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VIDEO: The Deep State Cover-up of 1995: How the OKC Bombing Launched Terror in America
01/07/2020 8:59:33 AM PST · by doug from upland · 45 replies
youtube ^ | OCT 2016 | Jayna Davis, et al
MY COMMENTS: This is a great video presentation. Bill Clinton and the Deep State hid what really happened in OKC, just as he did with the shoot down of TWA Flight 800 four months before the 1996 election. In OKC, Clinton deviously but brilliantly used the bombing to create hate against Rush Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, and "that damned video" --- THE CLINTON CHRONICLES. Clinton drew the line in the sand for his followers that, no matter what he did, they had to back him to stop the dreaded right wing. Dave Schippers, who handled the House Managers in the Clinton...
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