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Milosevic/clinton Musings
various | 2-6-02 | Mia T

Posted on 02/06/2002 10:36:43 AM PST by Mia T

Milosevic/clinton Musings

Feb. 6, 2002


...Milosevic is due to go on trial next week before the U.N. tribunal at The Hague on charges of crimes against humanity and genocide. It cannot be excluded that Clinton or other major Western political figures will be called to testify...

"It's nice to hear your voice," Clinton tells Milosevic in one taped call from Air Force One at the end of a New Year's visit to U.S. troops newly installed in Bosnia in January 1996. [You remember, that was when the troops had to be disarmed before they met clinton.]



"We support normalization of relations and I know it cannot go ahead without you," the U.S. president stresses during a brief conversation...

"He spoke really nicely," Milosevic later tells his sidekick Milan Milutinovic, an indicted co-conspirator who is still at large and serving as president of Serbia.

Milutinovic, also known disparagingly to U.S. negotiators as "Tunafish," quips that Clinton must have hid in the plane's toilet to make the call, for fear of being overheard by Madeleine Albright, who he calls "a real bitch."

The next day, Milosevic is stunned to see Politika, the leading pro-government daily in Belgrade, denouncing Clinton as a scandal-tainted draft dodger looking for photo opportunities.

When he rings up to blow a fuse, the editor, Dragan Hadzi Antic, has not even read his own paper. Milosevic lets rip in street language as Antic cowers...

Records of his domestic phone calls are by turns tender and hilarious, as Milosevic deals with the overdeveloped egos of his wife, son and daughter...

Clinton Cordial with Milosevic in Leaked Transcripts

Slobodan and Mira?

(Or Bill and Hillary?)

by Slavoljub Djukic  

No other statesman in Serbian political history has achieved such power
and fame and fallen into moral and political decline so rapidly as
Slobodan Milosevic. And never has there been a woman with such influence
on affairs of state as Mirjana Markovic.
In the days when Mira Markovic was known only as the wife of the Serbian
president, a politically well-informed friend told me that if I wanted
to understand Slobodan Milosevic I must first understand Mira Markovic.
Without her, the Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic would not exist.
She has managed his career, nurtured his ambition and inspired and
stage-managed a multitude of events in the political life of the Serbian
regime. But the principle works both ways. Without the power of Slobodan
Milosevic, there would be no influential wife. They grow up together,
they helped each other, together they hacked a path to power and
together they shared that power.
This chronicle was made as a synthesis of my two earlier books (How the
Leader happened to Us and Between Fame and Anathema), and as a sequel
and supplement to them, using new information to fill in the portraits
of the people I am dealing with.
My first book focused on the political and social circumstances of the
time when the leader was wearing the triumphal laurel wreath. The second
book dealt with the leader himself and his methods of rule. This new
book, as well as recapitulating past events looks at the marriage of
Milosevic and Markovic and its role in the national drama of the Serbs.
Their story is a story of two different and sometimes opposed natures:
the leader who is unable to resist his wife's will and the loyal wife
whose own ambitions led her to power. It is about two people who lead
separate lives but, in the end, are always together; it is about the
political phenomenon in which the lust for power and the necessity for
survival take precedence over all other interests.
This is a chronicle of Slobodan and Mira and a people who freely elected
a leader. Serbs put their fate in Milosevic's hands, they gave him the
laurel wreath, they gave him power and thus became his accessories,
collaborators, victims of history and, finally, rebels against an
undemocratic regime.
Most of the 250 pages of this manuscript, apart from the final chapter,
had been prepared for publishing by September 1996, a time when it
seemed that Serbia had plunged into political melancholy and that
Milosevic could sit easy on his throne. Subsequent events, the
falsification of election results and protest rallies in many cities,
led to the postponement of publication and somehow changed the image of
the people's real sentiments.
Readers will, of course, notice a striking difference between the Serbia
of ten years ago and the new Serbia of late 1996, after the "yellow
revolution". The new atmosphere, the new information hasn't changed my
original impressions of the people in this chronicle: I think they are a
real part of the real circumstances in which we lived and formed our
opinions, and I let the story unfold as the events, and the
protagonists, defined it.
(Thanks to Ray Heizer for finding the above)   
Slavoljub Djukic was born in 1928 in Slovac near Valjevo. He worked for
many years as a journalist on Politika and several other Belgrade
newspapers. In 1980 he was editor-in-chief of the news magazine NIN. His
four previous books are A Man in His Time (conversations with Dobrica
Cosic), The Fall of the Serbian Liberals, How the Leader Happened to Us
(the rise of Slobodan Milosevic as a national leader) and Between Fame
and Anathema (a political biography of Slobodan Milosevic).
Also see
Clinton's Alter Ego
Sounds like our guy?  


TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial; Front Page News



ELEANOR: The Oxford dictionary defines a liberal as a person who is "favorable to change and reform in the direction of democracy." Hillary has no commitment to any change or reform that does not increase her own political power. She's not a Democrat. She's an autocrat.

She is both further to the right than Giuliani and as far left as Mrs. Milosovic. She is driven by the authoritarian notion that in government ends justify means -- an immoral view of society that has characterized both fascism and communism.




Washington Weekly
by Jerry Zeifman

As previously reported in Washington Weekly, I had a seance- conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt regarding the personality disorders of Hillary Clinton. In this issue I am reporting the contents of a second conversation with Mrs. Roosevelt relating to the Hillary-Giuliani campaign.

ELEANOR: The more I think about Hillary's run for the Senate, the more I'm outraged. Hillary simply does not have the capacity to put society's interest above her quest for political power, For the first time since I died and went to heaven, I wish I were still alive and could vote for Giuliani.

ME: Even though Giuliani is a Republican?.

ELEANOR: At least he is a moderate Republican and has some degree of integrity. In contrast, Hillary is a Democrat in name only. She's a shameless perverter of the classical principles of our party. She is not a true liberal. She is an ill-liberal.

ME: Can you explain that further?

ELEANOR: The Oxford dictionary defines a liberal as a person who is "favorable to change and reform in the direction of democracy." Hillary has no commitment to any change or reform that does not increase her own political power. She's not a Democrat. She's an autocrat.

She is both further to the right than Giuliani and as far left as Mrs. Milosovic. She is driven by the authoritarian notion that in government ends justify means -- an immoral view of society that has characterized both fascism and communism.

ME: In what way does Hillary's campaign for election reflect her authoritarianism?

ELEANOR: It is typical of authoritarian leaders to demonize their political opponents. The centerpiece of her campaign against Guliani has been her efforts to use deceit, propaganda and demagoguery to denounce Guliani as a member of a "venomous right wing conspiracy."

Yet Guliani is hardly "right wing." Indeed he broke with his own party by both by endorsing Mario Cuomo for Governor of New York and supporting abortion rights.

ME: Do you think that Hillary is advancing the cause of women?

ELEANOR: Definitely not. As a role model for women Hillary is deplorable. She encourages young mothers to place their children in day care centers, and to enhance their family income by entering the labor market. Her politicized book "It Takes a Village" downplays the importance of parents and overstates the dependence of children on government sponsored programs.

Originally, the feminist movement was premised on women's liberation. In one major way Hillary's perverted brand of feminism is giving mothers less freedom than in the past. Under the Clinton administration it has become all but impossible for a middle class family to survive economically on a single income.

ME: What do you think of former Democrat Peggy Noonan's book, "The Case Against Hillary Clinton?"

ELEANOR: I believe it is an accurate portrayal of Hillary's many moral and ethical flaws. Were I alive I would join with Miss Noonan and campaign for Mayor Giuliani.

ME: Would you also campaign against Al Gore?

ELEANOR: Yes. Although Mr. Gore is not a sociopath like Hillary, he also tells lies. I believe he is a wicked man. His candidacy disgraces the party that my husband Franklin and I have long loved.

ME: Would it be possible for me to meet and speak with President Roosevelt?

ELEANOR: Yes. I will arrange a meeting within the next few days.

The ghost of Eleanor fades away.

I plan to report on my discussions with FDR soon.

[Jerry Zeifman ( was chief counsel of the House Judiciary Committee during the Nixon impeachment proceedings, when Hillary Rodham served on the staff.]

Published in the Apr. 17, 2000 issue of The Washington Weekly

Copyright 2000 The Washington Weekly.





• ... "he's cunning and shrewd, alternately brutal
and deceptively charming"


• ... "not to be trusted, especially when he promises ..."

• ... "is not a madman, but deeply disturbed psychologically"

• ... "is prone to violent mood swings and foul language"

• ... "he loves luxury ... enjoys himself, likes good food"

• ... " very calculating ... his only priority, is getting to power,

and staying in power"

• ... "he is not a man who has strong political beliefs"

• ... "he knows the psychology of his people and is able

to exploit that"

• ... "he creates a crisis, then resolves it, so he emerges as

the hero"
• ... "his wife is fiercely ideological and also his most
trusted political operative"

• ... "helped transform her husband ... into a leader"

• ... "some say she all but runs the country"


1 posted on 02/06/2002 10:36:43 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Gail Wynand; looscannon; Lonesome in Massachussets; river rat; Freedom'sWorthIt; IVote2; Slyfox...

Who is Slobodan Milosevic?

Analysts call Yugoslavian president shrewd, brutal and charming

<Picture: Image: Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic Adresses The
Nation>Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic delivers a nationwide
television address on Wednesday.
By Andrea Mitchell
WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The CIA calls Slobodan Milosevic, the
57-year-old president of Yugoslavia, the Saddam Hussein of the Balkans.
Those who know him say he's cunning and shrewd, alternately brutal and
deceptively charming. He's not to be trusted, they say -- especially when
he promises peace.
U.S. OFFICIALS say Milosevic is not a madman, but deeply
disturbed psychologically. Both his mother and father committed suicide.
Observers say he is prone to violent mood swings and foul language when
negotiating. He loves luxury and lives in a palace filled with Rembrandt
paintings and priceless baroque furniture.
Milosevic, before becoming president in 1989, was a gas company
executive and a banker. He's married with two children.
"He enjoys himself, he likes good food and he's a heavy drinker,"
said Peter Galbraith, former ambassador to Croatia.
His greatest passion is his die-hard Communist wife, Mira, who is
fiercely ideological and also his most trusted political operative. Mira
Milosevic helped transform her husband from a Communist Party hack into
a nationalist leader, and some say she all but runs the country.
But critics say that Milosevic, unlike Saddam and other dictators
with regional ambitions, has no vision for his country beyond ethnic
cleansing and clinging to power.
"Milosevic is very calculating. His top priority, indeed in my
view his only priority, is getting to power, and staying in power,"
Galbraith said.
In fact, the United States blames him for starting three wars: in
Croatia, in Bosnia and now in Kosovo
"President Milosevic, who over the past decade started the
terrible wars against Croatia and Bosnia, has again chosen aggression
over peace,"
President Bill Clinton said this week. 'He is not a man who has strong
political beliefs. He was a communist, and now he claims to be a
STEPHEN LARRABE, Former national security council official
"He is not a man who has strong political beliefs. He was a Communist,
and now he claims to be a capitalist," said Stephen Larrabee, a former
National Security Council official. "He does almost anything to stay in
power, and he knows the psychology of his people and is able to exploit
Milosevic has stirred up his people's anger against outsiders,
and he is revered for standing up to the West.
Elsewhere in the world, he's called "the butcher of the Balkans"
responsible for the deaths of 250,000 people.
U.S. officials fear Milosevic wants a prolonged war to help him
consolidate power.
Critics say Milosevic creates a crisis, then resolves it, so he
emerges as the hero &emdash; no matter how devastating the suffering he causes.
"Milosevic is both the arsonist and the fireman," said one
prominent Yugoslav observer.
Andrea Mitchell is the Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent for
NBC News.


Clinton's Alter Ego
by Mia T

Dr. Jerrold Post is a political psychologist from George Washington University and author of "When Illness Stricks a Leader" and "Political Paranoia."

His profile of Slobodan Milosevic could just as easily be a description of the psychopath occupying the Oval Office.
Among the Milosevic (Clinton) degeneracies and dysfunctions ticked off by Dr. Post:
1- Stole the election.
2- Charm insufficient to obscure atrocities.
3- Pro-rape.
4- Believes he is above all laws and violates them with impunity.
5- Shrewdly controls the media. Spins his quashing of dissent as courageous support of human rights.
6- Purged the government of all opposition.
7- Trail of murders of those adverse to his remaining in power.
8- Demonizes any opponents still breathing.
9- Not an intense nationalist.
10- Calm publicly, but privately flies into rages.


That various versions of THE LIST of the similarities between Bill Clinton and Slobodan Milosevic are popping up all over Washington is prima facie evidence that the two darlings are virtually the identical dysfunctional personality.

They are genocidal, delusional, psychopathic, power-hungry, narcissistic, rapist thugs who have, permanently affixed to their coattails, loopy, power-hungry, hermaphroditic mother figures with ego problems, too many bad-hair days, and low centers of gravity--figure-atively as well as literally.



2 posted on 02/06/2002 10:40:17 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T
You're a genius again today, Mia.
3 posted on 02/06/2002 10:51:46 AM PST by OKSooner
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To: Mia T; Balkans
Wow! This definitely desearves a big, ol' Balkans bump.
4 posted on 02/06/2002 10:59:09 AM PST by Incorrigible
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To: Mia T
Wonderful art/politics Mia. The 'Rats at DU are going to go nuclear on this one again. Bump...
5 posted on 02/06/2002 11:06:35 AM PST by eureka!
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To: Mia T;all
I'll link to this.... BTW:

Here's a Note to Activists:

Want to do something? Go here:

Ignorance Making You Ill? Cure It!

for links, tools, & instructions about how to contact a pile of different people, and how to send a link to this story right here ( or anywhere else ) to a "mass email" using Outlook Express.

6 posted on 02/06/2002 11:10:56 AM PST by backhoe
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To: Mia T
That various versions of THE LIST of the similarities between Bill Clinton and Slobodan Milosevic are popping up all over Washington is prima facie evidence that the two darlings are virtually the identical dysfunctional personality.

Now we need to take the hypocrits words concerning the era of selfishness and greed and look at Enron and Global Crossing...hmmm suddenly that era of greed was during the 8 years of Clinton. I guess to match his 8 years of the highest ethical presidency...LMAO!!!

7 posted on 02/06/2002 11:14:07 AM PST by antivenom
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To: Mia T
I thought it was pretty funny that Slobodan would want Clinton as a character witness of sorts. They are both birds of a feather as you have pointed out. But we need not be shy about calling either one of them what they truly are -- PSYCHOPATHS.
8 posted on 02/06/2002 1:56:24 PM PST by Slyfox
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To: Mia T
"In truth, many American people have become so soft from being allowed to perpetuate their own dishonesty that they are for practical purposes mental outpatients who can now do naught but huddle together in a giant commune like sick sheep huddling against the harsh weather of need for responsibility and...(not)facing---a serious real world."

Will post the entire article...later!

9 posted on 02/06/2002 2:03:59 PM PST by f.Christian
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To: Slyfox
"The system is maintained for various reasons: intellectual fashion, conformity to social pressures, because VARIOUS PEOPLE JUST PLAIN WANT IT as it enables freeloading or childishness or irresponsibility or self-protective sublimation of dissatisfaction due to bankrupt personal lives that they would like to attribute to political problems rather than personal deficiency, or because of ideological commitment bounded upon combinations of the previously mentioned."
10 posted on 02/06/2002 2:16:47 PM PST by f.Christian
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To: owk
I find the statistical definition employed by liberals to be erroneously self-centered. In other words, they assume themselves to be the extent and center of existence, and looking at everything exclusively relative to themselves: anyone who deviates from their view is a statistical extremist..(i.e., Rush Limbaugh)---(from a statstical reference sample where N=1, meaning N, the only view that counts, is themselves.) Any time a leftist wants to to change something he immediately asserts the entire world agrees with it and anyone who disagrees is an immediate statistical extremist. Much of it is a leftist trick to inculcate subjective synthetic social pressure and self-fulfilling prophecy.
11 posted on 02/06/2002 2:26:30 PM PST by f.Christian
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To: Mia T
Thanks, Mia T. I'm blown away. I can't wait until Bill raises his hand to swear the truth, the whole truth, that "I was not sitting on the toilet, hiding from Maddie Albright in Air Force One, talking to my buddy Milosevic, and telling him how good it was to hear his voice. I swear I didn't have a relationship with that dictator."
12 posted on 02/06/2002 2:37:04 PM PST by FryingPan101
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To: rlk
"Some people seem to be born with capability of conscience and a higher order of being. Some among them are additionally gifted with that breadth and curiosity of consciousness that produces depth of understanding and that quality known as stature. Other people seem to be born without capability of conscience or higher order of being—and can neither understand nor appreciate either."

I'm a "young earther"...even "instant universer(no age)"...

13 posted on 02/06/2002 2:46:56 PM PST by f.Christian
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To: f.Christian
"Neither of the Clintons have any higher order of internal reference to guide them, and, in their exclusive egotistic focus upon themselves, recognize no outside reference."

"Hillary is much like Bill. Like Bill, she is posessed of an existentially angry inner state which perverts and cheapens all that she touches. She is fundamentally a person of shallow cheap vulgarity which comes though her attempted facade. She is a member of the new breed of people who buy $120.00 pasta machines and tout their knowldge of wine in a shallow imitation of cultivation while they lead otherwise coarse trashy lives with coarse trashy mentalities. This is the basis of much of her appeal and one of her strongest constituencies."

"Hillary Clinton should be an embarrassment to herself, but she lacks that level of development of consciousness to perceive or understand it."

Yeah snakes can leave their holes--Arkansas...

climb a tree--oval office and fall out of it tryng to catch a flying bird--star--a legacy...

and bang--land on the rocks--ground...537 vote short!


14 posted on 02/06/2002 2:59:53 PM PST by f.Christian
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To: Mia T
15 posted on 02/06/2002 11:12:17 PM PST by f.Christian
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