Posted on 03/30/2002 1:02:28 AM PST by Nogbad
No, this is awful!
I don't know where anything is anymore!
Where are the sidebars?
I used to go straight to them
to find out
what was going on.
Nothing ever seems to improve.
I often do.
Also, the snide comments by the "read the manual" folks here remind me of the story about the man who just bought a new suit.I feel a little like the guy with the new suit. Seems like designing a USER-FRIENDLY interface would be preferable to teaching the old-timers how to "work around" significant design defects. Sorry, JohnRob.On his way home, he notice that one sleeve was longer than the other, so he went back to the store to express his concern. The salesman said, "No problem. What you need to do is hunch your shoulder up a little on that side, and the sleeves will line up."
Sure enough, that solved the problem, and he started back home, until he discovered that one of the pant legs was longer than the other. Back at the store, the ever-helpful salesman said, "Here's what you need to do. Just shift your hips a little bit as you walk, and the pant legs will line up properly."
That advice seemed to work, too, so he started for home AGAIN, only to find that the collar of his new suit would not stay down, so back he went.
Naturally, the suit salesman had the answer. "What you need to do is lean your head to that side, and it will hold the collar in place," he siad.
So off went the owner of the new suit, shuffling down the street, with one shoulder hitched up to straighten out the sleeves, one hip higher than the other to adjust the pant legs, and his head bent down to keep his collar in place - when he was passed my two women coming the other way down the street past him.
"Aw, look at the poor cripple," said the one woman.
"Yes, replied the other, "but LOOK HOW WELL HIS SUIT FITS HIM!!!"
I've been here almost 4 years ( longer than you have ); never had a problem with the many changes, and didn't complain .
I'm not the only " webbie ", and some have also compained, and many have thanked for my 2 cents worth, since they don't want to / like to post.
I was replying to a snotty post ( wherein I was told to go buy a computer ) , when I talked about not using my husband's computer, nor wanting to order him out of his study, so that I could use it. If that seems a bit stange to you, then I am sorry that you have no manners, no respect for others, and are so rude.
No, the original, and even this fixed format is hard on " webbies " as it overloads the unit, and slows it down so much, making it incompatable. The unit shuts off. This " fix " is better, but still not what it has been. It's better than it was, so, that's a step in the right direction. If no one had complained, it wouldn't have been fixed. Simple, really, but all you care about, is complaining about me. LOL
Perhaps , it is you, who should log off, and sleep on it.:-)
I've been here for a rather long while, brought in qa large number of memnbers, through the years, supported this site, and have helped many other " webbies " learn how to navigate and contribute.
From what I have seen, many computer people, are also having a problem with the loading speed. They weren't told to get a better ISP , nor denigrated for their method of accessing FR.
While the " tweakings " and fixings are , thus far, a big improvement, and I thank John Robinson for that, if no one had complained, nothing would have been done.
THIS is my concern. WHO KNOWS how many lurkers and newbies will leave in Bob Leduc
"Remember the Coca Cola marketing disaster a few years ago?
They tried to switch Coke drinkers to New Coke. It didn't work. Fortunately, the company quickly recognized the problem and had the resources to recover fast. Their follow up research revealed that only 1 unhappy customer in 50 takes time to complain. The other 49 just quietly switch brands..."
Fortunately, we have a lot of veteran FReepers who are not afraid to SQUAWK when there is a problem.
And, perhaps even MORE fortunately, John Robinson seems to be a fast learner! ;)
Check your mail when you return.
Don't make a big deal out of it. It's the new Vatican II version of FreeRepublic.
Good one. Goes with the lower threshold for excommunication, I suppose.
This is true of so many different types of businesses...Why spend your time or money somewhere especially if it seems like they business doesn't really care whether their customers like things or not.
I still think the site looks amateurish...especially the main page.. It has the look of the yahoo clubs/delta forums.. Even the graphic, I love the red/white&blue but I don't like the cartoonish look to the page.
This will be a positive for alot of us because in a way we probably many of us will spend alot less time here, (getting things done)
In the end the Robinson's will be able to tell if this was a success or not, they'll have the number of hits/activity/$$ etc....
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