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Posts by exmarine

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  • 'Passion' Needs Postscript

    02/03/2004 11:32:11 AM PST · 84 of 247
    exmarine to missyme
    Foxman is the same guy who said that Billy Graham was anti-semitic!! Billy Graham! This guy is a slanderer and has no credibility at all.
  • 'Passion' Needs Postscript

    02/03/2004 11:30:13 AM PST · 81 of 247
    exmarine to philosofy123
    Never mind what happened 2000 years ago. Today, I have many Jewish friends who I know damn sure had nothing to do with Christ’s death 2000 years ago. I am sure my own great grand parent could have been Jewish, and could have participated in sentensing Jesus, but who cares. Jesus ACCEPTED DEATH TO SAVE US! After I see this movie, and so are millions of other Christians, we will all think about the suffering of our lord on the cross TO SAVE US. No one is going to say; hey 2000 years ago some Jews killed this Jew Messiah!

    Who is saying that besides the ADL? Historical persecution is NO EXCUSE for their Gibson bashing. They have no basis. Jews have NEVER been persecuted in America. This is the kindest nation the jews have ever known, and now some of them (e.g. ADL) are trying to twist things. Meanwhile, jews discriminate against Christians as I have pointed out - in America!

    It is paranoid and borderline retarded to keep worrying about a movie in a land that is so proud to be the beacon of the freedom of opinion, press, and expression. Stop the hostility towards Mel Gibson, and let him be free to make whatever movie he wants. The market will judge if it is good or bad.

    Exactly. The ADL is either paranoid or hate-filled or both. It's a free country and Gibson paid his own money, and there is ZERO evidence that Gibson is anti-semitic and the movie is based solely on the New Testament (the ADL thinks the NT is anti-semitic!!)

  • 'Passion' Needs Postscript

    02/03/2004 11:13:36 AM PST · 72 of 247
    exmarine to dangus; All
    The atheist/nihilist Jewish Left hates the fact that there is alliance growing betwen Christians and Zionists.

    I find it HIGHLY IRONIC that many jews have forgotten what persecution was like for the jews, and now encourage and support it against Christians - not just with regard to Mel Gibson but across the cultural spectrum. It is the jewish communities in Palm Beach that discriminated against a nativity scene on public grounds even though a Manorah was allowed; it was the jewish community in NYC that banned Christmas decorations while allowing jewish and muslim decorations.

    Apparently, these people have learned NOTHING. Their campaign against Gibson is scurrilous slander, and anyone who takes hearsay as fact and runs with it is also a slanderer. So, anyone on this thread who claims Mel Gibson is anti-semitic, I demand that you provide evidence for this right now - evidence from Gibson himself, not from the hateful ADL or liberal media.

    Since the phonies at the ADL demand to know if Mel Gibson is anti-semitic, then they should be prepared to provide proof that THAT THEY ARE NOT ANTI-CHRISTIAN BIGOTS. An anti-Christan bigot is just as bad as an anti-semite any way you look at it!

  • 'Passion' Needs Postscript

    02/03/2004 11:04:23 AM PST · 69 of 247
    exmarine to rmlew
    The Gospels were not written during the events. They were written latter.

    It is now believed by the best scholars and evidence (various papyri) that the gospels were ALL written by 70 AD - within one generation of the Resurrection.

    In addition, the gospel account is given by Paul in 1Cor 15 - and no one disputes that 1 Cor. was written in the early 50s A.D.

    As any writter, Jesus's disciples wrote from a perspective of assumed knowledge. In their case, they were writting with a knowledge of Jewish law and custom, not held by the average Christian (or even Jew) today.

    . The writers - Matthew, Mark and John - were eyewitnesses to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was not assumed knowledge but FIRST-HAND knowledge.

  • Poll: Bush approval hits new low

    02/03/2004 7:37:56 AM PST · 129 of 140
    exmarine to raloxk
    I have warned people here that is it very likely that if Kerry wins in 2004, he will win in 2008. He wont be a one term President.

    In a republic like ours, the people ALWAYS get exactly what they deserve. The leaders ALWAYS reflect the character of the people. If Kerrey is elected, then that is what America deserves, and everyone will go down on the Titanic together. Unless Americans turn from the immoral wretched ways, it is a certainty. The only hope for America is Jesus Christ.

    I no longer believe America is a great nation. Greatness is measured in moral values, not in money or military might and America's morals today are on a par with Sodom and Gomorrah.

  • Poll: Bush approval hits new low

    02/03/2004 7:33:46 AM PST · 128 of 140
    exmarine to raloxk
    I dont doubt his immigration proposal could cost him votes but if I listen to you, I must conclude that the conservative base is going for Kerry.

    If you need an example, I give you 1992. Many conservatives stayed at home or voted Perot and Bush lost big. The same type of election is shaping up because I will not vote for a socialist, and I certainly will not vote for a man who doesn't give a flip about U.S. sovereignty.

    First of all ex-marine you must realise that you are on the fringe right and most people do not think as you do.

    Yes, that is sad. There is only about 15-20% of us who are REAL conservative - the rest are just members of the Republican party who will sell out principle for party every time. Most Americans don't care about RIGHT AND WRONG; they are more concerned with what they can get out of an election (Democrats) or about voting for a bad candidate to keep an even worse candidate out of the White House (republicants).

    Bush has clearly lost a lot of support among independents, who do oppose big deficits but who do not oppose spending initiatives.

    Bush lost alot of support among TRUE CONSERVATIVES (you know the people who don't like socialist big govt types, and the people who really care about social issues). Bush falls short on both counts.

    To think that Bush's fall in the polls is relective of his base deserting him is not reflected in any poll numbers, it is clear independents are deserting him.

    We'll see won't we. If you think this immigration thing won't drive many conservatives away from him, you better think again. A full 58% of Republicans are against that insane plan of his, and many of those will bolt if he goes thru with it.

    If Bush doesn't stop acting like a liberal, he is going to lose.

  • Is there a difference between President Bush and Senator Kerry?

    02/03/2004 7:23:09 AM PST · 133 of 141
    exmarine to Tribune7
    The choice is between someone flawed and something evil.

    Again, I do not think Bush the man is evil. But I do firmly believe that his policies are evil, especially his unconstitutional and wrong-headed immigration plan which will FORCE taxpayers to foot the social services bill for tens of millions more illegals, and which rewards illegal behavior and encourages sponging off the welfare state, and which is a colossal national security threat, and which encourages the corrupt Mexican govt. to continue in their corruption and suppression. And let's not even consider what an influx of 25-50 million more illegals in the next few years (which is a certainty under his plan) will do to this great country -- illegals who are loyal to Mexico and not the United States; illegals who pay no federal income tax (low incomes get a free ride in our socialist system); illegals who will bankrupt our medical system and education systems (look at California for an example); illegals who change the demographics of this nation forever and turn it into a liberal socialist state.

    At this point, I am very pessimistic and believe that this country is doomed. This republic cannot survive if none of the leaders care about sovereignty and immigration laws.

  • Poll: Bush approval hits new low

    02/03/2004 7:15:13 AM PST · 126 of 140
    exmarine to raloxk
    If you don't think Bush will lose votes over his insane immigration plan, then you must also believe that the Replublican base has no PRINCIPLED people. Principled people vote principle not party. Within a week after his immigration announcement, Bush's approval rating dropped 10 points. Then, we read a border patrol report that says that illegal crossings have increased 15% since his announcement.

    I don't know about you, but I do not agree to give my tax dollars so that the 25 million relatives of the 10 million illegals that will be legalized can come here and attend our public schools and get free healthcare. That is not charity, it's legalized theft from the taxpayers. Nevermind that it will radically change the demographics and character of this nation forever. Kiss the United States as we know it good-bye if this plan goes into effect.


    02/02/2004 2:55:16 PM PST · 469 of 483
    exmarine to af_vet_1981
    Again, give me ONE IOTA of evidence (from what he did say not from what he didn't say) that he is in any way anti-semitic....that is, without reading into what he is saying and just reading the black and white words on the page.

    I will force you to provide evidence for your suspicions, and I will keep asking for it until you provide it. In so doing, you will be exposed for your BIAS.


    02/02/2004 2:43:08 PM PST · 467 of 483
    exmarine to af_vet_1981
    I suppose your opinion about Mel Gibson and the movie are not relevant either then.

    That's right - the movie out out. Period. It's out and there's nothing I can do about it, nothing the ADL can do about it, there's nothing you can do about it. So, this discussion about Mel Gibson's motives is IRRELEVANT. I have yet to see ONE IOTA of evidence that Mel Gibson is an anti-semite. Either provide evidence to this effect or stop your nonsense.

    I'm not the one engaging is borderline slander, or even outright slander, as some have on this thread.


    02/02/2004 2:39:51 PM PST · 465 of 483
    exmarine to af_vet_1981
    I suggest you start examining the beliefs and motives of people whom you choose to defend.

    It's not my job to question people's beliefs and motives - and it's not yours either. ONLY GOD CAN SEE A MOTIVE - you can't, so stop pretending you can. You are bordering on slander.


    02/02/2004 2:14:27 PM PST · 462 of 483
    exmarine to af_vet_1981
    No, it was not a straight answer.

    You know what, no one cares what you think about Mel Gibson. I'm sure there are people who don't like you. Life isn't a popularity contest. Your opinion won't stop this movie and it won't stop the EARTH SHAKING effect this movie is going to have on this dying country.

    I suggest you go watch the movie and stop questioning the beliefs and motives of people you know nothing about.


    02/02/2004 2:10:42 PM PST · 460 of 483
    exmarine to af_vet_1981
    It is a story about "the Jews" told from his perspective

    Baloney. If what you say is tue, then the 4 gospels are stories about the jews. It is quite clear that the movie is ABOUT JESUS CHRIST. Jews are incidental to the story as much as you and I are. WE ALL PUT JESUS ON THAT CROSS WITH OUR SINS- and we had better repent and put our faith in Him IF WE WANT TO BE SAVED. - That is the focus of the movie.


    02/02/2004 1:50:23 PM PST · 457 of 483
    exmarine to Texas2step
    I agree with your last post completely and I COMPLETELY support Mel Gibson in his effort to send out the Gospel of Jesus Christ! May God richly bless Him and His efforts, and I believe God is behind it all the way! I believe this movie is boing to be EARTH SHATTERING in its impact, and that this may be the biggest revival in the history of hte United States of America. It may be America's last chance to repent before a final judgment.

    02/02/2004 1:36:05 PM PST · 455 of 483
    exmarine to af_vet_1981
    There were Catholic martyrs who gave their lives, and others who simply risked their lives, to save Jews in the Holocaust. They are righteous men and women.

    Yes, there were notable exceptions, but the majority of so-called Christian churches in Germany went along. That is just a fact. And the state of the church in America today is similar to that of Germany in 1933 in some respects. For example, almost all of the liberal mainline churches (Methodist, Presb. Church USA, Eposcopal, Lutheran, National Council of Churches, etc.) are pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-gay marriage, pro-gay clergy, do not believe the bible is the Word of God; and the catholic church heirarchy protected and abetted child molestors. In other words, the church in America today is CORRUPT to a great extent as much as the Germany churches were - they is co-sigining the culture's descent into total depravity. Might as well post an "ICHABOD" sign above the doors of many churches today.

  • FCC's Powell 'Outraged' by 'Deplorable' Halftime Stunt

    02/02/2004 12:44:27 PM PST · 130 of 173
    exmarine to petitfour
    The "extreme right wing" reacts to this sort of stuff regularly.

    If "extreme right wing" is code for someone who believes that God exists and that morality comes from God, not men, then color me "MOST extreme right wing" and proud of it! Right and wrong are either absolute and from God or they don't exist at all - there is no in between.

  • FCC's Powell 'Outraged' by 'Deplorable' Halftime Stunt

    02/02/2004 12:26:33 PM PST · 123 of 173
    exmarine to petitfour
    This FCC agency are hypocrites. Just recently, they said the F word was okay for primetime TV as long as it was used as an adjective or something like that. Now, they feign outrage over an exposed breast! The FCC has zero credibility - just like the rest of the pathetic federal govt.

    02/02/2004 10:30:25 AM PST · 418 of 483
    exmarine to Servant of the 9
    His answer to Noonan in the article above is proof, quote, and source for any rational enough to understand them.

    Really? Okay genius, post the quote from the Noonan interview that even hints of anti-semitism. You are judging the man by what he DOESN'T SAY rather than what he DOES SAY, and he clearly has FRIENDS who were in Nazi camps! It's a peculiar thing - to judge people by what they don't say.



    02/02/2004 10:25:29 AM PST · 414 of 483
    exmarine to Servant of the 9
    What I said is that his grasp of 20th Century history is questionable, and that raises questions about his grasp of history of any era.

    Evidence for this statement! Where is it? Got a quote? got a source? Got milk?


    02/02/2004 10:23:45 AM PST · 413 of 483
    exmarine to Servant of the 9
    I see, you have ZERO EVIDENCE to say what you say, yet you say it anyway! That, my friend, is the very definition of BIAS. Then, you have the gall to attack MY character! It seems slander and character assassination is what you do! Consider yourself exposed!