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DAVIDS STUFF ^ | 05/15/02 | David on the Web

Posted on 10/11/2002 6:31:02 AM PDT by alisasny

Prior to the arrival of William Jefferson “Slick Willie” Clinton, I had always considered Jimmy Carter to be the sorriest president our nation has ever endured.   As I write this letter, ex-president Carter is in Cuba stroking his narcissism and seeking his relevance by throwing a desperately needed credibility lifeline to the repugnant tyranny of Fidel Castro, the vile and despicable relic of the past glory days of communism.  An additional benefit for Carter is of course, as the first ex-president and highest ranking United States citizen to visit the world’s foremost cigar salesman, the nation’s television cameras and news organizations are all over Carter like Ted Kennedy on a glass of whiskey.  Carter hasn’t received as much attention since he proudly presided over 444 days of cowering to the Islamic Mullah’s reign of Iranian hostage terror.

Mr. Carter, the self proclaimed world-wide human rights patrolman, has deemed it his personal responsibility to handle the nation’s foreign policy and diplomatic affairs without seeking any prior approval, permission or consultation from the people who actually have the job. Meddling has been the consistent  trademark of the ex-president ever since he was soundly thrashed in his bid for re-election.  He was wholeheartedly rejected by the people of this country and even the members of his own party and was humiliated at the polls by Ronald Reagan.  Not to be deterred by his defeat or accept the rejection of his leadership, Mr. Carter  immediately began his agenda of perpetually interfering with his markedly superior successors.

While President Reagan was applying considerable pressure to Daniel Ortega, the military dictator of Nicaragua, in hopes of winning some democratic reforms for the suffering people of that woeful nation, Mr. Carter embraced the communist regime and urged his Habitat for Humanity to build in Nicaragua and to support the Cuban backed Sandinista’s peoples revolution.

While President Bush was striving to garner world-wide support and a military coalition to reverse the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Carter actually wrote letters to all members of the United Nations Security Council urging them to restrain from any resistance or interference of the Iraqi aggression and to prevent President Bush from protecting Kuwait.

While President Clinton was resisting North Korea’s Kim Il Sung’s efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, Mr. Carter traveled to Pyongyang and praised the “Great Leader” as being intelligent, vigorous and well informed in the affairs of the world.  He declared Pyongyang to be a “....bustling city where shoppers pack the department stores” reminding him of the Wal-Mart in Americus, Georgia.  He acclaimed the peaceful intentions of Kim’s regime and stated “I don’t see that they are an outlaw nation.”

Now, with President George W. Bush having his plate full with Islamic terrorism in our homeland, and Carter’s good buddy Yassar Arafat exploding helpless Jewish babies, children, women and innocent citizens, Mr. Carter has decided to once again meddle in America’s foreign affairs and to lecture President Bush on how to conduct diplomacy with another of the many despots that Mr. Carter always holds in high esteem.

Let’s take a few lines to discuss Carter’s open admiration for international oppressors.  While Carter was president, he openly declared Yugoslavia’s strongman and dictatorial ruler, Marshall Tito, as “a man who believes in human rights.”   While Carter was president he said of Romania’s barbaric Nikolae Ceausescu and himself,  “Our goals are the same: to have a just system of economics and politics . . . We believe in enhancing human rights.”

Since he left the presidency, Carter has praised the virtues and humanitarianism of Syria’s late Hafez al-Assad (killer of at least 20,000 in Hama) and the Ethiopian tyrant Mengistu Haile Mariam.  Ethiopians spent 17 years living under the bloody control of this despot. Mengistu ordered the execution of tens of thousands of his own people, and even blocked food aid during the catastrophic famine of Ethiopia to punish his opponents.  In Haiti, during the 1994 intervention of the Clinton administration trying to remove the military junta that overthrew elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide in a bloody coup in September 1991, seven months after Aristide was sworn in as Haiti's first democratically elected president, our sharp-witted Mr. Carter told the dictator Raul Cédras that he was “....ashamed of what my country has done to your country.”

In September of 2001, Carter said to his admirer James Zogby, Islamic activist and premier fund raiser for Yassar Arafat and the PLO,  “I think the sanctions are hurting the people of Iraq, and not Saddam Hussein, whom I consider to be a dictator, and I think an insensitive dictator, and he is able now to blame all of his maybe self-induced problems, economically and socially, on the United States because of our sanctions and because of our fairly infrequent aerial attacks.”  Wow, was he ever tough on SaddamCarter actually referred to him as an “insensitive dictator”.

Mr. Carter has for years openly supported Yasser Arafat against Israel.  He has spent considerable time aiding, consulting and even drafting speeches for the Palestinian terrorist to insure the language used would be western style and would gain the most influence for western civilizations and news organizations.

Carter’s penchant for human rights abuses displays ponderous selective indignation.  Should there be abuses in South Africa, Chile, Mexico, Britain, Brazil or Spain, Carter will tell you, and anyone else who will listen, all about it.  However, should there be abuses in Communist Cuba, Communist China, Communist Ethiopia, Communist North Korea, Communist Nicaragua, or in tyrannically oppressed Palestine, Syria, Haiti, Lybia, Iraq, Iran, you will hear only about the progress, fairness, freedoms and benefits of these regimes,  who all happen to be victims of capitalistic oppressors.

Mr. Carter has evidentially forgotten how and why the trade embargo was originally placed on Cuba.  Immediately after the revolution which removed Fulgencio “Papa Doc” Batista on January 1, 1959, Fidel Castro fully embraced Communism and quickly became a puppet for the Soviet Union.  Castro and Cuba became the only western hemisphere base for Soviet nuclear missiles, a Soviet nuclear submarine base, a Soviet naval base and an enormous Soviet electronic and intelligence gathering base.  Cuban mercenary troops were sent to support Communist revolutions in Angola, Algeria, Congo, Guinea and Zaire.  Castro sent Che Guevara into Central and South America to spread revolutions and Communism.  Castro and Cuba provided arms and military training to every anti-American government and revolution on Earth, including Lybia.  Mr. Carter needs to set aside his Manifesto for a few days and peruse a history book or two.

While Carter is in Havana praising the works and likes of Castro, he will, before he leaves Cuba, bring up the terrible injustice and injury the USA trade embargo has placed upon Cuba and its poor, innocent and destitute citizens.  What he won’t tell you, is the trade embargo is largely symbolic.  Cuba does not need anything from the United States that it cannot get from other countries such as Mexico and Canada.  And probably get it cheaper.  In reality, Castro can buy nearly anything he wants, including food and medicine, directly from the USA.  Only problem.  He needs to pay for it.  Cash.  Only problem.  He has no cash.  So he can’t buy.  Cuba spent 40 years living on handouts from the Soviet Union.  The Soviet Union went away and so did the handouts.  Do you suppose Carter will ask Castro why after 43 years of Castro’s total and absolute control over Cuba and its economy, why after 43 years under the blessings of Communism, why after 43 years of Castro’s leadership, wisdom, intelligence and love for his fellow Cubans, his nation is the poorest nation in the hemisphere and one of the poorest nations on Earth?  Will Carter ask him that?  No, he won’t.  But he will blame the symbolic USA trade embargo for all of Cuba’s woes.

After 43 years of glorious Communist government, Cuba can claim the lowest standard of living in our hemisphere.   She is now the international money beggar living on the park bench of Nowhere Street, pleading for nickels and dimes and living with the full knowledge that after all these decades, she has survived only because of Soviet welfare and doesn’t have a chance in hell of re-paying her $11 Billion debt.  Jimmy Carter is a ray of hope for Castro and Castro will feed Carter’s prodigious ego in desperate dreams of survival.  Carter will wear the benevolent hat of charity and glorification well and will extol the virtues of Castro and Cuba and tell all Americans of the evils of our trade embargo and tell all Americans we should stop exploiting the impoverished Cubans.

What Carter won’t tell you is our neighbor to the north, Canada, is the largest exploiter of Cuba and its citizens of any nation on Earth.  Canada has set up farms, mines and factories in Cuba and pays the State for Cuban contract labor in those enterprises.  They pay Castro $9,500 (USD) for one year of labor and Castro passes on to the poor laborer the paltry sum of $200 (USD).  Castro pockets the rest with the full knowledge and blessing of Canada.  In any other nation on Earth (except Communist China) that would be called “Slave Labor”.  You won’t hear anything about that from Jean Chretien.  You won’t hear anything about that from Jesse Jackson.  And, you won’t hear anything about that from Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter.  The pandering, international gad-fly and self appointed ambassador to everything is the last person on Earth to investigate anything or advise anyone.  This is like asking Rosie O'Donnell to guard your donuts. When he became president on January 20, 1976 he inherited a thriving economy with low inflation, low unemployment and low interest rates.  Actually, the “Prime Rate” was at 6 3/4% when Carter took office.  By the time Carter was humbled at the polls four years later and the American people had categorically rejected his leadership, the “Prime Rate” stood at its all-time high of 21 ½%, the economy was in shambles, the Panama Canal was gone, and the country was suffering the shame of over 400 days of disgrace and humiliation by a tin-horn preacher from a third-world country.

Carter knows who he is.  He had a chance to be president, and to leave his mark on our country and our history books, and he failed miserably.  He knows it.  He has to live with himself.  Every morning he sees himself in his shaving mirror and his wasted performance looks back at him.  He knows who he is.  It is this writers humble opinion that Carter himself is so embarrassed over his failed legacy that in his desperation to rehabilitate his pitiful character and reputation, he has embarked on this pathetic mission of meddling everywhere with ill-conceived solutions for dictatorial tyrants and their self-inflicted injuries.  Unfortunately, he hasn’t learned a thing since he held the presidency.  He still has never met a despot he doesn’t love and has never met a problem that America didn’t cause.  He knows who he is.

Jimmy Carter is the president who has set the record for cowardice and incompetence that will stand until the seas run dry.

That’s the way I see it.


TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
This morning when I read that Former President Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize my first reaction was to laugh. I consider him one of the founding fathers of modern day terrorism.

I decided to find an article online that pretty much sums up his foreign policy. This one above should suffice.

Someone said that maybe now that he got the Nobel Prize perhaps he will go away quietly. I highly doubt that. He wouldn't be so bad if he just stuck to domestic issues but he is always interjecting his opinion into foreign policy when his record is so dismal its astounding.

This morning on WABC radio in NY, Curtis Sliwa said the only President of the US that Saddam ever liked was Carter. That speaks volumns but I have yet to find a source to that comment. I will be looking today for it.

1 posted on 10/11/2002 6:31:02 AM PDT by alisasny
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To: alisasny
Has anyone given thanks to Jimmy for giving away the Panama Canal that was built with the sweat and blood of Americans and now run by the PRC. Thanks a bunch, Jimmy the Rat!
2 posted on 10/11/2002 6:38:40 AM PDT by Piquaboy
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To: alisasny
Yassar Arafat also received the Nobel Peace Prize. What a prize!
3 posted on 10/11/2002 6:44:05 AM PDT by hgro
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To: alisasny
Great Rant!
4 posted on 10/11/2002 6:47:35 AM PDT by DoctorMichael
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To: hgro
Yassar Arafat also received the Nobel Peace Prize. What a prize!

Yes, everyone can see how discerning they are!

5 posted on 10/11/2002 7:02:33 AM PDT by Amore
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To: alisasny
"Former President Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize my first reaction was to laugh."


Tears in my eyes FReegards...MUD

BTW...Carter is an EffeteElitist, and EffeteElitists swap spit with Murderous Tyrant Regimes!!

6 posted on 10/11/2002 7:07:27 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: DoctorMichael
The Carter Center has had the Peace prize at the top of its 'to do' list. Since the Center is mostly funded by the fed through grants and fees, we all got the prize.
7 posted on 10/11/2002 7:17:13 AM PDT by Eric in the Ozarks
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To: Eric in the Ozarks
the only "good" thing about this is, don't you just know how it chapped ole billy jeff's buns?? Carter "wins" the noble peace prize, monica gets the cigar and pore ole billy jeff just gets to try and stay away from hillary....LOL
8 posted on 10/11/2002 7:21:22 AM PDT by cajun-jack
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To: cajun-jack

9 posted on 10/11/2002 7:22:53 AM PDT by Registered
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To: Registered
I understand Jimma will soon follow Teddy into the world of pop music. Can there also be a Grammy in JC's future?

We hear that other members of this "group" will soon be releasing CDs of some of THEIR favs. In the meantime, enjoy these ditties from their lead sinner SINGER (yeah, "singer," that's the ticket)!

10 posted on 10/11/2002 7:28:28 AM PDT by Dick Bachert
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To: alisasny
Now I know I'll never be called the brightest bulb on the tree but, could someone PLEASE tell me exactly what Jimmy has done to deserve this, and where he's brought peace?

Well now I know.
Jimmy go do us all a favor and just stick to building houses.

11 posted on 10/11/2002 8:22:17 AM PDT by Valin
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To: Registered
12 posted on 10/11/2002 8:23:32 AM PDT by Valin
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To: Valin
Perhaps this can answer your question.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2002 to Jimmy Carter, for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development, and for kissing the a$$ of every third-world dictator he can find. Which became an un unwritten prerequisite for the Prize in the latter 20th Century. Nuff said?

13 posted on 10/11/2002 8:28:06 AM PDT by N. Theknow
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To: N. Theknow
and for kissing the a$$ of every third-world dictator he can find.
Well I suppose everyone has to have a hobby. :-)
14 posted on 10/11/2002 8:34:00 AM PDT by Valin
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To: alisasny
Jimmy Carter: "Useful Idiot" or "Traitor"?

"[Marshall Tito] is a man who believes in human rights.
[He is] a great and courageous leader [who] has led his people
and protected their freedom almost for the last 40 years."

-- Carter, while still in office, hailing Yugoslavia's communist dictator

"Our goals are the same: to have a just system of economics and
politics ... We believe in enhancing human rights."

-- Carter comparing himself to Romania's dictator Nicolae Ceausescu

"Our concept of human rights is preserved in [Communist] Poland."
-- Carter speaking to Stalinist Edward Gierek, Poland's First Secretary

"[I am] ashamed of what my country has done to your country."
-- Carter speaking to Haitian dictator Lt. Gen. Raoul Cedras

"I don't see that they [the North Koreans] are an outlaw nation."
-- Carter in North Korea, lauding Stalinist Kim Il Sung,
   one of the most destructive and repressive dictators in history

"Ill-informed commentators in both countries have cast the other side
as a villain and have even forecast inevitable confrontation
between the two nations."

-- Carter making exquisite moral equivalence between the giant and
   repressive Chinese Communist state and America

Carter gave away US oversight of the Panama Canal, "the most
important waterway in the world," says Adm. Thomas H. Moorer (ret),
which is now "packed with Chinese communists."

Sadat, appalled that Carter wanted the Soviets in on Middle East peace
negotiations, decided to directly offer peace to Israel's Begin. When
their plan was essentially worked out, they then called the White House,
because obviously, "they needed someone to pay the bill" (Bernard Lewis).

Not resting on his laurels, Carter demanded the Shah of Iran step down
and turn over power to the Ayatollah Khomeini, an Islamic madman. Carter
had the Pentagon tell the Shah's top military commanders - about 150 of
them - to acquiesce to the Ayatollah and not fight him. The Shah's
military listened to Carter. ALL OF THEM were murdered in one of the
Ayatollah's first acts. By allowing the Shah to fall, Carter created one
of the most militant anti-American dictatorships ever. Soon the new Iranian
government was ransacking our embassy and held hostage its staff for over
a year. More than 20,000 pro-Western Iranians were put before firing
squads. With the Shah gone, the whole region was destabilized. Iraq also
took advantage of the Shah's departure to invade Iran, a war that killed
more than 500,000 people. It also created the regional instabilities that
led to Iraq’s later invasion of Kuwait and to Operation Desert Storm,
which cost the lives of hundreds of thousands more. But Carter meant well.
And yet, with the blood of perhaps a million people dripping from his hands,
Jimmy Carter continues to stalk the world in his sick quest to be given a
Nobel Peace Prize.

"Our people, who face Israeli bullets, have no weapons: only a few stones
remaining when our homes are destroyed by Israeli bulldozers."

-- from a speech written by Carter for Yassir Arafat

"[Arafat's] election [was] democratic, well organized, open and fair."
-- Carter describing the "rigged" 1996 Palestinian election

"[Arafat] may well see the suicide attacks as one of the few ways
to retaliate against his tormentors, to dramatize the suffering of
his people, or as a means for him, vicariously, to be a martyr."

-- Carter in an apologia for the Pali homicide-bombings

Since leaving office, Carter has:
- praised Syria's late Assad (killer of at least 20,000 in Hama)
- praised Ethiopian tyrant Mengistu (killer of many more than that)
- secured Saudi funding for Arafat after he sided with Iraq against the US
- wrote the UN Security Council after Iraq invaded Kuwait, urging them
to thwart President Bush's pre-Gulf War coalition (designed to reverse
that act of aggression) - an action some called "treason"
R E F E R E N C E S:

Jimmy Carter: America basher

Carter: Cuba Terror Claims False

There He Goes Again

You Didn’t Ask for It, You Got It: Carterpalooza!

Carter & Castro

Jimmy Carter’s Trail of Disaster

'Idiotic' Carter Castro's Dupe

15 posted on 10/11/2002 8:46:59 AM PDT by polemikos
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To: alisasny
Thank you, alisasny. Nice post.

Somewhere in Afghanistan there's a woman healing the sick, a man building a business and a little girl attending school. The Nobel Peace prize is simply the latest 'institution' or individual to show its true red and yellow colors. It's very easy today to mark the 'bad guys' now that they're crawling out from under their rocks and crowing.

16 posted on 10/11/2002 9:05:07 AM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl
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To: alisasny
I really have to wonder if Jimmah getting this "award" has anything to do with his "work" as it does the committee making sure a Dim gets the "award" during a Republican administration.
17 posted on 10/11/2002 9:20:41 AM PDT by Paul Atreides
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To: Valin
You mean you can't see the evidence of his peace "meddling" in the Middle East?
18 posted on 10/11/2002 9:23:03 AM PDT by dvan
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To: alisasny

19 posted on 10/11/2002 1:30:06 PM PDT by DoughtyOne
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To: alisasny
20 posted on 10/11/2002 4:02:31 PM PDT by Shenandoah
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