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Total Devastation in Zimbabwe: How News From Zim is Suppressed
Ether Zone ^ | 12/10/02 | By: Jan Lamprecht

Posted on 12/02/2002 10:32:53 PM PST by Hoppean

Things are getting extremely busy here as my contact with Zimbabweans grows. I wish I was dedicated to this full time because there is a mass of suppressed information coming from Zimbabwe which could fill books. This week I have a number of stories to tell from my first-hand contacts which you will not see in any newspaper or on any website anywhere.

I am also trying very hard to get more photos of human cruelty, especially to black people to put on my website to show people the dreadful things going on there. I have just added a new section showing a the first photograph I have of a starving black Zimbabwean man, along with photos of protests by Zimbabweans in South Africa. Click here to see the photos

It has always been obvious to those of us living here, that news from our part of the world rarely reaches the USA or Europe in a pure, raw - truthful form.

Last friday, there was an attempt to murder 4 anti-Mugabe activists here in South Africa. I know these black men personally, and one of them is still in hospital with a broken shoulder. He didn't have enough money to pay for an operation, so he is lying in one of our Government hospitals which is run down through our socialist medical system. Hopefully he can have an operation to save his arm. He may lose part of the use of it anyway. The blacks forbade me from mentioning their names or even mentioning this attempt on their lives by 3 black men suspected of being agents of Mugabe. I really don't feel like keeping my mouth shut about this. So it is with great reluctance that I have to keep the details of their murder attempt to myself for now. They believe that they are small fry and that Mugabe will have them knocked off very easily here in Johannesburg using his intelligence agents and nobody will miss them or notice their loss. They don't have enough money to afford body guards, and they may have to go into hiding which of course will be very inconvenient for them and will curtail their anti-Mugabe activities (which is obviously what Mugabe wants). I saw the one guy yesterday, he had a long cut across his head, with 10 stitches in it. They were all badly hurt, but only one is still in hospital and they suffered the loss of personal property which they don't have the money to replace. So that is as much as I will say for now. Later I may tell the whole story anyway because I hate the idea of people not knowing the truth, but I must also try and honour their requests (the logic of which I disagree with). So be it.

Of course, these black Zimbabweans in South Africa are at the mercy of Mugabe's people even here because this country just turns a blind eye to anything Mugabe he does. So there is no hope of the murder attempt being investigated by the South African Police. I'm sure the Zimbabweans did not even report the incident.

Yesterday, I was at a meeting with a South African photo journalist working for our national TV. He was sent up to Zimbabwe to get details of the environmental destruction there. This journalist spent two weeks in Zimbabwe filming. He told us how he had prepared a 30-minute documentary and showed it to TV executives this week, for airing next week. But the minute they saw it, they decided it could not be allowed to run. They would have to edit it extensively. He is now concerned that when the final watered-down version hits the air at the end of January - it will have little impact. We were discussing with him the problems of getting valid film footage out of Zimbabwe.

Ever since Mugabe came to power in 1980, there were rumours that he was having the mail opened. I discovered, in recent weeks, as my contact with Zimbabweans increases, that they almost never use the mail or courier to smuggle computer CD's or photos or videos out of the country because these things just disappear mysteriously. Now people smuggle these things out in person. The South Africa photo journalist told us how he eventually had to flee from Zimbabwe because the "War Vets" surrounded and besieged the 75-year-old white farmer he was staying with. They surrounded the old man and locked him in his home and demanded that he hand over the journalist. The journalist had to flee, with only the film footage he had on him, leaving the other films behind in the farmer's house.

The journalist told us that what he had seen in the last two weeks in Zimbabwe depressed him beyond belief. He was a young guy, he looked at us and said "You realise this is coming to South Africa of course?" He told us how, in earlier years he had always thought of fleeing north into Africa, if South Africa itself were to fall apart. He figured that the racial issues of South Africa do not exist in other black countries. He told us that he had now abandoned this thinking altogether - there is no hope for Africa. He said he's going to start accumulating US Dollars and British Pounds and begin preparing to abandon Africa altogether. Like the rest of us, he does not want to abandon this continent, but he says there is no hope. The other (Jewish) women at the meeting - who are animal rights activists were saying that they are also starting to feel that Zimbabwe is the writing on the wall that there is no hope at all for South Africa and that its time to consider thinking of fleeing. Everyone was depressed. I told them that I'm past depression. I used to be depressed. But I'm over that, I'm just promising that in my final years here, that I kick up the biggest fuss imaginable and I will throw myself into any activity which hurts my enemies to the maximum. The Governments of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mozambique and Angola make up our own "Axis of Evil" and I am quite happy to throw all my energy into exposing them. I want all the world to know what a bunch of liars, thieves and mass murderers they are. So I smiled and told them: "Don't be depressed, because if you are then evil will have an easy victory. It is your MORAL DUTY to fight evil at every twist and turn and make them pay dearly for every inch that they advance."

The journalist said that Zimbabwe would never recover from the devastation being wrought there. All these "Greenie" environmentalists cry whenever there is an oil spill - well - wait until you hear what Mugabe's socialism is doing to that country. In October I saw a satellite photograph of Zimbabwe showing its desertification. I must find this image and put it on my website. I'm going to build an extensive Zimbabwe photo gallery as the material now comes my way. I will be hard at work on it this December and will begin putting piece of it out, each week or two.

A lot of white Zimbabweans have family outside Zimbabwe who are helping to pull them out of the country. I know of people here in South Africa who are bringing their families out of Zim. But there are the "trapped ones" - and they are now truly stuck. Like farmers whose farms have been wiped out, and all they have left is their homestead in which they are living. I asked the journalist how people survive. He said he doesn't know because most of those whites he saw had no incomes left. He said the 75-year old man he was living with was taking the carcasses of animals poached by the War Veterans and turning them into biltong (dried meat - beef jerky) and he was eating that.

He said the despondency, frustration and anger of the remaining people there is impossible to describe. Everywhere he went, people were either so angry, or so despondent that they just broke down. He said you couldn't speak to the women because they just break down in tears. Their entire lives have been wiped out. So now anger is setting in, a fierce anger, and a lot of it is now directed at blacks in general. He said many have reached the point where they don't care if their faces are shown on TV because they have nothing to lose - they've lost it all anyway. Now they say what they want - and he said they are very blunt and say the most racist things imaginable - things so racist that it is against South African Law to show this on TV. The few remaining trapped whites are incredibly bitter an extremely angry.

I had a similar experience on my website. A recently displaced white Zimbabwean wrote the following in my guest book the other day: "As a recently displaced Rhodesian (I cannot call myself a Zimbabwean any longer!) farmer & engineer, descended directly of pioneer stock, I've been tempted to write a book. I shall call it "The Errors of Civilisation" methinks. The content shall include, for example, my thoughts on why a being who had not even seen a wheel barely one hundred years ago, should not be allowed behind the wheel of a Merc, or indeed allowed to repair a cell phone - and God forbid he be allowed to rule a country..."

I'll say Robert Mugabe has certainly achieved his aim of destroying the racial harmony which existed in that country. I have been warning about this sort of thing for a long time.

He said, everywhere he went he kept hearing about the War Vets and the incredible destruction they were wreaking on the environment. I must pause, and tell people outside Africa, that the environment and the wonderful animal life of Africa is something we native white Africans take a great pride in. Huge game reserves were established as far back as a hundred years ago in parts of Southern Africa. Whites take great pride in preserving the animals of Africa. So environmental issues, and the needless slaughter of wildlife, especially in a cruel manner is something which gets our backs up. Conservation has always been a big aspect of our culture.

So the War Vets insane and cruel destruction of everything in their path makes people very angry. The farmers tell of how the War Vets have huge packs of vicious dogs with which they hunt down wild animals at will. As you can appreciate, you are seeing in this scenario, the blacks returning to the savagery and cruelty which existed in pre-colonial times. You are watching people going backward and using old, wasteful, destructive methods of doing things.

Even here in South Africa, the issue of blacks hunting animals with packs of wild dogs is something which most people dislike, even if it is "traditional". The main issue is the needless cruelty and suffering which most people hate. Snares are a favourite way for blacks to hunt animals. Snares are very effective, easy to set up, and extremely cruel. Elephants lose their trunks in snare, or their feet. Animals suffer and die in a terrible way over long periods of time.

There used to be (the key phrase is USED TO BE), private game farms and conservancies in Zimbabwe where wild life was bred some of which was sold or selected for hunting by American and other tourists. The resultant income, in US Dollars being a very value income. Game farming in Southern Africa has become very popular and profitable in recent decades and this is the main way in which a lot of animals have been preserved.

The War Vets go and put up snares all across the length of a farm. Then they go with their packs of dogs and chase all the animals from one end of the farm to the other. A couple of animals will get caught in the snares. The War Vets will leave them all to die a slow and painful death, while going to one animal, cutting its leg off and going to eat it. The remaining animals will die and rot and never be eaten or used. Then, a few days later the War Vets will repeat this same exercise. The journalist said the wastage and total disregard for everything was unbelievable.

He said he personally saw 8 giraffes killed by the War Vets. They were killed in a cruel manner. He said the blacks are now so desperate for food, that they are killing EVERY LIVING THING IN SIGHT in order to get food. This means total environmental wipe-out. Of course, once all the animals are dead, the blacks will die too. But by the time they die, the place will be a desert. I have heard many reports from Zimbabwe about the desertification of that very beautiful country. For those of us who lived there, it is unthinkable that it has come to this. One of the most beautiful countries in the world is being completely wiped out - because of one man - Mugabe.

The few remaining white farmers who are well aware of the War Vets and their dogs, have grown to have an absolute hatred for them and their animals. He said he saw a white farmer coming upon some of these dogs and immediately shooting them with his rifle. He did not have enough bullets to kill those who were wounded, so he grabbed an axe and furiously chopped the dogs to death in his rage.

The journalist said the emotion and anger among the few remaining whites is difficult to describe. They have nothing left, and they spend much of their time giving emotional support to each other and trying to talk each other into staying positive. Interestingly I have not yet heard of any suicides among whites there. People seem to have quite a lot of spirit. I have noticed this spirit among all the Zimbabweans I come across, and I am actually very impressed by it. My admiration for them has actually gone up a lot in recent weeks as I deal with black and white Zimbabweans, male and female who either live in South Africa or who travel between the two countries. None of them just want to run. The ANGER inside them is unbelievable. When Mugabe's people tried to kill those blacks last week, it was business as usual for all of them except the guy who was in hospital. The minute they were discharged they continued, as if nothing had happened, working against Mugabe. They don't even complain. They make like nothing happened.

Whites in Zimbabwe, and MDC activists receive death threats from Mugabe's people all the time. It is quite normal for Mugabe's people to try to run them off the road, or to try to kill them in some other way. None of them moan about it, they just ignore the death threats and continue on as normal - all of them. The only ones in South Africa are those who really had to make a run for their lives. But the RESOLVE in the hearts of blacks to fight Mugabe is unbelievable. They just tell me they don't care if he kills them, because others will carry on when they are dead. They say that he can't kill the idea - in fact - the more he tries to kill them the harder they will fight back. As I said in earlier posts, when I spoke to black Zimbabweans in South Africa and said to them that from 2000, I had been proposing that we raise an army to fight him, they immediately broke out into huge smiles. Even women, who are normally peaceful, said to me "It is the only way". War is the only way to save that country. But none of the international players have the balls to do it. No country is willing to arm the Zimbabweans in neighbouring states, and all the governments of the neighbouring states are in cahoots with Mugabe (except for Botswana which is America's only true ally in the region). There are 2.5 million black Zimbabweans in South Africa. There are more than enough Zimbabwean men here to raise an army to wipe Mugabe off the face of the Earth. We could easily recruit 200,000 black Zimbabweans here in South Africa and let them storm their way back into Zimbabwe. Mugabe's Army is only about 50,000 strong. We could beat him, in a conventional war. We have enough arms here in South Africa and more than enough whites who can train them. Everything is here - but it won't happen. It will never be done. Instead, we must watch everything die up there - and our government here is a part of the reason why.

If one is to fight Mugabe, one must do it properly, or else he will unleash all hell upon the remaining blacks. If one were to engage in pin-prick attacks on him, he would retaliate by slaughtering blacks en masse in retribution.

I am keen to see what he does if the USA tries to drop food there. I have a suspicion he will send War Vets and troops to immediately confiscate any food dropped (unless it is done so secretly that his agents on the ground do not find out about it).

If it were not for the government in South Africa, I am certain the anti-Mugabe sentiment in South Africa is so strong that we would have organised an invasion of Zimbabwe. I am convinced of this. The whites and blacks from Zimbabwe here number about 2.7 million and the majority of South Africans are firmly against Mugabe. Organising an army would not be a problem here. But that won't be possible. The only hope is that groups are organised in neighbouring states. The black Zimbabweans here spoke about trying to "surround" Mugabe and trying to win friends in all the neighbouring states and using several points to jump off from to invade Zimbabwe. This is a viable plan - but will any government - anywhere - sponsor this? I doubt it, but I keep hoping someone, somewhere, in a position of power, will look at ways of helping those blacks to fight against him.

The journalist told me that on one huge conservancy they had 12,000 animals but Mugabe's people have wiped out most of the animals and only 3,000 are left.

He told me of how the War Vets will die too. Mugabe gave orders for them to destroy the trees so that they could plant maize. Parts of Zimbabwe are only suitable for cattle farming because the rainfall is below the 600mm required for maize. The War Vets burned down trees to make way for the places they were going to plough. He said a white farmer who had been living there for 50 years, showed him his rainfall records for the area and there had only been more 600mm or more on three occasions since 1963! In other words, there is virtually no chance of them ever growing maize there! But the stupid War Vets of course don't know that. So they destroyed all the vegetation. Now you can't grow maize there, and you can't farm with cattle either!! They will die.

The journalist said the fact is that a massive ethnic cleansing is taking place in Zimbabwe - but South African TV won't allow him to state it! He just shook his head.

Then he told me how the South African Government is definitely part of the problem. Minister of Foreign Affairs Nkosasana Zuma, (who has a prime seat in hell waiting for her), visited Zimbabwe recently and came declaring that the situation there "is blown out of all proportion by the world's media, ESPECIALLY THE SOUTH AFRICAN MEDIA!" Let me quickly tell the Reader about this small, round woman who definitely will be conversing with Satan when she leaves this Earth. She was the Minister of Health here and immediately applied her Socialist ideas to Health Care which did tremendous damage to Health Care in South Africa. Then she was "promoted" to Minister of Foreign Affairs. There has even been speculation in the South African media that she might become the next President!!

Zuma is always complaining that journalists "misquote" her. She says things, puts her foot in it, gets caught out and then pretends she did not say that. She says things which we see on TV and later says we "did not understand". This photo journalist wanted to catch her out on national TV. He wanted to put footage of her on TV showing her saying that there was no problem in Zimbabwe, and then he would counter by showing real film footage and leave the viewers to decide for themselves and realise what a liar she really is (which everyone suspects anyway). But now he can't get hold of her! When he phones her office, there is always some excuse as to why she can't be interviewed to give her a final chance to say something about Zimbabwe.

According to the Zimbabwe Government there is no problem there!! One South African animal rights activist told me how she had chased up a story last year about the destruction of wild life in a game reserve in Zimbabwe. A Zimbabwe government official told her to keep her nose out of it, and that nothing was wrong. The journalist told me he had the same experience. Mugabe's Minister of Information (disinformation actually!), Professor Jonathan Moyo, is Mugabe's arch liar. He refused the South African journalist entry into Zimbabwe. He said that they did not want journalists there because whenever foreign journalists came there, they caused them trouble! So they preferred none. Anyway, Mugabe has been forcing journalists to "register" in Zimbabwe, and has kicked most of them out. You must understand, he wants to murder his people in peace! According to Professor Moyo (I admire his "in-your-face" kind of lies), there is no destruction of animal wildlife. According to him, white farmers are shooting their own animals and then putting the photos on the Internet!! This is the same Moyo who said white farmers cut themselves deliberately and then pretend they were attacked by War Vets! You just have to admire Moyo's balls at telling such bold and blatant lies in such a convincing manner.

The South African journalist told me that the Zimbabwe government now charges US$10,000 for a VISA, and $1,000 PER DAY for each day that the journalist stays in the country. He remarked that even big media organisations like the BBC and CNN don't have budgets for those sorts of costs and so this is effectively keeping journalists out - except for the rare few. How did the South African journalist get in? Well, he sneaked in illegally.

I heard from animal rights activists that someone here in South Africa has 16 video tapes about the destruction of wildlife in Zim.

There has long been a controversy in South Africa that South African farmers who own land up in Zimbabwe are especially targetted by the War Vets and that the South African government does nothing to help them. According to the journalist, he saw an interesting thing. These South African farmer's had had their properties destroyed by the War Vets, but there was the odd farm owned by a Frenchman or a German, and these properties were completely in tact. The War Vets had left these people completely alone. The South Africans were extremely bitter, because they were saying that this is because the French and the Germans had strong words with Mugabe and had warned him not to touch the properties of their nationals or there would be trouble! The South Africans were very embittered because the South African government could have done the same. But it just pretended there wasn't a problem, and had left them to rot! This shows clearly how well controlled Mugabe's War Vets really are - they only attack those whom Mugabe wants to attack.

I do know for a fact, that Germans in Zimbabwe have been lobbying the German government a lot, and the German government was one of the first to make some strong statements about Mugabe as far back as 2 years ago. I know for example that there is still a lot of lobbying going on of the German government, and that they are getting a lot of good information about the situation in Zimbabwe. So Mugabe is not pulling the wool over their eyes. It goes to show that any strong stand against Mugabe would work. He only succeeds when people do not fight back, and being the Marxist piece of garbage that he is, he only attacks the weak. What he needs is FIRM ACTION, to send him reeling - which is why I am alway advocating my pet idea of raising an army against him. I can dream can't I?

The journalist told me of some of the outright evil he saw. A War Vet arrived in one area with his own cattle which had been infected with foot and mouth disease. He let them run among the stud cattle of one of the biggest ranchers in Zimbabwe. This herd of cattle was worth millions of US Dollars. Soon, the stud cattle got foot and mouth disease. So the white farmer complained to the government. The government then sent an official who said that it was the white farmer (with stud cattle), who had the foot and mouth disease and that these had infected the War Vets' cattle! So the white farmer was forced to pay the War Vet for the loss of his cattle, while the white farmer's stud herd was totally decimated.

I should point out that during the original war which brought Mugabe to power, lots of cattle in the then Rhodesia were killed. Back then, there was an enormous national herd. It was said, when Zimbabwe came into being that the national cattle herd had been severely damaged. Thus in the years of Mugabe's rule, there were a lot less cattle than in the days of colonial Rhodesia. So think about this: Apparently, 80% of these remaining cattle have been wiped out in the last two years!! Something like a million cattle have been slaughtered during the last two years - and this includes many stud herds of cattle. Some may be irreplacable because I know of special cattle which were bred for Zimbabwean conditions. Whites had developed these cattle after decades of careful selective breeding. These cattle are unique and aren't found even in South Africa. The journalist said, he was told that the Zimbabwe National herd is down to about 400,000 cattle.

Yesterday I was talking to a black Zimbabwean now living in South Africa who had studied electoral law and had run a polling station during the parliamentary elections there in June 2001. He told me how Mugabe cheated in the area he was in. He said that when they go on courses in preparation for holding elections, they are told "You are now a Civil Servant and you must not do things to the detriment of your employer. You don't want want to lose your job and your employment benefits. You don't want to lose your life do you?" After those "hints", they then make all the electoral officials sign the Official Secrets Act which prevents them from discussing anything that happens during the electoral process with journalists.

Now he lives in South Africa - having had to flee for his life. He told me during the parliamentary elections soldiers arrived with ballot boxes (stuffed with votes) which they were going to add to the votes already cast at the polling station. When he objected to this, they fired some shots in the air and said to him "Do you want the next bullet to be in YOUR HEAD?" So he stood aside and let them bring in the rigged ballot boxes with the votes.

As my involvement with Zimbabwe grows, and as I meet more and more people, including journalists, or I attend Press conferences (in my own private time, at my own expense), I am am starting to realise that there is plenty of news about Zimbabwe. I am starting to see what journalists get first-hand - journalists from across the world - and my mouth is agape at how little, passes by the editors, the legal teams and the many other hurdles placed in the way of the truth. It stuns me, how easily, news is kept from people across the world. Of course, there may be some idiots who think I'm writing nonsense, but in the fullness of time, when the truth eventually is fully realised, people will see that every word I am writing here is true.

The thing which outrages me at the moment is how the truth is suppressed, and how that mechanism works. A lot of people are of course cowards and lack the principles to stand firmly. Then there are also journalists who can have their careers destroyed in a second if they try to buck the system. But then again, the bigger question is how many people in the world care about right and wrong? Or is Oil more important?

"Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."

Jan Lamprecht grew up on a small farm in Rhodesia. He moved to South Africa after Mugabe came to power and spent a short time in the South African Navy. He ventured into the world of politics after Mugabe began his land invasions in 2000. He is a self-employed IT Consultant in Johannesburg and a regular columnist for Ether Zone.

His new book "Government by Deception" - Psychopolitics in Southern Africa, is now available for purchase.

TOPICS: Editorial; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: africa; africawatch; lamprecht; mugabe; reverseracism; southafrica; zimbabwe
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A report from someone in the field...telling you what the Establishment media won't.
1 posted on 12/02/2002 10:32:53 PM PST by Hoppean
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To: Hoppean
Millions will die there and the fact the UN does nothing about it shows what a fraud the UN is.
2 posted on 12/02/2002 10:46:23 PM PST by coloradan
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To: Hoppean
I am am starting to realise that there is plenty of news about Zimbabwe. I am starting to see what journalists get first-hand - journalists from across the world - and my mouth is agape at how little, passes by the editors, the legal teams and the many other hurdles placed in the way of the truth. It stuns me, how easily, news is kept from people across the world.

This is why I write in freeper from Israel. There is a distinct effort to change the news, and to suppress evidence to keep the Islamics in power. The media is more than a herd mentality, nobody could make so many mistakes in common with everyone else without a conductor of the band.

Israel is being painted very carefully in the worst light they can dream up as the Jews are being slaughtered in their own streets by Islamokazis. The Arabs Jihadists are driving the Arab nationals out of the country as they prepare to be the fifth column in the next Arab League invasion of Israel.

Any persicution of Christians like Lebanon or Sudan is ignored while the slaughter of Palestinians by Arafat is hidden. Someone very powerful controls the media. Someone who wants Jews and Christians to be destroyed ASAP.

That someone is not America's friend. So I decided to just write what I see and try to put some truth in the picture. I hope this writer continues to do the same for Africa. I have South African friends who have familys that have lived there for over a hundred years and they say whites cannot get jobs now in Africa. Why is that not being reported by our "diverse" media?

I think diversity's purpose is to destroy Unity.

3 posted on 12/03/2002 1:08:24 AM PST by American in Israel
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Great report Jan!
4 posted on 12/03/2002 1:27:01 AM PST by Travis McGee
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To: Travis McGee; JanL; TEXASPROUD; *AfricaWatch; Cincinatus' Wife; sarcasm; happygrl; ...
5 posted on 12/03/2002 4:18:53 AM PST by Clive
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To: JanL
I'm just promising that in my final years here, that I kick up the biggest fuss imaginable and I will throw myself into any activity which hurts my enemies to the maximum.

May God protect you, Jan.

6 posted on 12/03/2002 6:28:19 AM PST by xJones
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To: Travis McGee; Clive; JanL
Thanks for the ping. JanL keep on publishing the information, no one else has the cajones.
Pamwe Chete
In Memory of the Best
7 posted on 12/03/2002 6:52:40 AM PST by TEXASPROUD
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Jan's got big ones, no doubt. I just hope we live to see the insane criminals hanging from lamposts in Harare.
8 posted on 12/03/2002 7:09:40 PM PST by Travis McGee
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To: Travis McGee
"I am keen to see what he does if the USA tries to drop food there"

I propose we not drop a single bite of food, but pallets of surplus AK's and ammunition and then see what happens.


9 posted on 12/03/2002 7:17:18 PM PST by Lurker
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To: Hoppean
This is too sad for words. I'm sure even the many of the people that voted for Mugabe, the first time, regret it now...that it's too late.
10 posted on 12/03/2002 7:20:04 PM PST by Republic of Texas
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To: coloradan
What's going on in Zimbabwe sounds like genocide. That means the Genocide Convention obliges other countries to step in and stop it.
11 posted on 12/03/2002 7:28:04 PM PST by aristeides
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To: Lurker
I have an inside source who assures me that NO US CAVALRY is coming to the rescue.

The entire cavalry down to the last horseshoe is busy several thousand miles NNE of poor forgotten Zim.

12 posted on 12/03/2002 8:16:14 PM PST by Travis McGee
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To: aristeides
Like in Cambodia and Rwanda?
13 posted on 12/03/2002 8:16:52 PM PST by Travis McGee
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To: JanL
It's like watching a slow motion train wreck. You know what's going to happen and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Thanks for the flag.
15 posted on 12/03/2002 10:17:15 PM PST by Valin
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To: JanL
16 posted on 12/03/2002 11:06:06 PM PST by Travis McGee
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