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The Global Elites are calling it 'The Great Reset' and it is exactly what End Times Books & Movies have been Warning you about for Decades
nteb ^ | 6/7/2020 | G. Grider

Posted on 06/08/2020 7:35:06 AM PDT by Roman_War_Criminal

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We are living in an amazing time, a time foretold within the pages of the bible, and we have been privileged to watch them leap off the pages and into our daily lives. Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes, and it is awesome. But there is so much happening, with myriad events coming from seemingly unconnected places yet they are all connected and all part of the same plan. The global elites who run things have been kind enough to give it a name, they call it ‘The Great Reset’, and it is the New World Order. It has arrived. Here’s what you need to know.

Think about COVID-19, the lockdowns, the economic crashes, the mandatory mask wearing, the race riots, ANTIFA, ID2020, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, the Declaration Of Human Fraternity, Chrislam, ponder for a moment on all of it. When you have wrapped your head around all those things, now wrap your head around this. Everything we have been experiencing, it is all part of the Great Reset, and it is all driving towards the same outcome. That is, the resetting of the entire world to prepare the people for the arrival of Antichrist. That’s how close we are to seeing him step out of the shadows and onto the world stage.

Paul our apostle tells us that two things need to take place before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church can happen. First, there will be a great falling away from teaching and preaching bible doctrine, that has already taken place and gets worse every day. Second, the ‘man of sin’ needs to be revealed, the man who will receive the spirit of Antichrist which will transform him into the son of perdition. Paul says the Church will see that man revealed in his pre-satanic state. I believe we have already seen him, I could be wrong, but that’s my best guess. In any event, the Rapture of the Church remains at this hour a mere kitten’s whisker away from taking place.

Please be sitting with your seats locked in the upright position, Flight #777 is preparing for takeoff. This is not a game, be ready for what comes next. We are going to see some strange and terrifying things before we fly. Count on it.

Now is the time for a ‘great reset’ FROM WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable.

To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.


This will have serious long-term consequences for economic growth, public debt, employment, and human wellbeing. According to the Financial Times, global government debt has already reached its highest level in peacetime. Moreover, unemployment is skyrocketing in many countries: in the US, for example, one in four workers have filed for unemployment since mid-March, with new weekly claims far above historic highs. The International Monetary Fund expects the world economy to shrink by 3% this year – a downgrade of 6.3 percentage points in just four months.


Left unaddressed, these crises, together with COVID-19, will deepen and leave the world even less sustainable, less equal, and more fragile. Incremental measures and ad hoc fixes will not suffice to prevent this scenario. We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems. The level of cooperation and ambition this implies is unprecedented. But it is not some impossible dream. In fact, one silver lining of the pandemic is that it has shown how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles. Almost instantly, the crisis forced businesses and individuals to abandon practices long claimed to be essential, from frequent air travel to working in an office.

Likewise, populations have overwhelmingly shown a willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of health-care and other essential workers and vulnerable populations, such as the elderly. And many companies have stepped up to support their workers, customers, and local communities, in a shift toward the kind of stakeholder capitalism to which they had previously paid lip service.

Clearly, the will to build a better society does exist. We must use it to secure the Great Reset that we so badly need. That will require stronger and more effective governments, though this does not imply an ideological push for bigger ones. And it will demand private-sector engagement every step of the way.

The Great Reset agenda would have three main components. The first would steer the market toward fairer outcomes. To this end, governments should improve coordination (for example, in tax, regulatory, and fiscal policy), upgrade trade arrangements, and create the conditions for a “stakeholder economy.” At a time of diminishing tax bases and soaring public debt, governments have a powerful incentive to pursue such action.

Moreover, governments should implement long-overdue reforms that promote more equitable outcomes. Depending on the country, these may include changes to wealth taxes, the withdrawal of fossil-fuel subsidies, and new rules governing intellectual property, trade, and competition.

The second component of a Great Reset agenda would ensure that investments advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability. Here, the large-scale spending programs that many governments are implementing represent a major opportunity for progress. The European Commission, for one, has unveiled plans for a €750 billion ($826 billion) recovery fund. The US, China, and Japan also have ambitious economic-stimulus plans.

Rather than using these funds, as well as investments from private entities and pension funds, to fill cracks in the old system, we should use them to create a new one that is more resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run. This means, for example, building “green” urban infrastructure and creating incentives for industries to improve their track record on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.

The third and final priority of a Great Reset agenda is to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges. During the COVID-19 crisis, companies, universities, and others have joined forces to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections; and deliver telemedicine. Imagine what could be possible if similar concerted efforts were made in every sector.

The COVID-19 crisis is affecting every facet of people’s lives in every corner of the world. But tragedy need not be its only legacy. On the contrary, the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.

1 posted on 06/08/2020 7:35:06 AM PDT by Roman_War_Criminal
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

The Khmer Rouge called it “Year Zero”

2 posted on 06/08/2020 7:35:39 AM PDT by dfwgator (Endut! Hoch Hech!)
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To: ConjunctionJunction; Library Lady; patriot torch; Califreak; mlizzy; Halls; Cedar; Huskrrrr; ...

End Times Ping.

Please PM me if you wish to be added/removed.

Things are going into 5th gear fast.
Keep praying!

“Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

3 posted on 06/08/2020 7:36:23 AM PDT by Roman_War_Criminal (Like Enoch, Noah, & Lot, the True Church will soon be removed & then destruction comes forth.)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

4 posted on 06/08/2020 7:37:47 AM PDT by Roman_War_Criminal (Like Enoch, Noah, & Lot, the True Church will soon be removed & then destruction comes forth.)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

What we need is a hard reset back to the Constitution.

That would require exposing EVERYONE involved in the Kenyanesian Usurpation, both Democrat AND Republican.

Obama is NOT a natural born citizen and they ALL knew.

5 posted on 06/08/2020 7:47:52 AM PDT by Lurkinanloomin (Natural Born Citizens Are Born Here of Citizen Parents_Know Islam, No Peace-No Islam, Know Peace)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

The real ‘reset’ will come in a few years with the super solar minimum or a superflare.

Reset to the Middle Ages....

All the paper money in the world won’t help.

6 posted on 06/08/2020 7:48:28 AM PDT by ASOC (Having humility really means one is rarely humiliated)
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To: Lurkinanloomin
What we need is a hard reset back to the Constitution.


I would like exactly that sort of change and I would like our government to be declared The Second Republic of the United States. Start fresh by beginning at the beginning all over again.

7 posted on 06/08/2020 7:52:04 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy (If White Privilege is real, why did Elizabeth Warren lie about being an Indian?)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

Christian culture taught to be forgiving and turn the other cheek, unlike some other cultures. While that may be a very worthy character trait, perhaps sometimes it has been too often used against us.

8 posted on 06/08/2020 7:52:26 AM PDT by apoliticalone (SOCIAL JUSTICE is as much about justice as PATRIOT ACT is about patriotism.)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

Nice post.
Looks like you are a John Haller, J.D. Farag fan.

9 posted on 06/08/2020 7:58:05 AM PDT by Mrs.Z (Donald Trump... the guy who makes all the right people angry.)
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To: Mrs.Z


I love Haller & Farag! Two wonderful servants of the Lord.
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been castigated for posting their videos here.

10 posted on 06/08/2020 8:00:59 AM PDT by Roman_War_Criminal (Like Enoch, Noah, & Lot, the True Church will soon be removed & then destruction comes forth.)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

“In the twinkling of an eye” we have gone from USA February 1 2020, back in time to Russia October 24 and 25, 1917

11 posted on 06/08/2020 8:03:39 AM PDT by Oscar in Batangas ( January 20, 2017, High Noon. The end of an error.)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

If Trump wins in 2020, the Russians (Soviets) and Chinese will launch a nuclear first strike against the US in 2021.

12 posted on 06/08/2020 8:04:47 AM PDT by Thunder90 (All posts soley represent my own opinion.)
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To: Oscar in Batangas

Amazing how quick that transition was too.
Great point!

13 posted on 06/08/2020 8:06:09 AM PDT by Roman_War_Criminal (Like Enoch, Noah, & Lot, the True Church will soon be removed & then destruction comes forth.)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

Ever go into End Times™ with out Mr’s Smith and Wesson.

14 posted on 06/08/2020 8:06:45 AM PDT by central_va (I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn...)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

I wonder how far you go back.

My husband and I started with Chuck Missler back when he did “tapes” for Firefighters for Christ.

15 posted on 06/08/2020 8:10:37 AM PDT by Mrs.Z (Donald Trump... the guy who makes all the right people angry.)
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To: Thunder90 what avail? At the moment the launch is detected, return fire would be on it’s way and to what end? Nonsense.

16 posted on 06/08/2020 8:11:03 AM PDT by ripnbang ("An armed man is a citizen, an unarmed man, a subject.")
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To: All

I don’t expect “the Antichrist” but instead the reign of the spirit of antichrist and that has already started and is the manifestation of globalism, basically Satan’s cheap second-rate imitation of the Kingdom (minus Jesus).

Therefore Jesus could appear at any time, I don’t think we have to endure a further 3.5 or 7 year reign of a specific Antichrist.

One possible prophetic fulfilment is the man of sin description, combined with Revelations, as in the last king of Babylon (he was, is not, and is to come) blended with the warning that the man of sin would appear when “he that restraineth” is taken out of the way.

One possible interpretation of this is the appearance of the neo-Marxist pope Francis, after Benedict was taken out of the way. Another would be Chairman Xi after more moderate forces that restrained him were removed (in 2016).

However it’s ominous that something similar could be read into the relation between Trump and Obama.

Folks, I believe we are right on the cusp of that final phase of prophecy. It is of course out of our hands and can only be understood after the fact, but I do think that these are the times foretold and that they could end at any moment, after which we find out whether the pre-trib, post-trib or some other verification of the rapture imagery and second coming are valid.

I also think America is central to this and not peripheral, I view America as the Christian equivalent of Israel and the most likely setting for the end time events. The “street of the great city” has always been taken to mean Jerusalem but I tend to view it as America.

17 posted on 06/08/2020 8:16:27 AM PDT by Peter ODonnell (Pray for health, economic recovery, and justice.)
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To: Thunder90; Redcitizen

[Flight #777 is preparing for takeoff]

Future Tense (1990)

Without Reservation (1989)

[If Trump wins in 2020, the Russians (Soviets) and Chinese will launch a nuclear first strike against the US in 2021.]

I’m not sure what to say about that. Other than I’ve been thinking that all of this Democrat-fueled domestic terrorism creates a terrible distraction that gives America’s enemies opportunities, anywhere. Destabilizing America destabilizes the entire world, very quickly. A great way to usher in —— a New World Order.

Your comment also made me think of this passage:

1 Thessalonians 5:3 King James Version (KJV)

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

18 posted on 06/08/2020 8:19:37 AM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: central_va

[Ever go into End Times™ with out Mr’s Smith and Wesson.]

I’m guessing that was a typo and you meant “Never” - heh

19 posted on 06/08/2020 8:20:58 AM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: Mrs.Z

Not that far. I’ve been watching JD since about 2008 or so. Haller since 2016 when a dear Sister in Christ introduced me to his videos.

I’ve only recently taken deep dives into Chuck Missler’s videos. The guy is a genius (He’s with the Lord now).

“As in the days of Noah” was always his theme around the End Times. I think we’re almost there.

20 posted on 06/08/2020 8:24:18 AM PDT by Roman_War_Criminal (Like Enoch, Noah, & Lot, the True Church will soon be removed & then destruction comes forth.)
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