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Just my two cents.
1 posted on 04/30/2008 7:10:12 AM PDT by NavVet
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To: NavVet

I appreciate your 2 cents. Thank you.

I personally think that the path the civil rights movement took overcompensated on a left turn. For years now black racism has crept into all aspects of life and is now accepted, expected. Does any reasonable person think this overt racism helps anything?

I also want to take this opportunity to make a vanity post:


2 posted on 04/30/2008 7:20:29 AM PDT by whatshotandwhatsnot
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To: NavVet
I agree with the third possibility. After all, his anti-American, bitter and angry wife's comments would fit that scenario.

Given the divisiveness caused by Wright (and Obama's regular attendance for over 20 years at those hate-filled 'pep rallies'--aka as 'church' in Wright's parlance)--I wonder if Obama's wife in now 'PROUD OF THIS COUNTRY FOR THE SECOND TIME'?

3 posted on 04/30/2008 7:21:55 AM PDT by stockstrader (CHANGE--a euphemism for further dividing our country along racial , social and economic lines)
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To: NavVet
"Obama is hoplessly naive and in spite of a twenty + year close personal relationship with Wright, Obama was nevertheless clueless about the nature of the man..."

With all the other sermons mixed in...I'd say Obama probably held a defensive suspension of disbelief that Wright might be a full blown commie. (Denial ain't just a river).That's the problem with most moonbats....they don't want to believe the worst or they run from it.

They live in a purple haze of all love and good will, the real opiate of the masses,...floating on a cloud and never watching for that ten ton truck that is about to mow them down.

Obama got mowed real good.

4 posted on 04/30/2008 7:22:42 AM PDT by Earthdweller
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To: NavVet

It’s hard to say whether Obama believes in anything beyond personal ambition, but I believe that Mrs Obama buys what Wright’s selling hook, line, and sinker.

5 posted on 04/30/2008 7:22:42 AM PDT by SoDak (Anyone but Obama)
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To: NavVet

I agree.

Rich Liberals who rant about how how noble public schools are still send their own children to private schools.

Obama took his daughters to hear Jeremiah Wright.

You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear
You’ve got to be taught
From year to Year
It’s got to be drummed
in your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught

You’ve got to be taught
To be Afraid
Of people whose eyes
are oddly made
And people whose skin
Is a different shade
You’ve got to be carefully taught

You’ve got to be taught
Before it’s too late
Before you are 6 or 7 or 8
To hate all the people
your relatives hate
You’ve got to be carefully taught

Oscar Hammerstein II, from “South Pacific”

6 posted on 04/30/2008 7:23:31 AM PDT by devere
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To: NavVet
I agree with you. That explains his relationships with other America haters. He lists them in his book. If you run with commies and terrorists, you probably find nothing wrong with their rhetoric.

If you went on the 1/2 million man march, then you picked up on the "Death to the blue eyed devils" and the "Kikes" references. Why would you not protest the church's connection with Farrakhan?

7 posted on 04/30/2008 7:24:26 AM PDT by chuckles
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To: NavVet
I think all the people that were members of that “church” agreed with the hostile views of Wright.

And I would bet that the more hostile Wright was the more money he collected.

That is how Obama got in trouble in S.F: when he told Liberals at a fundraiser about supposed bitter rural people.

Obama sat in that “church” and noticed that when the hate was being spewed the cash was flowing the most and when it came time to collect for himself he acted as he understood.

8 posted on 04/30/2008 7:25:32 AM PDT by Berlin_Freeper (Vote for McCain but trust in the Lord)
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To: NavVet

I agree with you that nobody could be so dense as to not realize what Wright was all about. Remember, Obama says he used to listen to cassette tapes of Wright’s sermons while he was away at Harvard, he was so devoted to his Pastor. He had to know.

That leaves two possibilies, that either Obama is a completely craven and empty political animal or that Obama bought into all this nonsense.

Actually, I think it is both, in a way.

I think Barack Obama is an empty suit who will do anything or say anything if he thinks it will help him politically. He built his power base at Trinity UCC, and did not care much about the nature of the place.

But I think Michelle Obama has sat there and absorbed the message, and believes it all.

11 posted on 04/30/2008 7:27:56 AM PDT by gridlock (Proud McCain Supporter since February 8, 2008.)
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To: NavVet
I can not believe that any father would expose his children to such racist, hate filled rants during their formative years, if he did not want to impart those values to his children. After all, we all take our children to Church, at least in part, for the purpose of imparting the values of the Church to our children.

Therefore the fact that Obama took his children to that church Sunday after Sunday, combined with the assumption that Obama would never sacrifice his own children for mere "political expediency", suggest that Obama must have agreed with Wright in large measure and that Wright's lessons were ones that Obama wanted his children to learn.

What an astute observation and a great post! I acted as my kids' spiritual guide and if the priest had preached sermons such as Wright's, I'd of been outa that church in a heartbeat! Children are not born racist, racism is taught to children by parents and by others in the community they live in. Why would a person allow their children to be subjected to racist preachings, unless they agreed with those preachings, is beyond me.

Would you mind if I posted this article on my blog:

It's really something that nobody in the media has brought up yet.

12 posted on 04/30/2008 7:28:34 AM PDT by rochester_veteran (
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To: NavVet

Obama was indeed only 8 in early 1970. I was only 9 then, the year Ayers’ Weathermen tried to murder me.

In February 1970, my father, a New York State Supreme Court justice, was presiding over the trial of the so-called “Panther 21,” members of the Black Panther Party indicted in a plot to bomb New York landmarks and department stores. Early on the morning of Feb. 21, as my family slept, three gasoline-filled firebombs exploded at our home on the northern tip of Manhattan, two at the front door and the third tucked neatly under the gas tank of the family car.

I still recall, as though it were a dream, thinking that someone was lifting and dropping my bed as the explosions jolted me awake, and I remember my mother pulling me from the tangle of sheets and running to the kitchen where my father stood. Through the large windows overlooking the yard, all we could see was the bright glow of flames below. We didn’t leave our burning house for fear of who might be waiting outside. The same night, bombs were thrown at a police car in Manhattan and two military recruiting stations in Brooklyn. Sunlight, the next morning, revealed three sentences of blood-red graffiti on our sidewalk: Free the Panther 21; The Viet Cong have won; Kill the pigs

(my 2cents; since no one can read his heart, we MUST TAKE HIM AT FACE VALUE. If he tolerated and funded Wright for 23 years, then he must pay the price. Who in their right mind would allow a racist anti-American to pollute their children's minds and the minds of other congregates, without speaking up or leaving!)

13 posted on 04/30/2008 7:29:50 AM PDT by roses of sharon ( (Who will be McCain's maverick?))
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To: NavVet
I think you could add Michelle Obama to your list. She harbors a well of hatred that's been contained effectively by the campaign, but you can see it in her eyes.

If Barry pulled one of Billy Jeff's stunts, it wouldn't just be ashtrays flying, it'd be keyboards, monitors, coffee pots, aquariums, firewood, recliners, and a piano.

15 posted on 04/30/2008 7:31:03 AM PDT by budwiesest ("Next penguin craps on my car is gonna get it"..A. Gore)
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To: NavVet

Obama and Rev. Wright: How close? (2008 vs. 2007)

17 posted on 04/30/2008 7:32:19 AM PDT by roses of sharon ( (Who will be McCain's maverick?))
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To: NavVet


19 posted on 04/30/2008 7:32:32 AM PDT by CedarDave (Obama says he loves America. So why does he associate with those whose hatred of it is so obvious?)
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To: NavVet
Whether Hussein Obama shared Wright's views ( I strongly suspect, based on Michelle Obama's radical statements, that he did) will probably never be proven. The question to me is, if Obama disagreed as he apparently contends, and for twenty years failed to do anything, how could we expect him as Commander in Chief, to stare down Iran, North Korea, China, Russia or a troop of Brownies if we came "eyeball to eyeball" with them?
20 posted on 04/30/2008 7:35:01 AM PDT by The Sons of Liberty (Osama Hussein Obama Hater - bitterly clinging to my guns and religion.)
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To: NavVet

In that article from the International Tribune that I have linked time and again, Rev. Wright explained that Obama was “unchurched” when he met him, and that he told Obama that he would be a lot more effective working from within a church base. (This is the whole premise for Liberation Theology, organize Christians from within their own experience)Wright explained to Obama some of the premises of behind Liberatin Theology and the reasons that it was a perfect place for apostate Muslims and former gang members.

Now, you have to read between the lines to understand this and you have to know something about Liberation Theology. What Wright was saying is that you don’t have to believe in the spiritual side of Christianity to embrace the inspirational side. That’s what Obama did.

Obama clearly thought of Trinity as a praxis, an organizational praxis that helped bring Black people together behind one unified history. This is also the link to Islam. They believe that they have a common history with the African Muslims and a common enemy. It’s the old enemy of my enemy is my friend routine. Obama was hearing Wright, but he wasn’t listening to anything that he didn’t agree with. Obama just didn’t take that part seriously. He didn’t think that Wright took it seriously, either.

22 posted on 04/30/2008 7:41:17 AM PDT by Eva (CHANGE - the new euphemism for Marxist revolution)
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To: NavVet

Excellent post! I do believe that Obama shares Wright’s beliefs and core values. He had to denounce in public, but if Obama does happen to become President he would most likely pull Wright back in the fold as his most important and trusted advisor. God forbid he does become President!

24 posted on 04/30/2008 7:43:35 AM PDT by seekthetruth
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To: NavVet

Were never going to know for sure what Obama believes since I doubt he will ever tell us the absolute truth. What we do know is that he didn’t mind bringing his children to a church of hate. And we do know what he has said in the past.

26 posted on 04/30/2008 7:45:22 AM PDT by pepperhead (Kennedy's float, Mary Jo's don't!)
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To: NavVet

Of course. He papers it over, but if you read between the lines in his books, or follow what he has to say about his mother and his grandmother, you know he is a black power extremist and that he hates and despises whites.

Sure, he could have made an acquaintance of Rev. Wright for political reasons, but no one in his right mind would sit in church and listen to sermons like that unless they enjoyed them. There are plenty of other black churches in Chicago, but that was the one that suited Obama and, I would add, Michelle. They also liked it because it was pro-abortion, sympathetic to Muslims, and not really Christian in any meaningful sense.

Does anyone think for a minute that Michelle would have put up with it unless she, too, liked it?

Obama is the stealth candidate. His mission is to destroy America and destroy white supremacy, as he thinks of it, but to do so by means of an old Islamic and/or Communist trick—lying to the enemy.

27 posted on 04/30/2008 7:50:17 AM PDT by Cicero (Marcus Tullius)
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To: NavVet
Another point that apprently the mainstream media is afraid to address is the most disturbing part of the video of Wright's sermons is not the hate filled rants themselves, but rather the multitude of faces in the pews nodding in agreement, without one visible expression of outrage or disbelief. Similarly, the fact that Wright's lunatic ravings at the NAACP meeting in Detroit, was met with applause not jeers is more troubling that Wright's actual words.

There have been several reports that members of the church are now saying they've never seen or heard Wright act the way he did at the National Press Club, just like Obama. It makes no difference we've all seen the tapes of his rants and their full, enthusiastic support of them.

28 posted on 04/30/2008 7:55:39 AM PDT by jennyjenny
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To: NavVet
You know....I have been wondering why no one brings up that possibility too!

That is the thing that disturbs me the most, the possibility that our next president has the same views as Wright!

I am frustrated that no one on the news says that! How do we know what Obama believes? The obvious is that he does believe that!

30 posted on 04/30/2008 7:56:57 AM PDT by Gypssy (Smart, Womanly & Conversative! :-)~~~)
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