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National Day of Prayer - Prayer thread.
National Day of ^

Posted on 05/05/2016 8:16:13 AM PDT by metmom

How to Pray for America

Franklin Graham, 1999 & 2010 Honorary Chairman

"When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" —Psalms 11:3

I believe our nation is in trouble today, probably more than I've seen in my lifetime. We are contending with issues that are causing the very foundation of our country to crumble. Our moral and spiritual roots are eroding, the economy is misleading, family life is disintegrating, and political forces are at unprecedented odds. There seem to be very few leaders who will take a stand for God and for His Word.

It can be tempting to believe that America has reached a point of no return. While these factors cause despair, we are reminded in Scripture that with God, nothing is impossible. No problem is too great for Him. Seasons of distress and uncertainty and hardship call for faithful, fervent prayer by God's people and remind us of our responsibility to humble ourselves before Almighty God. We cannot expect healing to come to our nation apart from obedience to God through His Holy Word.

God longs for His people to humble themselves and to seek forgiveness and pray for guidance. God's Word says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" (Psalm 33:12). The Bible commands that we repent of our sins and turn to Almighty God. And because we are confident that we serve a God of mercy and compassion, we know that He stands ready to respond to our cries out of the abundance of His divine wisdom.

It is a crucial time for us to individually and collectively seek God's divine intervention for the challenges facing us. We need to pray not only for our nation, but we need to pray for our leaders, for all those who govern us, that they will turn to God with humble hearts and follow Him. Our military leaders need our prayers as we have dedicated men and women serving on battlefields and sacrificing their blood to protect our nation and many innocent people around the world. God is faithful to bless those who turn to Him.

Pray that as a nation we would return to God. As we call on God, let us do so by genuine faith, believing that He hears our prayers. God can heal this great land, for which our forefathers fought and died. We need spiritual renewal, we need a revival in America, and we need each and everyone to pray. Lord, Hear Our Cry! —Franklin Graham What you can do:

Download this free prayer guide on how to pray for those in authority: 30 Ways to Pray Authority Download this free prayer guide listing the top 130 U.S. Officials: 130TopUSOfficialsBookmark_2015 Download this free ELECTION PRAYER GUIDE Order your free 31-day prayer map/guide for the United States from Every Home for Christ Special thanks to our friends at Intercessors for America for the prayer guides. Learn more at

Other Resources:

Download a Family Prayer Guide Download a Free Curriculum from Gospel Light on Prayer Download a Youth Group Prayer Guide and a Prayer Guide Series from Dr. Henry Blackaby 30-day prayer guide covering all the spheres of leadership 52-week (1 year) Prayer Guide called Heal Our Land Pray for Education in America Pray for Media and Entertainment in America

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." —I Timothy 2:1-2

TOPICS: Prayer
KEYWORDS: natldayofprayer; prayer

1 posted on 05/05/2016 8:16:13 AM PDT by metmom
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To: Alex Murphy; bkaycee; boatbums; caww; CynicalBear; daniel1212; dragonblustar; Dutchboy88; ...

Prayer thread.

2 posted on 05/05/2016 8:16:45 AM PDT by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith...)
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To: metmom

Thanks for the ping!

Praying today for Our nation, for a Return to Christian Values, Revival, Repentance, and Restoration, in Jesus Holy Name, Amen.

3 posted on 05/05/2016 8:19:24 AM PDT by left that other site (You shall know the Truth, and The Truth Shall Set You Free.)
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To: metmom

Joining in prayer for our nation and our people.

4 posted on 05/05/2016 8:20:25 AM PDT by NEWwoman (God Bless America)
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To: metmom

National Prayer at Noon Today....

Dear heavenly Father, we come to You today as a humble people desperate for Your supernatural intervention on behalf of our beloved nation. First, we thank You for all the blessings You have bestowed on our land, blessings that have allowed us to bring so much good and benefit to not only our own citizens but also to the rest of the world. The very ideals upon which this country was founded were based on biblical truths, no matter how some try to rewrite history to deny that very fact today.

This is why our hearts are so broken over how You continue to be marginalized and dismissed by both our people and our institutions. We are also saddened by the fact that Your people have contributed greatly to the spiritual apathy that now engulfs us. Our satisfaction in remaining religious without being fully committed to living out the truths of Your Word has caused us to become co-conspirators with the forces of evil that are destroying us as a society.

It is for this reason that we personally and collectively repent of our carnality and recommit ourselves to becoming visible and verbal disciples of Jesus Christ. Enable us, by Your Spirit, to no longer be secret agent Christians but rather to publicly declare and live out Your truth in a spirit of love so that You feel welcome in our country once again.

Thank You for Your promise to hear our prayers when we call to You with hearts of repentance and obedience, which is how we are appealing to You today, Father. On behalf of Your church, we affirm afresh the priority You are to us that You would fill every dimension of our lives as we seek to bring You glory through the advancement of Your kingdom in our personal lives, our family lives, and in the lives of our churches and our government leaders. We confidently invite heaven’s intervention into all the affairs of our nation and we praise You in advance for Your answer.

5 posted on 05/05/2016 8:29:43 AM PDT by caww
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To: metmom

Hardly think killing babies in the womb part of that “freedom” plan.

6 posted on 05/05/2016 8:36:41 AM PDT by Sacajaweau
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To: metmom
My prayer is short and simple:
Father God,
Please help us to put into positions of power and authority — at the federal level, the state level, the county level, and the municipal level — those who will do justly, and who love mercy, and who walk humbly with you. Please bring the plans of the globalists to utter ruin, for they mock you by fancying themselves to be the lords of the nations; please make their money sprout wings and fly away, and their power be shattered and ground into the dirt.
But above all, may your will be done, not mine.


7 posted on 05/05/2016 8:39:42 AM PDT by Edward.Fish
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To: Edward.Fish

Father, have mercy on us ... sinners

8 posted on 05/05/2016 8:43:26 AM PDT by knarf (I say things that are true .... I have no proof .... but they're true)
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To: Sacajaweau
Hardly think killing babies in the womb part of that “freedom” plan.

That's very true; but it should also be noted that we-as-a-nation didn't push for infanticide, instead it was pushed on us by the supreme court. There's also been a lot of preaching/teaching that Christians should [utterly] submit to the government, with the implicit "in all things, no matter what" — which, IMO, is exactly why James (3:1) says:
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.

9 posted on 05/05/2016 8:45:51 AM PDT by Edward.Fish
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To: knarf
Father, have mercy on us ... sinners

And we know He does: the death of Jesus is that proof.

10 posted on 05/05/2016 8:46:52 AM PDT by Edward.Fish
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To: Edward.Fish

No...the womens movement turned it into a “freedom” item.

11 posted on 05/05/2016 9:04:40 AM PDT by Sacajaweau
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To: Sacajaweau
No, it wasn't pushed on us via the supreme court or No, pastors haven't preached that we ought to submit to the government?
12 posted on 05/05/2016 9:12:38 AM PDT by Edward.Fish
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To: metmom
Lord Jesus Christ,

How we have fallen, and fall still Lord, as a nation who has forces at work to take your name out of every institution across our country, which in fact all were possible because this nation was built on Biblical Principles and values which we as a nation choose now to ignore.

We now have other Nationalities in our governance who many believe and are in positions of power to change this nation... to adapt it to their cultures and belief systems which are diametrically opposed in every way to our Constitution and the Biblical Father of our Nation we have known you to be. Lord we know you raise up leaders according to your will....that no man in his own strength alone can rise to. We also know you have blessed this nation and it's people well beyond what is otherwise deserving of, we thank you for the mercy you have shown us despite the thoughts and behaviors of so many both in office and outside it.

Even so we have great concerns of the coming days Lord, there is great uncertainty and perplexity over the land as to the future of this nation and it's peoples as there remains those in power who continue to oppose you and the desires of the people.

So we ask you to surely intervene in these affairs of men, to mount up your people to say and do whatever you would have us to do to change the trajectory if possible......if it's possible and not too late.....for this nation to turn it's heart and mind back to you.

If the hour has passed for our desires to be met then we pray you equip us to withstand and to bare the consequences of our foolish actions as a nation and people of God.

In Jesus Name, Amen

13 posted on 05/05/2016 9:23:39 AM PDT by caww
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To: metmom


Jer 1:3 AKJ

1 If you will return, O Israel, said the LORD, return to me: and if you will put away your abominations out of my sight, then shall you not remove.

2 And you shall swear, The LORD lives, in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness; and the nations shall bless themselves in him, and in him shall they glory.

3 For thus said the LORD to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.

14 posted on 05/05/2016 9:59:29 AM PDT by dadfly
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To: dadfly

correction: Jer Ch 4: 1-3.

15 posted on 05/05/2016 10:05:07 AM PDT by dadfly
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To: caww

Amen to both the prayers you posted for today.

16 posted on 05/05/2016 11:05:12 AM PDT by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith...)
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To: metmom; cyn; left that other site
It can be tempting to believe that America has reached a point of no return. While these factors cause despair, we are reminded in Scripture that with God, nothing is impossible.

Nor any plot line too complex or bizarre.

“That these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Yehudim, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed.” Esther 9:28 (The Israel Bible™)

Purim is, at face value, a joyous holiday, but a deeper look reveals a different face. It is actually one of the most important holidays in the Jewish year, and its importance is not only religious but redemptive: Purim is the only holiday that Jews will continue to celebrate after the coming of the Messiah.

In fact, according to the famous Jewish sage the Rambam, all of the books of the Hebrew Bible will be nullified after the Messiah – except for the Five Books of Moses and the book of Esther.

This is not a widely-known fact. Purim is not heavily associated with God; in fact, the book of Esther is the only book of the Bible in which God’s name does not appear. This has become
one of the central themes of Purim: revealing what is hidden.

Is There a Connection Between Purim and the Messiah?

Connection? Yes indeed. It's called the flipped over story of flipped over stories. For the Jew first, and also to the Greek (think democracy, democrats, uniparty, mob rule; i.e. America under seige).

Funny thing about that brazen, Babylonish preacher dame Paula White wanting a peculiar donation amount of $1144:

"There's someone that God is speaking to, to click on that donation button by minimizing the screen. And when you do to sow $1,144. It's not often I ask very specifically but God has instructed me and I want you to hear. This isn't for everyone but this is for someone. When you sow that $1,144 based on John 11:44 I believe for resurrection life," said White.

Televangelist Paula White Hawks Resurrection Life for $1144 "Seed"

She was instructed all right, but not for the reason she thinks. 1144 also "happens" to be the numeric value of "Megillat Esther", which means the revealing of the hidden. Here's the correct resurrection seed message:

Ecc 12

13. The end of the matter, all has been heard; Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man:
14. For God shall bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good, or whether it is evil:

All that vanity. Poor Paula.

Mark 10:25-27

25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
26 And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved?
27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

with God, nothing is impossible.

Contexts: Sarah, Elisabeth, Mary

"When God attends, he will attend to you.."

The Secret Code

It can be tempting to believe that America has reached a point of no return.

Resurrection seed? Can these bones live? Joseph is still alive. You know that dream he had about the sun the moon and the stars? That sure did it. Enough of this spoiled brat Joseph. Jacob asked, "What is this dream you have dreamed?" But then there's the next word - it's from the doubling of the verb "to come" in the next sentence, as the verb pakad (attend, visit, account, muster) is doubled for emphasis (as covered at the Secret Code link). Thus, "What is this dream you have dreamed that is to come?" = 1144.

Flipped over story. Purim celebrated forever makes perfect sense.

I just never know when these numbers will come in handy. Thanks, Paula. :)

17 posted on 05/05/2016 11:40:39 AM PDT by Ezekiel (All who mourn the destruction of America merit the celebration of her rebirth.)
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