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All the reasons the judge gives has to do with money. But at least the coach doesn’t have the fear of suddenly dropping dead from he vax.
That was the biggest hit Dallas had all day.
They are not a “child” when they are 16 and shoot someone.
“..for income-eligible residents”
The homeless will be able to cover more territory.
Right on!!!
No problem. Wannabe Editors for rags are a dime a dozen.
So who really is the fascist, James?
Wants Walz along so someone will clap and give YA-HAs.
Democrat bubble just popped.
I cannot be convinced that this was a CIA/FBI attempt to murder Donald Trump. How many other nations have we seen the CIA conduct or support assassinations.
Trump will make her look like Kamala.
Absolutely a patsy. Has been my opinion all along.
It doesn’t even look like the sniper took a shot. It looks more like he s**t his pants and let his rifle drop.
Why shouldn’t Musk get government money if he is doing work for the government.
There would be no need for the police is this happened at a Trump rally.
Ha ha. He sees the writing on the wall with a Trump Presidency ahead.
Ha ha. Be veeerrry worried. Don’t sleep at night. Enjoy your freedom.
This store will now be a target for shoplifters galore. They cooked there goose and only have themselves to blame.
Say goodbye to Ukraine, thanks to Biden and Zelensky.
He must be speaking about demorats.
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