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James Lileks on Israel - Excellent piece ^ | 04/23/02 | James Lileks

Posted on 04/23/2002 9:00:10 AM PDT by jrherreid

Excerpted from James Lileks' Daily Bleat


I heard some clips today from a rally held by the Washington Monument in support of the PLO and Hamas. Part of the merry anti-Globo puppet parade. It’s just so charming to hear rudely amplified voices calling for the death of the Jews again. It’s just so . . . bracing to hear a speaker take the mike beneath the two-toned obelisk named for America’s Cincinnatus, and demand the destruction of of a small democratic state in a sea of technocrat tyrannies. And it gives you such a warm feeling to hear the crowd bay their approval. A speaker demanded that the borders of the Middle East be returned to 1947; the crowd cheered.

Death to the Jews, death to Israel.

Stated and applauded.

In America. In Washington. On the Mall.

I had a sudden flash of Martin Luther King Jr. standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, beholding this rally, and thinking: I have a nightmare. And here it is.

One speaker called for the violent death of Sharon. Another insisted it was time to GLOBALIZE THE INTIFADA - an interesting remark coming from the anti-Globalization crowd, but if this recent rally proved anything it’s that they despise America itself, not America’s behavior. Whatever point they originally had about globalization - some of which I used to share - has been consumed by their adoration of fascism and political violence. When a speaker promised to bring the intifada to America, and use “whatever means necessary” - enunciating each word so the reference to St. Malcolm the X was welded to the current definition of “means” - then the point is naked and obvious: you have a movement that wants young people to blow themselves up at the Disney store in Times Square. Not that any of the people at the rally would do it, of course. Not that they would necessarily approve of it. But they would certainly understand it.

If they were struck dumb for a moment, their spirits would be lifted the moment someone reminded them that Davey Crockett = Genocide. Wow, that’s so true.

The irony, of course, is that someone blowing up the Disney store in Times Square to protest Israel and globalization would kill Japanese, Dutch, German, Swedish, Turkish, Mexican, French, Russian and Argentinean tourists, all of whom had willingly entered the store to buy toys for their children. Innocent? Not really. They’re bringing Ariel the Little Mermaid back home to Buenos Aires, and a Talking Buzz Lightyear back to Ankara. Collaborators in the act of cultural genocide. Sweatshop profiteers.

You have to see their deaths in the broader context.

You have to understand that no one is innocent anymore.

This is the apotheosis of the notion that the personal is the political: it gives the fascists a rationale for killing anyone.

Many of the people at the rally are just kids, and they have no idea what they’re talking about. It’s fun to go to Washington and chant. It’s fun to burn a flag, and it shows what a serious person you are. Serious, and brave! (Note how you never find one chap burning a flag outside a VFW hall; it’s the sort of thing you do only when you have police protection.) On one hand, they’re just silly - one story I read described how the same crowd that held up anti-Starbucks banners later queued up 20 deep to use the bathrooms of - you guessed it! Starbucks. (The Man didn’t provide a row of portable toilets for the demonstration, which just shows you how screwed up the system is.) But when the standard, predictable rebellion of pampered college youths becomes compatible with a group that doesn’t just want American changed but wants America dead, then we have a problem.

Or rather, they have a problem. They preach an end to war, but include in their number people who wish to destroy, violently, a democratic nation. They agitate against racism, but include in their number people who wish to exterminate the Jews of Israel. They rage against globalism, but support the work of terrorists who operate in every hemisphere. They are the useful fools who end up on the wrong side of concertina wire a year after the revolution; besotted by their communal self-regard, enchanted by the allure of the flame, they have thrown in their lot with the enemies of civilization. And this will be the death of their cause.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: arafat; israel; palestine; sharon

1 posted on 04/23/2002 9:00:10 AM PDT by jrherreid
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To: Nickcarraway
2 posted on 04/23/2002 9:00:35 AM PDT by jrherreid
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To: jrherreid
You have to understand that no one is innocent anymore.

This is the apotheosis of the notion that the personal is the political: it gives the fascists a rationale for killing anyone.

Of course they exclude themselves, as is usual. They are innocent and are on a holy mission to destroy all others not like them. Every totalitarian has a hook on which to snare followers and Islam is the hook for these maniacs.

Unfortunately, there will always be useful idiots.

3 posted on 04/23/2002 9:13:23 AM PDT by Mind-numbed Robot
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To: jrherreid
4 posted on 04/23/2002 9:13:47 AM PDT by jrherreid
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To: Mind-numbed Robot
[i]Unfortunately, there will always be useful idiots.[/i] aint that why allah ballah made so many of them?
5 posted on 04/23/2002 9:23:13 AM PDT by joesnuffy
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To: Mind-numbed Robot
Unfortunately, there will always be useful idiots.
aint that why allah ballah made so many of them?
6 posted on 04/23/2002 9:24:20 AM PDT by joesnuffy
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To: jrherreid

Whether he's being humorous, which he often is, or grimly serious, as he is here, Lileks is always one of my favorites.

I sometimes describe him as a mellow, midwestern P.J. O'Rourke.

7 posted on 04/23/2002 9:31:07 AM PDT by TheHeterodoxConservative
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To: jrherreid
Blogs Rule!
8 posted on 04/23/2002 9:40:25 AM PDT by The Game Hen
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To: jrherreid
I for one would love to just once organize a counter rally )ala Braveheart) of 2000 baseball bat wielding war veterans to surround and crush once of these rallys. My, it would be a thing of pure beauty to see!
9 posted on 04/23/2002 9:52:44 AM PDT by Bommer
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Comment #10 Removed by Moderator

To: jrherreid
It seemed to me that rally organizers must have believed there was some restriction on the combined IQs of the speakers. (Like less than 55!)


11 posted on 04/23/2002 3:52:15 PM PDT by ml/nj
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To: TheHeterodoxConservative
(The Man didn’t provide a row of portable toilets for the demonstration, which just shows you how screwed up the system is.)

There is always at least one good smile.

12 posted on 04/23/2002 5:38:35 PM PDT by StriperSniper
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