BILL CLINTON is being ordered to take a DNA' test to determine the paternity of an ex-lover's child - and if he doesn't comply, he faces a devastating lawsuit! An exclusive ENQUIRER investigation reveals that the shocking demand is being made by Paul Pearson, whose ex-wife had a long-running affair with Clinton while Pearson was married to her, and gave birth to a son. Pearson wants to know once and for all who is the real father of 20-year-old Anthony Pearson - him or the skirt-chasing ex-President. The determined Dallas, Texas, man's efforts to find out the truth threaten to trigger a scandal that could destroy the ex-President's already-troubled marriage. Sen. Hillary Clinton has suffered through years of Clinton's infidelities, and if the DNA tests prove Clinton is Anthony's dad, a disgusted Hillary will leave her husband for good, sources say. But a frustrated Pearson isn't worried about that. "It's time for Bill Clinton to face the music," Paul Pearson told The ENQUIRER. "He needs to settle this issue for good, and the only way is through a DNA test." In May, The ENQUIRER reported in a world exclusive story that Pearson - a former attorney who was married to Dolly Kyle Browning for 10 years while she carried on a torrid sexual affair with Clinton - questioned if the boy he raised was really his. Dolly gave birth to Anthony Pearson in 1981, but a DNA test has never been conducted to determine paternity Anthony bears a striking resemblance to Clinton, with similar complexion, facial and bodily characteristics, posture and even personality.
And Paul Pearson revealed that he and his wife were intimate very infrequently when Anthony was conceived - yet her affair with Clinton a was in full-swing. For years, rumors of the boy's paternity have tormented Paul Pearson, 55. Now he wants Bill Clinton to lift the dark cloud of doubt that's engulfed him and his family. "I want Bill Clinton to take a DNA paternity test," Pearson demanded during an exclusive interview with The ENQUIRER. "It's the right and decent thing to do. Since Anthony was old enough to walk there's been a cloud of doubt following my family around. "Recovering from the trauma of Bill and Dolly's affair was difficult enough, but having to live every day wondering if Anthony is really my child is something I haven't been able to put behind me. Every time I look at Anthony, the deep emotional wounds are reopened. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive Bill for turning my life upside down, but at least I'd have a small amount of respect for him if he'd take responsibility. The only way I can begin to heal is for Bill to do the right thing and undergo a DNA test." Pearson says that if Clinton won't undergo the test voluntarily, he intends to go to court to force Dolly's ex-lover to submit to the test. And legal experts consulted by The ENQUIRER confirm that he will in all likelihood be successful. "I'll take every legal action available to see that he takes a paternity test," Pearson said. "Regardless of what any DNA test would determine, in my heart Anthony is my son. But if Anthony is entitled to something, then I want to make sure he gets it." Famed New York attorney Raoul Felder told The ENQUIRER Anthony Pearson could sue Bill Clinton to prove the former President is his biological father - and as his heir he could wind up with millions of dollars. Felder said Anthony would stand to inherit as much as Chelsea would get of Clinton's fortune, which now is estimated to be $30 million and will certainly grow larger by the time Clinton dies. "Anthony could sue for a declaration of paternity to set the record straight," Felder told The ENQUIRER. "In the process he could force Clinton to take a DNA test, and if he got the declaration of paternity he would stand to inherit. It would usually be one-third to the wife, and two-thirds to the children." That means Anthony Pearson could get $10 million or more! And Paul Pearson has another possible path to take. He could sue on his own be- half, a legal expert told The ENQUIRER. "Any husband like Paul Pearson, whose wife has an affair and a child behind his back, could sue for negligent or intentional infliction of emotional harm," said Houston attorney John K. Grubb. "He could probably sue for at least $10 million. "It's the type of case lawyers wait their entire lives to sink their teeth into." Dolly Kyle Browning - a friend of Clinton's since childhood - has publicly admitted that she had a 17-year-long sexual affair with Clinton. She even wrote and self-published a thinly veiled novel about her illicit romance. Two months ago, a devastated Pearson broke years of silence and told the shocking story of how Dolly's secret sexual romps with the then-governor of Arkansas ruined his marriage. Pearson said he suffered years of humiliation at the hands of his wife's famous lover, who the betrayed husband claims did little to hide his hot-and-heavy affair with Browning. Pearson told The ENQUIRER that over the years the anguish caused by his wife's affair with Clinton robbed him of his marriage, his family and his self-esteem, and wrecked his professional life. In a steady downward spiral, he went from prosperity to near poverty. Today, he's alone, rarely works, and lives off his meager savings in a Texas motel. "I knew that Bill Clinton and my wife were involved before we were married, because she would boast about it," recalled Pearson, who was married to Browning from 1975 to 1985. "But she promised me that their relationship was over - and like a fool, I believed her. "By the time our son Anthony was born on Aug. 20,1981, everyone was telling me she was cheating, including Dolly's own daughters. Almost everyone I knew was trying to convince me that she and Bill were having an affair. "Once it finally sunk in that Dolly was cheating with Bill in the months before Anthony was born, course I questioned whether he was actually my son. Who wouldn't? "I'm convinced if Bill had stopped seeing Dolly we could have made our marriage work, but she was so distracted by him that we never had a chance. "I've never been able to recover from the heartache I suffered from Dolly's affair with Bill Clinton. "At times I've been so low I just wanted to stop living altogether." Now, after years of enduring the pain and anguish caused by the affair, Pearson wants to hold Clinton accountable for his actions. And his determination to set the record straight is causing shock waves in the Clinton marriage. "Bill knows a positive paternity test result is certain to shatter his already fragile marriage to Hillary," said a Clinton insider. "He's already sworn to her that Anthony Pearson isn't his child - and so far she's believed him. "When she gets the news of the DNA test demand, she's going to be furious. It will simply be the final scandal as far as she's concerned." Agreed another Clinton source: "Bill won't want to undergo DNA testing because he knows perfectly well it could show he's Anthony Pearson's father. "There's no way Hillary could stay in their marriage if Bill is proven to have an illegitimate child." But Pearson is putting the truth before concerns about the Clintons' scandal-racked marriage. "If Bill was any kind of man, he'd admit to having an affair with Dolly and acknowledge that the affair wrecked my marriage," Pearson told The ENQUIRER "More importantly, he'd acknowledge that Anthony could be his son, and take a DNA test to prove it! "Dolly and the rest of the family are trying to silence me, but I'm not going to stop making a stink until Bill takes responsibility for his actions. The only way for me to begin healing is to know for sure who Anthony's real father is. And I think Anthony has the right to know, too. "If Bill Clinton is his father, Anthony should know the truth." |