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How the Democrats Do It
Rush ^ | June 23, 2016 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 06/23/2016 11:38:24 AM PDT by Kaslin


RUSH: Holy smokes. This is how they do it. Obama's executive amnesty has been frozen via a stay by a judge on the appellate court. You remember, this is the judge that discovered the defense department lawyers were lying to him in open court, and instead of actually sanctioning them, he demanded that they go to a new ethics course to learn the proper behavior and decorum and the law in court, that you just can't lie with impunity to a judge.

That was the extent of it. Bill Nelson, the Democrat Senator from Florida, is on CNN right now, and they're asking him what he thinks about all this, and you ought to hear what he says is gonna happen. He's looking into that camera and he's practically crying. He's saying (paraphrased), "Young Americans, children who only know the United States -- born in a foreign country, brought here as infants by their parents illegally -- are now going to be sent home to countries they have never, ever seen.

"There are children in America who are going to be separated from their parents 'cause their parents are going to be deported while the children who were born here can stay. We are forgetting the human beings." Let me ask: Has any of that been going on during this stay? That's not even what this is about. This is just... This is exactly how they do it. So this gonna show up what Nelson says -- and he's not the only one, obviously.

How they're characterizing this decision is gonna show up all over social media. And a bunch of ill-educated, uneducated Nimrods are gonna see it, and they've totally skewed notion of what this decision means. Let me see what the AP says about this. Let me see. 'Cause if that's gonna happen, you would think that'd be right in the front of the story, wouldn't you? If deportation proceedings begin immediately because of this, you'd think that'd be the story, right? See if it is.

"Obama Immigration Plan Blocked by 4-4 Tie at Supreme Court." A tie vote. This is AP: "The tie vote in the Supreme Court blocks Obama's immigration plan that sought to shield millions in the US living illegally from deportation. The justice's one-sentence opinion on Thursday effectively kills the plan for the rest of [the Regime of Obama]. The outcome underscores that the direction of US immigration policy will be determined, in large part, by the presidential election."

Right. There's no firm decision yet. What this means is... It's what Obama was complaining about. All this is now up to the voters -- who, of course, the Democrats do not trust. "People who would have benefited from the programs face no imminent threat of deportation because Congress has provided money to deal with only a small percentage of people who live in the country illegally.

"The president retains ample discretion to decide who..." So even the AP says that there isn't going to be rampant deportation. They face no imminent threat. "People who would have benefited," with a correct decision, of course, "face no imminent threat." Yet here's Bill Nelson practically crying on TV, talking about families be separated this afternoon, never to see each other again, all because of this ruling.

I don't know how you deal with it.


RUSH: Snerdley, you gotta remind me. I gave these guys a between-commercial-breaks miniature lecture on money in politics. They asked me, Snerdley asked me -- no, no, some Trumpsters in there asked me if it was really a problem that Trump doesn't have money to run commercials now. And I said he doesn't have the money, just doesn't have the money. "That's not good. He needs to be running commercials."

He doesn't have the money to run commercials and I launched into a tirade on money in politics. No, I remember. Just remind me at so point. I can't do it now. I'm dangerously close already to losing control of the content of the program here today, folks. I haven't gotten to Freddie Gray. I haven't gotten to the note that my cousin sent me about what he saw on Fakebook. That's coming up. We haven't gotten to the sit-in yet. We're gonna get to all this. But I got Obama here.

I want you to actually hear what Obama said. We got two sound bites of Obama's little press conference after the Supreme Court did not go his way on his executive amnesty. Here's the first of two of them.

OBAMA: It is important to understand what today means. The deferred action policy that has been in place for the last four years is not affected by this ruling. Enforcement priorities developed by my administration are not affected by this ruling. This means that the people who might have benefited from the expanded deferred action policies, long-term residents raising children who are Americans or legal residents, they will remain low priorities for enforcement, as long as you have not committed a crime, our limited immigration enforcement resources are not focused on you.

RUSH: Basically as you'll hear in the two sound bites, he's essentially assuring illegals, don't sweat it, I'm not gonna enforce the law, don't sweat it, everything's fine. Now, contrast this. Here he just said children who are Americans or legal residents, they will remain low priorities for enforcement -- meaning deportation -- as long as they've not -- Contrast that to what Bill Nelson just said, the Florida Senator. He really went on TV and tried to convey that deportation proceedings of children are gonna be starting this afternoon, and it was just sad, just unfortunate, oh, my God, what kind of country are we.

It isn't the case. No, I'm not weighing in on whether it should or shouldn't be. This is how this stuff all happens. You know, I was thinking about something last night when I got my cousin's email about what he thought of Fakebook. Nope. I'm gonna wait on that because if I start jumping into that tangent, I'm gonna lose control of this one. Let me just stick with this and I'll get to that as one segment whenever we get to it. Here's the next Obama sound bite.

OBAMA: Now we've got a choice about who we're gonna be as a country, what we want to teach our kids, and how we want to be represented in Congress and in the White House. In November, Americans are gonna have to make a decision about what we care about and who we are. We get these spasms of politics around immigration and fearmongering and then our traditions and our history and our better impulses kick in. That's how we all ended up here. 'Cause I guarantee you at some point every one of us has somebody in our background who people didn't want coming here. And yet here we are.

RUSH: That is so disingenuous. The effort to combine the general population of this country with the current burgeoning numbers of illegal immigrants is outrageous, simply outrageous. For Obama to try to tell people that you and I are no different than the current crop of illegals. Well, the difference is, back then people obeyed the law for the most part. I mean, people always break the law, but for the most part the rule of law triumphed and illegal immigrants were found and deported. The case was not made for them to stay.

But that's not even the worst of it. The idea that all of us here are no different. We were all illegal at one point and we were all unwanted at one point. Somebody in our family, if not us, was undesirable, and yet here we are. And this moral equivalence that this president makes is part and parcel of his effort to tear down the greatness and the uniqueness of this country. Make no mistake. You know, I still am amazed by the reaction I get from people when I tell them that there was zero immigration in this country from 1924 to 1965. And the reason that people don't know that, A, they just don't know it, it's not reported, it's never been part of history class, history education.

But it's also hard to believe, because people alive today, immigration's been a daily event and a daily topic for their whole lives. They can't conceive of a period of time where there was no immigration. 'Cause most people grow up thinking everybody wants to come to America because America is the sweet spot of the planet. America is the greatest place in the world -- which it is -- and everybody wants to be here.

Stop and think of this. From 1924 to 1965, 41 years, essentially, there was no immigration. Try telling people that in the midst of this debate and they won't believe you. They'll think you're making it up. They'll think you're lying about it. And then what you tell 'em is the reason. The reason is that we had had mass immigration from the late 1800s all the way through the early 1900s to the 1920s, and we had to pause the immigration in order to for the new arrivals to assimilate, to become Americans, to learn English, for one thing. The one thing -- or not the one; there are many different things.

One of the defining characteristics or difference between today's illegal immigration and the immigration of old is the immigrants of the late 1800s through the early 1920s came here desiring to become Americans. They wanted to become part of what was a unique and distinct American culture. They were all coming from tyranny of one kind or another. They were all coming from poverty of one kind or another, political prisoners. The human condition for the vast majority of people on this planet for the entire time of what humanity has been here has been bondage and tyranny, dictatorship, pestilence. That's really what American exceptionalism is, when you get right down to it.

America has become and was the exception to the way most of the people in the world were forced to live, because America was the first formally built, structured country on the premise that the people ran the show based on their liberty, based on their natural God-given rights to pursue happiness. The right to life, the right to freedom and to pursue happiness. No other country in the history of the world had ever been formed or founded on such premises. This one was. That was the exception.

American exceptionalism, in the broad sense, is not a bunch of braggadocious words people say, "Yeah, we're better people. We have a better country. We are higher class people." That's not what it is. America was the exception to the way human beings prior to America, most of which lived. It was not pretty. And liberty and freedom were the primary reason that people wanted to come here. They wanted to escape bondage, slavery, tyranny, poverty, whatever, where they lived. It was America that promised a much better life.

So when they got here, when they successfully emigrated -- and not everybody that came through Ellis Island was accepted. If you were sick you were not allowed in. If you had any kind of a disease, we were in the process of trying to wipe out all these diseases. We did that by keeping people who had them out of the country. You might look at it today as, "Wow, that was really mean." No. It was putting America first. It was putting the American people first, and it was a realization that we can't take everybody.

Well, that's not what immigration is today. Immigration, as promoted by the Democrat Party, really is a voter registration drive, pure and simple. It is a desire by the Democrat Party to find another way to remain in perpetual power, by creating as many dependent voters as they can. And the best way to create and bring dependent voters in is to bring people that don't have much education and therefore do not have many skills and therefore are not as capable as others of providing for themselves. That's the gold standard in immigration, if you're a Democrat in 2016, 2002, 2000, as long as this current debate has been raging, that's their objective.

There are even some radical leftists who look at it as that but then go further and say, "Because we have been so exclusionary and because it's been so unfair that America has been so rich, it's so unfair that America has been this one place in the world, it's not because of us, and we deserve to pay a price." There are people who want to import the dregs of the world into this country in order to cut this country down to size. Do not doubt me on this. I know it sounds hard to believe. Those people will be found somewhere on the political spectrum, and they vote Democrat.

It is not about promoting a distinct and great American culture because today's Democrat Party does not believe in one. Today's Democrat Party believes that distinct American culture is corrupt, biased, racist, sexist, prejudicial, homophobic. There is nothing about it they want to preserve. They would love nothing better than to water it down. You're asking obvious questions. "Rush, why would they want to ruin the country 'cause they're gonna continue to live here. Why would they want to ruin the country?" Well, some of them, folks, are really just genuinely stupid and do not have that kind of foresight.

They believe that there's gonna be mass appreciation and love and everybody's gonna be getting along. Others, the leaders of these moments know full well they're never gonna live next to these newly arriving immigrants. They're gonna live in gated communities. They're gonna continue to be rich. Washington, DC, right now does not have to live with much of what they produce legislatively for us. Why do we start immigration in 1965? Guess whose idea it was? Ted Kennedy. Ted Kennedy, 1965, we needed to reinstitute the immigration laws. It wasn't based in humanity, although that's the way it was sold. It was rooted in registering voters.

"Rush, you're cheapening so much." That's all it is, folks. Just like the sit-in on the floor of the House yesterday was about fundraising. Maybe a couple other ancillary things. But it was not about really -- I mean, the legislation had been defeated in the Senate. There was no way that sit-in was gonna accomplish anything legislatively. Well, until they get their own vote in the House, but if they don't have a corresponding vote in the Senate it's still gonna become law. So they're fundraising. Even if they get their own vote in the House, it's not gonna change anything until they change a vote in the Senate which isn't gonna happen, so what are they doing? They're fundraising and they're campaigning.

No, no, if they could take your again away from you, they'd do it. Don't misunderstand. They would do it. But for the moment they're fundraising. Remember these people are patient. They can't take your gun away from you today, they'll do it tomorrow. If they can't do it tomorrow, next week. Next week they can't do it, they'll go for next month. They can't do it next month, they'll do it next year. If next year doesn't work, the year after that. It's the way they look at it.

Obama said as much today talking about immigration. (imitating Obama) "I don't care what happens today. It is gonna happen. We are going to have comprehensive immigration reform. We're gonna have amnesty for these 11 or 12 million. It's gonna happen. You just wait." And that's the way they go about it. Defeat is not something that, in their minds, is lasting.


RUSH: Here's Bill Nelson. I don't have to quote him now. This is him on CNN a half hour ago...

NELSON: Remember the human factor here. This is a great blow to the children that came here as infants. They only know that they're Americans. They've grown up... Many of them, like the ones in Miami, they were valedictorians of their high school classes, and now, because they were born in another country and are here illegally, these DREAMers are going to have to return to a country they don't know along with their parents. Now, that is what is sad. And additionally, that the children that are born in America, their parents are not gonna be able to remain with the children. So now we are splitting families apart as a result of this decision.

RUSH: It's just not true, folks, but that's their talking point. That's what's gonna get ballyhooed all over social media. That's what low-information people are gonna pick up all day. Nelson won't be the only one saying so. It's gonna be out there. The media will not challenge it whatsoever because the only thing they'll focus on is, "What do the Democrats want? What do they want? Will the Democrats get what they want? How well will Nelson's message play?" Not, "Is he lying?" Not, "Is it factual?" None of that. They won't fact-check Bill Nelson. They'll just report this and anybody else who says it.

To the phones. Grand Rapids, Michigan. C. J., great to have you up first today. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. I have a question.

RUSH: Yes?

CALLER: I want to know why is it that President Obama is such an advocate of this illegal immigration gauntlet system and not legal immigration.

RUSH: Precisely because legal immigration is a much tougher group of people to stereotype and to identify as potential new Democrat voters. Illegal immigrants, you know who they are. They are people that have very little education. They are mostly people who are very poor. They arrive needing government assistance from the get-go, and the Democrat Party is right there to provide it, while telling them that the Republican Party wants to kick 'em out.

Legal immigration is a process. You learn everything about the people coming in. You find out how many of 'em are prone to vote Republican. You don't ask 'em this; you just learn. You find out how many of 'em are educated, to what degree. The pool of illegal immigrants is like a qualified bunch of people. You don't have to do surveys. You don't have to interview them. You know they are ready-made Democrat voters. Not only that, they are readymade Democrat constituents.


KEYWORDS: aliens; obama; rush; rushlimbaugh

1 posted on 06/23/2016 11:38:24 AM PDT by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin

“They must leave and come back in properly or we don’t have a country folks”

2 posted on 06/23/2016 11:48:45 AM PDT by WENDLE (CRUSH THESE TRUMP TRAITORS)
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To: All

The Dems have an incredible tactical advantage: They have no morals nor conscience whatsoever.....

This allows them to lie and cheat in a manner that would make most sociopaths blush.

3 posted on 06/23/2016 11:50:53 AM PDT by Maverick68
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To: Kaslin

The separation bit always gets me. Parents are being deported and kids are staying?? Take your kids with you......and your 23 cousins.

4 posted on 06/23/2016 11:53:37 AM PDT by Sacajaweau (YS.)
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To: Sacajaweau

Exactly, the kids should go with their parents

5 posted on 06/23/2016 12:00:11 PM PDT by Kaslin (He needed the ignorant to reelect him. He got them and now we have to pay the consequences)
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To: Kaslin

What’s the over/under today for the number of AMERICANS who will be killed by ILLEGALS?

6 posted on 06/23/2016 12:22:20 PM PDT by Diana in Wisconsin (I don't have 'Hobbies.' I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set...)
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To: Kaslin

Pretty good analysis from Rush, but he seems a bit confused at the end talking about legal immigration in response to the caller. The caller pretty much makes the standard ‘legal immigration - good, illegal immigration - bad’ statement in saying Obama advocates the latter but not the former. That is not true. Obama favors mass immigration of any kind, legal or illegal. And Obama’s ideal way to solve illegal immigration is the same as the WSJournal/libertarian solution; to massively increase legal immigration so that pretty much anyone who wants to come can do so legally. It’s part of why he supported the Gang of Eight bill, because it would have at least doubled legal immigration.

Rush’s comments about legal immigration and knowing which ones will be Republican are a bit odd. Will a higher percentage of legal immigrants than illegal aliens have Republican leanings? Yes, most likely, but it’s still true that most legal immigrants are natural Democrats. After decades of new mass legal immigration and the resulting electoral effects, there is no doubt about this. It’s one of the reasons California is irretrievably blue now, and one of the reasons why other red states are now blue or purple.

The only hope for conservatism, demographically speaking, is for legal immigration to be significantly reduced, and held at lower levels for decades to come. In other words, we need a return to the 1924-1965 levels that Rush references.

7 posted on 06/23/2016 1:10:27 PM PDT by Aetius
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