Some people feel that a college degree has been a rite of passage, a ticket to work and earn mucho dinero, whereas
    the truth is it is a system designed to KEEP youth out of the workforce for 4 yrs.

    Having a college degree does not mean you are capable of a single valid individual thought. If you believe in the American people's abilities and determination to succeed.

    Then open the doors to free speech, thought, ideas and processes.
  • How Saddam tried to cover up Galloway's links with regime

    04/23/2003 6:03:04 PM PDT · 27 of 39
    IJCR2 to MadIvan
    And arson in Her Majesty's not know why they
    left that one on the books.

    04/22/2003 11:03:10 AM PDT · 18 of 509
    IJCR2 to sheltonmac
    Check your phone and utility bills.