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Posts by hujan

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  • Democrat-Obamacare

    08/19/2013 9:08:16 PM PDT · 1 of 10
  • Democrat-Obamacare

    08/19/2013 9:04:56 PM PDT · 1 of 10
  • Hillary Clinton Returns Wal-Mart Cash

    02/07/2006 3:18:13 PM PST · 77 of 77
    hujan to Indy Pendance

    Corruption and influence peddling by the Bush administration? Well, an old timer like Hillary, who's been around doing it long enough, ought to know all about it if anyone does. She is an expert on the subject and could teach the next Democrat school training course on it.

    One wonders where Hillary obtained the experience, business insight and acumen that would make her capable of sitting on Wal-Mart's board of directors and be an effective director. The answer is she didn't have any, unless her Whitewater experience counts for a lot.

    Obviously, most companies welcome having politicians on its side (read back pocket) or having a high amount of influence with particular ones. It made perfect sense in Arkansas for Wal-Mart to grease the greedy politicians---in this case for the Clintons, a marriage made in heaven for them---among the oldest political boondoggling and corruption tricks. They fell in love with each other, so to speak---the money provider and money sucker(s). The Clintons, being agressively greedy, were willing to get in bed with the Waltons, reportedly becoming their "good friends." Undoubtedly Hillary was paid as a director, which is normal. Clearly, putting the wife of a governor, or an attorney general, on the board of a company located in the same state is blatant.

    Today, knowing Hillary's socialist/communist bent, one can see that she was obviously a "sit down and shut up" type of director who, if she made any suggestion, must have been quickly recognized for who she was, not for her brilliant inputs. I rather imagine they humored her a lot, laughed a lot at her naivete (read idiocy) and just enjoyed the "influence."

    Her cattle futures debacle was another form of corruption. I don't know why Hillary was set up in the cattle futures rigging that belched up around $100,000 to her, but the kind of trades that were made screwed other traders out of whatever she made. Usually, there is a quid pro quo situation going on, bet on it.

    Bottom line: When Hillary talks about the most corrupt administration in U.S. History, she sure knows all about it, but she need to look in a mirror to find out where the most corruption has occurred.

  • U.S. asks citizens to leave Saudi Arabia

    05/13/2003 4:55:31 PM PDT · 21 of 45
    hujan to flamefront
    Brace yourselves, guys, for more than just people from Saudi Arabia returning to the USA. If one part of the proposed tax cut legislation goes through, there will be thousands, perhaps millions, of Americans coming back from overseas to find work here in the USA.

    Sen. Breaux objects to eliminating the tax exemption for overseas workers as proposed in GOP legislation.

    The bright idea of eliminating overseas worker tax exemptions was tried back in Carter's years. After a couple of years in force, it was found that huge numbers of overseas Americans had left their overseas homes and jobs adversely impacting product exports overseas, U.S. trade balance and dollar valuation vis-a-vis other currencies. The tax elimination was rescinded, but the damage was already done.

    So, if the U.S. gets back the relatively small numbers of Americans from Saudi Arabia added to the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans now working overseas, you'll see a huge, huge increase in unemployment by election time plus the US$ will drop to a third-world country low value creating havoc with Asian trading partners and others, plus impacting our trade deficit.

    In short Momentous Maalox Moments could be in store for us if all the Yanks start coming back, irrespective of whether or not it is to escape terrorists and/or just to bail out of overseas jobs due to tax legislation.
  • President Bush Leads By Wide Margins in New Jersey

    05/13/2003 4:16:09 PM PDT · 79 of 89
    hujan to republicanwizard
    CNBC did a Monday morning (yesterday) poll asking the question: When would you like to see Hillary run for President?

    2004, 2008 or Never

    74% of the responders voted "NEVER," the remaining 26% were nearly evenly split between 2004 and 2008 (14% and 12%).

    Joe Kernen announced that over 10,000 people responded to the poll, the greatest number in the history of their daily poll---way more than the former highest number.
  • More Moore on Disney's boards

    05/13/2003 3:52:51 PM PDT · 15 of 22
    hujan to McGruff
    I think we ought to welcome Moore's and Disney's "documentary." It will be nice to see the likes of Moore (and Disney) go down the tube by their own hand.

    When I think of Moore doing a "documentary" on the Bushes, I mentally see a comic picture of Moore well down inside a toilet bowl with his hand pushing down on the handle.

    With any luck, as they both spiral down the flushed tube, they'll get more crap dumped on their heads from massive numbers of fiercely indignant Americans. I can hardly wait. It will back-up and overflow. It will be a glorious sight to behold. ROTFLMAO.

    Finally, average Americans at last will be able to see the disinformative, mean-spirited, pro-communist, pro-socialist, baby-killing gutter-waders for the kind of people they really are.

    Any so-called "documentary" on Pres. Bush made by Moore that makes it to the screens next year will only be seen as election year political slime. Moore takes a back seat to no one in that regard. He does slime better than anyone I know of.

    Perhaps through Moore's and Disney's efforts, they will help seal the political fate of the ilk they have supported for a long, long time....hammering the last nails in their coffins.
  • HELL HATH NO FURY (Hillary Clinton: The Puppet Master)

    04/08/2003 9:17:11 PM PDT · 28 of 39
    hujan to JudgeAmint
    For those on the left: Since they must like Saddam Hussein being President of Iraq, they'll really love having Hillary as permanent President of the USA.

    Hillary will need some new palaces, new torture chambers and some of those German-designed, reinforced concrete bunkers buried several hundred feet in the ground plus lots of tunnels. Plus, we can't forget the billions she'll be able to stash away in Switzerland, or somewhere else. Wow!

    Hard telling what kind of fantasies must be running through her mind.
  • When This is Over- What for Canada?

    03/25/2003 5:14:12 PM PST · 8 of 8
    hujan to adamyoshida
    The USA has had a gigantic eye-opener the past few months with what the USA thought were its so-called "allies." France, Germany, Canada, Mexico and Turkey all have been the great disappointments, Canada being the most glaring although not the most discussed.

    To be treated by these others, as we have been, is similar to finding out your best friend has been talking behind your back, or disloyally working against you or watching you get "rabbit-punched" and revel in your in pain.

    OK, so the USA is the current 600-pound gorilla in the cage full of monkeys at this time in the history of the world. Naturally, this causes all kinds of envy and, perhaps, some individual Americans are disliked because they may be overbearing or loud in mixed company. However, all countries have their share of dorks.

    But, what's happened here goes way beyond simple jealousy, it seems to be almost a type of get-even-with-'em-itis...with a few buttheads in governments playing a dangerous game with the lives and livelihood of the millions of citizens whose best interests they purport to represent. It was done at a level of affairs where the impact can be far-reaching for an entire nation, not between just a few people.

    On balance the citizens of all the countries mentioned above get along well with each other on a non-governmental level (personally, I've swapped visits, stories and drinks with quite a few Canadians, Mexicans, Germans, French and Turks at one time or another and we've all enjoyed our association).

    The reason the USA got to grow to be a 600-pound gorilla can be directly traced to our constitutional roots. It expresses the ideals that appear to be the best attempt yet to create, or rationalize, what kind of relationship should exist between government and the human being (hint: more personal freedom, less goverment). It's worked like compound interest and has taken us from our beginnings as as nation to where we are now.

    The USA could've been a real "Evil Empire-building," shit-kicking country after WWII, but it obviously hasn't been our nature to be so as a nation. This is what's so puzzling when it comes to sorting out who's been naughty or nice and not getting the UN agreement from other nations, especially now, under the current circumstances with the Al Qaeda - Hussein link.

    There is currently a charge that France's main objection to us has only to do confronting our so-called "hegemony," becoming a counterforce to American influence, and nothing at all to do with whether or not Hussein has WMD, links to Al Qaeda, etc. If so, one can understand France's perverted and despicable motives....but Canada? We're joined at the hip. It makes no sense, it's like shooting itself in the foot as adamyoshida suggests in so many words in his post.

    Chretien has only shown that he's a small minded, politically and linguistically partisan bureaucrat, a mental midget with absolutely no class and lacking the basic simple intelligence to understand the importance of having good international relations between Canada and the USA. He should be ashamed of himself, but I'm afraid he is incapable of experiencing his failure as a human being.

    No doubt damage has been done among the mentioned nations and the USA. I'm sure in the future there will be some kind of testicle-squeezing going on between the USA and these other nations both at the governmental level and at the citizen level a la O'Reilly's call to boycott the French and will take unexpected directions. How much it will affect anyone is anyone's guess. It's unfortunate, however, when human emotions enter the equation, it takes time to play out before it returns to normal.
  • Idiot Protester Alert: Man Chains Himself To Wrong Building

    03/19/2003 10:21:38 AM PST · 88 of 154
    hujan to poindexter
    Hey! At least he's gotta be smarter than the other protester from Olympia who got run over by a bulldozer in Gaza a few days ago. Then again, I don't recall whether the Gaza Gal was chained to anything or had tied a weight to herself so she couldn't move.

    Maybe both the guy chained up and the Gaza Gal went to the same classes in Olympia at the Darwin School of Activism and didn't pay attention to the part that tells them really not to endanger themselves or look any more stupid than they are. It'd be interesting to know how well those two knew each least you'd think their circular paths would've intersected along the way at one time or another.

    You know, there might be something in the water over there in Tumwater, Washington, at least Olympia Beer advertises it as being so. "It's The Water"
  • U.N.'s demise could be the best result of an Iraqi war

    03/16/2003 2:37:30 PM PST · 15 of 15
    hujan to JeanS
    A great (but totally unrealistic) suggestion: have a national referendum to see whether the majority of American voters want to continue participating in the UN.

    Make it simple,"Should we get out of the UN and get it the hell out of the USA ASAP? Yes or No"

    Then start kicking their butts out (we already know the answer).
  • French naivete difficult to grasp

    03/16/2003 12:33:13 PM PST · 17 of 20
    hujan to freeforall
    I almost lost it a couple of hours ago, still seething and seeing blood red. When Charles Krauthammer was being interviewed by Tony Snow, he revealed that a couple of weeks ago some French official said that France's position against an Iraq had nothing to do with Saddam's development of WMD or anything else, it was merely a question of "hegemony." That is, France simply wants to build a coalition of nations to counter the USA's perceived dominating "power" in the world.

    When I thought about it a few seconds, I realized that France's attitude boils down to just this: France is willing to allow terrorists and nations supporting terrorists to be able to freely endanger our country by weapons of mass destruction only because Chirac (France) doesn't want us to be the dominant power in the world! What a chickensh** attitude. Typical of elitists and more suited to those of inept French generals seen in the early 20th century caring nothing about needlessly sacrificing thousands of their own soldiers in useless WW I battles.

    If, in fact, France's reasoning for its disregard for the safety of the citizens of the USA are accurate, and it looks as if they are, all of a sudden I don't have a hell of a lot of time for France.

    Over the past few months, I've reluctantly given France some leeway in their stance toward Iraq, being not too crtical. However, upon learning of the real reason for France's latest unconditional anti-USA, pro-Saddam stance, I popped my cork! Emasculation is too good of a thing to happen to Chirac and his ilk.

    Coincidentally, today I heard a news report on Fox about a message from the German UN ambassador to his master(s) in Germany, essentially, that Germany ought to get in bed with the French: He was reported as saying it would be a good thing if Germany also went anti-USA about Iraq so that when the inevitable war ensued, the USA would "remorsefully" come back to the other nations begging for their help to take care of a post-Saddam Iraq.

    Where before I haven't had the intellectual desire for a French boycott, now I have. In fact we ought to go further---a hell of a lot further. Ditto for Germany.

    I will be contributing to the anti-French boycott PR effort and ask Germany be included.

    Nice finding out which governments currently are our friends and enemies---they're now scurrying out of the manure pile like the filth-ridden cockroaches they are. I say exile them from anything substantive in the political process and make them pariah-states.
  • UN launches inquiry into American spying

    03/09/2003 2:35:16 AM PST · 20 of 27
    hujan to FairOpinion
    Yeah, screw the UN. Screw the current socialist government of Chile, screw the current socialist government of France, screw the current socialist government of Germany and most of all.............screw the current socialist government of Iraq.

    Dis-inviting, or just forcibly ejecting, the UN out of our country has to become a top priority in securing the ultimate future safety and protection of the United States from the forces of terror. Most of anti-democratic, dictatorship-ridden basket case governments' anti-American representatives reside with comfort in the UN. I say "let's roll" and screw 'em all.
  • Code Pink: Women for Peace March in D.C.(Add your own caption, Part 3)

    03/09/2003 2:11:51 AM PST · 5 of 14
    hujan to O.C. - Old Cracker
    Hillary Clinton is.
  • Phil is out of work. He needs You to be his voice. (add caption)

    03/09/2003 2:06:52 AM PST · 3 of 8
    hujan to O.C. - Old Cracker
    No Kidding! My head used to be this big!
  • 2/16 San Francisco FReeper Counter-Protest!

    02/16/2003 7:13:28 AM PST · 280 of 290
    hujan to SeenTheLight
    Beside carrying the "HONK IF YOU'RE HORNY" sign to counter the "HONK FOR PEACE" signs they are carrying (thereby spreading humorous confusion), another sign might read, "PEACE IN IRAQ---SEND SADDAM TO PARADISE" or "MORE SUCKERS AND VIRGINS FOR SADDAM WAITING IN PARADISE."
  • Zogby Trying To Cook Its Polls?

    02/15/2003 2:04:43 PM PST · 18 of 23
    hujan to JoJo Gunn
    Sorry, JoJo, Zogby's poll was trashed and re-trashed shortly after finishing.

    You know, the page pop-up I was talking about in the article was not the true pop-up we see for ads, it was another full page being presented. A bad choice of words in my original article, I guess.

    Most likely I did mis-hit on something and got an error page.
  • Zogby Trying To Cook Its Polls?

    02/15/2003 1:39:11 PM PST · 16 of 23
    hujan to Ditter
    I could see me mis-hitting on the computer and getting a pop-up like you did, Ditter, which then asked me to change my answer if I wanted to, however, I wasn't asked to correct any errors as you did because I didn't make any.

    This is funny stuff alright. Do you think they could be clever enough to selectively, or randomly, insert such a pop-up page in his polls? (Paranoia check is "ON" and running at full speed at this time).
  • Zogby Trying To Cook Its Polls?

    02/15/2003 1:20:19 PM PST · 13 of 23
    hujan to ez
    Nope, no questions on Estrada at all, mostly just war stuff and the usual questions about how we think the Prez is doing. etc.
  • The Mennonite "Peace Pledge" (Fair Warning: Blood Pressure Alert)

    02/15/2003 1:14:32 PM PST · 12 of 22
    hujan to yankeedame
    Hey! I am in total support of peace,too.

    In fact I'd love to help the Iraqis out (Well, mostly Saddam Hussein and Al Quaida) by means of surgical incineration or lead passing rapidly and painlessly through their bodies. In doing so they would find paradise quickly and be able to enjoy all the benefits therein.

    I would lovingly support a march carrying placards saying something to the effect of "Peace Now, Send 'Em to Paradise."
  • Zogby Trying To Cook Its Polls?

    02/15/2003 12:41:56 PM PST · 2 of 23
    hujan to hujan
    Correction to the main article. Near the bottom I meant to indicate that the Zogbys were of Arab descent, not me.