Great story, In the 80’s my pocketbook was taken from my desk and passed around by a bunch of blacks in math class. The teacher shit his pants he was scared of them so I went to the Principal and he shit his pants. Then I called my father who was a bus driver TWU in the Bronx. He came straight from work in his uniform and a baseball bat into the school went into the principal’s office and told him if he did not do something he was going to bash the place up. Mind you his bus uniform looked like a NYC cops. LOL best memory of my life.
06/07/2022 7:58:57 AM PDT
· 31 of 34 angcat
to higgmeister
He had a 1 week fling with Anna and then got back with Kaitlin and confessed. Kaitlin killed Anna who was still friends with Colin and hanging out with him for the cycling race.