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Soros-backed group demands IRS use Johnson Amendment against churches
11/05/2022 4:47:54 PM PDT · by fwdude · 45 replies
World Net Daily ^ | November 5, 2022 | Bob Unruh
A fight that appears periodically about election time in United States has been resurrected again this year – by a George Soros-supported leftist group that is demanding the IRS use the Johnson Amendment against churches. That statute says religious groups cannot endorse or oppose election candidates, and it's been little used because of the likelihood it violates the First Amendment. Having the amendment to use as a threat might in many cases seem to be more attractive than using it – and having a court throw it out entirely.

Church ‘membership’ below 50% for first time, 'thousands' of churches close yearly
03/29/2021 12:03:45 PM PDT · by lightman · 54 replies
Washington Examiner ^ | 29 March A.D. 2021 | Paul Bedlard
Even with Easter less than a week away, America just isn’t into churches anymore. For the first time in eight decades, and likely ever, church membership for those in a country built on the freedom to worship has fallen below 50%. The latest Gallup survey on church membership — a data point the polling firm first asked about in 1937 — said just 47% of Americans belong to a church, synagogue, or mosque. The historic decline comes as fewer and fewer Americans are attending church, and more, especially younger adults, are claiming to have no affiliation with any religion. Every...

Amish community in Pennsylvania becomes first in US to achieve herd immunity after reopening churches led to 90% of households being infected with the virus last year
03/28/2021 10:38:41 AM PDT · by fruser1 · 64 replies
UK Daily Mail ^ | 3/28/2021 | Assosiated Press
'So, you would think if COVID was as contagious as they say, it would go through like a tsunami; and it did,' said Allen Hoover, an Old Order Mennonite and administrator of the Parochial Medical Center, a clinic that primarily serves the Plain community. Public health officials and epidemiologists did not dispute the widespread outbreak Hoover described. But they voiced concern that a misplaced perception of herd immunity in a population that makes up 8 per cent of Lancaster County may compromise the effort to turn the tide on the pandemic. As Hoover observed, faith in herd immunity has prompted...

Government Gives England’s Catholic Churches ‘Lifeline’ Grant for Repairs
10/15/2020 7:17:08 PM PDT · by marshmallow · 4 replies
The National Catholic Register ^ | 10/13/20 | CNA
The Catholic Trust for England and Wales, the legal entity for the bishops’ conference, will receive almost $4 million from the Heritage Stimulus Fund.LONDON, England — An archbishop thanked the government Monday for awarding a “lifeline” grant to Catholic churches in England. Archbishop George Stack, chairman of the English and Welsh bishops’ patrimony committee, said Oct. 12 that the money would offer new hope to congregations struggling to raise funds amid the pandemic. “We are hugely grateful for this magnificent award. With our churches closed during lockdown, many planned repair projects were unable to go ahead. Other churches have simply...

‘Racists Anonymous’ groups at churches: The first step is admitting you have a problem
08/31/2016 1:00:44 PM PDT · by C19fan · 26 replies
Washington Post ^ | August 31, 2016 | Michael Alison Chandler
As tensions grow amid police shootings of young black men and a presidential campaign rife with allegations of racism, many people are calling for a more honest conversation about race in America. One pastor in Sunnyvale, Calif. is offering a venue to get people talking: Racists Anonymous. With the familiar backdrop of a 12-step program — folding chairs, burned coffee, the Serenity Prayer — people can explore the often uncharted terrain of their own feelings about race, said Ron Buford, pastor of the Congregational Community Church in Sunnyvale.

The Template for Restored Unity and peace amongst our various peoples starts first in our churches!
07/17/2016 3:53:05 AM PDT · by mdmathis6 · 23 replies
self | 7/17/16 | Michael Mathis
The template as to how all inter-relations between Christians of the Church should work is to be found here in Galatians 3: "For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise." This passage ALSO provides a NATIONAL roadmap...

IRS proposes churches, other nonprofits get Social Security numbers from donors
12/07/2015 3:57:46 PM PST · by Nachum · 48 replies
Fox News ^ | 12/7/15 | Mike Emanuel
An Obama administration proposal to have some nonprofit charities report the Social Security numbers of donors giving at least $250 in one year is raising concerns about security, government overreach and another episode of IRS targeting. “There´s a big caution here. There´s a big yellow light that should be flashing for a couple of reasons,” Illinois Republican Rep. Peter Roskam tells Fox News. “Number one, the IRS has not demonstrated its capacity to hold this type of information from confidentiality and a security point of view.” The change would impact organizations that fall into the 501 (c)(3) category, which includes

Churches Opposed to Gay Marriage Would Be Protected from IRS Under Proposed House Republican Bill
07/14/2015 9:37:00 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 19 replies
Christian Post ^ | 07/14/2015 | Ray Nothstine
A bill introduced to protect churches and religious organizations from IRS and other federal punishment may be gaining steam according to lawmakers; however, only one Democrat currently co-sponsors the religious freedom bill. Congressman Raul Labrador (R-Idaho), a co-founder of the conservative Freedom Caucus, is pushing support for the "First Amendment Defense Act" (H.R. 2802) that is designed to protect same-sex marriage dissenting religious churches and organizations from possible IRS penalties and persecution. While America's "first freedom" is no longer a foregone conclusion in today's cultural climate and new understandings of sexual rights, the "First Amendment Defense Act" would only affect...

The IRS Assures an Atheist Group It Will Monitor Churches
04/20/2015 4:56:54 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 26 replies
National Review ^ | 04/20/2015 | Quin Hillyer
It was bad enough, as I wrote here last August, that the Internal Revenue Service appeared to reach an agreement to monitor the pulpits of ill-favored churches. WhatÂ’s worse is that the IRS, directly counter to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requirements, steadfastly has refused to make public key documents pertaining to that decision. So the IRS, acting with the whole power of government behind it, seems to be saying it can monitor and presumably punish churches for the content of their sermons, but the churches canÂ’t know exactly if, how, and why they are being monitored. To fight this...

The "Gay Gestapo" VICTORY unless American Churches DIVORCE Church IRS 501-C3 Tax-Exempt Status
04/05/2015 2:28:30 PM PDT · by Patton@Bastogne · 46 replies
Church DIVORCE from IRS 501-C3 -- "Render Unto Caesar" ! -- YouTube Video ^ | 2015-04-04 | Patton@Bastogne
. 2015-04-04 Facts are facts. "Treason" is still "treason" (despite how Obama's Press Secretary Josh Earnest spins it) "Abject Defeat" is still "Abject Defeat" (despite how America's tax-exempt Christian Pastors in their beautiful Mega-Churches spin it) "Bribery" is still "Bribery" (despite how Al Sharpton and MSNBC spin it) ======================================== America's "Gay Gestapo" have virtually won the battle for America's spiritual soul. Except for a few scattered political leaders, America's Gay Gestapo is a political Juggernaunt that marches from Victory to Victory. Yes, these are occasional "minor moral victories" (Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson and the $ 825,000 donations to the Memories...

IRS Agents Pretend to be Clergymen to Spy in Churches
03/18/2015 4:46:00 AM PDT · by HomerBohn · 17 replies
Charisma News ^ | Staff
No, the title of this article is not hyperbole and yes, the title is accurate. The IRS sometimes has their agents pose as clergymen to deceive church parishioners in attempts to gain information from them surreptitiously. I kid you not. Reverend Patrick Mahoney is the Director for the Christian Defense Coalition and he told the Christian Post that, “It is an absolute disgrace that IRS undercover agents can pose as members of the clergy. It is the role of government to protect religious freedom and the First Amendment, and not to use it to gather information and spy on American...

Top Ten Ways Churches Drive Away First-time Guests
11/11/2014 9:44:11 AM PST · by fkabuckeyesrule · 119 replies
Thom Rainer Blog ^ | November 1, 2014 | Thom S Rainer
If you attend a church regularly, you’ve probably noticed the phenomenon. A guest shows up for a worship service, but he or she never returns. It is, unfortunately, a common issue in many churches. I did a Twitter poll to ask these first-time guests why they chose not to return to a particular church. While some of the responses were anticipated, I admit being a bit surprised with some of them. Though my poll is not scientific, it is nevertheless fascinating. Here are the top ten responses in order of frequency. 1.Having a stand up and greet one another time...
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