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The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany: an exhaustive survey of John Toland's biography of Hitler
Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography | 1992 | John Toland

Posted on 05/14/2009 1:24:52 PM PDT by Alex Murphy


The below quotes are reproduced from John Toland's Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography, New York: Anchor Publishing, 1992. ISBN 0-385-42053-6.

I have endeavored to reproduce every instance where Toland speaks of Catholics, the Catholic Church, the Vatican, Pope Pius XI, and Pope Pius XII in the context of Hitler and Hitler's Germany. I've done this in hopes of providing a historical perspective on the interactions the Catholic Church had with Nazi Germany and Hitler, at least from the POV of author John Toland's work. I've provided the year the citation occurs in, the page number, and enough of the context that the citation makes sense. I wish to stress that this is not taken from an on-line source, but was reproduced by hand-typing the text, using a copy of the book in-hand. I have not attempted to reproduce italics or other text formatting below; all of the below was reproduced by transcibing the text directly. I have not endeavored to reproduce the end-notes or bibliography from Toland's work, either.

I am assuming that Toland has done his homework, and that the text is historically accurate. Toland's work enjoys very positive reviews on for historical accuracy. There is one complaint, however that should be heard. Here it is:

“...Toland makes a painful effort to be non-judgmental, and carefully presents all the facts as he can best determine them. This sometimes makes him err on the side of presenting personal and perhaps subjective opinions of others as fact, and this is typical of the Toland approach.

While recognizing the dangers in presenting a lot of information into the record that might be inaccurate, twisted, or fanciful, he also wants us to hear the whole story from all of the participant’s viewpoints so we can make our own informed judgment. In this sense Toland has a somewhat archaic belief in the historical reader’s critical skills and to be well-enough formed as thinkers that he lets us judge for ourselves based on our interpretation of the `facts’ he presents rather than pre-digesting and coming to his own conclusions for us.

The busman’s tour he takes through pre-war Germany, observing and describing the collection of rag-tag malcontents accompanying Hitler in his rise to power is quite interesting, as is his casual and matter-of-fact presentation of what is certainly a horrifying plethora of unbelievably provocative, ruthless and despicable acts on the parts of Hitler and the national Socialists.”

Thus, I suggest that the reader is welcomed to challenge Toland's interpretation of events in this thread. It is anticipated, however, that they will be prepared to offer and cite their own homework and research as part of any challenge.



Several weeks later, under the Law Against Overcrowding of German Schools, the number of Jews in higher institutions was reduced. Hitler defended his action in a talk with Bishop Berning and Monsignor Steinmann. After reminding the priests that the Church had banished Jews into ghettos and forbidden Christians to work with them, Hitler explained that he regarded the Jews as "nothing but pernicious enemies of the State and Church, and therefore he wasnted to drive the Jews out more and more, especially from academic life and public professions." He was only going to do more effectively what the Church of Rome had been attempting to do for so many centuries. (p 311)

The princes of the Church were more eager to curry his favor. "Hitler knows how to guide the ship," announced Monsignor Ludwig Kaas, leader of the recently outlawed Catholic Party after an audience with the Pope. "Even before he became Chancellor I met him frequently and was greatly impressed by his clear thinking, by his way of facing realities while upholding his ideals, which are noble. . . . It matters little who rules so long as order is maintained." Pius XI subscribed to the same principles, as was proved on July 20 when a concordat between the Vatican and Hitler was signed. The Church agreed to keep priests and religion out of politics while Hitler, among other things, granted complete freedom to confessional schools throughout the country, a notable victory for German Catholics. His Holiness welcomed Hitler's representative, Franz von Papen, "most graciously and remarked how pleased he was that the German Government now had at it's head a man uncompromisingly opposed to Communism and Russian nihilism in all its forms."

The Vatican was so appreciative of being recognized as a full partner that it asked God to bless the Reich. On a more practical level, it ordered German bishops to swear allegiance to the National Socialist regime. The new oath concluded with these significant words: "In the performance of my spiritual office and in my solicitude for the welfare and the interest of the German Reich, I will endeaver to avoid all detrimental acts which might endanger it." (pp 315-316)


What attracted Rothermere to Hitler was a common hatred of Bolshevism and several weeks later the Daily Mail roundly applauded when more than 90 per cent of the Saar electorate (at the urging of the Catholic Church) voted for union with Germany. (p 366)


Then came the parade, past the Winter Palace and its tall spearlike iron fencing with Austrian generals trailing General von Bock on horseback; the Austrian army had just been absorbed into the Wehrmacht. During the pause in the impressive procession the good Catholic Papen turned to Hitler with a warning that the Anschluss would evaporate if he subjected the Church here to the attacks it had suffered in Germany.

"Have no fear," said Hitler, "I know that better than anyone."

Later in the day Cardinal Innitzer greeted him with the sign of the cross and gave assurance that so long as the Church retained its liberties Austrian Catholics would become "the truest sons of the great Reich into whose arms they had been brought back on this momentous day." According to Papen, Hitler was delighted with the cardinal's patriotic words, shook his hand warmly and "promised him everything." (p 455-456)

The first steps in the direction of legalization were taken a few weeks later at Nuremberg by the Fuhrer himself, when he proclaimed the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor, legalizing a number of repressive measures which were promptly justified by the official Catholic Klervsblatt as "indisputable safeguards for the qualitative make-up of the German people." (p 502)


If the Church looked upon Hitler as neither Messiah nor God, it nevertheless honored him on his fiftieth anniversary. Special votive masses were celebrated in every German church "to implore God's blessing upon Fuhrer and people," and the Bishop of Mainz called upon Catholics in his diocese to pray specifically for "the Fuhrer and Chancellor, the inspirer, enlarger, and protector of the Reich." The Pope did not fail to send his congratulations. (p 528)

[Regarding Hitler's initial shelling of Poland] The world was shocked by the sudden attack even though it was expected. There was no condemnation from the Vatican, which had been secretly exerting pressure on the Polish government, through Cardinal Hlond, to negotiate with Hitler. (p 572)


[Regarding a conspiracy to oust or assasinate Hitler] Oster found a valuable recruit in a Munich lawyer, Josef Muller, who had detested Hitler for years. Muller--a devout Catholic--made a clandestine trip to Rome early that October with the connivance of Oster, his object to discover if the British were prepared to make peace with an anti-Nazi regime. He met Pius XII and found him willing to act as an intermediary. The Pope's secretary sounded out the British minister and was informed that Great Britain was not adverse to making a "soft peace" with an anti-Hitler Germany.

Muller was empowered to take this information orally back to Germany but begged for something in writing that would prove to the Abwehr and military commanders that this peace proposal was authorized by the Holy Father himself. Surprisingly, the Vatican agreed and a letter was written by the Pope's private secretary outlining the main bases for peace with England.

The Oster group was cheered. Of all their attempts to make contact with the West, this was the most promising. Perhaps the Pope's promise of participation would at last induce Brauchitsch to take an active part in the conspiracy. But the army commander-in-chief was not impressed. (p 589)

[Regarding failed assasination attempts] The Pope, who had yet to explicitely condemn Germany's liquidation of Poland, sent his special personal congratulations. But Hitler doubted his sincerity. "He would much rather have seen the plot succeed," he told a group at dinner and, when Frank protested that Pius XII had always been a good friend of Germany, added "That's possible but he's no friend of mine."(p 594)

The Italians, from the first opponents of the Russo-German pact, were as indignant over the unprovoked Soviet invasion of Finland as the West. The official organ of the papacy, Osservatore Romano, which had followed the Pope's lead in failing to comdemn Fascist or Nazi incursions, now joined him in excoriating the Soviet attack as a calculated act of aggression. So much pressure was exerted on Mussolini from church and civilian sources that, "for the first time," wrote Ciano, "he desired German defeat." (pp 595-596)

The anti-Hitler conspirators were just as determined to hamstring the invasion. To do so they needed Halder. He had recently promised to help but was wavering and, to bring him to action, he was shown Muller's memorandum summarizing the Pope's participation in secret peace negotiations with the English. (p 601)


[Regarding Germany's "Russian campaign"] The Pope's attitude was not at all vague. While taking no definite stand on the German invasion, he made it clear that he backed the Nazi fight against Bolshevism, describing it as "high-minded gallantry in defense of the foundations of Christian culture." A number of German bishops, predictably, openly supported the attack. One called it "a European crusade," a mission similar to that of the Teutonic Knights. He exhorted all Catholics to fight for "a victory that will allow Europe to breathe freely again and will promise all nations a new future." (pp 674-675)

[The Final Solution] was in line with his conviction that he was observing God's injunction to cleanse the world of vermin. Still a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite detestation of its hierarchy ("I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so"), he carried within him its teaching that the Jew was the killer of God. (p 703)


[Regarding the advance into Italy] At a midnight conference Hitler issued more instructions. The 2nd Parachute Division was to prepare a jump in the capital area. "Rome must be occupied. Nobody is to leave Rome and then the 3rd Panzer Grenadier Division moves in." Someone wanted to know if the exits to the Vatican should be occupied. "That doesn't matter," said Hitler, "I'll go right into the Vatican. Do you think I worry about the Vatican? We'll take that right off. All the diplomatic corps will be hiding in there. I don't give a damn; if the entire crew's inthere, we'll get the whole lot of swine out. Afterwards, we can say we're sorry. We can easily do that. We've got a war on." (p 748)

Early that June Pius XII secretly addressed the Sacred College of Cardinals on the extermination of the Jews. "Every word We address to the competent authority on this subject, and all Our public utterances," he said in explanation of his reluctance to express more open condemnation, "have to be carefully weighed and measured by Us in the interests of the victims themselves, les, contrary to Our intentions, We make their situation worse and harder to bear." He did not add that another reason for proceeding cautiously was that he regarded Bolshevism as a far greater danger than Nazism.

The position of the Holy See was deplorable but it was an offense of omission rather than commission. The Church, under the Pope's guidance, had already saved the lives of more Jews than all other churches, religious institutions, and rescue organizations combined, and was presently hiding thousands of Jews in monasteries, convents, and Vatican city itself. (p 760)

[speaking of Heinrich Himmler] With more personal power than anyone in the Reich except Hitler, he now remained unpretentious and conscientious. Born and bred a Catholic, he now relentlessly attacked the Church and yet, according to a close associate, conscientiously rebuilt his SS on Jesuit principles by assiduously copying "the service statutes and spiritual exercises presented by Ignatius Loyola." (p 764)


Hitler's closest ally was also facing his last days. Ever since his rescure by Skorzeny, Mussolini had hoped to bring about some sort of "Italian political solution" to the disasterous war. He sent his son Vittorio to the Achbishop of Milan with a verbal proposition to open negotiations with the West. The proposal was duly forwarded to the Allies by the Vatican--but it was summarily rejected. (p 879)

TOPICS: Catholic; History; Religion & Culture; Religion & Politics
KEYWORDS: catholic; hitler; hitlerspope; johntoland; mudslinging; slimefest; toland
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The princes of the Church were more eager to curry his favor. "Hitler knows how to guide the ship," announced Monsignor Ludwig Kaas, leader of the recently outlawed Catholic Party after an audience with the Pope. "Even before he became Chancellor I met him frequently and was greatly impressed by his clear thinking, by his way of facing realities while upholding his ideals, which are noble. . . . It matters little who rules so long as order is maintained." Pius XI subscribed to the same principles, as was proved on July 20 when a concordat between the Vatican and Hitler was signed. The Church agreed to keep priests and religion out of politics while Hitler, among other things, granted complete freedom to confessional schools throughout the country, a notable victory for German Catholics. His Holiness welcomed Hitler's representative, Franz von Papen, "most graciously and remarked how pleased he was that the German Government now had at it's head a man uncompromisingly opposed to Communism and Russian nihilism in all its forms."


Oster found a valuable recruit in a Munich lawyer, Josef Muller, who had detested Hitler for years. Muller--a devout Catholic--made a clandestine trip to Rome early that October with the connivance of Oster, his object to discover if the British were prepared to make peace with an anti-Nazi regime. He met Pius XII and found him willing to act as an intermediary. The Pope's secretary sounded out the British minister and was informed that Great Britain was not adverse to making a "soft peace" with an anti-Hitler Germany.

Muller was empowered to take this information orally back to Germany but begged for something in writing that would prove to the Abwehr and military commanders that this peace proposal was authorized by the Holy Father himself. Surprisingly, the Vatican agreed and a letter was written by the Pope's private secretary outlining the main bases for peace with England.

The Oster group was cheered. Of all their attempts to make contact with the West, this was the most promising. Perhaps the Pope's promise of participation would at last induce Brauchitsch to take an active part in the conspiracy.


The Pope's attitude was not at all vague. While taking no definite stand on the German invasion, he made it clear that he backed the Nazi fight against Bolshevism, describing it as "high-minded gallantry in defense of the foundations of Christian culture." A number of German bishops, predictably, openly supported the attack. One called it "a European crusade," a mission similar to that of the Teutonic Knights. He exhorted all Catholics to fight for "a victory that will allow Europe to breathe freely again and will promise all nations a new future."


Early that June Pius XII secretly addressed the Sacred College of Cardinals on the extermination of the Jews. "Every word We address to the competent authority on this subject, and all Our public utterances," he said in explanation of his reluctance to express more open condemnation, "have to be carefully weighed and measured by Us in the interests of the victims themselves, les, contrary to Our intentions, We make their situation worse and harder to bear." He did not add that another reason for proceeding cautiously was that he regarded Bolshevism as a far greater danger than Nazism.

The position of the Holy See was deplorable but it was an offense of omission rather than commission. The Church, under the Pope's guidance, had already saved the lives of more Jews than all other churches, religious institutions, and rescue organizations combined, and was presently hiding thousands of Jews in monasteries, convents, and Vatican city itself.

1 posted on 05/14/2009 1:24:54 PM PDT by Alex Murphy
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To: All; chase19; meandog
This thread, and the effort behind it, was inspired by this quote from an earlier thread:
"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so," Hitler told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941.
My first effort to investigate the Hitler quote failed to generate a definitive source. Later posts in that thread attributed the quote to the Toland work, which prompted me to look deeper into Toland's work, which in turn led to this thread.
2 posted on 05/14/2009 1:36:27 PM PDT by Alex Murphy (Presbyterians often forget that John Knox had been a Sunday bowler.)
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To: Alex Murphy
Bottom line?

Soviet Communism is EQUALLY responsible, with the Nazi Party, for World War 2.

Soviet Communism is responsible for far more misery, death and genocide than Hilter’s Nazi Party.

The Catholic Church SAVED LIVES and hid more Jews, from the Nazi death camps, than any other nonmilitary organization on Earth!

3 posted on 05/14/2009 1:36:58 PM PDT by Kansas58
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To: Alex Murphy

So? Every religion has its share of the craven and venial and vile.

Let’s just forget those priests, bishops, nuns and laity who died, were tortured and imprisoned fighting against Hitler, and the Pope himself who was against him.

4 posted on 05/14/2009 1:54:00 PM PDT by OpusatFR (Those embryos are little humans in progress. Using them for profit is slavery.)
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To: Alex Murphy

Everything I’ve read (and “The World at War” documentary I’m watching now) says that the Catholic Church (as well as other Christian denominations in Germany) did NOT play ball with Hitler. They in fact made efforts to resist the NAZIs (who made strong attempts to bring religion under their control in Germany, not because they were believers, but because they felt it could be used as another tool to control the German people.)

5 posted on 05/14/2009 1:57:15 PM PDT by Brookhaven
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To: Alex Murphy
A number of German bishops, predictably, openly supported the attack. One called it "a European crusade," a mission similar to that of the Teutonic Knights.

Umm, the comparison isn't all that far off. OTOH, it also isn't inherently all that complimentary, at least in my opinion.

6 posted on 05/14/2009 2:04:05 PM PDT by Sherman Logan (Everyone has a right to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.)
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To: Alex Murphy
Later in the day Cardinal Innitzer greeted him with the sign of the cross and gave assurance that so long as the Church retained its liberties Austrian Catholics would become "the truest sons of the great Reich into whose arms they had been brought back on this momentous day." According to Papen, Hitler was delighted with the cardinal's patriotic words, shook his hand warmly and "promised him everything." (p 455-456)

The rest of the story: Cardinal Innitzer issued a statement strongly supportive of the Anschluss. For that, he was called to Rome, where he was chewed out by both Cardinal Pacelli (the future Pius XII) and the Pope. He had to issue a clarification, indicating that in no way did the Austrian bishops approve of any action violating divine law.

This was in March/April. In October, he gave a sermon to young people in which he said, "There is only one Führer: Jesus Christ". In retaliation, some Hitler Youth and SA thugs invaded his residence and trashed it.

7 posted on 05/14/2009 3:29:53 PM PDT by Campion ("President Barack Obama" is an anagram for "An Arab-backed Imposter")
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To: Alex Murphy

You posted:

“”I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so,” Hitler told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941.”

Hitler, of course, persecuted the Catholic Church.
Hitler, of course, had bishops beat up, priests shot, and over 2,000 priests thrown into concentration camps.
Hitler, of course, plotted to kidnap the pope.
Hitler, of course, plotted to kill the pope.
Hitler, of course, overthrew Christian morality and decency in his country.
Hitler, of course, actively sponsored idolatry (of himself and others), paganism, barbarism, genocide, abortion, sterilization, and war like the world had never seen.

Long before becoming a Nazi he was NOT Catholic no matter what he said. People today, like then, are simply too stupid to realize when Hitler was using religion, religious sentiment or religious language to advance his cause.

8 posted on 05/14/2009 3:52:58 PM PDT by vladimir998 (Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ. St. Jerome)
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To: Campion
The rest of the story: Cardinal Innitzer issued a statement strongly supportive of the Anschluss. For that, he was called to Rome, where he was chewed out by both Cardinal Pacelli (the future Pius XII) and the Pope. He had to issue a clarification, indicating that in no way did the Austrian bishops approve of any action violating divine law.

This was in March/April. In October, he gave a sermon to young people in which he said, "There is only one Führer: Jesus Christ". In retaliation, some Hitler Youth and SA thugs invaded his residence and trashed it.


9 posted on 05/14/2009 4:04:17 PM PDT by Alex Murphy (Presbyterians often forget that John Knox had been a Sunday bowler.)
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To: Alex Murphy
So, you're posting the flagship source of every wickedly anti-Catholic and even anti-Christian raging hate-monger? Why would you do that? And then go through and cite every other characterization Toland uses?
The princes of the Church were more eager to curry his favor. "Hitler knows how to guide the ship," announced Monsignor Ludwig Kaas, leader of the recently outlawed Catholic Party after an audience with the Pope. "Even before he became Chancellor I met him frequently and was greatly impressed by his clear thinking, by his way of facing realities while upholding his ideals, which are noble. . . . It matters little who rules so long as order is maintained."
For instance, since when is a monsignor a prince of the church? Did you know that monsignors are merely elderly priests, given a minor honor for their long service? They are beneath any bishop or ordinary in rank. So diving all the way down to the rank of a monsignor to find an incriminating quote is quite remarkable. I know nothing of the quote, or the monsignor, but it reads suspiciously like a misquote, twisted around by an alien context.

As for this statement, it is the most vulgar and outrageous slanders:

The Pope's attitude was not at all vague. While taking no definite stand on the German invasion, he made it clear that he backed the Nazi fight against Bolshevism, describing it as "high-minded gallantry in defense of the foundations of Christian culture."
I read something quote similar on the front page of the Boston Globe in 1999, alleging that the pope had never condemned the Nazis, siding with them over the Bolsheviks. Amazingly, on the back cover was a feature "60 years ago today," where they reprinted a shrunken image of the 1939 Globe, which read, in screaming, full page lettering: "POPE CONDEMNS TWIN TERRORS OF TOTALITARIANISM"

I forget the exact wording of the sub-headline, but it was to the extent that Bolsheviks and Nazis were both borne out of the same horrific depravity.

So much for failing to condemn the Nazis; The historical truth is that certain German Jews after the fact were bitter that the Vatican hadn't sided with the Bolsheviks. We never took in Jews fleeing from Stalin, so we've lost the cultural horror of Stalin's genocide. Horrifically, we've forgotten that Stalin killed millions of Jews, also. And many, many more millions of Catholics.

10 posted on 05/14/2009 7:53:54 PM PDT by dangus
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To: Alex Murphy

The details are in Wikipedia. The sacking of his house is also mentioned in Shirer’s “Decline and Fall”.

11 posted on 05/14/2009 8:05:37 PM PDT by Campion ("President Barack Obama" is an anagram for "An Arab-backed Imposter")
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To: Alex Murphy

This vomit is beneath even you.

12 posted on 05/14/2009 8:07:20 PM PDT by Petronski (In Germany they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist...)
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To: OpusatFR
13 posted on 05/14/2009 8:08:17 PM PDT by Petronski (In Germany they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist...)
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To: Alex Murphy
Thus, I suggest that the reader is welcomed to challenge Toland's interpretation of events in this thread. It is anticipated, however, that they will be prepared to offer and cite their own homework and research as part of any challenge.

But you don't do your homework to justify Toland's interpretation before posting them.

14 posted on 05/14/2009 8:19:27 PM PDT by Titanites
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To: Alex Murphy
I found a primary source on Innitzer's trip to Rome: an article from Time Magazine, 4/18/1938.
When Cardinal Innitzer arrived in Rome, no one from the Vatican met him at the station. His first interview, with Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, Papal Secretary of State, was described by well-informed Arnaldo Cortesi of the New York Times as "very stormy."

15 posted on 05/14/2009 8:29:33 PM PDT by Campion ("President Barack Obama" is an anagram for "An Arab-backed Imposter")
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To: Petronski
This vomit is beneath even you.
The Church, under the Pope's guidance, had already saved the lives of more Jews than all other churches, religious institutions, and rescue organizations combined, and was presently hiding thousands of Jews in monasteries, convents, and Vatican city itself.
Interesting that you're calling this vomit. I guess that the message that the Church saved 860,000 lives is out-trumped by who the messenger is.
16 posted on 05/14/2009 8:51:16 PM PDT by Alex Murphy (Presbyterians often forget that John Knox had been a Sunday bowler.)
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To: Campion
I found a primary source on Innitzer's trip to Rome: an article from Time Magazine, 4/18/1938.

Thanks for the reference. I would imagine that, since Toland's book is meant to be a biography of Hitler (and not the Church or other parties), that Toland wouldn't have followed up on Innitzer, because (it should go without saying) the book is not a biography of Innitzer, but of Hitler. If later events had showed Innitzer crossing paths meaningfully with Hitler again, Toland's book would have covered them.

17 posted on 05/14/2009 9:00:50 PM PDT by Alex Murphy (Presbyterians often forget that John Knox had been a Sunday bowler.)
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To: Alex Murphy

Of course. I just wanted to make it clear that Innitzer’s Nazi sympathies were not well-received by his superiors, and he didn’t stay on the Nazis’ good side for long, either.

18 posted on 05/14/2009 9:11:27 PM PDT by Campion ("President Barack Obama" is an anagram for "An Arab-backed Imposter")
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To: dangus
So, you're posting the flagship source of every wickedly anti-Catholic and even anti-Christian raging hate-monger? Why would you do that?

"Flagship source", eh? That's a pretty tall statement, considering that I've never heard of this book or author before this week.

When you get an answer as to why I posted it, remember to ping me.

19 posted on 05/14/2009 9:32:03 PM PDT by Alex Murphy (Presbyterians often forget that John Knox had been a Sunday bowler.)
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To: Alex Murphy

WOW, that was fast! :) Great research.

“I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so,” Hitler told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941.

I was interested in the quote because it wasn’t said in public and allegedly told to the General after Hitler came to power in 1935 which is probably the reason it’s most quoted by Atheists and their allies. I question Toland on the “currying favor” by the Church because prior to the year he states, 1933 - the German Bishops had a conference where they excommunicated all Nazis in 1930, and in the 1932 elections forbade Catholics to vote for a Nazi. In those days, prior to Vat.II, the Church pretty much acted as One Body.

Your bigger question on the excommunication of Hitler...

Hitler would have been excommunicated ipso facto under the canon law of the Catholic Church for his mortal sins. He could only have returned to the Catholic faith, even assuming that he would ever have wanted to, by having his excommunication removed by the Pope himself. The lifting of the excommunication is reserved to the Pope, latae sententiae.

He would also have been included in the Nazi excommunication by the German Conference of Bishops as he was the leader of the Nazi party.

And also under the terms of “Mit Brennender Sorge”, the pastoral letter written by the man who would later become Pius XII, and signed by Pius XI.


Mit brennender Sorge (German for “With burning anxiety”) is a Roman Catholic Church encyclical of Pope Pius XI, published on March 10, 1937 (but bearing a date of Passion Sunday, March 14). The encyclical criticized Nazism, listed breaches of an agreement signed with the Church and condemned antisemitism. Drafted by the future Pope Pius XII, who was in Munich at the time of Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch[1], it warned Catholics that the growing Nazi ideology, which exalted one race over all others, was incompatible with Christianity. Pius XI himself had elsewhere condemned anti-semitism in more explicit terms.[2]

The encyclical was written in German and not the usual Latin of official Roman Catholic Church documents. It was addressed to German bishops and was read in all parish churches of Germany. Pope Pius XI credited its creation and writing to the Cardinal Secretary of State, Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII. There was no pre-announcement of the encyclical, and its distribution was kept secret in an attempt to ensure the unhindered public reading of its contents in all the Catholic Churches of Germany.

This encyclical condemned particularly the PAGANISM of the NATIONAL-SOCIALISM (my emphasis) ideology, the myth of race and blood, and the fallacy of their conception of God.

Some passages stated:

8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community—however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things—whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds...

10. This God, this Sovereign Master, has issued commandments whose value is independent of time and space, country and race. As God’s sun shines on every human face so His law knows neither privilege nor exception. Rulers and subjects, crowned and uncrowned, rich and poor are equally subject to His word. From the fullness of the Creators’ right there naturally arises the fullness of His right to be obeyed by individuals and communities, whoever they are. This obedience permeates all branches of activity in which moral values claim harmony with the law of God, and pervades all integration of the ever-changing laws of man into the immutable laws of God.

11. None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people, within the narrow limits of a single race, God, the Creator of the universe, King and Legislator of all nations before whose immensity they are “as a drop of a bucket” (Isaiah xl, 15).


After Mit Brennender Sorge was disseminated throughout German Catholic parishes, Nazi persecution of the Church in Germany began by “outright repression” and “staged prosecutions” of monks for homosexuality, with the maximum of publicity. In Poland, the Nazis murdered over 2500 monks and priests while scores more were sent to concentration camps.[3]

The Encyclical That Infuriated Hitler

Note: The purpose of excommunication is to help the sinner recognize the enormity of his sins, so he will seek forgiveness - as St. Paul wrote: “If any one refuses to obey our word by this letter, note that man, and have nothing to do with him, that he may be ashamed. Do not look on him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.” (2 Thes 3:14-15).

Hitler claimed to be doing the will of God publicly, in the years before he took power, but he has made many quotes in other private conversations which show otherwise. This is a book recorded by his secretary and published in a book called Hitler’s Table Talk (Adolf Hitler, London, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1953). (More research) :)

20 posted on 05/14/2009 10:46:40 PM PDT by chase19
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