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1 posted on 11/10/2022 11:15:05 AM PST by conservative98
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To: conservative98

GAETZ: America Needs Trump Back In The White House

Nov 9, 2022

I can rattle you off statistics about how much better America was two years ago. Gas prices were roughly half of what they are now. There was about a third less fentanyl crossing the border. We were also not on the brink of nuclear war with Russia.

You know how much better life was under President Donald Trump than Biden, you don’t need me to tell you that. It’s time now, though, to look to the future. (RELATED: WHITON: After Florida Landslide But No Red Wave, Trump Faces Humiliation If He Takes On DeSantis)

The job President Trump started was not finished. Only Trump can be trusted to enact the “America First” agenda he ran on in 2016. We won’t accept any imitation. Despite what many Washington, D.C., conservative elites want you to believe, we are not in the “post-Trump era” or close to it. We are still in the midst of the revolution started by Trump when he rode down that golden escalator.

Just look at who is lined up against Trump already in the 2024 primary. It’s folks like Paul Ryan or billionaire mega-donor Ken Griffin, who is planning to back a Trump challenge. Politico reports Griffin “wants to … blunt the vein of populism that has complicated the party’s relationship with the corporate world.”

This is why a Trump 2024 run is so necessary. We know that he will continue to disrupt and serve the people against the Swamp.

Many of the same Republicans that will agitate against him raise millions off of his name in email fundraising solicitations because they know how popular he is with the base. Trump is popular because he kept his promises. Do you remember celebrating the demolition of ISIS? That was the strength of a focused Trump foreign policy.

We had an economic boom under President Trump, secured the border and rewrote the political map. Why would we stop the progress now and go back to Republicans supported by Wall Street? We shouldn’t bench our star quarterback at halftime.

There’s so many more accomplishments left for us to achieve if we elect Donald Trump back to the White House.

There is still much swamp to be drained in every administrative agency of our government.

There are still miles of wall to be built and longtime counterproductive foreign policies to be reversed. Trump was and is targeted by the “intelligence community” because he applies intelligent thought to avoid wars, not start them.

The saying goes, “if you’re taking flak, you’re over the target.” President Trump has not stopped taking flak from the lying media and the nonstop investigations because he’s the Swamp’s worst nightmare.

We would be giving up by not having Trump as the Republican nominee in 2024. It would be a reward to the scumbags on the January 6 Committee and all of those who are aligned against our movement.

Donald Trump started this and has no intention of being a retiree. He earned our trust by keeping his promises.

America is broken under Biden. Trump alone can fix it.

2 posted on 11/10/2022 11:16:22 AM PST by conservative98
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To: conservative98


3 posted on 11/10/2022 11:17:16 AM PST by ButThreeLeftsDo (The best things in life aren't things.)
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To: conservative98

As the media soap opera turns. How much money did Trump raise today, find any quality candidates for ‘24 today, what’s the unified position on the Uke quagmire? You know issues that win elections, not this distracting clap trap BS.

4 posted on 11/10/2022 11:20:06 AM PST by hardspunned (Trump or DeSantis, I don’t care as long as the nominee does not support Nuclear War Now!)
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To: conservative98

Trump has already won a second term, but it was stolen from him by the swamp and pussy republicans who wouldn’t fight.

5 posted on 11/10/2022 11:20:56 AM PST by ryderann
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To: conservative98

that’s just bullsnit. that boy just has has a crush.

there are 330 million people in this country. it’s barking mad to think that one one guy can fix it.

7 posted on 11/10/2022 11:23:52 AM PST by JohnBrowdie
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To: conservative98

I agree. Re-electing Trump is the best way to repudiate the deep state, Dims, Rhino GopE and the media.

If they get away with this slow motion coup, they will do it again to every opposition candidate. Put Trump back in the Oval Office in ‘24 and it will make life much easier for DeSantis in ‘28.

8 posted on 11/10/2022 11:23:58 AM PST by Valpal1 (Not even the police are safe from the police!!!)
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To: conservative98

No one can run against Trump and succeed.

We (Trump and MAGA crowd) have been together for 6 years.. 2 of those years have been a fight for our country.

I want him to cross the finish line and meet all those who have been after him.

I want a day to celebrate a WIN and 4 years to get my country back.

I want to be in the winner glow with Trump and all who prayed.. gave.. stood..with the man who became President for a nation and for all the dedicated soldiers who served us.. none of the sacrifice was in vain.

God bless President Trump

It’s not easy to stand for all the right things..when surrounded by rabid dogs from the pit wanting to devour.

11 posted on 11/10/2022 11:32:08 AM PST by frnewsjunkie ( )
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To: conservative98
10 pages in before you get below $100k

$180 million seems a little much for a governor's race

He did give $44 million to the FL GOP

Lot of money being thrown his way. That's a lotta favors.

13 posted on 11/10/2022 11:35:08 AM PST by Pollard (Worm & GMO Free - some call us purebloods)
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To: conservative98

Good for Gaetz to give his endorsement.

In his victory speech Gaetz said he will no longer be limited to 5 minutes as he grills the Biden regime bureaucrats.

17 posted on 11/10/2022 11:37:09 AM PST by Presbyterian Reporter
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To: conservative98
Florida Republican Matt Gaetz says 'Trump alone' must be 2024 nominee

In Trump alone Gaetz's hope is found
Donald should be the nominee
From DeSantis Gaetz is unbound
All other candidates set free.

What heights of trust, what depths of praise
Upon the Donald Gaetz will raise...
Trump's MAGA is Gaetz's all in all
Only with Trump will Gaetz takes a firm stand.

(with apologies to Adrienne Camp)

If Trump is the nominee, I will vote for him. If DeSantis is the nominee, I will vote for him. If Lake is the nominee, I will vote for her. 'Nuff said.

18 posted on 11/10/2022 11:39:00 AM PST by chajin ("There is no other name under heaven given among people by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12)
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To: conservative98

Well, he’s right.

With the help of RINO globalists, the Left is recasting a massive MAGA victory as a failure.

Don’t fall for it.

MAGA and Trump just made huge gains.
A Red tsunami would have empowered the RINOs more than anything else.

There is a HUGE victory shaping up in AZ for so~called “election deniers”.

Sure, I wish Doug Mastriano won here in PA - but even if he had, it would have been stolen because PA is still run by the same crooks who stole it in 2020 - so that was always a pipe dream.

Sure, I wish Witmire could have been defeated in MI. But it didn’t happen.

But just think about what it means for us “election deniers” that Keri Lake won in AZ, and it appears their whole ticket might win.

Think of what it means that Florida has now turned from purple to bright Red, and seems to have completely destroyed the election funny-business that plagued FLA for so long.

This is huge folks. This will spread to other states because the truth is coming out - now it’s not just Trump and the pillow guy saying 2020 was stolen - we now have multiple governors in very strong positions who ran on platforms promising consequences for what happened in 2020.

I’m stoked about Keri Lake being governor of AZ - because she is not going to shut up about the stolen 2020 election. She is going to clean house and the world will be watching.

26 posted on 11/10/2022 11:48:03 AM PST by enumerated ( )
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To: conservative98

2024 belongs to Trump. I love DeSantis, but it’s not his time yet.

2020 was stolen, in fact his whole first term was stolen in a coup. Trump is coming for them, and they know it. That’s why you are hearing a drumbeat for anyone but Trump. I won’t accept anyone else except Trump.

We keep hearing a lot of navel gazing about why 2022 didn’t go better for us, because the press and GOPe still won’t face up to election fraud.

DeSantis will be an excellent president. But in 2028.

27 posted on 11/10/2022 11:48:23 AM PST by marron
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To: conservative98

He’s wrong.

32 posted on 11/10/2022 12:05:28 PM PST by Timber Rattler ("To hold a pen is to be at war." --Voltaire)
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To: conservative98

he’s not speaking for all GOP primary voters, as the old commercial said, Trump has to eaaaaaaaaaaarn it.

37 posted on 11/10/2022 12:26:35 PM PST by Baladas
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To: conservative98

One more thing...
The unelected unqualified senile in the President space... when the laptop and the family, is revealed.. you Trump haters can eat dirt!

And they put this in our White House representing this country.. it’s an embarrassment...
The left do not care anything for our country.. they have sold their soul for what they could get.

That laotop would have kept the biden fam out and son in another house.

The media and the dims protected the guilty to keep Trump out.. with all the illegal means they could muster.

38 posted on 11/10/2022 12:30:01 PM PST by frnewsjunkie ( )
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To: conservative98
First order of business is to vote the Rino leaders of the house and senate OUT !
44 posted on 11/10/2022 1:50:19 PM PST by wardamneagle
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To: conservative98

DeSantis is the most electable choice for President.

47 posted on 11/10/2022 1:58:38 PM PST by Arcadian Empire (The Baric-Daszak-Fauci spike protein, by itself, is deadly.)
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To: conservative98

So, so notorious RINO and establishment lap dog Paul Ryan is behind DeSantis? And we’re not supposed to consider that a red flag?

49 posted on 11/10/2022 2:56:42 PM PST by Kazan
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I didn’t believe I could ever feel this way, but the MSM
has been right all along. Hillary was right. She and
those who tried to remove Trump for collusion with Russia
were right. Those who conspired to use illegal means to
remove Trump by election there-by pull off a coup, they
were right.

Trump was wrong to build the wall. He was wrong to
appoint SCOTUS justices who would strike down Roe v

He was wrong to institute policies that saw our stock
markets roar. He was wrong to institute policies that
kept our energy prices low and product abundant. He
was wrong to reduce the unemployment rates for Blacks,
Hispanics, and women to all time lows.

I could go on, but you catch my drift. He has said
some bad illogical things, and this time they’ve
finally got him on the run like they always promised
they would. Thank heaven for that.

Trump’s Dastardly Accomplishments

He didn’t allow people to trash him and remain silent
He didn’t come down on the side of the illegal immigrant.
He didn’t praise Leftists and agree with the One World
Odor. How could I have been so blind, and so critical
of the Bush family for doing these sorts of things.

If only I could take all that back.

I can’t image four more years of the kind of things
Trump did last time, and so I join the DNC, the RNC,
the GOPe, the MSM, and every Leftist Democrat and
the RINOs, to condemn Trump and demand he pass the
torch to someone who knows what they are doing.

Mitch, Paul, a whole host of Republicans who slandered
him and demanded he step down, were right.

Refusing to work with him was the best thing that
ever happened to this nation.

Pelosi, Rove, the Bushes, the Cheney’s, the McCains,
McConnell, Ryan, and so many more wise people, I have
come to understand that you were right all along.

It’s time to move on from Trump.

I see so many of my FReeper buds now saying this, and
although I thought they should be ashamed for acting
like that, I have come to see just how wise they were.

I’d like to suggest we get behind De Santis, but then
I realized he would certainly support about 99.99% of
what Trump did, so I’d just like to cut to the chase
now rather than waste another four years, when we
would turn on him too.

So lets look for someone that doesn’t believe in what
Trump does. Liz Cheney, Megan McCain... I don’t know
guys, these women were out there trashing Trump long
before any of us were. I’ve had to change my long
standing disagreement with them.

CNN, the View, all these amazing places that said things
about Trump that so many of us now seem to agree with,
I salute these people. Finally, I can watch these
programs and feel at home with my fellow travelers.

If only we had listened.

I don’t know about others, but I feel so much better
knowing I have the best fellow travelers I could have
now that I’ve seen the light.

He’s finally on the run. He’ll withdraw from public
life any day now. He’ll be in prison within months if
he doesn’t, perhaps anyway.


54 posted on 11/10/2022 3:57:25 PM PST by DoughtyOne (I pledge allegiance to the flag of the U S of A, and the REPUBLIC for which it stands.)
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