Oh, I do, (sorry, I was getting tired last night, not expressing well). Sadly, there's probably a Judas in the mix too. That betrayal karma is gonna bite a few butts, it is so deserved.
OMG, I can't believe you put his telly and address on there. Now play fair, give us all your private info so every moron out there can send YOU presents too.
I read for a long time before I posted, my husband is converting me, amongst others, LOL. At any rate, I feel a great connection to Baltimore, one of the best cities. We lived there for a long time, LOVE THE PEOPLE, especially the one's who post here.
Score one for the Mayor. He has deflected all talk of the REAL issues from himself, such as his comments re Bush and policy this week.
And, to be honest, the Governor has Mr. Steffen's computer and all the info. Nothing more will come from this to tarnish the Governor, not that I thought there really would be anything.
If the Dem's push this, Mr. Steffen will end up being owed a huge apology and the Governor will look like a donkey's behind for the swift "resignation" of Mr. Steffen.
The one being held responsible would be exonerated only if Earlich's administration had not gotten to Mr. Steffen's computer first. I fear they will continue to use him to be rid of the situation. It's less important to them to let him take the fall.
Is NCPAC still a registered poster?? Would this site ban him? I hope not. The legal ramifications of this are growing. His work computer has been confiscated, a prosecutor is being assigned for this issue. YIKES.