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Nation of Islamic Hatred-Nation of Islam accuses the United States of waging a war “against Islam.”
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Posted on 02/28/2005 5:38:44 AM PST by SJackson


7351 South Stoney Island Ave.
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  • Afrocentric organization founded in 1930 by Wallace Dodd Fard
  • Early leader Elijah Muhammad taught that the white race was created 6,000 years ago by a renegade black scientist named Yakub
  • In the 1950s, Malcolm X brought the organization to prominence
  • In the mid-1960s, Louis Farrakhan assumed control of the organization
  • Farrakhan has spoken out against “white devils” and Jewish “bloodsuckers”

In the most recent issue of the Nation of Islam’s publication The Final Call, Minister Louis Farrakhan condemned the United States for seeking “to change Islam, to make Islam suitable and non-threatening to Western hegemony over the entire world.”  “[T]he war is not just against brutal dictators,” he said. “The war, at the root, is against Islam. The government will not admit to that, but I see signs. In Iraq, when the Shiites asked for a popular election, knowing that they are 60 percent of the population of Iraq, they said they wanted an Islamic government. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld said, ‘We will not have any of that.’ If they want an Islamic government that’s not democratic, America will not tolerate that. . . . But I say to you that there’s no way that I, as a Muslim, could countenance my children or grandchildren fighting a war against fellow believers in any part of the world.”  Farrakhan further impugned the U.S. government for supporting “the State of Israel on Palestinian lands.” Such denunciations of America and Israel have typified the rhetoric emanating from the Nation of Islam for decades.

he Nation of Islam (NOI) was founded in Detroit in 1930 by Wallace Dodd Fard, an itinerant salesman. Various identities have been discovered for Fard: the FBI traced him to Portland under the name Wallie D. Ford; Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad referred to him as Wallace D. Fard, of Mecca. His common-law wife claimed his real name was Fred or Wallace Dodd of New Zealand; different Muslim writers have given an Arab version of his name, Wali Farad; and one theory claims that he was a renegade rabbi from New York named Arnold Josiah Ford.

Fard’s movement, building on the honorably conceived if woefully executed Afrocentricism of Marcus Garvey and the visionary lunacy of Timothy Drew’s Moorish Temple of Science, was based on traditional Islamic teachings augmented by, and interlaced with, obscure mathematical, Gnostic, and heretical accretions, including an identification of all blacks as first, Asiatic, and second, God.  This message resonated among American blacks who had migrated north, seeking to escape racial oppression and rural poverty; the Depression had eradicated the nascent prosperity that the industrial jobs of northern cities had initially afforded.

ne of Fard’s earliest converts was Elijah Poole, a grade-school dropout and alcoholic Georgian who had moved to Detroit in 1923. By 1931, Poole had become known as Elijah Muhammad, and upon Fard’s disappearance in 1934, he became head of the NOI. Various theories have been set forth about Fard’s disappearance. He had left Michigan in 1933 and settled in Chicago. According to some, he died after being beaten while in the custody of Chicago police, but later newspaper accounts report that he returned to New Zealand after first visiting an ex-wife in Portland.

Elijah Muhammad moved to Washington, D.C. in 1935 and promptly began proselytizing for the NOI in different cities throughout the U.S.  He claimed that Fard was actually Allah, the reincarnation of Jesus, the prophet the world had been awaiting for the last 2,000 years, and the Son of Man. Muhammad was arrested in 1942 for refusing to register for the military draft; he urged all Muslims to resist fighting against the Fascist threat, and openly favored the Japanese as Asiatic heroes resisting white oppression.

In 1965, Muhammad published a 300-page book titled Message to the Blackman in America, in which he explained that Allah had originally created the black race before all others, followed sequentially by the brown, red, and yellow races. The white race, said Muhammad, was created some 6,000 years ago, not by Allah but by a renegade black scientist named Yakub. According to Muhammad, the process by which Yakub created whites involved extracting the “brown germ” from the “black germ” and in turn, grafting whites. In Muhammad’s view, “the whole Caucasian race is a race of devils . . . the evil and murderous race.”

Muhammad retained effective control over the NOI for 44 years, but by far the most visible spokesman of the movement was Malcolm X. Convicted of robbery in 1946, he converted to the NOI in 1947 and, upon his parole in 1952, began working for Muhammad as an organizer.  Malcolm was responsible for a considerable increase in NOI membership. In 1964 Malcolm made a hajj to Mecca, which led him to reject his formerly held notion that all whites were evil. He embraced a species of revolutionary Marxism which was not overtly racist, and this attitude shift put him at odds with Muhammad. Also in 1964, Malcolm publicly revealed that Muhammad had impregnated several of his teenage secretaries, in blatant violation of Muhammad’s own admonitions against sex outside of marriage (two of Muhammad’s secretaries filed paternity suits against him).  

When Malcolm made these revelations, an anathema was pronounced on him and he was suspended from his post as the leader of the Harlem mosque. He was replaced by Louis Farrakhan, who was outraged at what he perceived as Malcolm’s traitorous disloyalty. Ten weeks before Malcolm was assassinated, Farrakhan denounced him in the NOI newspaper Muhammad Speaks. “Only those who wish to be led to hell, or to their doom, will follow Malcolm,” Farrakhan wrote. “The die is set, and Malcolm shall not escape, especially after such evil, foolish talk about his benefactor; such a man is worthy of death.” On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was killed in Harlem’s Audubon Ballroom by three gunmen with ties to the NOI. 

As recently as 1993, Farrakhan tried to justify Malcolm X’s assassination when he said in a speech, “Was Malcolm your traitor or ours? And if we dealt with [Malcolm] like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours? A nation has to be able to deal with traitors and cut-throats and turncoats.” In May 1995, however, Farrakhan spoke for the first time in repentant tones about the slaying, and he admitted to having “helped create the atmosphere” that led to it. “I may have been complicit in words that I spoke leading up to 21 February,” he said. “I acknowledge that and regret that any word that I have said caused the loss of life of a human being.” Immediately thereafter, however, he named the U.S.government as the real villain that had fomented zeal and bitterness inside the NOI’s ranks. 

Malcolm X was by no means the only person toward whom Farrakhan has openly aimed menacing words. In 1984, for example, Farrakhan publicly threatened Milton Coleman, a black Washington Post reporter, with death. He portrayed Coleman as a traitor for having revealed that Jesse Jackson, in a conversation with campaign aides, had referred to Jews as “Hymies” and to New York City as “Hymietown.” “One day soon we will punish you with death,” Farrakhan said to Coleman.

Upon Elijah Muhammad’s death in 1975, his son Wallace Deen Muhammad took over the movement and attempted to integrate it with mainstream Islam.  This attempt eventually led to a schism within the NOI; at present three organizations, one in Baltimore, one in Atlanta, and one in Detroit, claim to be the authentic NOI, but by far the most recognized group is that headed by Farrakhan, headquartered at the Mosque Maryam in Chicago.  Farrakhan initially rejected the integrationism favored by Wallace Deen Muhammad and his successors, although unlike Elijah Muhammad, Farrakhan has not called for the creation of a separate black state, and in 2000 he did meet with Wallace Deen Muhammad about a possible rapprochement of the NOI with mainstream Islam. 

Farrakhan has a long, well documented history of venom-laced references to the “white devils” and Jewish “bloodsuckers” who purportedly decimate America’s black community from coast to coast. He has referred to Judaism as a “gutter religion,” and to Adolf Hitler as “a great man” – though he later claimed that he had meant only that Hitler was “wickedly great.”

At a November 2003 speech in Chicago, Farrakhan said, “This Koran says that the Jews have altered the word of God out of its place. They did not want the masters of the people to know what Jesus really said, what Moses really said, because then you wouldn't have a yardstick [by which] to measure their deviations.” A month earlier, he told Jews, “I don’t like the way you leech on us. See, a leech is somebody that sucks your blood, takes from you and don’t (sic) give you a damn thing.”

Notwithstanding Farrakhan’s ugly rhetoric, in the early 1990s the NAACP, under the leadership of then-executive director Benjamin Chavis, entered into a “sacred covenant” with the Nation of Islam; Chavis, who would later join the NOI and change his surname to Muhammad, pledged never to “forsake Mr. Farrakhan as my brother.” In September 1993, spokesmen for the Congressional Black Caucus likewise announced, in front of a large audience, that they too had joined in a “sacred covenant” with Farrakhan and the NOI.

Farrakhan despises the
United States and has consistently condemned virtually its every foreign and domestic policy. He opposes U.S. aid to Israel; opposes the war in Iraq; opposes the Patriot Act; has been critical of President Bush’s overall response to 9/11; is critical of plans to employ NATO forces as peacekeepers in Iraq; and in one 2004 press release, urged young men to resist any proposed military draft.  He insists, however, that his anti-white, anti-American positions are overstated by a hostile, Jewish-dominated press.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
KEYWORDS: farrakhan; islam; noi
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1 posted on 02/28/2005 5:38:44 AM PST by SJackson
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To: SJackson

Oh, would that it were, Calipso Louie!

If so, your pack of malcontented social misfits would be the first to be go.

Sleeping with the enemy.....

2 posted on 02/28/2005 5:41:11 AM PST by clee1 (Islam is a deadly plague; liberalism is the AIDS virus that prevents us from defending ourselves.)
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To: SJackson; sure_fine

So much ignorance, hatred and stupidity in one place.

3 posted on 02/28/2005 5:45:19 AM PST by 7.62 x 51mm (• Veni • Vidi • Vino • Visa • "I came, I saw, I drank wine, I shopped")
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To: SJackson

One must wonder what the Wahabists think of NOI's funky brand of islam.

4 posted on 02/28/2005 5:46:32 AM PST by Tijeras_Slim (This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around.....)
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To: SJackson

The Nation of Islam is a dangerous cancer within our borders, filling our prisons and our streets with the misfits, the unintelligent, and the sociopathic maniacs who worship violence and hatred for America.

5 posted on 02/28/2005 5:47:55 AM PST by squirt-gun
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To: SJackson

Well, DUH. . . .

But the Islamikazi Pederast Death Cult declared war on us first, way back in 1973.

Question is, are we going to fight this war to the end ???

6 posted on 02/28/2005 5:51:25 AM PST by Salgak ((don't mind me, the Orbital Mind Control Lasers are making me write this. . . . FNORD!!))
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To: clee1

I prefer the wisdom of Jesse Lee Peterson.

7 posted on 02/28/2005 5:51:53 AM PST by Loyal Buckeye
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To: Loyal Buckeye

Jesse Lee:

"Those other pretender preachers were not called to the ministry by God, they were called by Mama."

8 posted on 02/28/2005 5:53:13 AM PST by Loyal Buckeye
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To: 7.62 x 51mm
from the Message to the Blackman in America link ..

It is said that blue eyes are ugly while black eyes are beautiful.

Christianity, we are told, was organized in order to make slaves out of all blacks. Christianity's purpose "was to deceive other races, namely, the black, brown, yellow and red" in order "to make an easy prey for the white race." Playing into the hands of whites, black Christian preachers prevent blacks from learning Nation of Islam's teachings.

Although most denigrations are pointed at white Christians, white Jews are included at times. Elijah Muhammad gives us his interpretation of Biblical history as follows: "Jesus . . . gave up His work of trying to convert the Jews or white race to the religion of Islam."

Nation of Islam changes the names of new members by replacing with "X's" their last names having European origins. For example, Malcolm Little became Malcolm X. Eventually members get new last names. For example, Louis Eugene Walcott first changed to Louis X and then became Louis Farrakhan. Also, Elijah Poole became Elijah Muhammad. In Message to the Blackman in America, a name of European origin is called an "illegal" name while a name of Islamic origin is called "a legal and Holy name of God." (The words Allah and God are used interchangeably in the book.) Blacks who keep their names that descended from "slave-masters" will not see the "hereafter."

Strong demands for racial separation are issued. Elijah Muhammad commands that God calls for racial separation, and that "IT IS FAR MORE IMPORTANT TO TEACH SEPARATION OF THE BLACKS AND WHITES IN AMERICA THAN PRAYER." Integration and intermarriage between blacks and whites are an attempt by whites to confuse blacks, keep them enslaved, and prevent them from learning Nation of Islam's teachings. Demands are made to whites for a separate territory.

Blacks who assimilate into mainstream culture are called "disgraceful Uncle Toms" and "Stool Pigeons." Such blacks seek to please the "slave-masters' children" and they prevent blacks from learning Nation of Islam's teachings.

...and just think how many are in prison putting their plans together as we type here

9 posted on 02/28/2005 5:55:26 AM PST by sure_fine (*not one to over kill the thought process*)
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To: clee1

Afrocentric organization?


10 posted on 02/28/2005 5:55:42 AM PST by peyton randolph (CAIR supports TROP terrorists)
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Comment #11 Removed by Moderator

To: jan in Colorado; Dark Skies; Fred Nerks; ariamne; Former Dodger; swordfish71; TexasCowboy; ...
Minister Louis Farrakhan condemned the United States for seeking “to change Islam, to make Islam suitable and non-threatening to Western hegemony over the entire world.”

He's right.

Changing Islam or reforming it, to make it "acceptable" and nonviolent is considered "bidah" to "true believers."

12 posted on 02/28/2005 6:23:38 AM PST by USF (I see your Jihad and raise you a Crusade ™ © ®)
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To: SJackson

-“to change Islam, to make Islam suitable and non-threatening to Western hegemony over the entire world.”-

As if Islam ONLY hates the West. They've killed more of their own over the centuries than any of us, and more of their own than any of us have killed. Gotta give 'em credit - Islam will hate ANYbody.

13 posted on 02/28/2005 6:27:25 AM PST by AmericanChef
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To: SJackson
Well, if we aren't waging a war against Islam we had better get with the program. Islam is sure as hell at war with us.
14 posted on 02/28/2005 6:28:31 AM PST by Carry_Okie (There are people in power who are really stupid.)
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To: Carry_Okie

Any land that has been under the control of Islam is deemed to still be under it. Hello, Spain? Hello, Austria?

15 posted on 02/28/2005 6:34:19 AM PST by massgopguy (massgopguy)
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To: SJackson
How come we never hear about the Nation of Islam in FBI reports about existing terror cells on American soil?

Logically in a war against Islamic terrorists the NOI should be the first place to come under surveillance.

Is the NOI so well connected that the FBI keeps its distance?
16 posted on 02/28/2005 6:36:57 AM PST by Noachian (We're all one judge away from tyranny.)
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To: SJackson

Whine, snivel, and always blame others instead of coming to the realization that wherever Islam goes, misery, mayham, murder, and failed societies soon follow.

17 posted on 02/28/2005 7:10:57 AM PST by tkathy (Tyranny breeds terrorism. Freedom breeds peace.)
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To: USF; TexasCowboy; Happy2BMe; SheLion; knighthawk; Fiddlstix; backhoe; chemainus; NexusBlue
Required reading:

Prophet of Doom - Islam’s Terrorist Dogma, In Muhammad’s Own Words

Islam is a caustic blend of regurgitated paganism and twisted Bible stories.
Muhammad, its lone prophet, conceived his religion solely to satiate his lust for power, sex, and money.
He was a terrorist.

And if you think these conclusions are shocking, wait until you see the evidence at

Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism


Radical Islam's 'plan' to take over America - Arab-American author outlines secret 20-year strategy to undermine country

The Islamic States of America?

Misunderstanding the Enemy: the Islamic Threat and the U.S. Media

Islamic Concept of Al-Taqiyah to infiltrate and destroy kafir countries

CAIR Proposes World Islamophobia Report

CAIR: 'Moderate' friends of terror

An Open Letter to Islamic Organizations in America

Islam: This is a truthful hardhitting analysis that all of Freerepublic, the West and America needs to read and understand

The Islamic Vacuum

Exploiting the Koran to Terrorize

islamic Terrorist Attack Time Line

The Evidence: Chronology of Attacks on the West

islamic infiltration in the schools:

The Clinton and Islam partnership: Evidence of negotiations using America's public school children

A Seat at the Table: Islam Makes Inroads in Education

Spreading Islam in American Public Schools

Islamist Threat to Public Schools in Columbia, South Carolina?

Respecting Ramadan, Banning "Christmas" (School District Favors Muslims Over Christians)

"Why I left Islam", by Dr. Ali Sina

"...the real Islam is not what its philosophers and mystics have inferred but what is in the Quran and that is the Islam of the fundamentalist and the terrorist. The real Islam is the Islam that abuses women, that allows men to beat their wives, that imposes penalty tax on the religious minorities, that wants to dominate the world by subduing all the non-Muslims, that calls for Jihad and killing the non-believers until Islam becomes the only dominant religion of the World*."

"The enemy is Islam and that is the target of my attacks. I do that, despite knowing that I have become the magnet of the hatred of fanatical Muslims and my own life could be in danger.

Yet I know that by eradicating Islam we can save the world from the dangers of a catastrophe that otherwise is looming over our heads and could cause more disaster than the 1st and 2nd World Wars combined."

Islamic terror based on Qu’ran: ex-CIA official

"A former top official of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency paints a menacing picture of the relationship between Islam and terrorism.

"Islamic terrorism is based on Islam as revealed through the Qu’ran," keynote speaker Bruce Tefft claimed in a panel discussion at the University of Toronto on jihad and global terrorism.

And, he added, "There is no difference between Islam and Islamic fundamentalism, which is a totalitarian construct..."

According to Tefft, the Qu’ran enjoins Muslims to believe that the whole world should be governed by the principles of Islam*, an expansionist religion that has historically grown through conquest..."

*‘Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur'an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth’

-- Omar Ahmed, Chairman of the Board of CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations), San Ramon Valley Herald, July 1998

18 posted on 02/28/2005 9:32:10 AM PST by EdReform (Free Republic - helping to keep our country a free republic. Thank you for your financial support!)
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To: SJackson

What is not islam:

Nation of Islam
The followers of the Nation Of Islam believe in (all quotes taken from their homepage or their publications): God (Allah) and that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W.Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long awaited 'Messiah' of the Christians and the 'Mahdi' of the Muslims...
However, the Qur`an states in chapter 4, verse 36, "Serve Allah, and join not Any partners with Him; ... ". And according to a hadith narrated by Masruq, in Sahih Bukhari, 'Aisha said, "If anyone tells you that Muhammad has seen his Lord, he is a liar, for Allah says (in 6:103), 'No vision can grasp Him.'...".

The followers of the Nation Of Islam further believe "in the resurrection of the dead--not in physical resurrection--but in mental resurrection. We also believe that the so-called Negroes are most in need of mental resurrection; therefore, they will be resurrected first." But the Qur`an states in chapter 20, verse 55, "From the earth did We Create you, and into it Shall We return you, and from it shall We bring you out once again." Even more pointedly, the Qur'an also states in 64:7,

The Unbelievers think that they will not be raised up (for Judgement). Say: "Yea, by my Lord, Ye shall surely be Raised up: then shall ye Be told (the truth) of All that ye did. And that is easy for Allah."
Besides the above two differences, the followers of the Nation of Islam also believe in other things contrary to Islam as defined in the Qur'an and Sunnah, such as:

[We, the Black Muslims, believe] "in the truth of the Bible, but we believe that it has been tampered with and must be reinterpreted so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it".
The problem with this belief: The true Prophet of Islam ordered Muslims to neither accept the Bible nor reject it - certainly there was no mention of reinterpretation.

"That we who declare ourselves to be righteous Muslims, should not participate in wars which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for".
The problem with this belief: The Qur'an and Sunnah are crystal clear on the necessity of going to war when the situation demands it.

19 posted on 02/28/2005 9:37:17 AM PST by knighthawk (We will always remember We will always be proud We will always be prepared so we may always be free)
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To: SJackson

NOI isn't really Islamic. Most mainstream Muslims consider them a heretical cult.

20 posted on 02/28/2005 9:40:27 AM PST by Zeroisanumber
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