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Video at link. BTW, how's that outcome based education working out? Your school taxes at work.
1 posted on 05/28/2013 9:13:04 AM PDT by Impala64ssa
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To: Impala64ssa

Celebrate Diversity in Education, Implement Centralized Stanardized National Control over all School Planning!!!

Diversity in Everything,
Except Thought!!!!

Nothing says Diversity like demanding all the states do the exact same thing.

2 posted on 05/28/2013 9:17:37 AM PDT by GraceG
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To: Impala64ssa
I don't like the test-centric education. But, the teachers brought it on themselves.

It's impossible to get rid of a bad teacher. And students were graduating without even basic skills in math, writing, and reading comprehension.

Rather than taking ownership of the problem and dealing with problem teachers, the teacher's unions used it as a vehicle to get more money -- for the same poor outcome.

Standardized testing is nothing but a last-ditch effort to hold teachers accountable. Until they become accountable on their own, they will have to deal with the tests.

3 posted on 05/28/2013 9:21:01 AM PDT by justlurking (tagline removed, as demanded by Admin Moderator)
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To: Impala64ssa

Well, obviously the described abuses of the school are wrong, if true. But the education system wasn’t working before, either.
I do think schools should have some accountability and that includes testing. Class valedictorians were showing up at 4 year universities unable to write at a high school level - I know because I tutored them to help prepare them for college level English classes. They felt like it was a hoax because they were at the top of their class in high school, straight A’s.
When schools began using graduation exams, cries of racism emerged along with the statistics - fewer Hispanics and African Americans were graduating. Yet when students graduated regardless of whether they could read or write, cries of racism emerged when statistics revealed an obvious difference in economic outcome for school graduates; if they all graduated from high school, why were minorities making less money? Instead of correctly identifying differences in education levels attained, the difference was attributed to racism.
I don’t want schools to abuse teachers. I don’t like Common Core. But the arguments against them are no different from the arguments fielded against any attempts at accountability in decades gone by.
I used to read Education Weekly every week. Every issue featured a “new” education approach on the cover. Then the following week that approach would drop from the radar, never to be heard of again (with the exception of scandal) and a “new” approach to educating students would replace it on the cover. Child centered education (self-esteem focused) wasn’t working. I don’t think testing is the problem; any tool employed by teachers can likewise be abused by administration.

8 posted on 05/28/2013 9:39:35 AM PDT by ransomnote
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To: Impala64ssa

It’s more like “Common Whore” than Common Core.

9 posted on 05/28/2013 9:43:18 AM PDT by NRA1995 (I'd rather be a living "gun culture" member than a dead anti-gun candy-ass.)
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To: Impala64ssa
I am always a little skeptical of educators screaming about “creativity€ in elementary education. Young minds say 5 to 15 are generally simply neurologically ill equipped to handle ambiguity, probability and vagueness and “creativity”. Most people are not importantly creative. Most teachers are never going to produce an Isaac Newton, Henry Ford, John Locke, Gauss etc. Children need certainty. In mathematics they need an algorithmic approach, in history they need facts such as George Washington crossed the Delaware not the intricacies of Federalist policies in 1787. etc. etc. They can learn to handle the uncertainties of life at about 18 to 25
11 posted on 05/28/2013 9:46:15 AM PDT by AEMILIUS PAULUS (It is a shame that when these people give a riot)
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To: Impala64ssa
..decent teachers don't have a chance in this climate--needless to say the children

these educational establishment NEA - CTA Koolaid types are like beings from another planet--dressed in Karl Marx tee shirts...

13 posted on 05/28/2013 9:47:51 AM PDT by WalterSkinner ( In Memory of My Father--WWII Vet and Patriot 1926-2007)
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To: Impala64ssa

Only an idiot or liberal would voluntarily send their child to a public school.

14 posted on 05/28/2013 9:48:25 AM PDT by ALPAPilot
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To: Impala64ssa
This is BS and union teachers whining because they have to start teaching something of value that can be measured.

For years they have sat on their fat asses spewing Marxism and passing dummies on to the next grade without knowing anything.

After 12 years they hand the illiterates a diploma and go on vacation for 3 months.

I'd fire every public school teacher, outlaw their union, and start from scratch.

20 posted on 05/28/2013 9:58:51 AM PDT by Beagle8U (Free Republic -- One stop shopping ....... It's the Conservative Super WalMart for news .)
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To: Impala64ssa
The problem with our education system is we don't teach kids "how to learn" anymore.

And, the way you teach kids to learn is to have them question everything and then test the answers for accuracy and truth. (A.K.A. the Socratic Method)

But how can you do that in a system that shuns both. Liberals run our education system and they despise accuracy and truth because both expose the flaws in their theories.

21 posted on 05/28/2013 10:02:58 AM PDT by Mad Dawgg (If you're going to deny my 1st Amendment rights then I must proceed to the 2nd one...)
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To: Impala64ssa

What is a school today? It’s a transient system, it’s a sports arena, it’s a doctors office, it’s mental health program, it’s a social workers office, it’s a police station, it’s a political tool, it a restaurant, and it’s a drug store. Did I miss anything?

22 posted on 05/28/2013 10:08:45 AM PDT by Moonbug
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To: Impala64ssa
a retaliation against four teachers who are quite vocal in advocating for their children

No, you're advocating for you i.e. you want the public's yardstick removed. You see, the public have spent billions and received ignorance, sloth and the rest of the seven deadlies. We give you children and you give us Junior Marxists who can't make change, can't put air in a tire and have no idea who Andrew Carnegie or Napoleon were.

Tests are a last resort in objective measurement. The fact that teachers resent them tells us all we need to know about the teachers, not the tests themselves.

32 posted on 05/28/2013 10:39:47 AM PDT by relictele (A place dedicated to economic, racial and social equality. It was called Jonestown.)
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To: Impala64ssa

Reading a bit of the back story, the elementary school had 3 different principals in 4 years and apparently the common thread running through their exit interviews was problem teachers with negative attitudes. Rather than let a few teachers spoil the school, they transferred them (what schools do to problem teachers). I would hazard a guess that this was a last resort step to solve the problem. And rather than face up to the fact that she was a problem employee, Ms. Rubinstein took to YouTube with lofty language that she hoped would resonate.

37 posted on 05/28/2013 11:00:02 AM PDT by the808bass
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To: Impala64ssa
 photo TEACH_zpsdcf35541.jpg
40 posted on 05/28/2013 11:34:10 AM PDT by baddog 219
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To: Impala64ssa; All
What you're not going to hear from Obama guard dog Glenn Beck about people like this misguided teacher is the following.

Your kids would never learn anything about the Constitution from this upset "teacher" (babysitter?) as evidenced by the following. This veteran teacher evidently doesn't understand that, given the Constitution's silence about public schools, the Founding States had made the 10th Amendment to clarify that government power to regulate things like public schools is automatically reserved uniquely to the states, not the feds. So public school administrators can completely ignore the federal Common Core program if they want to.

Also, public school administrator / teacher concern about getting screwed out of federal funding if they don't kiss up to the feds is just as unfounded. More specifically, another thing that "educators" evidently need to learn about the Constitution is that Justice John Marshall had officially clarified that Congress cannot lay taxes in the name of state power issues.

"Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States." --Justice John Marshall, Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824.

So not only do educators evidently not know the Constitution well enough to know that the federal government has no constitutional authority to tell states what to teach your kids in the public schools, but based on Justice Marshall's official clarification of Congress's limited power to lay taxes, neither can Congress lay taxes in the name of funding public schools to indoctrinate your kids.

So public schools are actually wrongly bowing down to the feds because of their inexcusable ignorance of the federal government's constitutionally limited powers.

What a mess! :^(

41 posted on 05/28/2013 11:46:18 AM PDT by Amendment10
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To: Impala64ssa

Put an archived web cam in every public school classroom, and all the problems would disappear. Incompetent and political teachers would be driven out rapidly.

43 posted on 05/28/2013 12:11:24 PM PDT by Atlas Sneezed (Universal Background Check -> Registration -> Confiscation -> Oppression -> Extermination)
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To: Impala64ssa
Anyone who speaks out against the Dept. of Education and all of the other multitudinous bureaucracies that control the propagandizing of children today in the name of "educating" them must be willing to be marginalized by the media and politicians.

Even as early as the Year 1886, such was the case. A man by the name of Zach. Montgomery was denied an important post in government for doing just that. You will read some of his words below.

With that said, those who love liberty must be willing to come forward to declare that it is better to be remembered for standing on and articulating enduring principles of right versus wrong, liberty versus tyranny, than to be praised by the mainstream media and so-called "progressives."

I am reminded of the words of Zach. Montgomery in his 1886 Book entitled "Poison Drops in the United States Senate . . . ." Although his treatise dealt primarily with the public school question, the following remarks might be helpful to those who, today, are concerned by what passes for "public education."

Excerpts from Montgomery:

"My countrymen, disguise the fact as we may, there is in this country to-day, and in both the political Parties, an element which is ripe for a centralized despotism. There are men and corporations of vast wealth, whose iron grasp spans this whole continent, and who find it more difficult and more expensive to corrupt thirty odd State Legislatures than one Federal Congress. It was said of Nero of old that he wished the Roman people had but one head, so that he might cut it off at a single blow. And so it is with those moneyed kings who would rule this country through bribery, fraud, and intimidation.

"It is easy to see how, with all the powers of government centered at Washington in one Federal head, they could at a single stroke put an end to American liberty.

"But they well understand that before striking this blow the minds of the people must be prepared to receive it. And what surer or safer preparation could possibly be made than is now being made, by indoctrinating the minds of the rising generation with the idea that ours is already a consolidated government ; that the States of the Union have no sovereignty which is not subordinate to the will and pleasure of the Federal head, and that our Constitution is the mere creature of custom, and may therefore be legally altered or abolished by custom.

"Such are a few of the pernicious and poisonous doctrines which ten millions of American children are today drinking in with the very definitions of the words they are compelled to study. And yet the man who dares to utter a word of warning of the approaching danger is stigmatized as an enemy to education and unfit to be men tioned as a candidate for the humblest office.

"Be it so. Viewing this great question as I do, not for all the offices in the gift of the American people would I shrink from an open and candid avowal of my sentiments. If I have learned anything from the reading of history, it is that the man who, in violation of great principles, toils for temporary fame, purchases for himself either total oblivion or eternal infamy, while he who temporarily goes down battling for right principles always deserves, and generally secures, the gratitude of succeeding ages, and will carry with him the sustaining solace of a clean conscience, more precious than all the offices and honors in the gift of man.

"History tells us that Aristides was voted into banishment because he was just. Yet who would not a thousand times rather today be Aristides than be numbered amongst the proudest of his persecutors.

"Socrates, too, in violation of every principle of justice, was con demned to a dungeon and to death. Yet what name is more honored in history than his? And which of his unjust judges would not gladly, hide himself in the utter darkness of oblivion from the with ering scorn and contempt of all mankind ?

"From the noble example of Aristides and of Socrates let American statesmen learn wisdom, and from the undying infamy of their cow ardly time-serving persecutors let political demagogues of today take warning."

So said Zacharias Montgomery in 1886. Read his complete work at HERE.

Anyone who reads his complete volume will realize this man's ability to see the consequences of what his fellow Americans were advocating in the area of education of youth.

46 posted on 05/28/2013 12:54:05 PM PDT by loveliberty2
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To: Impala64ssa

Privatize it all. Erase everything that Susan B. Anthony and her friends most wanted.

49 posted on 05/28/2013 1:56:13 PM PDT by familyop (We Baby Boomers are croaking in an avalanche of rotten politics smelled around the planet.)
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To: Impala64ssa

I do wish that today’s teachers would be able to figure out that the push for testing is DIRECTLY DUE to their creativity - such as figuring out ways to convince parents and others that kids are learning something, when they’re not learning jack, as shown by our standing in the world.

I don’t have a problem with forcing teachers to “teach to the test”, providing that the test covers WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE TAUGHT. In other words, if teachers don’t want to teach what they’re required to teach, then the kids need to be tested, to show that, and to hold the teachers accountable.

54 posted on 05/28/2013 6:52:01 PM PDT by BobL (To us it's a game, to them it's personal - therefore they win.)
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To: Impala64ssa

Well isn't that sorta semi-special!

Is 21 Valedictorians too many?

57 posted on 06/02/2013 4:59:13 AM PDT by devolve
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