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clinton CYA-ing
10-4-01 | Mia T

Posted on 10/04/2001 7:34:15 AM PDT by Mia T

clinton CYA-ing:

Because the frequency and intensity of pathetic CYA maneuvers by clinton and his gang are increasing in direct proportion to the increasing frequency and intensity of editorial comment blaming clinton for 9-11, I suspect clinton CYA-ing will soon reach critical mass. At that historic moment, Sandy Berger (along with his smarmy revisionism) will implode by virtue of his pressure-deflating "uhs", taking his inept, corrupt, cowardly, self-serving leader down with him.

As Martha Stewart might say, this is a good thing; clinton CYA-ing is compromising Bush's anti-terror campaign.


TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial; Extended News

1 posted on 10/04/2001 7:34:15 AM PDT by Mia T
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To: Mia T
Too bad Clinton didn't cover his other part, also.
2 posted on 10/04/2001 7:39:52 AM PDT by Slyfox
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To: Mia T
Clinton is sooo predictable.
3 posted on 10/04/2001 7:41:27 AM PDT by kassie
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To: Mia T
I have noticed a new twist in their tactics though. The apologists are not nearly as shrill or partisan when compared to the glory days of defending Clintoon's neverending parade of corruption scandals. While always claiming that the scumbag did everything possible to dismantle terrorism, they haven't taken their usual obligatory swipes at Republicans in general or Bush in particular. IMHO, this approach belies the serious trouble they are now faced with...public opinion (formerly their reliable savior) is solidly behind Bush, the sheeple are demanding answers as to how this tragedy could have happened and the public are rallying for a decisive response (again not a strong suit of the last aberration to occupy the White House).

The cumulative effects of the degradation of our military, the perversion of our public morality and the vacuum of real global leadership under Clintoon are now being felt worldwide.

Does anyone truly believe that the general public will somehow connect the dots and realize what a demoralizing, criminal empire we were subjected to during the last eight years? Will the lamestream press finally take the only ethical path and expose this criminal? One can only pray....

4 posted on 10/04/2001 8:00:12 AM PDT by massconservative
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To: Slyfox
Rapist BUMP!
5 posted on 10/04/2001 8:07:13 AM PDT by Mia T
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To: massconservative
Excellent comments.
clinton did for terrorism what he did for women and blacks...



Just look around this chamber. We have members from virtually every racial, ethnic, and religious background. And America is stronger for it. But as we have seen, these differences all too often spark hatred and division, even here at home. . . This is not the American way. We must draw the line. Without delay, we must pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act and the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. And we should reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.

bill clinton, State of Union Speech, January 27, 2000


"I'm sorry, but the president is one of the crudest men I have ever encountered in government service," says one female agent. "He has no respect for women."

Among the comments clinton made in presence of Secret Service agents:

. Frequent speculation on the oral sex skills of women
the president saw or met in receiving lines;

. References to the size of a woman's breasts, legs or figure;

. Sexual jokes.

After the Monica Lewinsky story broke, however, clinton toned down his rhetoric and behavior in front of his Secret Service agents, but those who guarded the president say enough of them saw and heard things which could be damaging to clinton.

"It depends on who Ken Starr calls," says one ex-agent. "The people who are on the job today are not necessarily the ones who know the most."

Turnover In clinton's Secret Service Detail 'Highest That Anyone Can Remember'


In the months that follow, reporters drop the issue. Feminists say little or nothing. Rape crisis center workers acknowledge that Broaddrick's case, including her reluctance to come forward, is typical of victims of sexual assault. But they decline to speak against clinton. Some cite the federal funding they receive as a result of the Violence Against Women Act, which was signed into law by clinton.

Why does the press continue to ignore the Juanita Broaddrick story?

The Placebo President:
How a Rapist can be a Policy Feminist
placebo effect n.
A beneficial effect in a patient following a particular treatment
that arises from the patient's expectations concerning
the treatment rather than from the treatment itself.
Every woman adores a Fascist,
The boot in the face, the brute
Brute heart of a brute like you.
----Sylvia Plath
The placebo effect immediately came to mind
as I listened to Shelby Steele,
a research fellow at the Hoover Institution,
debunk the following pernicious spin intended to save clinton.
To wit:
A proven felon and utter reprobate can remain president;
clinton can be a failed human being but a good president.
The error in these statements arises, says Steele,
from the belief that
virtuousness is separate from personal responsibility
so that one's virtuousness as an individual is determined by
one's political positions on issues rather than on
whether or not in one's personal life there is a
consistency and a responsibility.
Steele's contention is that this compartmentalization,
rather than being the amazing advantage
the clintons would have us believe,
in fact, spills toxicity into, corrupts, the culture.
If mere identification with good policies is what makes one virtuous
then those policies become, what Steele calls, iconographic,
that is to say they just represent virtuousness.
They don't necessarily do virtuous things.
If clinton's semantic parsing strips meaning from our words,
clinton's iconographic policies strip meaning from our society,
systematically deconstructing our society as a democracy. . .
I would take Shelby Steele's thesis one step further.
I maintain that iconographic policy functions like a placebo,
producing a real, physiological and social effects.
The placebo effect is, after all, the brain's triumph over reality.
Expectation alone can produce powerful physiological results.
The placebo effect was, at one time, an evolutionary advantage:
act now, think later
bill clinton is the paradigmatic Placebo President.
Placebo is Latin for "I shall please."
And please he does
doling out sham treatments, iconographs, with abandon.
To please, to placate, to numb, to deflect.
Ultimately to showcase his imagined virtue.
Or to confute his genuine vice.
clinton will dispense sugar pills (or bombs)
at the drop of a high-heeled shoe...
or at the hint of high treason...
clinton's charlatanry mimics that of primitive medicine.
Through the 1940s, doctors had little effective medicine to offer
so they deliberately attempted to induce the placebo response.
The efficaciousness of today's medicines
does not diminish the power of the placebo.
A recent review of placebo-controlled studies
found that placebos and genuine treatments
are often equally effective.
If you expect to get better, you will.
Which brings me back to the original question:
Can clinton be a failed human being but a good president?
Clearly he cannot.
These two propositions are mutually exclusive.
clinton's fundamental failure is a complete lack of integrity.
He has violated his covenant with the American people.
Because clinton has destroyed his moral authority as a leader,
he can no longer function even as a quack;
the placebo effect is gone.
And so the Placebo President must now go, too.




Not Joe Klein's Primary Colors. And not Jack Stanton.

bill clinton is straight out of
Stanley Kubrick's A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.
clinton is Alex,
one of the few truly amoral characters in either film or literature;
not quite as Kubrick (or Burgess) had imagined him, however,
but rumpled, wrinkled, paunchy, edematous,
stripped of the youth-excuse
after 30 additional, pathetic, recidivistic years
of marauding, stomping, raping, gangbanging, deceiving and destroying.
Like A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, the story of bill clinton
is the story about a society that has lost its capacity for moral choice.
But unlike in the less fabulous and no more ironic fable,
clinton is not mere nascent symbol but nihilistic agent.
clinton, like Alex, is the leader of the gang, the "droogies."
Eerily prefigured by the rocking, crooked phallus,
clinton's a conscienceless sadist
who thrills at risk and gratuitous destruction,
whose sexual and non-sexual impotence
is at the root of his obsession with "the old inout."
When Alex kills a woman during a rape, Alex is sent to prison.
When clinton rapes women, girls, his country and God knows what else. . .
(and kills? --- check out those fourscore-plus deaths, please!
And don't forget the wag-the-dog, desperately-seeking-a-legacy bombings,
or the cold-blooded Ricky Ray Rector execution),
not clinton but society is imprisoned,
imprisoned within clinton's
besmirched, semen-stained, feckless presidency.
A risible and repulsive result;
yet not even the punch line.
While Alex is conditioned in prison with aversion therapy,
transmuted into a moral robot who becomes nauseated
by the mere thought of sex and violence,
bill clinton and his Thought Police,
in a perverse reverse aversion,
have conditioned society's collective brain
into not mere acquiescence but twisted admiration.
In the end,
if clinton's arrogant, ruthless, reckless nature is restored to him,
it seems the joke will be on all of us,
for it will be a victory for infinite victimhood and irresponsibility,
for seduction, for violence, for nihilism, for anarchy.
We will have set apart clinton as the hero
by making his victims less human than he;
we will have allowed clinton to carefully estrange us from his victims
so that we can enjoy the rapes and the beatings
as much as clinton himself does.


6 posted on 10/04/2001 8:26:21 AM PDT by Mia T
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To: Mia T
Clintoon is a punk. He should have many of the people of the U.S. line up to kick his ass. He uses people then throws them away as he needs them. I just can't believe that he still has supporter. What a bunch of dumbasses.
7 posted on 10/04/2001 8:26:48 AM PDT by Joe Boucher
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To: massconservative
Will the lamestream press finally take the only ethical path and expose this criminal?

I've waited since 1996 and the FBI filegate "snafu" for the press to pay attention. I don't think it's possible -- but I join you in your prayers.

I wondered, back in the dark days of impeachment and "vindication" by the Senate, how we would ever overcome the media. Now I see that the media is committing slow suicide -- like a heroin addict who goes into rehab on a yearly basis. They may know they're killing themselves, but they just can't stop. They continue to filter the news and plead for acceptance of the terrorist view -- that America is the Great Satan -- and the public, upon whom they depend for their livelihood, becomes more disgusted and detached from them every day.

8 posted on 10/04/2001 8:42:05 AM PDT by reformed_democrat
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To: Mia T
Lest we forget:

Lying Under Oath as President - 2 times ~ Lying Under Oath as Governor - 5 times ~ Lying Under Oath as Attorney General ~ Lying Under Oath in a Deposition ~ Lying Under Oath to a Grand Jury ~ Lying Under Oath as a Lawyer ~ Abuse of Power ~ Obstruction of Justice ~ Deriliction of Duty ~ Bribe Solicitation ~ Taking Bribes ~ Bribery of Cabinent Members ~ Bribery of State Officials ~ Treason ~ Corruption ~ Coersion ~ False Swearing ~ Malfeasance of Office ~ Perjury ~ Subornation of Perjury ~ Criminal Trespass ~ Witness Intimidation ~ Witness Tampering ~ Jury Tampering ~ Ethics Violations ~ Intentional Interference in the Administration of Justice ~ Misrepresentation ~ Civil Contempt of Court ~ Criminal Contempt of Court ~ Contempt of Congress ~ Contempt of the American People ~ High Crimes ~ Misdemeanors ~ Deception ~ False Testimony ~ Factually False Testimony ~ Misconduct ~ Serious Misconduct ~ Professional Misconduct ~ Notorious Misconduct ~ Obstruction of the Judicial Process ~ Recklessness ~ Grand Larceny ~ Extortion ~ Blackmail~ Substance Abuse ~ Evidence Suppression ~ Illegal Foriegn Campaign Funding ~ Improper Exports of Sensitve Technology ~ Attempted Intimidation of Prosecutors ~ Destruction of Business Records with Intent to Defraud ~ Failure to Investigate Drug Trafficking ~ Real Estate Fraud ~ Criminalizing Frauds on Financial Institutions ~ Use of State Police for Personal Purposes ~ Illegal Loan Extraction ~ False Reports by Medical Examiners and Others Investigating Suspicious Deaths ~ Improper Futures Trading ~ Illegal Use of the Executive Branch ~ Character Defamation ~ Voter Fraud ~ Racketeering ~ Destruction of Evidence ~ Political Espionage ~ Money Laundering ~ Criminal Negligence ~ RICO Conspiracy ~ Misuse of Government Files ~ Desecration of Federal Ethics Laws ~ Judicial Intimidation ~ Conflict of Interests ~ Illegal Campaign Activity ~ Misuse of Corporate Assets ~ Ordering Politically Motivated Audits ~ Ordering Politically Motivated Investigations ~ Timing of War Influenced by Political Considerations ~ Misapplying Funds ~ Conspiracy to Defraud the Federal Government ~ Criminal Violation of the Privacy Act ~ Conspiracy to Conceal ~ Evisceration of the Right to Habeas Corpus ~ Misuse of Taxpayer Funds ~ Interfering with a Court Order ~ Theft of Government Property ~ Abuse of Taxpayer Financed Travel ~ Anti-American Espionage ~ Jeopardizing National Security ~ Aiding and Abetting Drug Traffic ~ Aiding and Abetting Organized Crime ~ Murder by Accessory by Witness Tampering ~ Murder by Accessory by Forgery ~ Foreign Influence Peddling ~ Regular Influence Peddling ~ Corrupting Public Discourse ~ Providing False and Misleading Testimony ~ Interferring with a Custody Case ~ Kidnapping by Accessory ~ Child Endangerment ~ Sexual Harassment ~ Indecent Exposure ~ Sexual Abuse of Employees ~ Lewd and Lascivious Conduct ~ Exchange of Promotions or Benefits for Sexual Favors ~ Sexual Assault ~ Statutory Rape ~ Contributing to the Delinquincy of a Minor ~ Unfit to hold a law license ~ Conduct Unbecoming a President ~ Squandering the Public Trust

9 posted on 10/04/2001 8:54:55 AM PDT by Slyfox
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To: Slyfox
Don't lose
Your head
To gain a minute
You need your head
Your brains are in it.
--an old roadside ad, Pushme-Pullyou

10 posted on 10/04/2001 9:06:39 AM PDT by Mia T
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To: Mia T

Silence becomes him
Paul Greenberg (back to story)
October 4, 2001


It was good to see George W. Bush's predecessor rallying with the rest of America to support the commander-in-chief in these tense times, but we do wish Bill Clinton would avoid discussing issues of national security. Loose lips still sink ships, and they can also down airplanes and destroy tall buildings.

When the former president was asked about a report that he'd authorized an attempt to take out Osama bin Laden after American embassies were destroyed in Kenya and Tanzania back in 1998, Mr. Clinton not only confirmed the report, but couldn't resist the temptation to present his administration's record in the best light.

It's a record he might not want to shine too much light on. Because as president, he mainly only talked against terrorism. ("America will never tolerate terrorism. ... Defeating these organized forces of destruction is one of the most important challenges our country faces.") The talk was never matched by policy -- at least not a determined, focused, consistent policy. To call it a weak policy would be to overstate its strength; it was showy but pitiful.

To quote Paul Bremer, who chaired the National Commission on Terrorism back in the '90s, "The Clinton administration basically had a very episodic approach to fighting terrorism. And then it acted essentially in a feckless fashion, particularly in 1998 when Clinton used words about a long war and his action was to send a couple of cruise missiles to destroy a couple of mud huts in Afghanistan." He also blew up an empty factory in Khartoum. The plant was supposed to be connected with Osama bin Laden, but in the end the Clinton administration didn't even contest the owner's claims when he came for his assets in court.

As The New York Times' Michael Gordon pointed out, there was no risk to American personnel in this kind of long-distance war against terrorism, but there was little risk to the terrorists, either.

"We did what we thought we could," Bill Clinton now tells NBC. "I made it clear that we should take all necessary action to try to apprehend (Osama bin Laden) and get him. We never had another chance where the intelligence was as reliable to justify military action."

Rather than make excuses, a simple No Comment would have sufficed. Indeed, it would have shown an appropriate modesty on the part of a president who, when it comes to terrorism, has much to be modest about. Which becomes clear when one reviews the low points of the Clinton administration's war on terrorism, which wasn't much of one. The Clinton crew dropped the ball from the beginning, when one of its first decisions was to downgrade the State Department's office of counter-terrorism.

The Clinton administration also responded to Saddam Hussein's attempt to assassinate President George Bush with a barrage of cruise missiles. They hit the headquarters of Saddam's intelligence agency -- in the middle of the night. (When it came to bombing terrorists, this commander-in-chief was Hell on empty buildings.)

Barred from running for president again, Bill Clinton seems to be running for ex-president, burnishing his record whenever he can and sometimes just inventing it. He would do better to follow Jimmy Carter's example by simply doing good deeds; Mr. Carter has been so exemplary at it that a lot of us have just about forgotten his failed presidency.

Let it be noted that Congress did pass some strong and needed legislation against terrorist organizations during the '90s, but often enough over the Clinton administration's opposition. Unfortunately, that administration then failed to enforce those laws with anything like consistent rigor. It played up to terrorist regimes like Iran's and made excuses for Yasser Arafat even after the Palestinian leader had unleashed his bomb-throwers. A month after Camp David had collapsed, the Pollyannas in the Clinton White House were still looking for ways to appease the man who had resurrected terrorism as an instrument of policy in the Middle East.

But the most telling action Bill Clinton took against terrorists, or rather for them, was to offer clemency to 16 convicted Puerto Rican bombers, part of the group that had waged a nine-year war in Puerto Rico and on the mainland. Their toll: six killed and 70 wounded in more than 70 bombings. In offering these terrorists clemency, Bill Clinton overruled the recommendations of his FBI director (which he did with some regularity) and various law enforcement officers.

That he chose to confer clemency on this homicidal bunch while his spouse was angling for Puerto Rican votes in New York's Senate race only added to the injury -- and insult.

George W. Bush can also be criticized for the state of the country's defenses against terrorism during his brief months in the Oval Office before September 11, 2001. But he doesn't ask for it by trying to defend his record. Since September 11th, he's had other things to do, and has been doing them rather well. He's been too busy and too focused to make excuses for what went before -- an omission that would become another president just now. Save it for your memoirs, Bill.




©2001 Tribune Media Services

11 posted on 10/04/2001 11:36:58 AM PDT by Mia T
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To: Mia T
"In my humble opinion, the Chinese Communists never had to infiltrate the Clinton Administration."

"For their purposes, it... (Xlington Madministration)--was doing just fine on its own."

12 posted on 10/04/2001 6:45:03 PM PDT by f.Christian
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To: Mia T
Well done, Mia. Thank you. I threw a shoe at FoxNews the other day, finally fed up with the continuous procession of Clinton flaks and their well-orchestrated PR-CYA campaign. Yea, these are the people we want telling us how to handle the terrorists, LOL! Bzzzz-time's up. You blew your chance at greatness, Bubba.
Proposal: All Former Elected and Executive Branch Officials MYOB.
13 posted on 10/04/2001 7:05:51 PM PDT by Ragtime Cowgirl
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To: Mia T
Stellar work as always, Mia.

Mrs. Sooner and I hope you and yours are well.

14 posted on 10/04/2001 7:06:30 PM PDT by OKSooner
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To: Mia T
Eight years of impersonating a President of the United States.
15 posted on 10/04/2001 7:15:35 PM PDT by roughrider
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To: roughrider
16 posted on 10/05/2001 10:56:05 AM PDT by f.Christian
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