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There were two Oswald wallets that showed up, as well.
I’d rather not read Ellen White’s falsehoods.
CARM is a Christian apologetics ministry.
They have many articles critiquing Adventism.
Cadillac, for me, has the stereotype of geezer, or union thug, or pimp , written all over it.
Yep. People here should NOT say Carter was a “good man “ - he hated Jews and he was proabortion….
Just because he was mild mannered didn’t make him good.
Watch the opening of the movie “Miracle” (the 1980 US Olympic hockey victory) for a Carter recap of his failures….
There are a lot of working class people who are employed in all parts of pro sports.
“Non-essential” was one of the worst things we heard during COVID.
PS I haven’t watched a full pro sports event in person or on TV in over 35 years…so I don’t have a dog in this fight.
I just remember Reagan and free enterprise.
It’s still sinful to break into a house and steal…..
Trump got a twofer:
He defeated Biden AND Kamala in 2024.
I’d LOVE to see that in a poll!!
I think you’re correct….
Nickel plated?
Native Americans wouldn’t stand for that.
“Oppenheimer” was an awful film.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to borrow figures of speech from twisted mindsets.
Your use of “hurt” is what I’m talking about.
That head scarf is crafty way to get Lt. Cmdr. Poobah Mchmed to safety…..
Serious question, since I don’t live near many Indians:
do you see a difference between Indian Christians and Indian Hindus? (or Indian Muslims for that matter)?
And now Paramount deletes Kirk entirely….
Good post!!
Don Imus used to know a guy named Duncan on the short bus.
Rob Bartlett knew him too.
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