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Posted on 12/14/2002 3:49:06 PM PST by Ancesthntr


by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East Analyst & Commentator

We Americans thought that when we defeated Germany we had ended the quest for the Third Reich – with which Hitler’s Nazis planned to dominate the world for 1000 years. It appears that we were mistaken. Before Germany’s Nazis were defeated, their true organizers were already moving the loot of World War 2 to safe vaults in other nations. Both the SS killers and the industrialists continued their long range planning far into the future.

The Monsters of Hitler’s planned Third Reich are now emerging through those I shall call their sons, grandchildren and today’s industrial clones. Although the Third Reich existed for only a relatively short time before it was seemingly stopped by the Americans and her Allies in 1945, its philosophy of World Domination never died. Most of the top Nazi criminals slipped away through the “Ratline”, with the help of the Church, the Red Cross (who provided forged passports) (1) and American diplomats like the Dulles brothers (John and Allen) (2) who erased the history of Germany’s industrialists who used the Jews as slave labor. (3)

We are seeing that same stream of thought awakening throughout Europe and the Middle East. A report in the NEW YORK TIMES speaks of the conclusions of the European Union. In Paris Pierre Bedier, a junior Justice Minister told the French National Assembly that “recent events indicate a worrisome increase in the number of crimes inspired by anti-Semitism”. “France has experience the biggest wave of anti-Semitic violence over the past year.” (4)

Islamic clerics herald the imminent conquest of Rome by Islam, in accordance with the prophecy of Mohammed. Sheik Yousef Al-Qaradhawi, a most influential Sunni cleric said: “Islam shall return to Europe as a Conqueror”. In a ‘Fatwa’ he quoted the Prophet Mohammed who said: “The city of Heracles [Constantinople – now Istanbul or ‘Islam-Boul’] will be conquered first; then Romiyya – today called ‘Rome’ the capital of Italy [and center of Catholic Christianity]…The conquest will be by a [Hudabiyya] treaty. The conquest of Romiyya means that Islam will return to Europe and, Allah willing, Europeans will convert to Islam – and disseminate Islam in the world.” Sudi Sheikh Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman al’Arifi, imam of the mosque of King Faud Academy said: “We will control the land of the Vatican…the Christians who carve crosses on the breast of Muslims in Kosovo and Bosnia will pay us the Jiziya [poll tax paid by non-Muslims or ‘Dhimmis’] in humiliation or they will convert to Islam.” (5)

In every era there have been potential Hitlers, Stalins, Saddam Husseins, Arafats and other tyrannical dictators - born throughout history. Few achieve the ranks of mass murderers and/or killer industrialists who are willing to wipe out whole civilizations to meet their own financial goals. Most end up as mere criminals or petty tyrants but a few achieve high office titled as Prime Ministers, Kings, Chancellors, Czars, Caesars, CEOs, Presidents – using their power to order up enslavement or Genocide of the “others” for their pleasure and profit.

For some the dream of a “New World Order” did not die with Hitler’s suicide in his Berlin bunker. It was merely put into deep storage for a time along with the money they had banked in various countries until they could create a Fourth (IV) Reich with a different breed of Nazi. Those funds, along with new money, has been tapped by corrupt financial geniuses as a powerful force in competing for who will succeed in controlling this planets economy in the future.

This time, they would require an army equally or even more fanatical than even the Waffen SS. They would have to be so dedicated to their cause they would readily sacrifice their lives. They have found that army in radical Islamism who use the “Jihad” (Muslim Holy War) as their call to arms.

The radical Islamists, the Muslims were the army chosen to front the re-emergent violence in the Nazi spirit to create what could be called the Fourth Reich. As Jihadists dedicated to World Domination by Islam, they were ready to sacrifice their lives and everyone else’s. These people claimed to be descendents of Ishmael – with an unbroken history of aggression – which coalesce under Mohammed against the ‘infidels’ (non-Muslims). More than 60 years ago, the Arab Muslims showed their affinity for Hitler’s goal of World Domination under a radical “New World Order”. According to Hitler’s established method of recruitment, they were an ideal first sacrificial army. Recall that Haj Amin Al Husseini, then Islam’s Grand Mufti to Jerusalem, went to Berlin during WWII and urged Hitler to bring his killing machine to kill the Jews in Palestine. The Arabs supported Hitler’s Axis against America and her Allies – much the same as today’s radical Muslim Islamists, making them ideal allies.

It appears that old German money pillaged from the Jews and all of Europe added to new money was now to be invested in the next “New World Order” scheme. Let’s start to look for the “New World Order-ists” who had family connections to Hitler’s regime or were the amoral industrialists then and now. Start by back-tracking through the family tree where grandfathers of that generation supported Hitler’s dream of a “New World Order”, to be dominated by those whom they regarded as “superior people”. They would include the industrialists and heirs who collaborated on both sides with each other during World War II. To clarify: German industrialists along with American and European corporate executives collaborated with each other during WWII, both for profit and mutual protection. Each claimed to be loyal to their country of origin but, in fact, was only loyal to their own profit centers and to themselves.

Now, in their latest resurrection once again, they need an aggressive army which is ruthless, willing to die, and already existing in vast numbers. Standing behind them in the shadows are the corporations providing the armaments. Islam has been selected as the cutting edge to provide the force until they (the Muslims) are no longer necessary. Then the “New World Order-ists will try to dispose of the Islamists as ‘untermenchen’ (low people) worthy of nothing more than slavery.

The Islamists, however, have their own agenda which is “World Domination by the Shariah laws of Islam”.

All across Europe Muslims are pouring in, demanding extraordinary recognition, displacing the indigenous populations. At present the number of Muslims in the European Union ranges from between 12 to 20 million. In Great Britain Muslims are now the second largest religious community. In France the Muslim population is estimated at 6 to 8 million and the percentage of Muslims in France exceeds that of African-Americans in the U.S. There are 1,200 mosques and anti-Semitism has been most manifest in mosques across all of Europe. While the Muslim are carrying out these acts of violence against Jews and Jewish institutions, it was the European elites who created the ambience of hostility toward Israel that made them possible. According to a WASHINGTON POST correspondent, Hamburg and Germany as a whole was an almost risk-free environment for Islamic radicals: “The Jews and Crusaders must have their throats slit”, said Imam Mohammed al Fiazazi in a pre-9/11 sermon which was video-taped. Mohammed Atta, one of the masterminds of 9/11, regularly worshipped at that Hamburg mosque. (6)

Osama Bin Laden and his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, with help from Iran, have recruited and trained brigades of blond, blue-eyed Bosnians and indoctrinated them for martyrdom. Congressional Terrorism expert, Yosef Bodansky, head of the U.S. House of Representatives Task Force on Terrorism & Unconventional Warfare, TFTUW, says, “We’re not just dealing with Arabs”. A 1992 report said Islam experienced an unexpected renaissance in Communist Yugoslavia in the mid 1970s. Schools for radical mullahs in Iran included some 250 Bosnians a year. INSIGHT MAGAZINE reports that Iran is at the core of recruiting and mobilizing terrorist-training efforts, with Iraq, Pakistan and Syria playing key support roles. “Yugoslav Muslim youths were drawn into cooperation with and emulation of Arab terrorists”. Bodansky, director of the TFTUW, says “bin Laden and al-Zawahira deployed and concealed ‘Islamist elite’ terrorist forces brought in from around the Middle East, into the Bosnian army – using humanitarian front organizations to explain their presence”. Bodansky, whose most recent book, “The High Cost of Peace”, is a stinging criticism of what he describes as failed U.S. policy in the Mid East, says “U.S. policy has lacked forcefulness in dealing with the mujahedin problem in Bosnia by not forcing them out as called for by the Dayton Accords”. (7)

But, the “New World Order-ists” see them as a temporary, but controllable, army – just as Hitler had his brown shirt thugs at first. The “New World Order-ists” are looking ahead 500 to1000 years in terms of controlling earth’s vast resources for the higher order of humanity (whom they consider only themselves). No doubt in the end, these two predatory forces will fight each other for control, assuming each civilization has already been conquered by one or the other. Either the Muslims will be deported back to their original homelands or there will be a vast exodus of Christian Europeans to Canada, England, America, etc.

Both will again use the Jews to strike the flame and light the fuse of racial war. Then the “New World Order-ists” will move on to conquer the rest. It worked in World War Two and should work again in World War Three. Evidence of this is plain as Europe once again is easily prodded into Jew-hatred, blinding the Europeans once again to a far greater danger, as before during WWII. As the Muslims become a deadly adversary to Europeans, instead of facing their tormentor, they attack the Jews.

What does all this mean now? How does it connect in today’s world? The “New World Order-ists” believe that, without their superior guidance and control, the world will descend into chaos. They believe that, if they are in control, the world’s resources would be handled in an orderly manner and, of course, the participating corporations would profit from their correct managing of the work force and the raw resources. (You will be that work force!) The raw resources will be energy, water, food and chemicals needed for industrial production – to be controlled and owned by the “New World Order-ists”. Cheap labor, no pollution controls, drill for oil in every fishing ground, no air pollution controls and the cash will roll in!

Some may remember that Germany’s industrialists of almost every corporation utilized slave labor to produce product for a what they called “a high race of people” who they called the “Master Race”.(3) The “New World Order-ists” expect that the low people who they called “untermenchen” will work willingly for the ‘higher civilizations’. This is the long view of the “New World Order-ists” sometimes called “Globalists”.

To accomplish their goals, they need a catalyst to stir things up. Their selected catalysts are the Jews and the Jewish State of Israel who are to be made into the sacrificial enemy of all things human on this planet. This will be the excuse for the violence to follow. The “New World Order-ists” will then jump into action to supposedly save the world from the Jews and chaos - using the same call to action as did Adolph Hitler. Once that is accomplished, the “New World Order-ists” will have a choke-hold on nations, resources and the power to enforce their own form of global law.

For Neo-Nazis, Islamists are perfect, though temporary, partners. Both are cruel, ruthless and dedicated to World Domination. One worships power and money; the other a god that needs human sacrifices. Enslaving nations and people whom they believe are lower than themselves, seems a common trait for today’s Nazis and Islamists. Nazis called them (us) “untermenchen” (low people) and Islamists called Jews and Christians “Dhimmis” (which also means low people).

Strangely, before being hanged Adolph Eichmann concluded that the Nazis’ search for a higher order of people ended with the Jews.

It is understandable why the Nazis of today and the Muslims hate America and Israel. They call America “The Great Satan” and Israel “The Little Satan”. They are envious of and fear Western civilization’s freedom, democracy and progress. America and Israel both symbolize the best of that Judeo-Christian heritage and are, therefore, the most dangerous examples of free humanity to the Islamists. We are their adversaries because we refuse to be their slaves.

Take note of the ease with which African-American criminals in prison, convert to Islam as their aggressive, new religion and a solution to their grudge against society. They are easily drawn to a religion that is both aggressive, predatory and meets their rage against a society that restrains their aggression. Similarly, nations governed by dictators who keep their people in poverty, see their masses gravitate to the false promises of Islam.

The Americans stopped the Nazi dream of enslaving the world for 1000 years through the Third Reich. It was the Israelis who stopped radical Islam from crushing the only civilized outpost of democracy in the Middle East. Both Nazism and Islamism are similarly predatory movements, dedicated to enslaving civilization for power and profit. Each had its own concept as a predatory religion of conquest that demands absolute obedience or prompt elimination of the dissenting individual.

Islam is simultaneously in a period of decline and growth. It recognizes itself as in a failing, non-competitive position with the West. As the West grows in technology and productivity, the culture of Islam declines in poverty, ignorance and primitive conduct. Its expansion is that of a dying culture, lashing out in violence all over the planet. Wherever Islam has achieved ‘critical mass’, it attacks its host country - believing in the self-delusion that their violent “Jihad” shows a grand new awakening.

Like the Nazis, Islam views violence as an expression of power and growth. Islam wishes to conquer and confiscate what others have achieved and then claim dominance as if they themselves actually were the producers of the wealth they looted. Barbarians always envy higher civilizations that have evolved in peace. The Barbarians build nothing but, savagely only take in conquest what they can never achieve. After they conquer a higher civilization, they soon use up that nation’s accumulative achievements, leaving that culture and their own in ruins.

According to Charles Krauthammer, “Today the Arab world is the purveyor of the most vicious anti-Semitic propaganda since Nazi Germany”. Samuel Huntington, author of “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order” says that “Islam has bloody borders”. From Nigeria to Sudan to Pakistan to Indonesia to the Philippines, some of the worst, most hate-driven violence in the world today is perpetuated by Muslims and in the name of Islam. ” And “9/11 – [showed] Islamic terrorism reaching far beyond its border to strike at the heart of the ‘satanic Crusaders’.” – “And the majority remains silent. Until they speak the borders of Islam will remain bloody”. (8)

Islamism and Nazism are both rapacious cultures with dreams and delusions of their own political greatness. Each has its own form of religion, dedicated to conquest as spoilers and producers of evil. In an essay adapted by Robert Locke from Dr. Serge Trifkovic’s new book ” The Sword of the Prophet: A Politically-Incorrect Guide to Islam” he quotes SS Chief Heinrich Himmler that he “..regretted that Germany adopted Christianity, rather that “warlike” Islam as a religion”….Both Nazism and Islam both openly aim at world conquest. Both demand the total subordination of the free will of the individual – the very word “Islam” means submission in Arabic.” (9)

In “What Went Wrong: Western Impact & Middle Eastern Response” Dr. Bernard Lewis said “The struggle for Palestine greatly facilitated the acceptance of the anti-Semitic interpretation of history and let some to attribute all evil in the Middle East and, indeed, in the world - to secret Jewish plots.” Thus even before Israel was created, the struggled to create it was turned into an existential battle of identity, with the complete denial of the legitimacy of Jewish existence as a central component of Moslem aspiration. “The Nazis recruited some Moslems. Several Moslem SS divisions were raised, from Albania, Bosnia, and Chechnya to Uzbekistan”. (10)

Lest we forget and trivialize the evil that exists in the world, let us remember how the Europeans (especially the French, Poles and others) turned their Jews over to Hitler’s death camps. The British ‘merely’ blockaded the Jews’ attempted escape into Palestine from the Nazis, put them in concentration camps in Cyprus and ‘helped’ the Arabs in their terrorist pogroms against the Jews in Palestine while they, the mighty British, controlled Mandatory Palestine. Let us remember the vicious evil of the gas chambers where the victims clawed grooves into the concrete walls with their fingernails in their excruciating death agony of asphyxiation. Recall how the Sonderkommandos (at the orders of Camp Kommandants) threw young children alive and screaming into the Krupp ovens. Evil is not a fanciful expression used carelessly here but a description of acts that cause human agony and despair.

That is the evil that was and that is the evil that is returning – as witnessed by the holocaust of 9/11 and the genocidal bombings in Israel. Each day we await new bombings like the attacks in Bali, Kenya and Israel as the Islamists feed new human sacrifices to their blood cult religion. This then is the Army that the “New World Order-ists” have recruited to be their vanguard and think they can control.

“New World Order-ist” corporations have no loyalty to any country. They see themselves as corporate nations with loyalty and ties only to other International entities like themselves. In their greed, their goals are power, money and absolute control of all economies. The average person will see this as merely the stuff of an adventure or spy novel but this is what is evolving in today’s world.

There really is a war between good and evil which is taking place before our eyes today. The problem is that there is evil and good intermixed on both sides. Islam (despite its ‘Jihadists’) has its advocates for peace and is not supportive of the radical Islamist Terrorists – but they are virtually silent. (11)

In America, we have Arabists and Neo-Nazis who represent the worst in our American people. They are dispersed within the American government, industry and Media - just as they were in Germany among the Nazi industrialists, judges and Media. They believe they are destined to rule and we are to be their subjects. The creators and enablers of the Third Reich did not die in 1945 but merely went underground to emerge with a new image, empowered with old Nazi money hidden away.

The Fourth Reich is just beginning to show itself. Let us hope that this time it is crushed in its infancy before it grows into a fully fledged monster as was nurtured through Hitler. President George Bush tells us we are in a war against Global Terror and he shall pursue it until Terror is defeated. Only time will tell.


How could it be possible for German and American corporations to cooperate during WWII? It has all been researched and printed but, most will never read such books as:

1. “The Unholy Trinity” by John Loftus & Mark Aarons St. Martin’s Press NY

2. “The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Subverted the Jewish People, 1920-1992” by John Loftus & Mark Aaron St. Martin’s Press 1994

3. “The Splendid Blond Beast:” by Christopher Simpson


4. “Racism Up After 9/11, European Monitor Says” by Craig S. Smith NEW YORK TIMES December 11, 2002

5. “Jihad& Terrorism: Conquest of Istanbul & Rome” MEMRI #447 December 6, 2002

6. “Radical Islam in Europe: A united continent faces a burgeoning threat to its stability” by Douglas Bloomfield Institute of the World Jewish Congress December 5. 2002

7. “Global Jihad: Blond, blue-eyed Muslim Terrorists? Security expert Bodansky says Bosnians put ‘new face’ on jihadist stereotype” World Net Daily Israeli & Global News December 5, 2002 from Murray Kahl

8. “Violence and Islam” by Charles Krauthammer WASHINGTON POST December 6, 2002

9. “Islam’s Nazi Connections: Nazism & Islam…ideological cousins?” by Dr. Sedge Trifkovic in “The Sword of the Prophet: A Politically-Incorrect Guide to Islam”

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Israel; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: arabs; islam; jihadinamerica; nazis; newworldorder; terrorism; war

1 posted on 12/14/2002 3:49:06 PM PST by Ancesthntr
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To: dennisw; veronica; Oldeconomybuyer; American in Israel; Sabramerican
Religion of Peace Alert!
2 posted on 12/14/2002 3:50:16 PM PST by Ancesthntr
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach; JCG; *JIHAD IN AMERICA; aculeus; Grampa Dave; Clovis_Skeptic; ladyinred; ...
Religion of Peace Alert!
3 posted on 12/14/2002 3:54:07 PM PST by Ancesthntr
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To: Ancesthntr
4 posted on 12/14/2002 3:55:58 PM PST by ChadGore
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To: Ancesthntr
will read later!
5 posted on 12/14/2002 4:02:48 PM PST by dennisw
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To: ChadGore
Forgive my ignorance - what is ROPMA?
6 posted on 12/14/2002 4:13:25 PM PST by Ancesthntr
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To: dennisw
A forewarning.
7 posted on 12/14/2002 4:18:37 PM PST by happygrl
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To: Ancesthntr
How about a Tinfoil Hat alert next time?
8 posted on 12/14/2002 4:21:49 PM PST by Young Rhino
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To: Ancesthntr
9 posted on 12/14/2002 4:35:46 PM PST by Fiddlstix
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To: Ancesthntr
It was merely put into deep storage for a time along with the money they had banked in various countries until they could create a Fourth (IV) Reich ...

The first one sank into the swamp.

So they built a second one.
That sank into the swamp.

So they built a third one.
That one burned down, fell over and then sank into the swamp.

But the fourth one......stayed up!!

10 posted on 12/14/2002 5:01:25 PM PST by uglybiker
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To: dennisw
11 posted on 12/14/2002 7:38:28 PM PST by monkeyshine
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To: Ancesthntr
This writer is closer to mark than is comfortable admit. I hope he lives long enough to convince the right people with guts and brains about how to stop these inbred vultures.
12 posted on 12/14/2002 9:46:13 PM PST by mark the shark
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To: Young Rhino
13 posted on 12/14/2002 10:48:43 PM PST by Nebr FAL owner
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To: Ancesthntr
This appears to be the leftist take on the big bad 'globalists'. They really love to infer that corporate executives are evil incarnate. Their is one big hole in this anti-business 'globalists are bad' rant. What is missing is, big bad communist China. Your know the guys who originally owned the north Korean ship that was recently caught shipping advanced scud missles to a middle eastern Islamic country. Apparently the leftist anti-globalists rant is not applicbale to Chinese communists.

That is the problem with most leftist political theories and conspiratorial 'insights'. Communists and socialist can never really be casted into the 'globalist' light. Which explains why they support enlightened socialists dictators (such as Castro and Saddam). They are apparently blinded by the dictators enlightment.

14 posted on 12/15/2002 12:13:29 AM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: Ancesthntr
Re: what is ROPMA?

Religion Of Peace My Ass

15 posted on 12/15/2002 5:58:32 AM PST by ChadGore
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To: Young Rhino
How about a Tinfoil Hat alert next time?

Not necessarily. There are too many legitimate questions raised by this article to ignore or to dismiss as Tinfoil Hat stuff. Surely, it is not exactly as the author spells it out, but I posted it in order to get everyone to think.

16 posted on 12/15/2002 10:17:02 AM PST by Ancesthntr
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To: justa-hairyape
This appears to be the leftist take on the big bad 'globalists'. They really love to infer that corporate executives are evil incarnate.

I agree that the Lefties try to always paint the capitalists as evil, and ignore the Socialists. In fact, one of my greatest fears is that if our war against the Moslems (and that's what it is, not just Iraq or Al-Quaida) isn't handled well, we'll end up fighting most of them simultaneously, and that will so tie us up that the North Koreans and Chinese can do pretty much what they want. Thankfully, Bush appears to be using good strategery so far.

We need to be able to pick off one Islamist regime at a time unless, that is, we can get some decent allies. Other than Israel and the Brits, we appear not to have any. OK, F'em. We'll do it ourselves, but it will take longer. China's time will come - though I'm sure that Bush's people hope to merely contain China until it implodes in 15 or 20 years like the old Soviet Union. No one sane could possibly want to fight 1.2 billion people armed with nukes. We could do it and win, but the cost would be incredibly high in both people and treasure. Far better to let their system - the one with the real internal contradictions, destroy itself.

In the meanwhile, we'll just pick off one corrupt, Islamist regime at our leisure. First Iraq, then Iran, Israel can take care of Syria, Libya, Sudan - and then the Saudis. After that, the rest don't matter and will fall in line (i.e. not support terrorists). There's no hope that they'll ever like us, but I don't care - as long as they don't bother us, let them worship a false religion and eat sand.

Getting back to the article, I think that there are some good points. And surely there are some corporations controlled by people who we'd call Nazis or neo-Nazis. It is, of course, absurd to say that they all are, or that so many are that they effectively control the corporate world. However, it is quite possible that the Arabs are being manipulated into being cannon fodder for some mysterious group somewhere - I'm NOT a tinfoil hat type, but there's lots going on in this world that we don't know about and would be very surprised about. Try reading some of the books cited at the end of the article - very interesting and VERY well researched. Simply put, the world is not as it seems on the surface. It never hurts to listen to a different explanation and do a bit of reading and thinking to determine if that new theory makes any sense.

17 posted on 12/15/2002 10:31:50 AM PST by Ancesthntr
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To: Ancesthntr
Good points. Of course the US used the Islamic Mujahadeen to fight the Soviet communists in Afghanistan during the Reagan years. There was another article posted here that described the goals of the Russian/Chinese strategic cooperation aggreement signed in 2001. One of its stated public goals was to assist Islamic nations so they could provide a counter to the growing American superpower influence. So there are, publicly stated, alliances assisting the Islamic nations, not to fight Israel, but to contain the US. Perhaps the russians are using our Afghanistan strategy against us. This came about as a result of Clinton/Blair bombing Serbia. One can hope that the russians are using the chinese, but one should logically assume they are not. The russians do however need to be worried about their southern Islamic border territories. Now there may also be a long term non-public alliance that is trying to destroy Israel. Like for example another article recently posted here talked about the connection between Germany and Iraq. So there are plenty of anti-semites who will always be scheming to destroy Israel.

Our main problem is what will happen in 2004 or 2008 if the US military is controlled by a pascifist or someone who uses our military to destract from their own personnal problems. One can look at the recent Lott problems and realize that we are only a handle of idiotic votes away from having another anti-american pro globalist president.

18 posted on 12/17/2002 1:42:30 PM PST by justa-hairyape
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To: Ancesthntr; *JIHAD IN AMERICA; Grampa Dave; Clovis_Skeptic; ladyinred; veronica; Travis McGee; ...
Missed the ping!, Thanks for posting this article! Here is a lengthy but important document which should be read by all!

Jihadis in the Hood
Race, Urban Islam and the War on Terror


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19 posted on 12/18/2002 1:30:52 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach
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