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Posts by freddy005

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  • DOJ can 'force' Alito, Thomas to recuse themselves on SCOTUS cases: Dem lawmaker

    05/31/2024 5:45:34 AM PDT · 92 of 127
    freddy005 to butterdezillion

    I just have to say, “Bullspit!”

    Have none of these people ever heard of the separation of powers?

    The executive branch cannot force the judicial branch to neuter itself.

    Where do these idiots come from?

    Not to be rude but have you not been paying attention to current events?

    The Democrat Party (and their allies including accomplices within the Republican Party) are COMMUNISTS!!!! They DO NOT CARE about the “Constitution” or the laws in place. They will stop at nothing until they have ABSOLUTE POWER! They will NEVER stop until someone stops them! The Right hasn’t fully come to grips with this predicament much less begun to prepare to do anything about it! The Republicans are still drafting strongly worded “letters” asking for explanations….unbelievable! For God’s Sakes…..WAKE UP! 🤦‍♂️🤔🤨

  • SEN. MIKE LEE: The Firm™️ intends to force through the Ukraine aid portion of the supplemental aid package tomorrow

    02/07/2024 8:49:49 AM PST · 56 of 105
    freddy005 to Darksheare

    These idiots are so concerned about the borders of other nations while purposely leaving ours open and preventing anyone else from changing it.
    Only 5 billion requested for a border wall, denied.
    But now well over 150 billion for Ukraine.
    But they said we didn’t have 5 billion for the wall.

    Sorry but you’re WRONG! They don’t really care about ANYBODY’s borders! This is ALL about them getting their cut from the MIC (Milt Indus Compl) and they’ve been waiting for it for months! THAT’S ALL they care about! It’s no different than any other sleazy used car salesman trying unload a lemon as long as they get their commission! Don’t make this more complicated than it is....otherwise you’ll fall right into their BS narrative!

  • Trump Reiterates Anti-CBDC Stance, Credits Vivek Ramaswamy for Policy Guidance

    01/23/2024 6:59:31 AM PST · 19 of 29
    freddy005 to libh8er

    Let me see if I can help some with trying to explain the “why” or the real purpose behind the whole CDBC initiative. I won’t give too much about my own personal background other than I’m in (and have been) in corporate finance for the past 30 plus years and I’ve been studying this issue quite a bit and here are my conclusions as I see them today;

    The Federal Reserve (a privately owned institution that is not controlled or part of the US govt) as well as other Western central banks know that the their respective governments (ie their borrowers) have racked up huge debts that will NEVER be repaid by their own populations, hence whey those (as our own) governments are desperate to import a new generation of future debt servants (ie illegal immigration) by the millions because their own aging populations as well as their declining birth rates spell doom for said governments’ to continue to pay the bare minimum which of course are just the interest payments on annual debt loads. That debt has to not only continuously be rolled over but also new debt has to be borrowed just to keep things going, hence why the debt “ceiling” must ALWAYS be increased. The problem is coming up with the petrodollar and the currencies tied to it in the same over indebted Western countries. The powers that be know that time is coming soon where a large portion of the world’s population and said economies will move away from the petrodollar (dollar) and THAT is what is pushing the “green” initiatives so the same Western countries can claim that selling and purchasing oil in dollars (after its eventual collapse) can be off set by non “fossil” fuel energy. The CBDC comes into play because the Central Banks need their own alternatives to “keep the system going” after the world realizes that the old currencies from the Western economies (especially the US) will be useless and the ONLY way to not only prevent a societal collapse (AND also keep control) is to introduce a NEW currency that will be imposed on everyone regardless of whether we want it or not. In summary; it’s to replace the old system of debt servitude with a new system while still being in control…..hope that helped a bit!

  • NEW EVIDENCE REVEALED… GBI Strategies Employee Who Turned In Fraudulent Muskegon Voter Registrations Gives STUNNING Interview — Lists Urban Cities Where Organization Operates In Michigan and Nationwide [VIDEO]

    01/10/2024 5:53:32 PM PST · 9 of 10
    freddy005 to Red Badger

    THIS IS why I have NO faith in the Republican Party. Anyone who has been paying attention KNOWS that the Democrat Party is a criminal cartel and not so much a political organization. The fact that the Republicans haven’t coalesced around the ONE goal that matters above all else is mind boggling to me! They’ve spent more energy, time and money trying to convince us that the Orange Man is still bad and that we need to keep sending more money to foreign countries and their respective conflicts than strategizing how to defeat the mail in fraud machine that the Democrats have used effectively since 2020. It’s completely disheartening hence why I left the party back in December of 2020 and WILL NEVER send them another dime….

  • Tucker rips Ben Shapiro for caring more about Israel than America

    12/31/2023 8:00:12 AM PST · 121 of 136
    freddy005 to RandFan

    I agree with Tucker as well!

  • An Ex-Democrat's Case for Trump

    12/24/2023 8:47:17 AM PST · 6 of 23
    freddy005 to Navy Patriot

    Interesting, Thanks Freddy!

    You’re welcome and Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅🙏

  • The Federal Reserve was created 110 years ago today

    12/24/2023 8:22:02 AM PST · 58 of 63
    freddy005 to Toddsterpatriot

    They’re audited every year.

    We’re simply instructed to go their “website” and believe whatever BS they post there like what are the assets they’re purchasing, how much and when.

    You don’t believe their reports?
    Anyone who has done plenty of audits can tell that what they (Fed) post (an audit by KPMG no less) is one of a shell type entity to give the impression of something that does not truly demonstrate who truly owns the said entity plus their internal operations (including their PPT) plus “non-related party(ies) transactions…etc”. If you believe this nonsense they “publish” for public consumption then I also have ocean front property to sell you in….Kansas!

  • An Ex-Democrat's Case for Trump

    12/24/2023 8:11:28 AM PST · 1 of 23
    Great opinion piece and worth the time to read…..
  • The Federal Reserve was created 110 years ago today

    12/23/2023 8:15:57 PM PST · 54 of 63
    freddy005 to Toddsterpatriot

    the Federal Reserve (ie a PRIVATE institution that has nothing to do with the Federal Government)
    Nothing to do with the Federal Government? Not even a little bit?


    The (preordained) appointment of The Federal Reserve Chairman by a U.S. President and confirmed by the US Senate is Kabuki theater made to appear as if it’s somehow tied to the US Government. As anyone that follows these things….the Federal Reserve is a private institution owned by banks (both domestic and international) yet to what degree no one truly knows because the US Government is NOT allowed to audit their books. We’re simply instructed to go their “website” and believe whatever BS they post there like what are the assets they’re purchasing, how much and when. Most organizations that try to pull that off are charged with securities violations….ala Eron and Bernie Madoff. The fact that 98% of the US population isn’t aware of this should be telling and terrifying enough!

  • The Federal Reserve was created 110 years ago today

    12/23/2023 4:02:28 PM PST · 41 of 63
    freddy005 to RandFan

    Think of it this way…. Imagine if a company issued shares (which you purchased) on December 23, 1913 at $100 a share and today those same shares are worth only $1.02 each share. During those 110 years that company diluted the 💩 out of your stake to the point that it doesn’t matter how much revenues it generates (let’s say trillions of dollars for this analogy)- it continues to issue billions of shares each year just so it can pay for its operations despite losing money year after year for the past 110 years! Now your shares are only worth $1.02 each (ie 98.8% worth LESS than when they were first issued) but everything you need to buy with those shares costs more. To add insult to injury that same company plays mind games with its shareholders by telling the markets, from time to time, that it will finally stop issuing more shares (ie stop the dilution) so that the shares can perk back up to maybe $1.15 a share but then turn around and start the printing press again (ie more dilution) in order to pay its money losing operations. This is basically (in the most simplest terms) what the Federal Reserve (ie a PRIVATE institution that has nothing to do with the Federal Government) does when it plays around with interest rates by lowering (or raising)them over and over again or does its quantitative easing schemes. I only wished that more people understand this basic concept of how the fiat currency manipulation works….

  • The Stock Market is Trading in a World That Doesn’t Exist

    12/21/2023 8:47:51 PM PST · 20 of 41
    freddy005 to davikkm

    I’ve finally come to realize that our modern day version of “Bread and Circuses” is actually the Federal Reserve (a PRIVATE institution that has virtually nothing to do with the federal government) = The Bread part and the “Markets” = the Circuses, the distractions! So long as those two keep going up (ie, the printing of new $$$$$ in order to keep the “markets” propped up) the population can be kept relatively passive and harmless from revolting! I’m convinced that this is what’s been happening since the creation of the Federal Reserve and it’s been on overdrive since the late 1990’s! 🙄🤔🤨🤦‍♂️

  • Italy's tough town: Archaeologists reveal how a Roman 'backwater' bucked an Empire's decline

    12/21/2023 11:58:18 AM PST · 10 of 11
    freddy005 to SunkenCiv

    As a history buff (especially Roman history), I am fascinated by the Late Roman period (late 3rd century onwards). There’s so much new evidence that points to the fact although the City of Rome itself was sacked at least twice in the 5th Century (in 410 AD by the Visigoths and 455 AD by the Vandals), the city itself actually began to make a comeback in the late 5th Century under the rule of the Ostrogoths especially under the rule of King Theodoric. For those of you who are fascinated about this topic I highly recommend following this channel on Youtube where it’s all about this topic and period.....

  • Can Trump Really Win in 2024?

    12/18/2023 10:01:09 AM PST · 1 of 54
    I completely agree with this article! The fact that the Republicans are NOT even talking about how to confront the mail in scam is disheartening to say the least. Imagine all the time, money and energy being spent on these primaries and instead they (R) should have put every resource to generate and harvest ballots (even from the grave) just like the Democrats! There is NO plan in place so expect a repeat of 2020 unfortunately…..
  • US House votes to pause impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

    11/14/2023 7:14:38 AM PST · 104 of 120
    freddy005 to snarkybob

    The votes aren’t there because GOP Reps from purple districts know pursuing it without slam-dunk evidence is political suicide. Ant Rep not in a safe, deep red, MAGA district is going to think twice about tilting at windmills.
    The GOP majority in the HOR is hanging by a thin thread. Another self-destructive dog and pony show, like choosing the last Speaker, will be the kiss of death for Reps from purple districts.

    Playing endless Defense has NEVER been a long time strategy. I should know, living here in NY where my district was red, when I first moved here 27 years ago and witnessing it turn purple and now solid BLUE! Once the commies take over- it NEVER goes back- NEVER! The GOP’s strategy is sheer madness and one of a dying institution hence why I left the party back in December 2020 after being a registered Republican since 1988! Never again….

  • Florida Poll: Trump at 60 Percent, Leads DeSantis by Nearly 40 Points in Sunshine State

    11/07/2023 6:41:33 PM PST · 46 of 47
    freddy005 to SoConPubbie

    Maybe the next debate will make a difference……/sarc 😏

  • Scarborough Claims 98% Of Congressional Republicans 'Hate' Trump

    10/23/2023 8:37:26 AM PDT · 13 of 51
    freddy005 to Wilderness Conservative

    Not true. It’s only 95%.

    I was about to say 93.75% 😏

  • 1913 was a TERRIBLE year: The Federal Reserve was created and so was the IRS (Income Tax)

    10/22/2023 8:00:09 AM PDT · 24 of 39
    freddy005 to RandFan

    The ability for the globalists and the Left to continue our march towards socialism is completely fueled by the fiat currency system! If we are EVER going to have a chance to defeat the Left and their so far successful plans to bring on complete socialism - we must END or have an alternative (ie opt-out) way to the US Dollar and the fiat currency system!! If we really wanted to end the Left’s power in our country- we need to destroy their ability to fund their plans on enslaving us….. and it starts by destroying their access to unlimited money!! It’s hard to believe that the majority, on our side, doesn’t understand this basic principle! It’s frustrating quite honestly….

  • Trump leads DeSantis by 35 points in Florida: poll

    10/06/2023 4:33:16 PM PDT · 9 of 62
    freddy005 to Parley Baer

    “I have been reading that the Hispanics are backing Trump bigtime.”

    That’s because they’re vyfamiliar with banana republic type tactics first hand! Unfortunately most white liberals (women) have NEVER experienced such oppression to even comprehend what it’s like to live under such tyranny! 🤨🤦‍♂️🤔

  • Electoral inscriptions found in Pompeii house

    10/01/2023 4:07:00 AM PDT · 12 of 22
    freddy005 to SunkenCiv

    In a thousand years they’ll find these inscriptions all over the country that was once known as the 🇺🇸….

    “It DOES NOT MATTER who votes, it only matters WHO COUNTS the mail in ballots…” - Joseph Brandon Stolen 🤔🤨🤦‍♂️

  • DATA: Trump Holds Massive 10 Point Lead Over Biden

    09/24/2023 5:37:31 PM PDT · 30 of 33
    freddy005 to SoConPubbie

    “It does NOT MATTER who votes, it only matters WHO COUNTS the ballots…” - Joseph Bribing Stolen 🤔🤨🤦‍♂️